Example #1
void GraphBuilder::visitInsertValueInst(InsertValueInst& I) {
  setDestTo(I, createNode()->setAllocaMarker());

  Type *StoredTy = I.getInsertedValueOperand()->getType();
  DSNodeHandle Dest = getValueDest(&I);

  // Mark that the node is written to...
  unsigned Offset = 0;
  Type* STy = I.getAggregateOperand()->getType();
  llvm::InsertValueInst::idx_iterator i = I.idx_begin(), e = I.idx_end(); 
  for (; i != e; i++) {
    const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(cast<StructType>(STy));
    Offset += SL->getElementOffset(*i);
    STy = (cast<StructType>(STy))->getTypeAtIndex(*i);

  // Ensure a type-record exists...
  Dest.getNode()->mergeTypeInfo(StoredTy, Offset); 

  // Avoid adding edges from null, or processing non-"pointer" stores
  if (isa<PointerType>(StoredTy))
Example #2
bool CallAnalyzer::visitInsertValue(InsertValueInst &I) {
  // Constant folding for insert value is trivial.
  Constant *AggC = dyn_cast<Constant>(I.getAggregateOperand());
  if (!AggC)
    AggC = SimplifiedValues.lookup(I.getAggregateOperand());
  Constant *InsertedC = dyn_cast<Constant>(I.getInsertedValueOperand());
  if (!InsertedC)
    InsertedC = SimplifiedValues.lookup(I.getInsertedValueOperand());
  if (AggC && InsertedC) {
    SimplifiedValues[&I] = ConstantExpr::getInsertValue(AggC, InsertedC,
    return true;

  // SROA can look through these but give them a cost.
  return false;
Example #3
// Method: runOnModule()
// Description:
//  Entry point for this LLVM pass. Search for insertvalue instructions
//  that can be simplified.
// Inputs:
//  M - A reference to the LLVM module to transform.
// Outputs:
//  M - The transformed LLVM module.
// Return value:
// true  - The module was modified.
// false - The module was not modified.
bool SimplifyIV::runOnModule(Module& M) {
  // Repeat till no change
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    std::vector<StoreInst*> worklist;
    for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
      for (Function::iterator B = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); B != FE; ++B) {      
        for (BasicBlock::iterator I = B->begin(), BE = B->end(); I != BE;) {
          InsertValueInst *IV = dyn_cast<InsertValueInst>(I++);
          // Find all insert value instructions.
          // Check that its only use is a StoreInst
          StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(*(IV->use_begin()));
          // Check that it is the stored value
          if(SI->getOperand(0) != IV)
          changed = true;
          do {
            // replace by a series of gep/stores
            SmallVector<Value*, 8> Indices;
            Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
            for (InsertValueInst::idx_iterator I = IV->idx_begin(), E = IV->idx_end();
                 I != E; ++I) {
              Indices.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, *I));
            GetElementPtrInst *GEP = GetElementPtrInst::CreateInBounds(SI->getOperand(1), Indices,
                                                                       SI->getName(), SI) ;
            new StoreInst(IV->getInsertedValueOperand(), GEP, SI);
            IV = dyn_cast<InsertValueInst>(IV->getAggregateOperand());

          } while(IV);
    while(!worklist.empty()) {
      StoreInst *SI = worklist.back();
  } while(changed);
  return (numErased > 0);
// This is the recursive version of BuildSubAggregate. It takes a few different
// arguments. Idxs is the index within the nested struct From that we are
// looking at now (which is of type IndexedType). IdxSkip is the number of
// indices from Idxs that should be left out when inserting into the resulting
// struct. To is the result struct built so far, new insertvalue instructions
// build on that.
Value *BuildSubAggregate(Value *From, Value* To, const Type *IndexedType,
                                 SmallVector<unsigned, 10> &Idxs,
                                 unsigned IdxSkip,
                                 Instruction *InsertBefore) {
  const llvm::StructType *STy = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(IndexedType);
  if (STy) {
    // Save the original To argument so we can modify it
    Value *OrigTo = To;
    // General case, the type indexed by Idxs is a struct
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
      // Process each struct element recursively
      Value *PrevTo = To;
      To = BuildSubAggregate(From, To, STy->getElementType(i), Idxs, IdxSkip,
      if (!To) {
        // Couldn't find any inserted value for this index? Cleanup
        while (PrevTo != OrigTo) {
          InsertValueInst* Del = cast<InsertValueInst>(PrevTo);
          PrevTo = Del->getAggregateOperand();
        // Stop processing elements
    // If we succesfully found a value for each of our subaggregates 
    if (To)
      return To;
  // Base case, the type indexed by SourceIdxs is not a struct, or not all of
  // the struct's elements had a value that was inserted directly. In the latter
  // case, perhaps we can't determine each of the subelements individually, but
  // we might be able to find the complete struct somewhere.
  // Find the value that is at that particular spot
  Value *V = FindInsertedValue(From, Idxs.begin(), Idxs.end());

  if (!V)
    return NULL;

  // Insert the value in the new (sub) aggregrate
  return llvm::InsertValueInst::Create(To, V, Idxs.begin() + IdxSkip,
                                       Idxs.end(), "tmp", InsertBefore);