Example #1
ImageWrapper * ImageFactory::newOrReuseImage()
    int total = 1 + (Config::enablePreReading() ? 1 : 0) + CacheNumber;

    ImageWrapper *image;
    if(list.size() < total){
        image = new ImageWrapper();
        image = list.at(total - 1);
        list.removeAt(total - 1);
        waitForImageReady(image); // Without this, it will be crashed if more than one thread run image.load().

    return image;
Example #2
v8::Handle<v8::Object> ImageWrapper::WrapImage(v8::Isolate* isolate, const Dali::Image& image, ImageType imageType )
    v8::EscapableHandleScope handleScope( isolate );
    v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> objectTemplate;

    objectTemplate = GetImageTemplate( isolate, imageType);

    // create an instance of the template
    v8::Local<v8::Object> localObject = objectTemplate->NewInstance();

    // create the Image wrapper
    ImageWrapper* pointer =  new ImageWrapper( image, Dali::V8Plugin::DaliWrapper::Get().GetDaliGarbageCollector() );

    // assign the JavaScript object to the wrapper.
    // This also stores the Image object, in an internal field inside the JavaScript object.
    pointer->SetJavascriptObject( isolate, localObject );

    return handleScope.Escape( localObject );
Example #3
bool ImageSegmenter::_generateRaw( const ImageWrapper& image,
                                   const Handler& handler ) const
    const SegmentParametersList& paramList = _generateSegmentParameters( image );

    // resulting Raw segments
    for( SegmentParametersList::const_iterator it = paramList.begin();
            it != paramList.end(); ++it )
        Segment segment;
        segment.parameters = *it;
        segment.imageData.reserve( segment.parameters.width *
                                   segment.parameters.height *
                                   image.getBytesPerPixel( ));

        if( paramList.size() == 1 )
            // If we are not segmenting the image, just append the image data
            segment.imageData.append( (const char*)image.data,
                                      int(image.getBufferSize( )));
        else // Copy the image subregion
            // assume imageBuffer isn't padded
            const size_t imagePitch = image.width * image.getBytesPerPixel();
            const size_t offset = segment.parameters.y * imagePitch +
                                  segment.parameters.x * image.getBytesPerPixel();
            const char* lineData = (const char*)image.data + offset;

            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < segment.parameters.height; ++i )
                segment.imageData.append( lineData, segment.parameters.width *
                                          image.getBytesPerPixel( ));
                lineData += imagePitch;

        if( !handler( segment ))
            return false;

    return true;
Example #4
QByteArray ImageJpegCompressor::computeJpeg(const ImageWrapper& sourceImage,
                                            const QRect& imageRegion)
    // tjCompress API is incorrect and takes a non-const input buffer, even
    // though it does not modify it. It can "safely" be cast to non-const
    // pointer to comply to the incorrect API.
    unsigned char* tjSrcBuffer = (unsigned char*)sourceImage.data;
    tjSrcBuffer +=
        imageRegion.y() * sourceImage.width * sourceImage.getBytesPerPixel();
    tjSrcBuffer += imageRegion.x() * sourceImage.getBytesPerPixel();

    const int tjWidth = imageRegion.width();
    // assume imageBuffer isn't padded
    const int tjPitch = sourceImage.width * sourceImage.getBytesPerPixel();
    const int tjHeight = imageRegion.height();
    const int tjPixelFormat = getTurboJpegFormat(sourceImage.pixelFormat);
    unsigned char* tjJpegBuf = 0;
    unsigned long tjJpegSize = 0;
    const int tjJpegSubsamp = TJSAMP_444;
    const int tjJpegQual = sourceImage.compressionQuality;
    const int tjFlags = 0; // or: TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP

    int err = tjCompress2(_tjHandle, tjSrcBuffer, tjWidth, tjPitch, tjHeight,
                          tjPixelFormat, &tjJpegBuf, &tjJpegSize, tjJpegSubsamp,
                          tjJpegQual, tjFlags);
    if (err != 0)
        std::cerr << "libjpeg-turbo image conversion failure" << std::endl;
        return QByteArray();

    // move the JPEG buffer to a byte array
    const QByteArray jpegData((char*)tjJpegBuf, tjJpegSize);

    // free the libjpeg-turbo allocated memory

    return jpegData;