// GetTerminalFromStreamEvent - get the stream from the event and 
// after this get the terminal from stream - if any
HRESULT GetTerminalFromStreamEvent( 
			IN ITCallMediaEvent * pCallMediaEvent,
            OUT ITTerminal ** ppTerminal )
	//do not return bogus value
    *ppTerminal = NULL;

    // Get the stream for this event.
    ITStream * pStream = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = pCallMediaEvent->get_Stream( &pStream );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        DoMessage( _T("GetTerminalFromStreamEvent: get_Stream failed"));
		return E_FAIL;

    // Enumerate the terminals on this stream.
    IEnumTerminal * pEnumTerminal = NULL;
    hr = pStream->EnumerateTerminals( &pEnumTerminal );

	//not need this anymore

    if ( FAILED(hr) ) 
        DoMessage(_T("GetTerminalFromStreamEvent: EnumerateTerminals failed"));
		return hr;

    // Get the first terminal -- if there aren't any, return E_FAIL so that
    // we skip this event (this happens when the terminal is on the other
    // stream).
    hr = pEnumTerminal->Next(1, ppTerminal, NULL);

	//clean up

	//map anything but S_OK to failure - even S_FALSE
    if ( hr != S_OK )
        return E_FAIL;

    return S_OK;

Example #2
    ITCallMediaEvent  * pCallMediaEvent,
    ITTerminal       ** ppTerminal,
    BOOL              * pfRenderStream
    HRESULT hr;

    // Get the stream for this event.

    ITStream * pStream;

    hr = pCallMediaEvent->get_Stream( &pStream );

    if ( FAILED(hr) || (pStream == NULL) )
        return E_FAIL;

    // Find out if this is a video stream. If not, fail --
    // we don't care about this stream.

    long lMediaType;

    hr = pStream->get_MediaType(&lMediaType);

    if ( FAILED(hr) )

        return hr;

    if ( lMediaType != TAPIMEDIATYPE_VIDEO )

        return E_FAIL;

    // Find out the direction of this stream. We will return this info to the
    // caller.


    hr = pStream->get_Direction(&td);

    if ( FAILED(hr) )

        return hr;

    *pfRenderStream = (td == TD_RENDER);

    // Enumerate the terminals on this stream.

    IEnumTerminal * pEnumTerminal;

    hr = pStream->EnumerateTerminals( &pEnumTerminal );


    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        return hr;

    // Search for the first video render terminal and return it. If there are
    // none, fail -- we don't care about this stream.

    while ( S_OK == pEnumTerminal->Next(1, ppTerminal, NULL) )
        if ( SUCCEEDED( (*ppTerminal)->get_Direction(&td) ) )
            if ( td == TD_RENDER )
                // found it; done with enum, but keep ref on terminal

                return S_OK;

        // this is not the right one


    return E_FAIL; // no terminal found