Example #1
// Purpose: Constructor
TextTooltip::TextTooltip(Panel *parent, const char *text) : BaseTooltip( parent, text )
	if (!s_TooltipWindow.Get())
		s_TooltipWindow = new TextEntry(NULL, "tooltip");

 		s_TooltipWindow->InvalidateLayout(false, true);

		// this bit of hackery is necessary because tooltips don't get ApplySchemeSettings called from their parents
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( s_TooltipWindow->GetScheme() );
		s_TooltipWindow->SetBgColor(s_TooltipWindow->GetSchemeColor("Tooltip.BgColor", s_TooltipWindow->GetBgColor(), pScheme));
		s_TooltipWindow->SetFgColor(s_TooltipWindow->GetSchemeColor("Tooltip.TextColor", s_TooltipWindow->GetFgColor(), pScheme));
		s_TooltipWindow->SetFont( pScheme->GetFont("DefaultSmall", s_TooltipWindow->IsProportional()));

	// this line prevents the main window from losing focus
	// when a tooltip pops up
	s_TooltipWindow->MakePopup(false, true);
	s_TooltipWindow->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
	s_TooltipWindow->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
Example #2
// Purpose: Return the full size of the contained content
void Label::GetContentSize(int &wide, int &tall)
	if( GetFont() == INVALID_FONT ) // we haven't loaded our font yet, so load it now
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
		if ( pScheme )
			SetFont( pScheme->GetFont( "Default", IsProportional() ) );

	int tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1;
	ComputeAlignment(tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1);

	// the +8 is padding to the content size
	// the code which uses it should really set that itself; 
	// however a lot of existing code relies on this
	wide = (tx1 - tx0) + _textInset[0]; 

	// get the size of the text image and remove it
	int iWide, iTall;
	_textImage->GetSize(iWide, iTall);
	wide -=  iWide;
	// get the full, untruncated (no elipsis) size of the text image.
	_textImage->GetContentSize(iWide, iTall);
	wide += iWide;

	// addin the image offsets as well
	for (int i=0; i < _imageDar.Size(); i++)
		wide += _imageDar[i].offset;

	tall = max((ty1 - ty0) + _textInset[1], iTall);
Example #3
// Purpose: lays out controls
void CConsolePanel::PerformLayout()

	// setup tab ordering

	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

	// layout controls
	int wide, tall;
	GetSize(wide, tall);

	if ( !m_bStatusVersion )
		const int inset = 8;
		const int entryHeight = 24;
		const int topHeight = 4;
		const int entryInset = 4;
		const int submitWide = 64;
		const int submitInset = 7; // x inset to pull the submit button away from the frame grab

		m_pHistory->SetPos(inset, inset + topHeight); 
		m_pHistory->SetSize(wide - (inset * 2), tall - (entryInset * 2 + inset * 2 + topHeight + entryHeight));

		int nSubmitXPos = wide - ( inset + submitWide + submitInset );
		m_pSubmit->SetPos( nSubmitXPos, tall - (entryInset * 2 + entryHeight));
		m_pSubmit->SetSize( submitWide, entryHeight);
		m_pEntry->SetPos( inset, tall - (entryInset * 2 + entryHeight) );
		m_pEntry->SetSize( nSubmitXPos - entryInset - 2 * inset, entryHeight);
		const int inset = 2;

		int entryWidth = wide / 2;
		if ( wide > 400 )
			entryWidth = 200;

		m_pEntry->SetBounds( inset, inset, entryWidth, tall - 2 * inset );

		m_pHistory->SetBounds( inset + entryWidth + inset, inset, ( wide - entryWidth ) - inset, tall - 2 * inset );

Example #4
void MenuBar::Paint()
	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_pMenuButtons.Count(); i++)
		if (!m_pMenuButtons[i]->IsArmed())
			m_pMenuButtons[i]->SetDefaultBorder(pScheme->GetBorder( "ButtonBorder"));
Example #5
// Purpose: Applies designer settings from res file
void ImagePanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	delete [] m_pszFillColorName;
	m_pszImageName = NULL;
	m_pszFillColorName = NULL;

	m_bScaleImage = inResourceData->GetInt("scaleImage", 0);
	m_fScaleAmount = inResourceData->GetFloat("scaleAmount", 0.0f);
	m_bTileImage = inResourceData->GetInt("tileImage", 0);
	m_bTileHorizontally = inResourceData->GetInt("tileHorizontally", m_bTileImage);
	m_bTileVertically = inResourceData->GetInt("tileVertically", m_bTileImage);
	const char *imageName = inResourceData->GetString("image", "");
	if (*imageName)
		SetImage( imageName );

	const char *pszFillColor = inResourceData->GetString("fillcolor", "");
	if (*pszFillColor)
		int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255;
		int len = Q_strlen(pszFillColor) + 1;
		m_pszFillColorName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( m_pszFillColorName, pszFillColor, len );

		if (sscanf(pszFillColor, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a) >= 3)
			// it's a direct color
			m_FillColor = Color(r, g, b, a);
			IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
			m_FillColor = pScheme->GetColor(pszFillColor, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

	const char *pszBorder = inResourceData->GetString("border", "");
	if (*pszBorder)
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

Example #6
void ImageButton::UpdateColors()
	if (m_bButtonEnabled)
		if (m_pLabel)
			if (!IsCursorOver() || !m_bDoMouseOvers)
		if (m_pBackdrop)
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
		if (pScheme)
			int bg = GetPaintBackgroundType();
		if (m_pLabel)
		if (m_pBackdrop)
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
		if (pScheme)
			int bg = GetPaintBackgroundType();
// Purpose: Draw Tick labels under the ticks.
void CLabeledSlider::DrawTickLabels()
	int x, y;
	int wide,tall;
	GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall );

	// Figure out how to draw the ticks
	GetPaintSize( wide, tall );

	float fwide  = (float)wide;
	float fnobsize = 8;
	float freepixels = fwide - fnobsize;

	float leftpixel = fnobsize / 2.0f;

	float pixelspertick = freepixels / ( m_nNumTicks );

	y =  y + (int)fnobsize + 4;

	// Draw Start and end range values
	surface()->DrawSetTextColor( Color( 127, 140, 127, 255 ) );
	surface()->DrawSetTextPos( 0, y);

	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( scheme()->GetDefaultScheme() );
	if ( m_szTickCaptions[ 0 ][ 0 ] )

		surface()->DrawPrintText( (const unsigned short *)m_szTickCaptions[ 0 ], strlen( m_szTickCaptions[ 0 ] ) );

	if ( m_szTickCaptions[ 1 ][ 0 ] )

		// was 5 *  now is 2 *
		surface()->DrawSetTextPos( (int)( m_nNumTicks * pixelspertick - 2 * strlen( m_szTickCaptions[ 1 ] ) ), y);

		surface()->DrawPrintText((const unsigned short *) m_szTickCaptions[ 1 ], strlen( m_szTickCaptions[ 1 ] ) );
// Purpose: 
Color CHudChat::GetTextColorForClient( TextColor colorNum, int clientIndex )
	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

	if ( pScheme == NULL )
		return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	Color c;
	switch ( colorNum )
		c = GetClientColor( clientIndex );

		c = g_ColorDarkGreen;

			IScheme *pSourceScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( scheme()->GetScheme( "SourceScheme" ) ); 
			if ( pSourceScheme )
				c = pSourceScheme->GetColor( "SteamLightGreen", GetBgColor() );
				c = pScheme->GetColor( "TFColors.ChatTextYellow", GetBgColor() );

		c = pScheme->GetColor( "TFColors.ChatTextYellow", GetBgColor() );

	return Color( c[0], c[1], c[2], 255 );
Color CHudChat::GetClientColor( int clientIndex )
	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

	if ( pScheme == NULL )
		return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	if ( clientIndex == 0 ) // console msg
		return g_ColorGreen;
	else if( g_PR )
		int iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( clientIndex );

		C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( clientIndex ) );
		C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();

		if ( IsVoiceSubtitle() == true )
			// if this player is on the other team, disguised as my team, show disguised color
			if ( pPlayer && pLocalPlayer && pPlayer->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_DISGUISED ) &&
				pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDisguiseTeam() == pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() )
				iTeam = pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDisguiseTeam();

		switch ( iTeam )
		case TF_TEAM_RED	: return pScheme->GetColor( "TFColors.ChatTextRed", g_ColorRed );
		case TF_TEAM_BLUE	: return pScheme->GetColor( "TFColors.ChatTextBlue", g_ColorBlue );;
		default	: return g_ColorGrey;

	return g_ColorYellow;
Example #10
// This style is like the IE "back" button where the left side acts like a regular button, the the right side has a little
//  combo box dropdown indicator and presents and submenu
void MenuButton::SetDropMenuButtonStyle( bool state )
	bool changed = m_bDropMenuButtonStyle != state;
	m_bDropMenuButtonStyle = state;
	if ( !changed )

	if ( state )
		m_pDropMenuImage = new TextImage( "u" );
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
		m_pDropMenuImage->SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("Marlett", IsProportional()));
		// m_pDropMenuImage->SetContentAlignment(Label::a_west);
		// m_pDropMenuImage->SetTextInset(3, 0);
		m_nImageIndex = AddImage( m_pDropMenuImage, 0 );
		delete m_pDropMenuImage;
		m_pDropMenuImage = NULL;
		m_nImageIndex = -1;
Example #11
// Purpose: Display the tooltip
void Tooltip::PerformLayout()
	if (!_makeVisible)
	if (_delay > system()->GetTimeMillis())

	// we're ready, just make us visible
	if ( !s_TooltipWindow.Get() )

	// We only need to layout when we first become visible
	if ( !_isDirty )

	_isDirty = false;

	s_TooltipWindow->MakePopup( false, true );
	s_TooltipWindow->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
	s_TooltipWindow->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );

	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( s_TooltipWindow->GetScheme() );

	s_TooltipWindow->SetBgColor(s_TooltipWindow->GetSchemeColor("Tooltip.BgColor", s_TooltipWindow->GetBgColor(), pScheme));
	s_TooltipWindow->SetFgColor(s_TooltipWindow->GetSchemeColor("Tooltip.TextColor", s_TooltipWindow->GetFgColor(), pScheme));

	// get cursor position
	int cursorX, cursorY;
	input()->GetCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY);
	// relayout the textwindow immediately so that we know it's size
	int menuWide, menuTall;
	s_TooltipWindow->GetSize(menuWide, menuTall);
	// work out where the cursor is and therefore the best place to put the menu
	int wide, tall;
	surface()->GetScreenSize(wide, tall);
	if (wide - menuWide > cursorX)
		cursorY += 20;
		// menu hanging right
		if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
			// menu hanging down
			s_TooltipWindow->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY);
			// menu hanging up
			s_TooltipWindow->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY - menuTall - 20);
		// menu hanging left
		if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
			// menu hanging down
			s_TooltipWindow->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY);
			// menu hanging up
			s_TooltipWindow->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY - menuTall - 20 );
Example #12
// Purpose: 
void Label::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
	BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );

	// label settings
	const char *labelText =	inResourceData->GetString( "labelText", NULL );
	if ( labelText )
		if (labelText[0] == '%' && labelText[strlen(labelText) - 1] == '%')
			// it's a variable, set it to be a special variable localized string
			wchar_t unicodeVar[256];
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(labelText, unicodeVar, sizeof(unicodeVar));

			char var[256];
			_snprintf(var, sizeof(var), "#var_%s", labelText);
			g_pVGuiLocalize->AddString(var + 1, unicodeVar, "");

	// text alignment
	const char *alignmentString = inResourceData->GetString( "textAlignment", "" );
	int align = -1;

	if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north-west") )
		align = a_northwest;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north") )
		align = a_north;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north-east") )
		align = a_northeast;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "west") )
		align = a_west;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "center") )
		align = a_center;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "east") )
		align = a_east;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south-west") )
		align = a_southwest;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south") )
		align = a_south;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south-east") )
		align = a_southeast;

	if ( align != -1 )
		SetContentAlignment( (Alignment)align );

	// the control we are to be associated with may not have been created yet,
	// so keep a pointer to it's name and calculate it when we can
	const char *associateName = inResourceData->GetString("associate", "");
	if (associateName[0] != 0)
		int len = Q_strlen(associateName) + 1;
		_associateName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( _associateName, associateName, len );

	if (inResourceData->GetInt("dulltext", 0) == 1)
	else if (inResourceData->GetInt("brighttext", 0) == 1)

	// font settings
	const char *overrideFont = inResourceData->GetString("font", "");
	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

	if (*overrideFont)
		delete [] _fontOverrideName;
		int len = Q_strlen(overrideFont) + 1;
		_fontOverrideName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy(_fontOverrideName, overrideFont, len );
		SetFont(pScheme->GetFont(_fontOverrideName, IsProportional()));
	else if (_fontOverrideName)
		delete [] _fontOverrideName;
		_fontOverrideName = NULL;
		SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("Default", IsProportional()));

	bool bWrapText = inResourceData->GetInt("centerwrap", 0) > 0;
	SetCenterWrap( bWrapText );

	m_bAutoWideToContents = inResourceData->GetInt("auto_wide_tocontents", 0) > 0;

	bWrapText = inResourceData->GetInt("wrap", 0) > 0;
	SetWrap( bWrapText );

	int inset_x = inResourceData->GetInt("textinsetx", _textInset[0]);
	int inset_y = inResourceData->GetInt("textinsety", _textInset[1]);
	// Had to play it safe and add a new key for backwards compatibility
	m_bUseProportionalInsets = inResourceData->GetInt("use_proportional_insets", 0) > 0;
	if ( m_bUseProportionalInsets )
		inset_x = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), inset_x );

	SetTextInset( inset_x, inset_y );

	bool bAllCaps = inResourceData->GetInt("allcaps", 0) > 0;
	SetAllCaps( bAllCaps );

Example #13
// Purpose: Applies designer settings from res file
void ImagePanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
	delete [] m_pszImageName;
	delete [] m_pszFillColorName;
	delete [] m_pszDrawColorName;	// HPE addition
	m_pszImageName = NULL;
	m_pszFillColorName = NULL;
	m_pszDrawColorName = NULL;		// HPE addition

	//Center image isn't implemented in Source 2013. - Solokiller
	m_bCenterImage = inResourceData->GetInt( "centerImage", 0 ) != 0;
	m_bScaleImage = inResourceData->GetInt("scaleImage", 0) != 0;
	m_fScaleAmount = inResourceData->GetFloat( "scaleAmount", 0.0f );
	m_bTileImage = inResourceData->GetInt( "tileImage", 0 ) != 0;
	m_bTileHorizontally = inResourceData->GetInt( "tileHorizontally", m_bTileImage ) != 0;
	m_bTileVertically = inResourceData->GetInt( "tileVertically", m_bTileImage ) != 0;
	const char *imageName = inResourceData->GetString("image", "");
	if (*imageName)
		SetImage( imageName );

	const char *pszFillColor = inResourceData->GetString("fillcolor", "");
	if (*pszFillColor)
		int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255;
		int len = Q_strlen(pszFillColor) + 1;
		m_pszFillColorName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( m_pszFillColorName, pszFillColor, len );

		if (sscanf(pszFillColor, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a) >= 3)
			// it's a direct color
			m_FillColor = SDK_Color(r, g, b, a);
			IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
			m_FillColor = pScheme->GetColor(pszFillColor, SDK_Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

	// [pfreese] Added support for specifying drawcolor
	const char *pszDrawColor = inResourceData->GetString( "drawcolor", "" );
	if( *pszDrawColor )
		int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255;
		int len = Q_strlen( pszDrawColor ) + 1;
		m_pszDrawColorName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( m_pszDrawColorName, pszDrawColor, len );

		if( sscanf( pszDrawColor, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a ) >= 3 )
			// it's a direct color
			m_DrawColor = SDK_Color( r, g, b, a );
			IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
			m_DrawColor = pScheme->GetColor( pszDrawColor, SDK_Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );

	const char *pszBorder = inResourceData->GetString("border", "");
	if (*pszBorder)
		IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

Example #14
void CViewport::LoadDictionary(void)
	CSV::CSVDocument doc;
	CSV::CSVDocument::row_index_type row_count;

	//Parse from the document

		row_count = doc.load_file("captionmod/dictionary.csv");
	catch(std::exception &err)
		Sys_ErrorEx("%s\n%s", "LoadDictionary: ", err.what());

	if(row_count < 2)

	IScheme *ischeme = scheme()->GetIScheme(GetScheme());


	Color defaultColor = ischeme->GetColor("BaseText", Color(255, 255, 255, 200));
	//Initialize the dictionary hashtable

	for (int i = 0; i < m_StringsHashTable.Count(); i++)
		m_StringsHashTable[i].next = NULL;


	int nRowCount = row_count;
	//parse the dictionary line by line...
	for (int i = 1;i < nRowCount; ++i)
		CSV::CSVDocument::row_type row = doc.get_row(i);

		if(row.size() < 1)

		const char *title = row[0].c_str();

		if(!title || !title[0])

		CDictionary *Dict = new CDictionary;

		Dict->Load(row, defaultColor, ischeme);


		AddDictionaryHash(Dict, Dict->m_szTitle);

	//Link the dictionaries

	for(int i = 0; i < m_Dictionary.Count(); ++i)
		CDictionary *Dict = m_Dictionary[i];
			Dict->m_pNext = FindDictionary(Dict->m_szNext);
Example #15
// Purpose: parses a script into sequences
bool AnimationController::ParseScriptFile(char *pMem, int length)
	// get the scheme (for looking up color names)
	IScheme *scheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme(GetScheme());

	// get our screen size (for left/right/center alignment)
	int screenWide = m_nScreenBounds[ 2 ];
	int screenTall = m_nScreenBounds[ 3 ];

	// start by getting the first token
	char token[512];
	pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
	while (token[0])
		bool bAccepted = true;

		// should be 'event'
		if (stricmp(token, "event"))
			Warning("Couldn't parse script file: expected 'event', found '%s'\n", token);
			return false;

		// get the event name
		pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
		if (strlen(token) < 1)
			Warning("Couldn't parse script file: expected <event name>, found nothing\n");
			return false;
		int seqIndex;
		UtlSymId_t nameIndex = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
		// Create a new sequence
		seqIndex = m_Sequences.AddToTail();
		AnimSequence_t &seq = m_Sequences[seqIndex];
		seq.name = nameIndex;
		seq.duration = 0.0f;

		// get the open brace or a conditional
		pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
		if ( Q_stristr( token, "[$" ) )
			bAccepted = EvaluateConditional( token );

			// now get the open brace
			pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);

		if (stricmp(token, "{"))
			Warning("Couldn't parse script sequence '%s': expected '{', found '%s'\n", g_ScriptSymbols.String(seq.name), token);
			return false;

		// walk the commands
		while (token && token[0])
			// get the command type
			pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);

			// skip out when we hit the end of the sequence
			if (token[0] == '}')

			// create a new command
			int cmdIndex = seq.cmdList.AddToTail();
			AnimCommand_t &animCmd = seq.cmdList[cmdIndex];
			memset(&animCmd, 0, sizeof(animCmd));
			if (!stricmp(token, "animate"))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_ANIMATE;
				// parse out the animation commands
				AnimCmdAnimate_t &cmdAnimate = animCmd.cmdData.animate;
				// panel to manipulate
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				cmdAnimate.panel = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// variable to change
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				cmdAnimate.variable = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// target value
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				if (cmdAnimate.variable == m_sPosition)
					// Get first token
					SetupPosition( cmdAnimate, &cmdAnimate.target.a, token, screenWide );

					// Get second token from "token"
					char token2[32];
					char *psz = ParseFile(token, token2, NULL);
					psz = ParseFile(psz, token2, NULL);
					psz = token2;

					// Position Y goes into ".b"
					SetupPosition( cmdAnimate, &cmdAnimate.target.b, psz, screenTall );
				else if ( cmdAnimate.variable == m_sXPos )
					// XPos and YPos both use target ".a"
					SetupPosition( cmdAnimate, &cmdAnimate.target.a, token, screenWide );
				else if ( cmdAnimate.variable == m_sYPos )
					// XPos and YPos both use target ".a"
					SetupPosition( cmdAnimate, &cmdAnimate.target.a, token, screenTall );
					// parse the floating point values right out
					if (0 == sscanf(token, "%f %f %f %f", &cmdAnimate.target.a, &cmdAnimate.target.b, &cmdAnimate.target.c, &cmdAnimate.target.d))
						// could be referencing a value in the scheme file, lookup
						Color col = scheme->GetColor(token, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
						cmdAnimate.target.a = col[0];
						cmdAnimate.target.b = col[1];
						cmdAnimate.target.c = col[2];
						cmdAnimate.target.d = col[3];

				// fix up scale
				if (cmdAnimate.variable == m_sSize)
					if (IsProportional())
						cmdAnimate.target.a = static_cast<float>( vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx(GetScheme(), cmdAnimate.target.a) );
						cmdAnimate.target.b = static_cast<float>( vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx(GetScheme(), cmdAnimate.target.b) );
				else if (cmdAnimate.variable == m_sWide ||
					     cmdAnimate.variable == m_sTall )
					if (IsProportional())
						// Wide and tall both use.a
						cmdAnimate.target.a = static_cast<float>( vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx(GetScheme(), cmdAnimate.target.a) );
				// interpolation function
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				if (!stricmp(token, "Accel"))
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_ACCEL;
				else if (!stricmp(token, "Deaccel"))
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_DEACCEL;
				else if ( !stricmp(token, "Spline"))
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE;
				else if (!stricmp(token,"Pulse"))
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_PULSE;
					// frequencey
					pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
					cmdAnimate.interpolationParameter = (float)atof(token);
				else if ( !stricmp( token, "Flicker"))
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_FLICKER;
					// noiseamount
					pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
					cmdAnimate.interpolationParameter = (float)atof(token);
					cmdAnimate.interpolationFunction = INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR;
				// start time
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				cmdAnimate.startTime = (float)atof(token);
				// duration
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				cmdAnimate.duration = (float)atof(token);
				// check max duration
				if (cmdAnimate.startTime + cmdAnimate.duration > seq.duration)
					seq.duration = cmdAnimate.startTime + cmdAnimate.duration;
			else if (!stricmp(token, "runevent"))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_RUNEVENT;
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if (!stricmp(token, "stopevent"))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_STOPEVENT;
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if (!stricmp(token, "StopPanelAnimations"))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_STOPPANELANIMATIONS;
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if (!stricmp(token, "stopanimation"))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_STOPANIMATION;
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if ( !stricmp( token, "SetFont" ))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_SETFONT;
				// Panel name
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// Font parameter
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// Font name from scheme
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable2 = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);

				// Set time
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if ( !stricmp( token, "SetTexture" ))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_SETTEXTURE;
				// Panel name
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// Texture Id
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// material name
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable2 = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);

				// Set time
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
			else if ( !stricmp( token, "SetString" ))
				animCmd.commandType = CMD_SETSTRING;
				// Panel name
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.event = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// String variable name
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);
				// String value to set
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.variable2 = g_ScriptSymbols.AddString(token);

				// Set time
				pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
				animCmd.cmdData.runEvent.timeDelay = (float)atof(token);
				Warning("Couldn't parse script sequence '%s': expected <anim command>, found '%s'\n", g_ScriptSymbols.String(seq.name), token);
				return false;
			// Look ahead one token for a conditional
			char *peek = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);
			if ( Q_stristr( token, "[$" ) )
				if ( !EvaluateConditional( token ) )
					seq.cmdList.Remove( cmdIndex );
				pMem = peek;

		if ( bAccepted )
			// Attempt to find a collision in the sequences, replacing the old one if found
			int seqIterator;
			for ( seqIterator = 0; seqIterator < m_Sequences.Count()-1; seqIterator++ )	
				if ( m_Sequences[seqIterator].name == nameIndex )
					// Get rid of it, we're overriding it
					m_Sequences.Remove( seqIndex );
			// Dump the entire sequence
			m_Sequences.Remove( seqIndex );

		// get the next token, if any
		pMem = ParseFile(pMem, token, NULL);

	return true;
Example #16
// Purpose: 
void Label::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
	Panel::ApplySettings( inResourceData );

	// label settings
	const char *labelText =	inResourceData->GetString( "labelText", NULL );
	if ( labelText )
		if (labelText[0] == '%' && labelText[strlen(labelText) - 1] == '%')
			// it's a variable, set it to be a special variable localized string
			wchar_t unicodeVar[256];
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(labelText, unicodeVar, sizeof(unicodeVar));

			char var[256];
			_snprintf(var, sizeof(var), "#var_%s", labelText);
			g_pVGuiLocalize->AddString(var + 1, unicodeVar, "");

	// text alignment
	const char *alignmentString = inResourceData->GetString( "textAlignment", "" );
	int align = -1;

	if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north-west") )
		align = a_northwest;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north") )
		align = a_north;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "north-east") )
		align = a_northeast;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "west") )
		align = a_west;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "center") )
		align = a_center;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "east") )
		align = a_east;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south-west") )
		align = a_southwest;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south") )
		align = a_south;
	else if ( !stricmp(alignmentString, "south-east") )
		align = a_southeast;

	if ( align != -1 )
		SetContentAlignment( (Alignment)align );

	// the control we are to be associated with may not have been created yet,
	// so keep a pointer to it's name and calculate it when we can
	const char *associateName = inResourceData->GetString("associate", "");
	if (associateName[0] != 0)
		int len = Q_strlen(associateName) + 1;
		_associateName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy( _associateName, associateName, len );

	if (inResourceData->GetInt("dulltext", 0) == 1)
	else if (inResourceData->GetInt("brighttext", 0) == 1)

	// font settings
	const char *overrideFont = inResourceData->GetString("font", "");
	IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );

	if (*overrideFont)
		delete [] _fontOverrideName;
		int len = Q_strlen(overrideFont) + 1;
		_fontOverrideName = new char[ len ];
		Q_strncpy(_fontOverrideName, overrideFont, len );
		SetFont(pScheme->GetFont(_fontOverrideName, IsProportional()));
	else if (_fontOverrideName)
		delete [] _fontOverrideName;
		_fontOverrideName = NULL;
		SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("Default", IsProportional()));

	bool bWrapText = inResourceData->GetInt("wrap", 0) > 0;
	SetWrap( bWrapText );
