Example #1
void CRSIndexMatrix::full2CRS(IndexMatrix &A){
	int nz = 0;     //count non-zero elements
	int idx = 0;    //data index

	/* *** count number of non-zero entries */
	for(int i=0;i<A.numRows();i++)
    for(int j=0;j<A.numCols();j++)
	/* *** initialize private variables */
	_rows = A.numRows();
	_cols = A.numCols();
	_nonZeros = nz;
	delete[] _data;
	delete []_colindex;
	_data     = new int[nz];
	_colindex = new int[nz];
	_rowptr   = new int[_rows+1];

	/* *** fill _rowptr,_colindex,_data */
	for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){
    _rowptr[i] = idx;
    for(int j=0; j<_cols;j++){
            _data[idx] =  A(i,j);
            _colindex[idx]= j;
	_rowptr[_rows]= nz;
Example #2
	void NearestNeighbourSearch<T, CloudType>::checkSizesKnn(const Matrix& query, const IndexMatrix& indices, const Matrix& dists2, const Index k, const unsigned optionFlags, const Vector* maxRadii) const
		const bool allowSelfMatch(optionFlags & NearestNeighbourSearch<T, CloudType>::ALLOW_SELF_MATCH);
		if (allowSelfMatch)
			if (k > cloud.cols())
				throw runtime_error((boost::format("Requesting more points (%1%) than available in cloud (%2%)") % k % cloud.cols()).str());
			if (k > cloud.cols()-1)
				throw runtime_error((boost::format("Requesting more points (%1%) than available in cloud minus 1 (%2%) (as self match is forbidden)") % k % (cloud.cols()-1)).str());
		if (query.rows() < dim)
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Query has less dimensions (%1%) than requested for cloud (%2%)") % query.rows() % dim).str());
		if (indices.rows() != k)
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Index matrix has a different number of rows (%1%) than k (%2%)") % indices.rows() % k).str());
		if (indices.cols() != query.cols())
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Index matrix has a different number of columns (%1%) than query (%2%)") % indices.rows() % query.cols()).str());
		if (dists2.rows() != k)
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Distance matrix has a different number of rows (%1%) than k (%2%)") % dists2.rows() % k).str());
		if (dists2.cols() != query.cols())
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Distance matrix has a different number of columns (%1%) than query (%2%)") % dists2.rows() % query.cols()).str());
		if (maxRadii && (maxRadii->size() != query.cols()))
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("Maximum radii vector has not the same length (%1%) than query has columns (%2%)") % maxRadii->size() % k).str());
		const unsigned maxOptionFlagsValue(ALLOW_SELF_MATCH|SORT_RESULTS);
		if (optionFlags > maxOptionFlagsValue)
			throw runtime_error((boost::format("OR-ed value of option flags (%1%) is larger than maximal valid value (%2%)") % optionFlags % maxOptionFlagsValue).str());
Example #3
/* *** convert routines ***********************************************************************************/
void CRSIndexMatrix::CRS2full(IndexMatrix& A){	
	/* *** initialize and fill  matrix */	
	for (int j=0;j<_rows;j++)
		for(int k=_rowptr[j] ;k<_rowptr[j+1];k++)
Example #4
	unsigned long BruteForceSearch<T>::knn(const Matrix& query, IndexMatrix& indices, Matrix& dists2, const Vector& maxRadii, const Index k, const T epsilon, const unsigned optionFlags) const
		checkSizesKnn(query, indices, dists2, k, optionFlags, &maxRadii);
		const bool allowSelfMatch(optionFlags & NearestNeighbourSearch<T>::ALLOW_SELF_MATCH);
		const bool sortResults(optionFlags & NearestNeighbourSearch<T>::SORT_RESULTS);
		const bool collectStatistics(creationOptionFlags & NearestNeighbourSearch<T>::TOUCH_STATISTICS);
		IndexHeapSTL<Index, T> heap(k);
		for (int c = 0; c < query.cols(); ++c)
			const T maxRadius(maxRadii[c]);
			const T maxRadius2(maxRadius * maxRadius);
			const Vector& q(query.block(0,c,dim,1));
			for (int i = 0; i < this->cloud.cols(); ++i)
				const T dist(dist2<T>(this->cloud.block(0,i,dim,1), q));
				if ((dist <= maxRadius2) &&
					(dist < heap.headValue()) &&
					(allowSelfMatch || (dist > numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())))
					heap.replaceHead(i, dist);
			if (sortResults)
			heap.getData(indices.col(c), dists2.col(c));
		if (collectStatistics)
			return (unsigned long)query.cols() * (unsigned long)this->cloud.cols();
			return 0;
Example #5
void CRSIndexMatrix::writeFull(std::string filename){
	/* *** convert to full and print */
	IndexMatrix A;
Example #6
	unsigned long OpenCLSearch<T>::knn(const Matrix& query, IndexMatrix& indices, Matrix& dists2, const Index k, const T epsilon, const unsigned optionFlags, const T maxRadius) const
		checkSizesKnn(query, indices, dists2, k);
		const bool collectStatistics(creationOptionFlags & NearestNeighbourSearch<T>::TOUCH_STATISTICS);
		// check K
		if (k > MAX_K)
			throw runtime_error("number of neighbors too large for OpenCL");
		// check consistency of query wrt cloud
		if (query.stride() != cloud.stride() ||
			query.rows() != cloud.rows())
			throw runtime_error("query is not of the same dimensionality as the point cloud");
		// map query
		if (!(query.Flags & Eigen::DirectAccessBit) || (query.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit))
			throw runtime_error("wrong memory mapping in query data");
		const size_t queryCLSize(query.cols() * query.stride() * sizeof(T));
		cl::Buffer queryCL(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, queryCLSize, const_cast<T*>(&query.coeff(0,0)));
		knnKernel.setArg(1, sizeof(cl_mem), &queryCL);
		// map indices
		assert((indices.Flags & Eigen::DirectAccessBit) && (!(indices.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit)));
		const int indexStride(indices.stride());
		const size_t indicesCLSize(indices.cols() * indexStride * sizeof(int));
		cl::Buffer indicesCL(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, indicesCLSize, &indices.coeffRef(0,0));
		knnKernel.setArg(2, sizeof(cl_mem), &indicesCL);
		// map dists2
		assert((dists2.Flags & Eigen::DirectAccessBit) && (!(dists2.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit)));
		const int dists2Stride(dists2.stride());
		const size_t dists2CLSize(dists2.cols() * dists2Stride * sizeof(T));
		cl::Buffer dists2CL(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, dists2CLSize, &dists2.coeffRef(0,0));
		knnKernel.setArg(3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dists2CL);
		// set resulting parameters
		knnKernel.setArg(4, k);
		knnKernel.setArg(5, (1 + epsilon)*(1 + epsilon));
		knnKernel.setArg(6, maxRadius*maxRadius);
		knnKernel.setArg(7, optionFlags);
		knnKernel.setArg(8, indexStride);
		knnKernel.setArg(9, dists2Stride);
		knnKernel.setArg(10, cl_uint(cloud.cols()));
		// if required, map visit count
		vector<cl_uint> visitCounts;
		const size_t visitCountCLSize(query.cols() * sizeof(cl_uint));
		cl::Buffer visitCountCL;
		if (collectStatistics)
			visitCountCL = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, visitCountCLSize, &visitCounts[0]);
			knnKernel.setArg(11, sizeof(cl_mem), &visitCountCL);
		// execute query
		queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(knnKernel, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(query.cols()), cl::NullRange);
		queue.enqueueMapBuffer(indicesCL, true, CL_MAP_READ, 0, indicesCLSize, 0, 0);
		queue.enqueueMapBuffer(dists2CL, true, CL_MAP_READ, 0, dists2CLSize, 0, 0);
		if (collectStatistics)
			queue.enqueueMapBuffer(visitCountCL, true, CL_MAP_READ, 0, visitCountCLSize, 0, 0);
		// if required, collect statistics
		if (collectStatistics)
			unsigned long totalVisitCounts(0);
			for (size_t i = 0; i < visitCounts.size(); ++i)
				totalVisitCounts += (unsigned long)visitCounts[i];
			return totalVisitCounts;
			return 0;