// BK> all test functions are the same except RAMDirectory constructor, so shared code moved here
void checkDir(CuTest *tc, MockRAMDirectory * ramDir) {

    // Check size
    CuAssertTrue(tc, ramDir->sizeInBytes == ramDir->getRecomputedSizeInBytes(), _T("RAMDir size"));

    // open reader to test document count
    IndexReader * reader = IndexReader::open(ramDir);
    CuAssertEquals(tc, docsToAdd, reader->numDocs(), _T("document count"));

    // open search to check if all doc's are there
    IndexSearcher * searcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher(reader);

    // search for all documents
    Document doc;
    for (int i = 0; i < docsToAdd; i++) {
        searcher->doc(i, doc);
        CuAssertTrue(tc, doc.getField(_T("content")) != NULL, _T("content is NULL"));

    // cleanup
Example #2
void searchPhrase(IndexSearcher &is, const string &qStr, bool fuzzy) {

	string queryString = qStr;
	BoolAnalyzer analyzer;
	const Query *pQuery1 = QueryParser::parsePhrase(
			analyzer, fuzzy);
	Query *pQuery2 = QueryParser::parsePhrase(
			analyzer, fuzzy);

	const Query *query = new OrQuery(*pQuery1, *pQuery2);
	cout << "Inner Query:  " << query->toString() << endl;
	vector<ScoreDoc> scoreDocs = is.search(*query);
	cout << "Hit Numbers:  " << scoreDocs.size() << endl;
	cout << "Hit Documents:" << endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < scoreDocs.size(); i ++) {
		fprintf(stdout, "%4ld. #%-4ld ", i + 1, scoreDocs[i].id());
		cout << is.doc(scoreDocs[i].id()).toString() << endl;
	delete query;