Example #1
// Now lets start with irrKlang 3D sound engine example 01, demonstrating simple 2D sound.
// Start up the sound engine using createIrrKlangDevice(). You can specify several
// options as parameters when invoking that function, but for this example, the default
// parameters are enough.
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
	// start the sound engine with default parameters
	ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();

	if (!engine)
		printf("Could not startup engine\n");
		return 0; // error starting up the engine

	// To play a sound, we only to call play2D(). The second parameter
	// tells the engine to play it looped.

	// play some sound stream, looped
	engine->play2D("../../media/getout.ogg", true);

	// In a loop, wait until user presses 'q' to exit or another key to
	// play another sound.

	printf("\nHello World!\n");

		printf("Press any key to play some sound, press 'q' to quit.\n");

		// play a single sound
	while(getch() != 'q');

	// After we are finished, we have to delete the irrKlang Device created earlier
	// with createIrrKlangDevice(). Use ::drop() to do that. In irrKlang, you should
	// delete all objects you created with a method or function that starts with 'create'.
	// (an exception is the play2D()- or play3D()-method, see the documentation or the
	// next example for an explanation)
	// The object is deleted simply by calling ->drop().

	engine->drop(); // delete engine
	return 0;
Example #2
// irrKlang 3D sound engine example 03,
// demonstrating playing sounds directly from memory
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
	// start the sound engine with default parameters
	ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();

	if (!engine)
		return 0; // error starting up the engine

	#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	printf("This example won't work on Power-PCs because the way we are "\
	       "storing the wave data in this example source file. Sorry.");
	return 0;

	// To make irrKlang know about the memory we want to play, we register
	// the memory chunk as a sound source. We specify the name "testsound.wav", so
	// we can use the name later for playing back the sound. Note that you
	// could also specify a better fitting name like "ok.wav".
	// The method addSoundSource() also returns a pointer to the created sound source,
	// it can be used as parameter for play2D() later, if you don't want to
	// play sounds via string names.

	engine->addSoundSourceFromMemory(memorySoundData, memorySoundDataSize, "testsound.wav");

	// now play the sound until user presses escape

	printf("\nPlaying sound from memory.\n");
	printf("Press any key to play, ESCAPE to end program.\n");

	while(true) // endless loop until user exits
		// play the sound we added to memory

		if (getch() == 27)
			break; // user pressed ESCAPE key, cancel

	engine->drop(); // delete engine
	return 0;
Example #3
int main( void )
	mFx2D.mPasser.bind( keytest );	
	ISoundEngine* sound = createIrrKlangDevice();
	sound->play2D( "data/bgm.mp3", true);
	while( mFx2D.run() )
		mFx2D.Render( LOGO.canvas, WHITE );
		if ( THREAD.status == 0 )
			mFx2D.Render( LOGO.segs.lines );
		mFx2D.Render( LOGO.turtle, LOGO.curcolor  );		
		mFx2D.fonts.Print( mFx2D.mPasser.cmd, 13.75, 15, LOGO.curcolor );
		if ( mFx2D.mPasser.listen( 294 ) )
			if ( STATUS.status == 0 )
				char cmdd[256];
				strcpy( cmdd, mFx2D.mPasser.cmd.c_str() );
				mFx2D.CreateThread( event, cmdd );
	return 0;
Example #4
int main ()
	// Main device //
	IrrlichtDevice * pMainDevice = createDevice ( video::EDT_OPENGL
		, core::dimension2d < u32 > ( X_SIDE, Y_SIDE ), 16, false, false, false );
	if ( ! pMainDevice )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Main audio device //
	ISoundEngine * pSoundEngine = createIrrKlangDevice ();
	if ( ! pSoundEngine )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Initializing application context structure //
	sApplicationContext context;
	context.m_pMainDevice = pMainDevice;
	context.m_counter = 0;
	context.isInGame = false;

	// Initializing receiver //
	Global::myEventReceiver = new MyEventReceiver(&context);

	pMainDevice->setEventReceiver ( Global::myEventReceiver ); // Adding receiver to device
	pMainDevice->setWindowCaption ( L"Space Battle" ); // Text on the top of the application 
	pMainDevice->setResizable ( false ); // Disabling window resizing

	// Getting all main controll componets //
	// Static part //
	Global::spVideoDriver = pMainDevice->getVideoDriver ();

	// Other part // 
	scene::ISceneManager * pSceneManager = pMainDevice->getSceneManager ();
	scene::ICameraSceneNode * pCamera = pSceneManager->addCameraSceneNode ();
	gui::IGUIEnvironment * pGUIEnvironment = pMainDevice->getGUIEnvironment();

	// Vector for controling all animators //
	std::vector < scene::ISceneNodeAnimator * > pAnimators; 

	// Setting the main menu audio //
	//pSoundEngine->play2D ( "audio\\ophelia.mp3", true );

	// Random number for choosing an enemie texture //
	srand ( time ( NULL ) );

	// Camera positioning and targeting //
	pCamera->setPosition ( core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 200 ) );
	pCamera->setTarget ( core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 0 ) );

	f32 fov = pCamera->getFOV ();

	leftBorder = pCamera->getPosition ().Z * tan ( fov / 2 );

	rightBorder = - leftBorder;

	// Background cube //
	scene::IMeshSceneNode * pCube 
		= pSceneManager->addCubeSceneNode ( 1, nullptr, -1, core::vector3df ( 0, 0, -15 ) );

	pCube->setScale ( core::vector3df ( X_SIDE / 2, Y_SIDE / 2, 0.1f ) );
	pCube->setMaterialFlag ( video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );

	video::ITexture * pTexture = Global::spVideoDriver->getTexture ( "export\\background.tga" );

	pCube->setMaterialTexture ( 0, pTexture );

	// Border for rockets //
		// for fighter
	scene::IMeshSceneNode * pWorldBorder = pSceneManager->addCubeSceneNode ( X_SIDE, nullptr, -1,
		irr::core::vector3df ( 0, 220, 0 ), 
		irr::core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 0 ),
		irr::core::vector3df ( X_SIDE, 0.001f, 2 ) );

		// For enemies
	scene::IMeshSceneNode * pWorldBorderEnemieRockets = pSceneManager->addCubeSceneNode ( X_SIDE
		, nullptr, -1
		, irr::core::vector3df ( 0, -220, 0 )
		, irr::core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 0 )
		, irr::core::vector3df ( X_SIDE, 0.001f, 2 ) );

	// Rockets manager set //
		// for fighter rockets
	cRocketManager rockets ( pSceneManager, pMainDevice, "export\\rocket.X", pWorldBorder );

		// for enemies rockets
	cRocketManager enemieRockets ( pSceneManager, pMainDevice, "export\\rocket.X"
		, pWorldBorderEnemieRockets, false );

	// Fighter set //
	cFighterSceneNode * pFighter = new cFighterSceneNode ( pSceneManager, "export\\fighter.X", 
			core::vector3df ( 0, downBorder, 0 ), // Position
			core::vector3df ( 0, 180, 0 ), // Rotation
			core::vector3df ( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); // Scale
	pFighter->setTexture ( "export\\fighter.tga", Global::spVideoDriver );

	// Enemie set //
	cEnemieNodeManager enemieManager ( pMainDevice );

	enemieManager.addEnemieType ( "export\\enemies_01" );
	enemieManager.addEnemieType ( "export\\enemies_02" );
	enemieManager.addEnemieType ( "export\\enemies_03" );
	enemieManager.addEnemieType ( "export\\enemies_04" );

	// For statisctic. Font, billboard text //
	gui::IGUIFont * pFont = pGUIEnvironment->getFont ( "export\\fonthaettenschweiler.bmp" ); 

	scene::IBillboardTextSceneNode * pTextVictory = pSceneManager->addBillboardTextSceneNode ( pFont
		, L"You won!"
		, nullptr, core::dimension2df ( 100, 10 ), core::vector3df ( 0, 40, 10 ) );
	scene::IBillboardTextSceneNode * pTextToExit = pSceneManager->addBillboardTextSceneNode ( pFont
		, L"Press ESCAPE to exit"
		, nullptr, core::dimension2df ( 100, 10 ), core::vector3df ( 0, -20, 10 ) );
	scene::IBillboardTextSceneNode * pTextEnemiesKilled = pSceneManager->addBillboardTextSceneNode ( pFont
		, L"temp"
		, nullptr, core::dimension2df ( 100, 10 ), core::vector3df ( 0, 20, 10 ) );
	scene::IBillboardTextSceneNode * pTextRocketsLaunched = pSceneManager->addBillboardTextSceneNode ( pFont
		, L"temp"
		, nullptr, core::dimension2df ( 100, 10 ), core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 10 ) );

	pTextVictory->setVisible ( false );
	pTextToExit->setVisible ( false );
	pTextEnemiesKilled->setVisible ( false );
	pTextRocketsLaunched->setVisible ( false );

	// Createing the main menu //
	MainMenu* mainMenu = new MainMenu(pGUIEnvironment);

	// Before the main loop starts //
	bool isPressed = false; 
	bool isLaunched = false; // for rocket
	bool isEnemieRocketLauched = false; // for enemie rockets
	bool isEnd = false;	// For drawing stats
	bool isThrusterSoundActive = false;

	unsigned int currentSelectedGameLevel = 0;
	bool isLevelFinished = false;
	bool isEnemiesCreated = false; // Cheking  if enemies creation, to avoid multiple creation of enemies group
	int rocketsCount = 0;
	int rocketsArraySize = rockets.getArraySize();
	wchar_t buf [25];

	cTimer timer ( pMainDevice );

	// Prepearing sound source //
	ISound * pSoundThruster = nullptr;

	enemieRockets.cleareRocketsAnimators ();
	enemieRockets.addAnimatorsToRockets ( pFighter, pWorldBorderEnemieRockets );

	/////////////// Main loop ///////////////
	while ( pMainDevice->run () )
		//if ( pMainDevice->isWindowActive () )
			if ( context.isInGame ) // is game started
#if !defined(_DEBUG)
				// Start playing the thrusters sound //
				if ( ! isThrusterSoundActive )
					pSoundThruster = nullptr;

					pSoundThruster = pSoundEngine->play2D ( "audio\\140582__lg__a320-engines-running-111228.wav"
						, true, false, true );

					isThrusterSoundActive = true;
				isEnemiesCreated = (currentSelectedGameLevel == context.currentLevel) && !isLevelFinished;
				if ( ! isEnemiesCreated && ! isEnd )
					enemieManager.clearEnemiesVector ();

					setEnemiesFleeet ( & pAnimators, & enemieManager, pSceneManager, &context );

					rockets.cleareRocketsAnimators ();
					rockets.addAnimatorsToRockets ( & enemieManager, pWorldBorder );

					currentSelectedGameLevel = context.currentLevel;
					isLevelFinished = false;

				// Cheking if victory and showing stats
				if ( enemieManager.getVectorSize () == 0 )
					rockets.reload ();
					if ( ! isEnd )
						isEnd = true;
						isLevelFinished = true;

						pTextVictory->setText ( L"You won!!!" );

						pTextToExit->setText ( L"Press ESCAPE to exit" );

						// enemie killed count
						swprintf ( buf, 20, L"Enemies killed: %d"
							, enemieManager.getNEnemiesKilled () );
						pTextEnemiesKilled->setText ( buf );
						* buf = '\0'; // String clear

						// rockets launched count
						swprintf ( buf, 25, L"Rockrets launched: %d"
							, pFighter->getNRocketsLaunched () );

						pTextRocketsLaunched->setText ( buf );

						* buf = '\0'; // String clear

						enemieManager.reloadNEnemiesKilled ();
						pFighter->reloadNRocketsLaunched ();

						pTextVictory->setVisible ( true );
						pTextToExit->setVisible ( true );
						pTextEnemiesKilled->setVisible ( true );
						pTextRocketsLaunched->setVisible ( true );
				// If exiting make all invisible //
				if ( Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_ESCAPE ) && isEnd )
					context.isInGame = false;
					isLevelFinished = true;
					isEnd = false;

					pTextVictory->setText ( L"" );
					pTextToExit->setText ( L"" );
					pTextEnemiesKilled->setText ( L"" );
					pTextRocketsLaunched->setText ( L"" );

					pTextVictory->setVisible ( false );
					pTextToExit->setVisible ( false );
					pTextEnemiesKilled->setVisible ( false );
					pTextRocketsLaunched->setVisible ( false );
					pFighter->getMeshSceneNode ()->setPosition ( core::vector3df ( 0, downBorder, 0 ) );

					for ( int i = 0; i < rockets.getArraySize (); i++ )
						rockets.getRockets()->at ( i )->getMeshSceneNode ()->setPosition ( 
							core::vector3df ( 0, upBorder + 100, 0 ) );

					// Pausing thrusters sound //
						pSoundThruster->stop ();

						pSoundThruster->drop ();
						pSoundThruster = nullptr;

					isThrusterSoundActive = false;

				if ( Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_ESCAPE ) && ! isEnd )
					context.isInGame = false;

#if !defined(_DEBUG)
					// Pausing thrusters sound //
					pSoundThruster->stop ();

					pSoundThruster->drop ();
					pSoundThruster = nullptr;

					isThrusterSoundActive = false;

				float currentSpeed = pFighter->getSpeed (); // getting the cuurrent speed of the fighter
				// Ghange!!!
				core::vector3df nodePosition = pFighter->getMeshSceneNode ()->getPosition (); // getting fighter position

				// Side movement //
				if ( ! isEnd )
					float deltaTime = (f32)timer.getDeltaTime() / 100;
					if (   Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_A)
						|| Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown(irr::KEY_LEFT) )
						nodePosition.X += currentSpeed * deltaTime;

					if (   Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_D)
						|| Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown(irr::KEY_RIGHT))
						nodePosition.X -= currentSpeed * deltaTime;
					if ( nodePosition.X < leftBorder && nodePosition.X > rightBorder )
						pFighter->getMeshSceneNode ()->setPosition ( nodePosition );

					// Collison cheking //
					int animatorCount = collisionChek ( & rockets );

					if (!(animatorCount == -1 || animatorCount == 0 ))
						enemieManager.increaseNEnemiesKilled ();

						core::vector3df collisionPosition = enemieManager.getEnemie ( animatorCount - 1 )->
							getMeshSceneNode ()->getPosition  ();

						addExplosion ( collisionPosition, core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 0 )
							, 10, pSceneManager, core::plane3df ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nullptr );

						pSoundEngine->play2D ( "audio\\explosion.flac", false );

						enemieManager.getEnemie ( animatorCount - 1 )->getMeshSceneNode ()->setVisible ( false );
						enemieManager.getEnemie ( animatorCount - 1 )->drop ();
						enemieManager.getVector()->erase ( enemieManager.getVector ()->begin () + animatorCount - 1 );

						rockets.cleareRocketsAnimators ();
						rockets.addAnimatorsToRockets ( & enemieManager, pWorldBorder );

					animatorCount = collisionChek ( & enemieRockets );

					if (!( animatorCount == 0 || animatorCount == -1 ))
						addExplosion ( pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition () 
							, core::vector3df ( 0, 0, 0 ), 10
							, pSceneManager, core::plane3df ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nullptr );

						pSoundEngine->play2D ( "audio\\explosion.flac", false );

						pTextVictory->setText ( L"You Lose!!!" );
						isEnd = true;
						isEnemiesCreated = true;

						// enemie killed count
						swprintf ( buf, 20, L"Enemies killed: %d"
							, enemieManager.getNEnemiesKilled () );
						pTextEnemiesKilled->setText ( buf );
						* buf = '\0'; // String clear

						// rockets launched count
						swprintf ( buf, 25, L"Rockrets launched: %d"
							, pFighter->getNRocketsLaunched () );

						pTextRocketsLaunched->setText ( buf );

						* buf = '\0'; // String clear

						enemieManager.reloadNEnemiesKilled ();
						pFighter->reloadNRocketsLaunched ();

						pTextToExit->setText ( L"Press ESCAPE to exit" );

						pTextVictory->setVisible ( true );
						pTextToExit->setVisible ( true );
						pTextEnemiesKilled->setVisible ( true );
						pTextRocketsLaunched->setVisible ( true );

					// Fire //
					if ( Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_SPACE ) && ! isLaunched )
						isLaunched = true;

						printf ( "Fighter: rocket %d launched on %f, %f, %f\n", 
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().X,
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().Y,
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().Z );

						pFighter->launch ( & rockets, Global::spVideoDriver );

						pSoundEngine->play2D ( "audio\\rocket_launch.mp3" );
					else if ( ! Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_SPACE ) && isLaunched ) 
						isLaunched = false;

					/*if ( myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_SPACE ) && ! isLaunched )
						isLaunched = true;

						printf ( "Fighter: rocket %d launched on %f, %f, %f\n", 
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().X,
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().Y,
							pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition ().Z );

						pFighter->launch ( & rockets, pVideoDriver );
					else if ( ! myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_SPACE ) && isLaunched ) 
						isLaunched = false;*/

					if ( rockets.getUsed () == rocketsArraySize )
						rockets.reload ();
						//rocketsCount = 0;

					if ( timer.calculateDeltaTime () > 1000 && enemieManager.getVectorSize () != 0 )
						/*if ( myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_KEY_Q ) )
							printf ( "DEBUG: debugin stop\n" );*/

						timer.calculateTime ();

						int i = rand () % enemieManager.getVectorSize (); // misstake

						enemieManager.getEnemie ( i )->launch ( & enemieRockets, Global::spVideoDriver );
					else if ( enemieManager.getVectorSize () == 0 )
						printf ( "DEBUG: vector size = %d\n", enemieManager.getVectorSize () );

			} // is game started
			// DEBUG //
			if ( Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_KEY_G ) && ! isPressed )
				isPressed = true;
				printf ( "DEBUG: Fighter position - %f\n", pFighter->getMeshSceneNode()->getPosition().X );
			if ( ! Global::myEventReceiver->IsKeyDown ( irr::KEY_KEY_G ) && isPressed )
				isPressed = false;
			// Drawing //
			Global::spVideoDriver->beginScene ( true, true, video::SColor ( 0, 255, 255, 255 ) );

			if ( context.isInGame )
				pSceneManager->drawAll ();
				pGUIEnvironment->drawAll ();

			// Drawing stoped //
			Global::spVideoDriver->endScene ();
	}	/////////////// Main loop ///////////////

	delete mainMenu;

	// Clrearing //
	pFighter->drop ();
	pSoundEngine->drop ();
	pMainDevice->drop ();
	/// ------- ///

void BasicApp::shutdown()

Example #6
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
/*	- deviceType: Type of the device. This can currently be the Null-device,
	   one of the two software renderers, D3D8, D3D9, or OpenGL. In this
	   example we use EDT_SOFTWARE, but to try out, you might want to
	MyEventReceiver receiver;
	ISoundEngine* music = createIrrKlangDevice();
	IrrlichtDevice *device =
		createDevice( EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d<u32>(640, 480), 32,
			false, false, false, &receiver);

	music->play2D("../media/MUSIC/Dark Impetus.mp3",true,false,true);

	IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
	IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();
	ICameraSceneNode *camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNode();
	IGUIFont* font = device->getGUIEnvironment()->getFont("../media/fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");

	IAnimatedMesh* map = smgr->getMesh(DC_01);
	IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* mapnode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(map);

	IAnimatedMesh* player1 = smgr->getMesh(SORA);
	IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* p1node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(player1);
	p1node->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);

	IAnimatedMesh* player2 = smgr->getMesh(AQUA);
	IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* p2node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(player2);
	p2node->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);

	vector3df Position = p1node->getPosition();
	vector3df P2Pos = p2node->getPosition();
	vector3df PosCam = p1node->getPosition();
	vector3df Rotate = p1node->getPosition();

	int CurrentHP = 300;
	int MaxHP = 400;
	int HeartP = 10;
	bool LockOn = false;
	bool LockCheck = false;
	stringw CoorCheck;

		CoorCheck +=L"Your position\nX:";
		CoorCheck +=Position.X;
		CoorCheck +=L"\nY:";
		CoorCheck +=Position.Y;
		CoorCheck +=L"\nZ:";
		CoorCheck +=Position.Z;
		CoorCheck +=L"\n\nTarget Position:";
		CoorCheck +=P2Pos.X;
		if(LockCheck != true){
			if(receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_J)){LockOn = true; LockCheck = true;}}
			if(receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_J)){LockOn = false;LockCheck = false;}}

		//3D Rendering.
		driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,100,101,140));
		if(LockOn != false){camera->setTarget(P2Pos);}

		//2D Rendering.
		if(CurrentHP<=0){font->draw(L"You are dead!!!",rect<s32>(120,140,250,210),SColor(255,255,255,255));}

		if(receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_M) && CurrentHP<MaxHP){--MaxHP;}

		(L"Press O for full screen.\nPress Up-Down-Left-right to move.\nPress L to hurt the character.\nPress K to heal the character.\nPress N to increase Max HP.\nPress M to decrease Max HP.\nPress F to fill the Heart gauge.",rect<s32>(20,40,150,110),SColor(255,0,0,0));

		//Button detection.
			Position.Z -= 0.1f;
			PosCam.Z = Position.Z;
			p1node->setRotation(vector3df(Rotate.X,Rotate.Y = 0,Rotate.Z));
			Position.Z += 0.1f;
			PosCam.Z = Position.Z;
			p1node->setRotation(vector3df(Rotate.X,Rotate.Y -180,Rotate.Z));
			Position.X += 0.1f;
			PosCam.X = Position.X;
			p1node->setRotation(vector3df(Rotate.X,Rotate.Y -90,Rotate.Z));
			Position.X -= 0.1f;
			PosCam.X = Position.X;
			p1node->setRotation(vector3df(Rotate.X,Rotate.Y +90,Rotate.Z));


		CoorCheck = L"";
	return 0;