void CHXPrefList::SetPreferences(IUnknown* pContext) { IHXPreferences* pPrefs = NULL; IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; if (pContext && (HXR_OK == pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXPreferences, (void**)&pPrefs)) && (HXR_OK == pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF))) { CHXSimpleList::Iterator itr = m_prefInfo.Begin(); for(; itr != m_prefInfo.End(); ++itr) { CHXPrefInfo* pInfo = (CHXPrefInfo*)(*itr); IHXBuffer* pBuf = NULL; if ((HXR_OK == pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pBuf)) && (HXR_OK == pBuf->Set((const unsigned char*)pInfo->Value(), strlen(pInfo->Value())))) { pPrefs->WritePref(pInfo->Key(), pBuf); } HX_RELEASE(pBuf); } } HX_RELEASE(pPrefs); HX_RELEASE(pCCF); }
int DLLAccessClient::open(const char* dllName, UINT16 nLibType, IUnknown* pContext) { HX_RESULT status; int retVal = DLLAccess::NO_LOAD; IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; HX_RELEASE(m_pDllAccessServer); status = pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**) &pCCF); if (SUCCEEDED(status)) { pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXDllAccess, (void**) &m_pDllAccessServer); } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); if (m_pDllAccessServer) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_pDllAccessServer->Open(dllName, nLibType))) { retVal = DLLAccess::DLL_OK; } } return retVal; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s <sdp version> <sdp file>\n", argv[0]); } else { IUnknown* pContext = new CHXMiniCCF(); if (pContext) { pContext->AddRef(); IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = 0; if (HXR_OK == pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF)) { IHXBuffer* pSDP = ReadSDPFile(pCCF, argv[2]); if (pSDP) { if (HXR_OK != Parse(pContext, strtoul(argv[1], 0, 10), pSDP)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse SDP\n", argv[1]); } pSDP->Release(); pSDP = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read SDP file '%s'\n", argv[2]); } pCCF->Release(); pCCF = 0; } pContext->Release(); pContext = 0; } } return 0; }
HX_RESULT PlayerDriver::createThread(IHXThread** ppThread) { HX_RESULT retVal = HXR_FAIL; IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; if ( m_pContext && ppThread ) m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if (pCCF) { pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXThread, (void**)ppThread); if ( *ppThread ) { retVal= HXR_OK; } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } return retVal; }
void HelixPlayer::setValue(QString const& name, QVariant const& value) { IHXPreferences *preferences; IHXCommonClassFactory *factory; m_player->QueryInterface( IID_IHXPreferences, (void**)&preferences ); m_player->QueryInterface( IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&factory ); IHXBuffer *buffer; factory->CreateInstance( CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&buffer ); QString s = value.toString(); buffer->Set( (const UCHAR*)s.toLatin1().data(), s.length() ); preferences->WritePref(name.toLatin1().constData(), buffer ); HX_RELEASE( buffer ); HX_RELEASE( factory ); HX_RELEASE( preferences ); }
void PlayerDriver::SetConfig(const char* pPropName, UINT16 bValue) { IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if (pCCF) { IHXValues* pValues = NULL; pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXValues, (void**)&pValues); if (pValues) { pValues->SetPropertyULONG32(pPropName, bValue); if (m_pClientState) { m_pClientState->SetConfig(pValues); } HX_RELEASE(pValues); } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } }
// Each DLL must call HXEnableLogging() at least once // void HXEnableLogging(IUnknown* pContext) { if (pContext && !g_pLogSystem) { #if defined(HELIX_FEATURE_CORE_LOG) HX_RESULT res = HXR_FAIL; res = pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXTLogSystem, (void**)&g_pLogSystem); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = DoLogWriterInit(); } #else IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**) &pCCF); if (pCCF) { pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXDllAccess, (void**) &g_pDllAccess); if (g_pDllAccess) { // Create the dll name // MAXDLLSUFFIXLEN is defined in hxtlogutil.h char szDLLName[3 + HXLOG_MAXDLLSUFFIXLEN + 1]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ strcpy(szDLLName, "log"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ strcat(szDLLName, HXLOG_DLLSUFFIX); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ // Attempt to get the RMAGetLogSystemInterface entry point g_pDllAccess->Open(szDLLName, HXDLLTYPE_PLUGIN); if(g_pDllAccess->IsOpen()) { FPCREATELOGSYSTEMINTERFACE fpCreateLogSystem = (FPCREATELOGSYSTEMINTERFACE)(g_pDllAccess->GetSymbol("RMACreateLogSystem")); DoLogSystemInterfaceInit(fpCreateLogSystem, pContext); } } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } #endif } }
// HXScheduler... HXScheduler::HXScheduler(IUnknown* pContext) : m_lRefCount (0) ,m_pScheduler(0) ,m_bUseDeferredTask(TRUE) ,m_pInterruptTimeScheduler(0) ,m_pInterruptTimeOnlyScheduler(0) ,m_pID(0) ,m_pContext(pContext) ,m_bLocked(FALSE) ,m_ulLastUpdateTime(0) ,m_pCoreMutex(NULL) ,m_bIsInterruptEnabled(FALSE) ,m_headTime(0) ,m_interruptHeadTime(0) ,m_interruptOnlyHeadTime(0) ,m_ulSystemNextDueTime(0) ,m_ulInterruptNextDueTime(0) ,m_ulInterruptOnlyNextDueTime(0) ,m_bImmediatesPending(0) #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(THREADS_SUPPORTED) ,m_pAsyncTimer(0) #endif ,m_pTimeline(0) ,m_ulCurrentGranularity(0) ,m_pWaitEvent(NULL) ,m_bWaitPending(FALSE) ,m_bWaitedEventFired(FALSE) ,m_ulThreadID(0) { m_pID = new CHXID(100); m_pScheduler = new ClientPQ(pContext, m_pID); m_pInterruptTimeScheduler = new ClientPQ(pContext, m_pID); m_pInterruptTimeOnlyScheduler = new ClientPQ(pContext, m_pID); (void) gettimeofday(&m_CurrentTimeVal, 0); m_ulLastUpdateTime = HX_GET_TICKCOUNT(); // Create event that wil be used for scheduler waiting operation if (m_pContext) { IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**) &pCCF); if (pCCF) { pCCF->CreateInstance(IID_IHXEvent, (void**) &m_pWaitEvent); } if (m_pWaitEvent) { if (FAILED(m_pWaitEvent->Init("Scheduler_Wait", FALSE))) { HX_RELEASE(m_pWaitEvent); } } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } m_ulThreadID = HXGetCurrentThreadID(); }
STDMETHODIMP HXCommonClassFactory::CreateInstance ( REFCLSID /*IN*/ rclsid, void** /*OUT*/ ppUnknown ) { if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXBuffer)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXBuffer*)(new ServerBuffer(TRUE)); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXPacket)) { if (!g_bFastMallocAll && !g_bFastMalloc) *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXPacket*)(new ServerPacket(TRUE)); else *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXPacket*)(new(m_pMemCache) ServerPacket(TRUE)); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXRTPPacket)) { if (!g_bFastMallocAll && !g_bFastMalloc) *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXRTPPacket*)(new ServerRTPPacket(TRUE)); else *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXRTPPacket*)(new(m_pMemCache) ServerRTPPacket(TRUE)); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXValues)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXValues*)(new CHXHeader()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXValues2)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXValues2*)(new CHXHeader()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXFileSystemManager)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXFileSystemManager*)(new FSManager(m_proc)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if(IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXPluginGroupEnumerator)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXPluginGroupEnumerator*) (new CHXPluginGroupEnumerator(m_proc->pc->plugin_handler)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXFragmentedBuffer)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXFragmentedBuffer*)(new CHXFragmentedBuffer((IUnknown*)(IHXCommonClassFactory*)this)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXKeyValueList)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXKeyValueList*)(new CKeyValueList()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualIID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXSourceFinderObject)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXSourceFinderObject*)(new CServerSourceFinder(m_proc)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXHTTPPostObject)) { CHXHTTPPostObject* pObject = CHXHTTPPostObject::CreateObject(); *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*) (IHXHTTPPostObject*) pObject; ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); pObject->InitObject(m_proc->pc->server_context); return HXR_OK; } else if(IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXRequest)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXRequest*)(new CHXRequest()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXMutex)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXMutex*)(new Mutex()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXFastFileFactory)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXFastFileFactory*) (new FastFileFactory(m_proc->pc->server_context)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXFastFileFactory2)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXFastFileFactory2*) (new FastFileFactory(m_proc->pc->server_context)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXQoSSignal)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXQoSSignal*)(new QoSSignal()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if (IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, CLSID_IHXList)) { IHXFastAlloc* pAlloc = NULL; m_proc->pc->server_context->QueryInterface(IID_IHXFastAlloc, (void**)&pAlloc); *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXList*)(new CHXList(pAlloc)); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else if(IsEqualCLSID(rclsid, IID_IHXPacketOrderer)) { *ppUnknown = (IUnknown*)(IHXPacketOrderer*)(new CPacketOrderShim()); ((IUnknown*)*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); return HXR_OK; } else { // Try the factory plugins PluginHandler* pPluginHandler = m_proc->pc->plugin_handler; *ppUnknown = NULL; if(pPluginHandler) { PluginHandler::Factory* pFactories; PluginHandler::Plugin* pPlugin; CHXSimpleList::Iterator i; pFactories = pPluginHandler->m_factory_handler; for(i = pFactories->m_pPlugins->Begin(); i != pFactories->m_pPlugins->End(); ++i) { IUnknown* pInstance = 0; pPlugin = (PluginHandler::Plugin*)(*i); pPlugin->GetInstance(&pInstance); if(pInstance) { HX_RESULT res; IHXPlugin* pFPlugin = 0; res = pInstance->QueryInterface(IID_IHXPlugin, (void**)&pFPlugin); if(res == HXR_OK) { IHXCommonClassFactory* pClassFactory; IUnknown* pContext; m_proc->pc->server_context->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pContext); pFPlugin->InitPlugin(pContext); pFPlugin->Release(); pContext->Release(); res = pInstance->QueryInterface( IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pClassFactory); if(HXR_OK == res) { res = pClassFactory->CreateInstance(rclsid, ppUnknown); if(HXR_OK != res) *ppUnknown = NULL; pClassFactory->Release(); } } pInstance->Release(); pPlugin->ReleaseInstance(); if(*ppUnknown) { return HXR_OK; } } } } } *ppUnknown = NULL; return HXR_NOINTERFACE; }
IHXValues* DataRevertController::InflateConvertHeader(IHXBuffer* pInflate) { IHXValues* pNewHeader = NULL; IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF; m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXValues, (void**)&pNewHeader); ULONG32 ul; IHXBuffer* pBuffer; const char* p; IHXBuffer* pTemp; ULONG32 ulTemp; pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pTemp); UINT32 limit = pInflate->GetSize(); UINT32 i = 0; p = (const char*)pInflate->GetBuffer(); while (i < pInflate->GetSize() - 5) { if (p[i] == 'u') { i++; ulTemp = getlong((UINT8*) &(p[i])); i += 4; if (i + ulTemp > limit) { goto error; } pTemp->SetSize(ulTemp + 1); memcpy((char *)pTemp->GetBuffer(), &(p[i]), ulTemp); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ ((char*)pTemp->GetBuffer())[ulTemp] = 0; i += ulTemp; if (i + 4 > limit) { goto error; } ul = getlong((UINT8*) &(p[i])); i += 4; pNewHeader->SetPropertyULONG32((char*)pTemp->GetBuffer(), ul); } else if (p[i] == 's' || p[i] == 'b') { int at = i; i++; ulTemp = getlong((UINT8*) &(p[i])); i += 4; if (i + ulTemp > limit) { goto error; } pTemp->SetSize(ulTemp + 1); memcpy((char*)pTemp->GetBuffer(), &(p[i]), ulTemp); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ ((char*)pTemp->GetBuffer())[ulTemp] = 0; i += ulTemp; if (i + 4 > limit) { goto error; } ulTemp = getlong((UINT8*) &(p[i])); i += 4; if (i + ulTemp > limit) { goto error; } pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pBuffer); pBuffer->SetSize(ulTemp); memcpy((char*)pBuffer->GetBuffer(), &(p[i]), ulTemp); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (p[at] == 's') { pNewHeader->SetPropertyCString((const char*)pTemp->GetBuffer(), pBuffer); } else { pNewHeader->SetPropertyBuffer((const char*)pTemp->GetBuffer(), pBuffer); } pBuffer->Release(); i+= ulTemp; } else { goto error; } } if (i != pInflate->GetSize()) { goto error; } goto exit; error:; exit:; HX_RELEASE(pTemp); HX_RELEASE(pCCF); return pNewHeader; }
STDMETHODIMP CHashAuthenticatorBase::SetConfiguration(IHXValues* pConfig) { HX_RESULT theErr = HXR_OK; if (!m_pContext || !pConfig) { HX_ASSERT(0); return HXR_UNEXPECTED; } if (!m_pRealm) { pConfig->GetPropertyCString("Realm", m_pRealm); } if (!m_pDatabaseID) { pConfig->GetPropertyCString("DatabaseID", m_pDatabaseID); if (m_pDatabaseID) { // IHXDatabaseManager - decides which db to use // IHXAuthenticationDBManager - controls access to one db IUnknown* punkDbMgr = NULL; IHXDatabaseManager* pDbMgr = NULL; IUnknown* pDatabase = NULL; IHXCommonClassFactory* pFactory = NULL; m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void **)&pFactory); if (pFactory) { pFactory->CreateInstance(CLSID_CHXDatabaseManager, (void**)&punkDbMgr); } if (punkDbMgr) { punkDbMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IHXDatabaseManager, (void**)&pDbMgr); } if (pDbMgr) { pDbMgr->GetInstanceFromID(m_pDatabaseID, pDatabase); } if (pDatabase) { pDatabase->QueryInterface(IID_IHXAuthenticationDBAccess, (void**)&m_pAuthDBAccess); pDatabase->QueryInterface(IID_IHXAuthenticationDBManager, (void**)&m_pAuthDBManager); } else { theErr = HXR_FAIL; } HX_ASSERT(pFactory); HX_ASSERT(punkDbMgr); HX_ASSERT(pDbMgr); HX_ASSERT(pDatabase); HX_RELEASE(punkDbMgr); HX_RELEASE(pDbMgr); HX_RELEASE(pDatabase); HX_RELEASE(pFactory); } } return HXR_OK; }
HX_RESULT PlayerDriver::SetupPlaybackEngine() { printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d]\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); HX_RESULT retVal = HXR_OK; // get IHXMediaPlatform if (!m_pMediaPlatform) { retVal = HXMediaPlatformObj::CreateMediaPlatform(m_pMediaPlatform); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "Can not load helix media platform." << endl; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Can not load helix media platform\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Get IUnknown* context from the media platform if (SUCCEEDED(retVal) && !m_pContext) { retVal = m_pMediaPlatform->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**) &m_pContext); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "QueryInterface for IUnknown failed."; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] QueryInterface for IUnknown failed\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Get CCF for creating engine IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { retVal = m_pMediaPlatform->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "QueryInterface for IHXCommonClassFactory failed."; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] QueryInterface for IHXCommonClassFactory failed\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Create client engine if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { { retVal = pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXClientEngine, (void**)&m_pClientEngine); } if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "Can not create IHXClientEngine via m_pMediaPlatform." << endl; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Can not create IHXClientEngine via m_pMediaPlatform.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); HXMediaPlatformObj::ResetMediaPlatformNoDelay(); } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { m_pClientEngine->QueryInterface(IID_IHXPreferences, (void**)&m_pPreferences); } // Create player if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { retVal = m_pClientEngine->CreatePlayer(m_pHXPlayer); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "Cannot create player"; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Cannot create player\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } // Create client context // TODO: context and errorsink if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { m_pWebkitContext = new WebkitClientContext(); if (m_pWebkitContext) { HX_ADDREF(m_pWebkitContext); m_pWebkitContext->Init(m_pHXPlayer, m_pMediaPlayer); } else { printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Cannot create client context\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); retVal = HXR_FAIL; } } // Make client context available to the player if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { IUnknown* pUnk = NULL; m_pWebkitContext->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnk); if (pUnk) { m_pHXPlayer->SetClientContext(pUnk); HX_RELEASE(pUnk); } else { printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Cannot create client context\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); retVal = HXR_FAIL; } } // Set error sink /* if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { IHXErrorSinkControl* pErrorSinkControl = NULL; IHXErrorSink* pErrorSink = NULL; m_pHXPlayer->QueryInterface(IID_IHXErrorSinkControl, (void**) &pErrorSinkControl); m_pWebkitContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXErrorSink, (void**) &pErrorSink); if (pErrorSinkControl && pErrorSink) { pErrorSinkControl->AddErrorSink(pErrorSink, HXLOG_EMERG, HXLOG_INFO); } else { //cout << "Cannot set error sink"; retVal = HXR_FAIL; } HX_RELEASE(pErrorSinkControl); HX_RELEASE(pErrorSink); } */ // Obtain player client state interface if (SUCCEEDED(retVal)) { retVal = m_pHXPlayer->QueryInterface(IID_IHXClientState, (void**)&m_pClientState); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "can not get IHXClientState"; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] can not get IHXClientState\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d]\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Get scheduler if (SUCCEEDED(retVal) && !m_pScheduler) { retVal = m_pMediaPlatform->QueryInterface(IID_IHXScheduler, (void**)&m_pScheduler); if (FAILED(retVal)) { //cout << "QueryInterface for IID_IHXScheduler failed."; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] QueryInterface for IID_IHXScheduler failed.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } if (SUCCEEDED(retVal) && !m_pCommandsProcessCallback) { m_pCommandsProcessCallback = new CHXGenericCallback((void*) this, CommandsProcessCallbackFunc); if (m_pCommandsProcessCallback) { m_pCommandsProcessCallback->AddRef(); } else { //cout << "Create CHXGenericCallback failed."; printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d] Create CHXGenericCallback failed.\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); retVal = HXR_FAIL; } } printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d]\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (FAILED(retVal)) { CleanupPlaybackEngine(); m_LastError = retVal; } else { m_Init = 0; } printf("HelixOverWebkit [%s] [%s] [%d]\n setupplaybackengine ends retVal %x\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, retVal); if (retVal != HXR_OK) return false; }
STDMETHODIMP HXCloakedV2TCPSocket::ResponseReady( HX_RESULT res, IHXRequest* pRequestResponse) { IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; IHXRegistry* pRegistry = NULL; IHXValues* pHeaders = NULL; const char* pName = NULL; IHXBuffer* pBuf = NULL; CHXString key = ""; IHXBuffer* pTmpBuffer = NULL; if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { //Extract the authentication info, again, this is a real waste to just //get a username password. See comment in _DoProxyAuthentication. res = m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { res = m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXRegistry, (void**)&pRegistry); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { res = pRequestResponse->GetRequestHeaders(pHeaders); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { res = pHeaders->GetFirstPropertyCString(pName, pBuf); while( SUCCEEDED(res) && pBuf ) { if( !strcasecmp(pName, "Proxy-Authorization") ) { CHXString key = "proxy-authentication.http:"; key += m_pszProxyName; key += ":"; res = pRegistry->GetStrByName( "proxy-authentication.http.realm.recent", pTmpBuffer); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { key += CHXString((const char*)pTmpBuffer->GetBuffer(), pTmpBuffer->GetSize()); } HX_RELEASE(pTmpBuffer); res = pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pTmpBuffer); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { pTmpBuffer->Set(pBuf->GetBuffer(), pBuf->GetSize()); UINT32 regid = pRegistry->GetId((const char*)key); if (!regid) { pRegistry->AddStr((const char*)key, pTmpBuffer); } else { pRegistry->SetStrByName((const char*)key, pTmpBuffer); } } HX_RELEASE(pTmpBuffer); break; } // get next header name value line HX_RELEASE(pBuf); res = pHeaders->GetNextPropertyCString(pName, pBuf); } HX_RELEASE(pBuf); HX_RELEASE(pHeaders); } } HX_RELEASE(pRegistry); } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } HX_RELEASE(pRequestResponse); //We need to start over connting again.... m_CloakingState = csDisconnected; if( m_pTCPSocket) { m_pTCPSocket->Close(); HX_RELEASE(m_pTCPSocket); } res = m_pNetworkServices->CreateSocket(&m_pTCPSocket); if(m_pTCPSocket && SUCCEEDED(res) ) { res = m_pTCPSocket->SetResponse(this); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { res = m_pTCPSocket->Init(m_family, m_type, m_protocol); m_pTCPSocket->SetOption( HX_SOCKOPT_APP_BUFFER_TYPE, HX_SOCKBUF_DEFAULT); m_pTCPSocket->SelectEvents(HX_SOCK_EVENT_READ| HX_SOCK_EVENT_CONNECT| HX_SOCK_EVENT_CLOSE); res = m_pTCPSocket->ConnectToOne(m_pDestAddr); } } return res; }
HX_RESULT HXCloakedV2TCPSocket::_DoProxyAuthentication(HTTPResponseMessage* pMess) { HX_RESULT res = HXR_FAIL; IHXCommonClassFactory* pCCF = NULL; CHXString getStr = ""; IHXKeyValueList* pRespHeaders = NULL; MIMEHeaderValue* pHeaderValue = NULL; MIMEHeader* pHeader = NULL; CHXString strHeader = ""; CHXString strTemp = ""; IHXBuffer* pBuffer = NULL; IHXRequest* pRequest = NULL; IHXValues* pValues = NULL; IHXClientAuthConversation* pClientAuth = NULL; IUnknown* pUnkConfig = NULL; IHXObjectConfiguration* pConfig = NULL; ////////////////////// // // XXXgfw I really don't think we need all this authentication // garbage. It really seems we only need to TLC to just give us a // dialog to do a user/pass request. It sure seems like this code // below is way overkill. Just check out ResponseReady(), the only // thing is needs from all this is just that one string. Oh well, // until I have time to figure out exactly how this all works (all // the calls through the core and into the TLC from here) I will // just leave it like the original cloaking. // ////////////////////// res = m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { //pRequest will be freed in the ResponseReady() method. res = pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXRequest, (void**)&pRequest); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { getStr = _GenerateGetRequest(); pRequest->SetURL((const char*)getStr); //Always returns HXR_OK; res = pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXKeyValueList, (void**)&pRespHeaders); if( SUCCEEDED(res) ) { pHeader = pMess->getFirstHeader(); while (pHeader) { pHeaderValue = pHeader->getFirstHeaderValue(); strHeader = ""; while( pHeaderValue ) { pHeaderValue->asString(strTemp); strHeader += strTemp; pHeaderValue = pHeader->getNextHeaderValue(); if (pHeaderValue) { strHeader += ", "; } } pBuffer = NULL; CHXBuffer::FromCharArray((const char*)strHeader, &pBuffer); if( pBuffer ) { pRespHeaders->AddKeyValue(pHeader->name(), pBuffer); } HX_RELEASE(pBuffer); pHeader = pMess->getNextHeader(); } pValues = NULL; if (HXR_OK == pRespHeaders->QueryInterface(IID_IHXValues, (void**)&pValues)) { pRequest->SetResponseHeaders(pValues); } HX_RELEASE(pValues); } HX_RELEASE(pRespHeaders); if (HXR_OK == pRequest->GetResponseHeaders(pValues)) { res = pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pBuffer); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { pBuffer->Set((UCHAR*)m_pszProxyName, strlen(m_pszProxyName)+1); pValues->SetPropertyCString("_server", pBuffer); HX_RELEASE(pBuffer); } // Add the protocol to the response headers because TLC needs it if (SUCCEEDED(pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IHXBuffer, (void**)&pBuffer))) { pBuffer->Set((UCHAR*)"http", strlen("http") + 1); pValues->SetPropertyCString("_protocol", pBuffer); HX_RELEASE(pBuffer); } HX_RELEASE(pValues); } //We now need a CCF from the cloaking context, not our core's context. HX_RELEASE(pCCF); res = m_pCloakContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXCommonClassFactory, (void**)&pCCF); if(SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = pCCF->CreateInstance( CLSID_CHXClientAuthenticator, (void**)&pUnkConfig ); if(SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = pUnkConfig->QueryInterface(IID_IHXClientAuthConversation, (void**)&pClientAuth); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { res = pUnkConfig->QueryInterface(IID_IHXObjectConfiguration, (void**)&pConfig); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { pConfig->SetContext(m_pCloakContext); HX_RELEASE(pConfig); } if ( pClientAuth && !pClientAuth->IsDone() ) { HX_ASSERT(pRequest); //After this if/else, we continue in ResponseReady() after //the TLC calls us back. if (pRequest) { res = pClientAuth->MakeResponse(this, pRequest); } else { // Auth Failed! pClientAuth->Authenticated(FALSE); res = HXR_NOT_AUTHORIZED; res = ResponseReady(res, pRequest); } } } HX_RELEASE(pUnkConfig); } HX_RELEASE(pCCF); } } } //We return this in all cases. the connection will be started over in //the ResponseReady() method. res = HXR_NOT_AUTHORIZED; return res; }