Example #1
static void
test_getimagespec_gettexels (ustring filename)
    ImageSpec spec;
    if (! texsys->get_imagespec (filename, 0, spec)) {
        std::cerr << "Could not get spec for " << filename << "\n";
        std::string e = texsys->geterror ();
        if (! e.empty())
            std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e << "\n";
    int w = spec.width/2, h = spec.height/2;
    ImageSpec postagespec (w, h, spec.nchannels, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf buf ("postage.exr", postagespec);
    TextureOptions opt;
    opt.nchannels = spec.nchannels;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt.missingcolor.init ((float *)&missing, 0);
    std::vector<float> tmp (w*h*spec.nchannels);
    bool ok = texsys->get_texels (filename, opt, 0, w/2, w/2+w, h/2, h/2+h,
                                  0, 1, postagespec.format, &tmp[0]);
    if (! ok)
        std::cerr << texsys->geterror() << "\n";
    for (int y = 0;  y < h;  ++y)
        for (int x = 0;  x < w;  ++x) {
            imagesize_t offset = (y*w + x) * spec.nchannels;
            buf.setpixel (x, y, &tmp[offset]);
    buf.save ();
// Tests ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor
void test_isConstantColor ()
    std::cout << "test isConstantColor\n";
    const int WIDTH = 10, HEIGHT = 10, CHANNELS = 3;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec);
    const float col[CHANNELS] = { 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, col);

    float thecolor[CHANNELS] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor (A), true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor (A, thecolor), true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (col[0], thecolor[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (col[1], thecolor[1]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (col[2], thecolor[2]);

    // Now introduce a difference
    const float another[CHANNELS] = { 0, 1, 1 };
    A.setpixel (2, 2, 0, another, 3);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor (A), false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor (A, thecolor), false);

    // Make sure ROI works
    ROI roi (0, WIDTH, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, CHANNELS);  // should match for this ROI
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isConstantColor (A, NULL, roi), true);
Example #3
static void
fix_latl_edges (ImageBuf &buf)
    ASSERT (envlatlmode && "only call fix_latl_edges for latlong maps");
    int n = buf.nchannels();
    float *left = ALLOCA (float, n);
    float *right = ALLOCA (float, n);

    // Make the whole first and last row be solid, since they are exactly
    // on the pole
    float wscale = 1.0f / (buf.spec().width);
    for (int j = 0;  j <= 1;  ++j) {
        int y = (j==0) ? buf.ybegin() : buf.yend()-1;
        // use left for the sum, right for each new pixel
        for (int c = 0;  c < n;  ++c)
            left[c] = 0.0f;
        for (int x = buf.xbegin();  x < buf.xend();  ++x) {
            buf.getpixel (x, y, right);
            for (int c = 0;  c < n;  ++c)
                left[c] += right[c];
        for (int c = 0;  c < n;  ++c)
            left[c] += right[c];
        for (int c = 0;  c < n;  ++c)
            left[c] *= wscale;
        for (int x = buf.xbegin();  x < buf.xend();  ++x)
            buf.setpixel (x, y, left);

    // Make the left and right match, since they are both right on the
    // prime meridian.
    for (int y = buf.ybegin();  y < buf.yend();  ++y) {
        buf.getpixel (buf.xbegin(), y, left);
        buf.getpixel (buf.xend()-1, y, right);
        for (int c = 0;  c < n;  ++c)
            left[c] = 0.5f * left[c] + 0.5f * right[c];
        buf.setpixel (buf.xbegin(), y, left);
        buf.setpixel (buf.xend()-1, y, left);
// Tests ImageBufAlgo::isMonochrome
void test_isMonochrome ()
    std::cout << "test isMonochrome\n";
    const int WIDTH = 10, HEIGHT = 10, CHANNELS = 3;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec);
    const float col[CHANNELS] = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, col);

    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isMonochrome (A), true);

    // Now introduce a difference
    const float another[CHANNELS] = { 0.25, 0.25, 1 };
    A.setpixel (2, 2, 0, another, 3);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isMonochrome (A), false);

    // Make sure ROI works
    ROI roi (0, WIDTH, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, CHANNELS);  // should match for this ROI
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ImageBufAlgo::isMonochrome (A, roi), true);
Example #5
// Test ImageBuf::zero and ImageBuf::fill
void ImageBuf_zero_fill ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 6;
    const int CHANNELS = 4;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    spec.alpha_channel = 3;

    // Create a buffer -- pixels should be undefined
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    // Set a pixel to an odd value, make sure it takes
    const float arbitrary1[CHANNELS] = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
    A.setpixel (1, 1, arbitrary1);
    float pixel[CHANNELS];   // test pixel
    A.getpixel (1, 1, pixel);
    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary1[c]);

    // Zero out and test that it worked
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (A);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], 0.0f);

    // Test fill of whole image
    const float arbitrary2[CHANNELS] = { 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.9 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary2);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);

    // Test fill of partial image
    const float arbitrary3[CHANNELS] = { 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45 };
        const int xbegin = 3, xend = 5, ybegin = 0, yend = 4;
        ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary3, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend);
        for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
                float pixel[CHANNELS];
                A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
                if (j >= ybegin && j < yend && i >= xbegin && i < xend) {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary3[c]);
                } else {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);
Example #6
static void
test_texture3d (ustring filename)
    std::cerr << "Testing 3d texture " << filename << ", output = " 
              << output_filename << "\n";
    const int nchannels = 4;
    ImageSpec outspec (output_xres, output_yres, nchannels, TypeDesc::HALF);
    ImageBuf image (output_filename, outspec);
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (image);

    Imath::M33f scale;  scale.scale (Imath::V2f (0.5, 0.5));
    Imath::M33f rot;    rot.rotate (radians(30.0f));
    Imath::M33f trans;  trans.translate (Imath::V2f (0.35f, 0.15f));
    Imath::M33f xform = scale * rot * trans;

    TextureOptions opt;
    opt.sblur = blur;
    opt.tblur = blur;
    opt.rblur = blur;
    opt.swidth = width;
    opt.twidth = width;
    opt.rwidth = width;
    opt.nchannels = nchannels;
    float localfill = (fill >= 0 ? fill : 0.0f);
    opt.fill = localfill;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt.missingcolor.init ((float *)&missing, 0);

    opt.swrap = opt.twrap = opt.rwrap = TextureOptions::WrapPeriodic;
    int shadepoints = blocksize*blocksize;
    Imath::V3f *P = ALLOCA (Imath::V3f, shadepoints);
    Runflag *runflags = ALLOCA (Runflag, shadepoints);
    Imath::V3f *dPdx = ALLOCA (Imath::V3f, shadepoints);
    Imath::V3f *dPdy = ALLOCA (Imath::V3f, shadepoints);
    Imath::V3f *dPdz = ALLOCA (Imath::V3f, shadepoints);
    float *result = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints*nchannels);
    for (int iter = 0;  iter < iters;  ++iter) {
        // Iterate over blocks

        // Trick: switch to second texture, if given, for second iteration
        if (iter && filenames.size() > 1)
            filename = ustring (filenames[1]);

        for (int by = 0;  by < output_yres;  by+=blocksize) {
            for (int bx = 0;  bx < output_xres;  bx+=blocksize) {
                // Process pixels within a block.  First save the texture warp
                // (s,t) and derivatives into SIMD vectors.
                int idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (x < output_xres && y < output_yres) {
                            if (nowarp) {
                                P[idx][0] = (float)x/output_xres * sscale;
                                P[idx][1] = (float)y/output_yres * tscale;
                                P[idx][2] = 0.5f * sscale;
                                P[idx] += offset;
                                dPdx[idx][0] = 1.0f/output_xres * sscale;
                                dPdx[idx][1] = 0;
                                dPdx[idx][2] = 0;
                                dPdy[idx][0] = 0;
                                dPdy[idx][1] = 1.0f/output_yres * tscale;
                                dPdy[idx][2] = 0;
                                dPdz[idx].setValue (0,0,0);
                            } else {
                                Imath::V3f coord = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                                         0.5, xform);
                                coord.x *= sscale;
                                coord.y *= tscale;
                                coord += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordx = warp ((float)(x+1)/output_xres,
                                                          0.5, xform);
                                coordx.x *= sscale;
                                coordx.y *= tscale;
                                coordx += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordy = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                                          0.5, xform);
                                coordy.x *= sscale;
                                coordy.y *= tscale;
                                coordy += offset;
                                P[idx] = coord;
                                dPdx[idx] = coordx - coord;
                                dPdy[idx] = coordy - coord;
                                dPdz[idx].setValue (0,0,0);
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOn;
                        } else {
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOff;
                // Call the texture system to do the filtering.
                bool ok = texsys->texture3d (filename, opt, runflags, 0, shadepoints,
                                             Varying(P), Varying(dPdx),
                                             Varying(dPdy), Varying(dPdz),
                if (! ok) {
                    std::string e = texsys->geterror ();
                    if (! e.empty())
                        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e << "\n";
                for (int i = 0;  i < shadepoints*nchannels;  ++i)
                    result[i] *= scalefactor;

                // Save filtered pixels back to the image.
                idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (runflags[idx]) {
                            image.setpixel (x, y, result + idx*nchannels);
    if (! image.save ()) 
        std::cerr << "Error writing " << output_filename 
                  << " : " << image.geterror() << "\n";
Example #7
static void
test_plain_texture ()
    std::cerr << "Testing 2d texture " << filenames[0] << ", output = " 
              << output_filename << "\n";
    const int nchannels = 4;
    ImageSpec outspec (output_xres, output_yres, nchannels, TypeDesc::HALF);
    ImageBuf image (output_filename, outspec);
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (image);

    Imath::M33f scale;  scale.scale (Imath::V2f (0.5, 0.5));
    Imath::M33f rot;    rot.rotate (radians(30.0f));
    Imath::M33f trans;  trans.translate (Imath::V2f (0.35f, 0.15f));
    Imath::M33f xform = scale * rot * trans;

    TextureOptions opt;
    opt.sblur = blur;
    opt.tblur = blur;
    opt.swidth = width;
    opt.twidth = width;
    opt.nchannels = nchannels;
    float localfill = (fill >= 0.0f) ? fill : 1.0f;
    opt.fill = localfill;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt.missingcolor.init ((float *)&missing, 0);
//    opt.interpmode = TextureOptions::InterpSmartBicubic;
//    opt.mipmode = TextureOptions::MipModeAniso;
    opt.swrap = opt.twrap = TextureOptions::WrapPeriodic;
//    opt.twrap = TextureOptions::WrapBlack;

#if 1
    TextureOpt opt1;
    opt1.sblur = blur;
    opt1.tblur = blur;
    opt1.swidth = width;
    opt1.twidth = width;
    opt1.nchannels = nchannels;
    opt1.fill = localfill;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt1.missingcolor = (float *)&missing;
    opt1.swrap = opt1.twrap = TextureOpt::WrapPeriodic;

    int shadepoints = blocksize*blocksize;
    float *s = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *t = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    Runflag *runflags = ALLOCA (Runflag, shadepoints);
    float *dsdx = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dtdx = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dsdy = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dtdy = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *result = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints*nchannels);
    ustring filename = ustring (filenames[0]);
    TextureSystem::Perthread *perthread_info = texsys->get_perthread_info ();
    TextureSystem::TextureHandle *texture_handle = texsys->get_texture_handle (filename);

    for (int iter = 0;  iter < iters;  ++iter) {
        if (iters > 1 && filenames.size() > 1) {
            // Use a different filename for each iteration
            int texid = std::min (iter, (int)filenames.size()-1);
            filename = ustring (filenames[texid]);
            std::cerr << "iter " << iter << " file " << filename << "\n";

        // Iterate over blocks
        for (int by = 0, b = 0;  by < output_yres;  by+=blocksize) {
            for (int bx = 0;  bx < output_xres;  bx+=blocksize, ++b) {
                // Trick: switch to other textures on later iterations, if any
                if (iters == 1 && filenames.size() > 1) {
                    // Use a different filename from block to block
                    filename = ustring (filenames[b % (int)filenames.size()]);

                // Process pixels within a block.  First save the texture warp
                // (s,t) and derivatives into SIMD vectors.
                int idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (x < output_xres && y < output_yres) {
                            if (nowarp) {
                                s[idx] = (float)x/output_xres * sscale + offset[0];
                                t[idx] = (float)y/output_yres * tscale + offset[1];
                                dsdx[idx] = 1.0f/output_xres * sscale;
                                dtdx[idx] = 0;
                                dsdy[idx] = 0;
                                dtdy[idx] = 1.0f/output_yres * tscale;
                            } else {
                                Imath::V3f coord = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                coord.x *= sscale;
                                coord.y *= tscale;
                                coord += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordx = warp ((float)(x+1)/output_xres,
                                coordx.x *= sscale;
                                coordx.y *= tscale;
                                coordx += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordy = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                coordy.x *= sscale;
                                coordy.y *= tscale;
                                coordy += offset;
                                s[idx] = coord[0];
                                t[idx] = coord[1];
                                dsdx[idx] = coordx[0] - coord[0];
                                dtdx[idx] = coordx[1] - coord[1];
                                dsdy[idx] = coordy[0] - coord[0];
                                dtdy[idx] = coordy[1] - coord[1];
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOn;
                        } else {
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOff;

                // Call the texture system to do the filtering.
                bool ok;
                if (blocksize == 1) {
                    if (use_handle)
                        ok = texsys->texture (texture_handle, perthread_info, opt1,
                                              s[0], t[0], dsdx[0], dtdx[0],
                                              dsdy[0], dtdy[0], result);
                        ok = texsys->texture (filename, opt1,
                                              s[0], t[0], dsdx[0], dtdx[0],
                                              dsdy[0], dtdy[0], result);
                } else {
                    ok = texsys->texture (filename, opt, runflags, 0,
                                          shadepoints, Varying(s), Varying(t),
                                          Varying(dsdx), Varying(dtdx),
                                          Varying(dsdy), Varying(dtdy), result);
                if (! ok) {
                    std::string e = texsys->geterror ();
                    if (! e.empty())
                        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e << "\n";
                for (int i = 0;  i < shadepoints*nchannels;  ++i)
                    result[i] *= scalefactor;

                // Save filtered pixels back to the image.
                idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (runflags[idx]) {
                            image.setpixel (x, y, result + idx*nchannels);
    if (! image.save ()) 
        std::cerr << "Error writing " << output_filename 
                  << " : " << image.geterror() << "\n";
Example #8
setNbChannels(ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &src, int numChannels)
    // Not intended to create 0-channel images.
    if (numChannels <= 0)
        return false;
    // If we dont have a single source channel,
    // hard to know how big to make the additional channels
    if (src.spec().nchannels == 0)
        return false;
    if (numChannels == src.spec().nchannels) {
        dst = src;
        return true;
    // Update the ImageSpec
    // (should this be moved to a helper function in the imagespec.h?
    ImageSpec dst_spec = src.spec();
    dst_spec.nchannels = numChannels;
    if (numChannels < src.spec().nchannels) {
        // Reduce the number of formats, and names, if needed
        if (static_cast<int>(dst_spec.channelformats.size()) == src.spec().nchannels)
        if (static_cast<int>(dst_spec.channelnames.size()) == src.spec().nchannels)
        if (dst_spec.alpha_channel < numChannels-1) {
            dst_spec.alpha_channel = -1;
        if (dst_spec.z_channel < numChannels-1) {
            dst_spec.z_channel = -1;
    } else {
        // Increase the number of formats, and names, if needed
        if (static_cast<int>(dst_spec.channelformats.size()) == src.spec().nchannels) {
            for (int c = dst_spec.channelnames.size();  c < numChannels;  ++c) {
        if (static_cast<int>(dst_spec.channelnames.size()) == src.spec().nchannels) {
            for (int c = dst_spec.channelnames.size();  c < numChannels;  ++c) {
                dst_spec.channelnames.push_back (Strutil::format("channel%d", c));
    // Update the image (realloc with the new spec)
    dst.alloc (dst_spec);
    std::vector<float> pixel(numChannels, 0.0f);
    // Walk though the data window. I.e., the crop window in a small image
    // or the overscanned area in a large image.
    for (int k = dst_spec.z; k < dst_spec.z+dst_spec.depth; k++) {
        for (int j = dst_spec.y; j < dst_spec.y+dst_spec.height; j++) {
            for (int i = dst_spec.x; i < dst_spec.x+dst_spec.width; i++) {
                src.getpixel (i, j, k, &pixel[0], numChannels);
                dst.setpixel (i, j, k, &pixel[0], numChannels);
    return true;
Example #9

ImageBufAlgo::from_IplImage (ImageBuf &dst, const IplImage *ipl,
                             TypeDesc convert)
    if (! ipl) {
        DASSERT (0 && "ImageBufAlgo::fromIplImage called with NULL ipl");
        dst.error ("Passed NULL source IplImage");
        return false;
    TypeDesc srcformat;
    switch (ipl->depth) {
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_8U) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::UINT8;  break;
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_8S) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::INT8;  break;
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_16U) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::UINT16;  break;
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_16S) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::INT16;  break;
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_32F) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::FLOAT;  break;
    case int(IPL_DEPTH_64F) :
        srcformat = TypeDesc::DOUBLE;  break;
        DASSERT (0 && "unknown IplImage type");
        dst.error ("Unsupported IplImage depth %d", (int)ipl->depth);
        return false;

    TypeDesc dstformat = (convert != TypeDesc::UNKNOWN) ? convert : srcformat;
    ImageSpec spec (ipl->width, ipl->height, ipl->nChannels, dstformat);
    // N.B. The OpenCV headers say that ipl->alphaChannel,
    // ipl->colorModel, and ipl->channelSeq are ignored by OpenCV.

    if (ipl->dataOrder != IPL_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL) {
        // We don't handle separate color channels, and OpenCV doesn't either
        dst.error ("Unsupported IplImage data order %d", (int)ipl->dataOrder);
        return false;

    dst.reset (dst.name(), spec);
    size_t pixelsize = srcformat.size()*spec.nchannels;
    // Account for the origin in the line step size, to end up with the
    // standard OIIO origin-at-upper-left:
    size_t linestep = ipl->origin ? -ipl->widthStep : ipl->widthStep;
    // Block copy and convert
    convert_image (spec.nchannels, spec.width, spec.height, 1,
                   ipl->imageData, srcformat,
                   pixelsize, linestep, 0,
                   dst.pixeladdr(0,0), dstformat,
                   spec.pixel_bytes(), spec.scanline_bytes(), 0);
    // FIXME - honor dataOrder.  I'm not sure if it is ever used by
    // OpenCV.  Fix when it becomes a problem.

    // OpenCV uses BGR ordering
    // FIXME: what do they do with alpha?
    if (spec.nchannels >= 3) {
        float pixel[4];
        for (int y = 0;  y < spec.height;  ++y) {
            for (int x = 0;  x < spec.width;  ++x) {
                dst.getpixel (x, y, pixel, 4);
                float tmp = pixel[0];  pixel[0] = pixel[2]; pixel[2] = tmp;
                dst.setpixel (x, y, pixel, 4);
    // FIXME -- the copy and channel swap should happen all as one loop,
    // probably templated by type.

    return true;
    dst.error ("fromIplImage not supported -- no OpenCV support at compile time");
    return false;
Example #10
static void
test_plain_texture ()
    std::cerr << "Testing 2d texture " << filenames[0] << ", output = " 
              << output_filename << "\n";
    const int nchannels = 4;
    ImageSpec outspec (output_xres, output_yres, nchannels, TypeDesc::HALF);
    if (! dataformatname.empty()) {
        if (dataformatname == "uint8")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::UINT8);
        else if (dataformatname == "int8")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::INT8);
        else if (dataformatname == "uint10") {
            outspec.attribute ("oiio:BitsPerSample", 10);
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::UINT16);
        else if (dataformatname == "uint12") {
            outspec.attribute ("oiio:BitsPerSample", 12);
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::UINT16);
        else if (dataformatname == "uint16")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::UINT16);
        else if (dataformatname == "int16")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::INT16);
        else if (dataformatname == "half")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::HALF);
        else if (dataformatname == "float")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::FLOAT);
        else if (dataformatname == "double")
            outspec.set_format (TypeDesc::DOUBLE);
        outspec.channelformats.clear ();
    ImageBuf image (output_filename, outspec);
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (image);

    Imath::M33f scale;  scale.scale (Imath::V2f (0.5, 0.5));
    Imath::M33f rot;    rot.rotate (radians(30.0f));
    Imath::M33f trans;  trans.translate (Imath::V2f (0.35f, 0.15f));
    Imath::M33f xform = scale * rot * trans;

    TextureOptions opt;
    opt.sblur = blur;
    opt.tblur = blur;
    opt.swidth = width;
    opt.twidth = width;
    opt.nchannels = nchannels;
    float localfill = (fill >= 0.0f) ? fill : 1.0f;
    opt.fill = localfill;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt.missingcolor.init ((float *)&missing, 0);
//    opt.interpmode = TextureOptions::InterpSmartBicubic;
//    opt.mipmode = TextureOptions::MipModeAniso;
    TextureOptions::parse_wrapmodes (wrapmodes.c_str(), opt.swrap, opt.twrap);

    TextureOpt opt1;
    opt1.sblur = blur;
    opt1.tblur = blur;
    opt1.swidth = width;
    opt1.twidth = width;
    opt1.nchannels = nchannels;
    opt1.fill = localfill;
    if (missing[0] >= 0)
        opt1.missingcolor = (float *)&missing;
    TextureOpt::parse_wrapmodes (wrapmodes.c_str(), opt1.swrap, opt1.twrap);

    int shadepoints = blocksize*blocksize;
    float *s = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *t = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    Runflag *runflags = ALLOCA (Runflag, shadepoints);
    float *dsdx = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dtdx = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dsdy = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *dtdy = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints);
    float *result = ALLOCA (float, shadepoints*nchannels);
    ustring filename = ustring (filenames[0]);
    TextureSystem::Perthread *perthread_info = texsys->get_perthread_info ();
    TextureSystem::TextureHandle *texture_handle = texsys->get_texture_handle (filename);

    for (int iter = 0;  iter < iters;  ++iter) {
        if (iters > 1 && filenames.size() > 1) {
            // Use a different filename for each iteration
            int texid = std::min (iter, (int)filenames.size()-1);
            filename = ustring (filenames[texid]);
            std::cerr << "iter " << iter << " file " << filename << "\n";

        // Iterate over blocks
        for (int by = 0, b = 0;  by < output_yres;  by+=blocksize) {
            for (int bx = 0;  bx < output_xres;  bx+=blocksize, ++b) {
                // Trick: switch to other textures on later iterations, if any
                if (iters == 1 && filenames.size() > 1) {
                    // Use a different filename from block to block
                    filename = ustring (filenames[b % (int)filenames.size()]);

                // Process pixels within a block.  First save the texture warp
                // (s,t) and derivatives into SIMD vectors.
                int idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (x < output_xres && y < output_yres) {
                            if (nowarp) {
                                s[idx] = (float)x/output_xres * sscale + offset[0];
                                t[idx] = (float)y/output_yres * tscale + offset[1];
                                dsdx[idx] = 1.0f/output_xres * sscale;
                                dtdx[idx] = 0;
                                dsdy[idx] = 0;
                                dtdy[idx] = 1.0f/output_yres * tscale;
                            } else if (tube) {
                                float xt = float(x)/output_xres - 0.5f;
                                float dxt_dx = 1.0f/output_xres;
                                float yt = float(y)/output_yres - 0.5f;
                                float dyt_dy = 1.0f/output_yres;
                                float theta = atan2f (yt, xt);
                                // See OSL's Dual2 for partial derivs of
                                // atan2, hypot, and 1/x
                                float denom = 1.0f / (xt*xt + yt*yt);
                                float dtheta_dx = yt*dxt_dx * denom;
                                float dtheta_dy = -xt*dyt_dy * denom;
                                s[idx] = 4.0f * theta / (2.0f * M_PI);
                                dsdx[idx] = 4.0f * dtheta_dx / (2.0f * M_PI);
                                dsdy[idx] = 4.0f * dtheta_dy / (2.0f * M_PI);
                                float h = hypot(xt,yt);
                                float dh_dx = xt*dxt_dx / h;
                                float dh_dy = yt*dyt_dy / h;
                                h *= M_SQRT2;
                                dh_dx *= M_SQRT2; dh_dy *= M_SQRT2;
                                float hinv = 1.0f / h;
                                t[idx] = hinv;
                                dtdx[idx] = hinv * (-hinv * dh_dx);
                                dtdy[idx] = hinv * (-hinv * dh_dy);
                            } else {
                                Imath::V3f coord = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                coord.x *= sscale;
                                coord.y *= tscale;
                                coord += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordx = warp ((float)(x+1)/output_xres,
                                coordx.x *= sscale;
                                coordx.y *= tscale;
                                coordx += offset;
                                Imath::V3f coordy = warp ((float)x/output_xres,
                                coordy.x *= sscale;
                                coordy.y *= tscale;
                                coordy += offset;
                                s[idx] = coord[0];
                                t[idx] = coord[1];
                                dsdx[idx] = coordx[0] - coord[0];
                                dtdx[idx] = coordx[1] - coord[1];
                                dsdy[idx] = coordy[0] - coord[0];
                                dtdy[idx] = coordy[1] - coord[1];
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOn;
                        } else {
                            runflags[idx] = RunFlagOff;

                // Call the texture system to do the filtering.
                bool ok;
                if (blocksize == 1) {
                    if (use_handle)
                        ok = texsys->texture (texture_handle, perthread_info, opt1,
                                              s[0], t[0], dsdx[0], dtdx[0],
                                              dsdy[0], dtdy[0], result);
                        ok = texsys->texture (filename, opt1,
                                              s[0], t[0], dsdx[0], dtdx[0],
                                              dsdy[0], dtdy[0], result);
                } else {
                    ok = texsys->texture (filename, opt, runflags, 0,
                                          shadepoints, Varying(s), Varying(t),
                                          Varying(dsdx), Varying(dtdx),
                                          Varying(dsdy), Varying(dtdy), result);
                if (! ok) {
                    std::string e = texsys->geterror ();
                    if (! e.empty())
                        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e << "\n";
                for (int i = 0;  i < shadepoints*nchannels;  ++i)
                    result[i] *= scalefactor;

                // Save filtered pixels back to the image.
                idx = 0;
                for (int y = by; y < by+blocksize; ++y) {
                    for (int x = bx; x < bx+blocksize; ++x) {
                        if (runflags[idx]) {
                            image.setpixel (x, y, result + idx*nchannels);

        if (resetstats) {
            std::cout << texsys->getstats(2) << "\n";
            texsys->reset_stats ();
    if (! image.save ()) 
        std::cerr << "Error writing " << output_filename 
                  << " : " << image.geterror() << "\n";
Example #11
ImageBufAlgo::colorconvert (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &src,
    const ColorProcessor* processor,
    bool unpremult)
    // If the processor is NULL, return false (error)
    if (!processor)
        return false;
    ImageSpec dstspec = dst.spec();
    std::vector<float> scanline(dstspec.width*4, 0.0f);
    // Only process up to, and including, the first 4 channels.
    // This does let us process images with fewer than 4 channels, which is the intent
    // FIXME: Instead of loading the first 4 channels, obey dstspec.alpha_channel index
    //        (but first validate that the index is set properly for normal formats)
    int channelsToCopy = std::min (4, dstspec.nchannels);
    // Walk through all data in our buffer. (i.e., crop or overscan)
    // FIXME: What about the display window?  Should this actually promote
    // the datawindow to be union of data + display? This is useful if
    // the color of black moves.  (In which case non-zero sections should
    // now be promoted).  Consider the lin->log of a roto element, where
    // black now moves to non-black
    // FIXME: Use the ImageBuf::ConstIterator<T,T> s (src);   s.isValid()
    // idiom for traversal instead, to allow for more efficient tile access
    // iteration order
    float * dstPtr = NULL;
    const float fltmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
    for (int k = dstspec.z; k < dstspec.z+dstspec.depth; k++) {
        for (int j = dstspec.y; j <  dstspec.y+dstspec.height; j++) {
            // Load the scanline
            dstPtr = &scanline[0];
            for (int i = dstspec.x; i < dstspec.x+dstspec.width ; i++) {
                src.getpixel (i, j, dstPtr, channelsToCopy);
                dstPtr += 4;
            // Optionally unpremult
            if ((channelsToCopy>=4) && unpremult) {
                float alpha = 0.0;
                for (int i=0; i<dstspec.width; ++i) {
                    alpha = scanline[4*i+3];
                    if (alpha > fltmin) {
                        scanline[4*i+0] /= alpha;
                        scanline[4*i+1] /= alpha;
                        scanline[4*i+2] /= alpha;
            // Apply the color transformation in place
            // This is always an rgba float image, due to the conversion above.
            for(int i=0; i<dstspec.width; ++i)
                scanline[4*i+0] = (*processor->t2)((*processor->t1)(scanline[4*i+0]));
                scanline[4*i+1] = (*processor->t2)((*processor->t1)(scanline[4*i+1]));
                scanline[4*i+2] = (*processor->t2)((*processor->t1)(scanline[4*i+2]));
            // Optionally premult
            if ((channelsToCopy>=4) && unpremult) {
                float alpha = 0.0;
                for (int i=0; i<dstspec.width; ++i) {
                    alpha = scanline[4*i+3];
                    if (alpha > fltmin) {
                        scanline[4*i+0] *= alpha;
                        scanline[4*i+1] *= alpha;
                        scanline[4*i+2] *= alpha;
            // Store the scanline
            dstPtr = &scanline[0];
            for (int i = dstspec.x; i < dstspec.x+dstspec.width ; i++) {
                dst.setpixel (i, j, dstPtr, channelsToCopy);
                dstPtr += 4;
    return true;