Example #1
void DBController::remove(const char* db, const char* ns, const char* documentId, const char* revision, const BSONObj* options) {
	if (_logger->isDebug()) _logger->debug(2, "DBController::update db: %s, ns: %s, documentId: %s, revision: %s", db, ns, documentId, revision);
	StreamType* streamData = StreamManager::getStreamManager()->open(db, ns, DATA_FTYPE);

	IndexAlgorithm* impl = IndexFactory::indexFactory.index(db, ns, "_id");

	BSONObj indexBSON;
	indexBSON.add("_id", documentId);
	Index* index = impl->find(&indexBSON);
	if (index != NULL) {

		// TODO check the revision id
		StreamType* out = StreamManager::getStreamManager()->open(db, ns, DATA_FTYPE);

		long currentPos = out->currentPos();


		BSONObj* obj = readBSON(out);
		obj->add("_status", 2); // DELETED

		// Get back to the record start
		writeBSON(out, obj);

		// restores the last position

		//std::string id = obj->getDJString("_id");

		delete obj;
Example #2
Index* DBController::findIndex(const char* db, const char* ns, BSONObj* bson) {
	IndexAlgorithm* impl = IndexFactory::indexFactory.index(db, ns, "_id");

	BSONObj indexBSON;
	indexBSON.add("_id", (const char*)bson->getDJString("_id"));
	Index* index = impl->find(&indexBSON);

	return index;
Example #3
BSONArrayObj* DBController::find(const char* db, const char* ns, const char* select, const char* filter, const BSONObj* options) throw(ParseException) {
	if (_logger->isDebug()) _logger->debug(2, "DBController::find db: %s, ns: %s, select: %s, filter: %s", db, ns, select, filter);

	BSONArrayObj* result;

	FilterParser* parser = FilterParser::parse(filter);

	std::set<std::string> tokens = parser->tokens();

	if (IndexFactory::indexFactory.containsIndex(db, ns, tokens)) {
		IndexAlgorithm* impl = IndexFactory::indexFactory.index(db, ns, tokens);

		std::list<Index*> elements = impl->find(parser);

		std::string filedir = _dataDir + db;
		filedir = filedir + FILESEPARATOR;

		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << filedir << ns << ".dat";

		std::string filename = ss.str();
		result = new BSONArrayObj();
		FileInputStream* fis = new FileInputStream(filename.c_str(), "rb");
		DBFileInputStream* dbStream = new DBFileInputStream(fis);

		BSONInputStream* bis = new BSONInputStream(dbStream);
		for (std::list<Index*>::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++) {
			Index* index = *it;

			long posData = index->posData;

			BSONObj* obj = bis->readBSON(select);


			delete obj;
		delete bis;
		delete dbStream;

	} else {
		result = findFullScan(db, ns, select, parser, options);

	delete parser;
	return result;