Example #1
bool VectorProgram::IsImageFlush(const ImageBase& Source)
   if (Source.Width() * Source.NbChannels() * Source.DepthBytes() != Source.Step())
      return false;  // Image has padding

   if ((Source.Width() * Source.NbChannels()) % GetVectorWidth(Source.DataType()) != 0)
      return false;  // width is not a multiple of VectorWidth

   return true;
Example #2
cl::NDRange VectorProgram::GetRange(EProgramVersions Version, const ImageBase& Img1)
   switch (Version)
   case Fast:
      // The fast version uses a 1D range
      return cl::NDRange(Img1.Width() * Img1.Height() * Img1.NbChannels() / GetVectorWidth(Img1.DataType()), 1, 1);

   case Standard:
   case Unaligned:
      // The other versions use a 2D range
      return Img1.VectorRange(GetVectorWidth(Img1.DataType()));

   case NbVersions:
      throw cl::Error(CL_INVALID_PROGRAM, "Invalid program version in VectorProgram");

Example #3
bool VectorProgram::IsImageAligned(const ImageBase& Source)
   uint BytesPerWorker = Source.DepthBytes() * Source.NbChannels() * GetVectorWidth(Source.DataType());
   return (Source.Step() % BytesPerWorker == 0);