// creates an entity by string name, but does not spawn it
CBaseEntity *CreateEntityByName( const char *className, int iForceEdictIndex )
	if ( iForceEdictIndex != -1 )
		g_pForceAttachEdict = engine->CreateEdict( iForceEdictIndex );
		if ( !g_pForceAttachEdict )
			Error( "CreateEntityByName( %s, %d ) - CreateEdict failed.", className, iForceEdictIndex );

	IServerNetworkable *pNetwork = EntityFactoryDictionary()->Create( className );
	g_pForceAttachEdict = NULL;

	if ( !pNetwork )
		return NULL;

	CBaseEntity *pEntity = pNetwork->GetBaseEntity();
	Assert( pEntity );
	return pEntity;
IServerEntity *CServerTools::GetIServerEntity( IClientEntity *pClientEntity )
	if ( pClientEntity == NULL )
		return NULL;

	CBaseHandle ehandle = pClientEntity->GetRefEHandle();
	if ( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() >= MAX_EDICTS )
		return NULL; // the first MAX_EDICTS entities are networked, the rest are client or server only

#if 0
	// this fails, since the server entities have extra bits in their serial numbers,
	// since 20 bits are reserved for serial numbers, except for networked entities, which are restricted to 10

	// Brian believes that everything should just restrict itself to 10 to make things simpler,
	// so if/when he changes NUM_SERIAL_NUM_BITS to 10, we can switch back to this simpler code

	IServerNetworkable *pNet = gEntList.GetServerNetworkable( ehandle );
	if ( pNet == NULL )
		return NULL;

	CBaseEntity *pServerEnt = pNet->GetBaseEntity();
	return pServerEnt;
	IHandleEntity *pEnt = gEntList.LookupEntityByNetworkIndex( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() );
	if ( pEnt == NULL )
		return NULL;

	CBaseHandle h = gEntList.GetNetworkableHandle( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() );
	const int mask = ( 1 << NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS ) - 1;
	if ( !h.IsValid() || ( ( h.GetSerialNumber() & mask ) != ( ehandle.GetSerialNumber() & mask ) ) )
		return NULL;

	IServerUnknown *pUnk = static_cast< IServerUnknown* >( pEnt );
	return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();