bool MeshXMLExporter::Export(OutputMap& output) { try { // write XML to a strstream std::stringstream of; while (!m_submeshNames.empty()) m_submeshNames.pop(); if (m_pGame) { m_pGame->ReleaseIGame(); m_pGame = 0; } m_ei->theScene->EnumTree(this); m_pGame = GetIGameInterface(); IGameConversionManager* cm = GetConversionManager(); cm->SetCoordSystem(IGameConversionManager::IGAME_OGL); m_pGame->InitialiseIGame(m_nodeTab, false); m_pGame->SetStaticFrame(0); int nodeCount = m_pGame->GetTopLevelNodeCount(); if (nodeCount == 0) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "No nodes available to export, aborting...", "Nothing To Export", MB_ICONINFORMATION); m_pGame->ReleaseIGame(); return false; } // if we are writing everything to one file, use the name provided when the user first started the export; // otherwise, create filenames on the basis of the node (submesh) names std::string fileName; IGameNode* node = m_pGame->GetTopLevelNode(0); if (!m_config.getExportMultipleFiles()) fileName = m_config.getExportFilename(); else { fileName = m_config.getExportPath() + "\\"; fileName += node->GetName(); fileName += ".mesh.xml"; } // write start of XML data streamFileHeader(of); int nodeIdx = 0; std::map<std::string, std::string> materialScripts; while (nodeIdx < nodeCount) { std::string mtlName; IGameNode* node = m_pGame->GetTopLevelNode(nodeIdx); IGameObject* obj = node->GetIGameObject(); // InitializeData() is important -- it performs all of the WSM/time eval for us; no data without it obj->InitializeData(); IGameMaterial* mtl = node->GetNodeMaterial(); if (mtl == NULL) mtlName = m_config.getDefaultMaterialName(); else mtlName = mtl->GetMaterialName(); // clean out any spaces the user left in their material name std::string::size_type pos; while ((pos = mtlName.find_first_of(' ')) != std::string::npos) mtlName.replace(pos, 1, _T("_")); if (materialScripts.find(mtlName) == materialScripts.end()) { // export new material script MaterialExporter mexp(m_config, m_materialMap); std::string script; mexp.buildMaterial(mtl, mtlName, script); materialScripts[mtlName] = script; } //if (streamSubmesh(of, node, mtlName)) if (streamSubmesh(of, obj, mtlName)) m_submeshNames.push(std::string(node->GetName())); node->ReleaseIGameObject(); nodeIdx++; if (m_config.getExportMultipleFiles() || nodeIdx == nodeCount) { // write end of this file's XML streamFileFooter(of); // insert new filename --> stream pair into output map output[fileName] = std::string(of.str()); of.str(""); if (nodeIdx != nodeCount) { fileName = m_config.getExportPath() + "\\"; node = m_pGame->GetTopLevelNode(nodeIdx); fileName += node->GetName(); fileName += ".mesh.xml"; // start over again with new data streamFileHeader(of); } } } m_pGame->ReleaseIGame(); // export materials if we are writing those if (m_config.getExportMaterial()) { std::ofstream materialFile; + "\\" + m_config.getMaterialFilename()).c_str(), std::ios::out); if (materialFile.is_open()) { for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = materialScripts.begin(); it != materialScripts.end(); ++it) { materialFile << it->second; } materialFile.close(); } } return true; } catch (...) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "An unexpected error has occurred while trying to export, aborting", "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (m_pGame) m_pGame->ReleaseIGame(); return false; } }
void Unreal3DExport::GetTris() { // Export triangle data FJSMeshTri nulltri = FJSMeshTri(); for( int n=0; n<Nodes.Count(); ++n ) { CheckCancel(); IGameNode* node = Nodes[n]; IGameMesh* mesh = static_cast<IGameMesh*>(node->GetIGameObject()); if( mesh->InitializeData() ) { int vertcount = mesh->GetNumberOfVerts(); int tricount = mesh->GetNumberOfFaces(); if( vertcount > 0 && tricount > 0 ) { // Progress ProgressMsg.printf(GetString(IDS_INFO_MESH),n+1,Nodes.Count(),TSTR(node->GetName())); pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress+(static_cast<float>(n)/Nodes.Count()*U3D_PROGRESS_MESH), FALSE,; // Alloc triangles space Tris.Resize(Tris.Count()+tricount); // Append triangles for( int i=0; i!=tricount; ++i ) { FaceEx* f = mesh->GetFace(i); if( f ) { FJSMeshTri tri(nulltri); // TODO: add material id listing RegisterMaterial( node, mesh, f, &tri ); tri.iVertex[0] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[0]; tri.iVertex[1] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[1]; tri.iVertex[2] = VertsPerFrame + f->vert[2]; Point2 p; if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[0],p) ){ tri.Tex[0] = FMeshUV(p); } if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[1],p) ){ tri.Tex[1] = FMeshUV(p); } if( mesh->GetTexVertex(f->texCoord[2],p) ){ tri.Tex[2] = FMeshUV(p); } Tris.Append(1,&tri); } } VertsPerFrame += vertcount; } else { // remove invalid node Nodes.Delete(n--,1); } } node->ReleaseIGameObject(); } Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_MESH; }