Example #1
void javaVFrame::print_value() const {
  Method*    m = method();
  InstanceKlass*     k = m->method_holder();
  tty->print_cr("frame( sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", unextended_sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT ")",
                _fr.sp(),  _fr.unextended_sp(), _fr.fp(), _fr.pc());
  tty->print("%s.%s", k->internal_name(), m->name()->as_C_string());

  if (!m->is_native()) {
    Symbol*  source_name = k->source_file_name();
    int        line_number = m->line_number_from_bci(bci());
    if (source_name != NULL && (line_number != -1)) {
      tty->print("(%s:%d)", source_name->as_C_string(), line_number);
  } else {
    tty->print("(Native Method)");
  // Check frame size and print warning if it looks suspiciously large
  if (fr().sp() != NULL) {
    RegisterMap map = *register_map();
    uint size = fr().frame_size(&map);
#ifdef _LP64
    if (size > 8*K) warning("SUSPICIOUSLY LARGE FRAME (%d)", size);
    if (size > 4*K) warning("SUSPICIOUSLY LARGE FRAME (%d)", size);
Example #2
bool Exceptions::special_exception(Thread* thread, const char* file, int line, Handle h_exception) {
    // bootstrapping check
    if (!Universe::is_fully_initialized()) {

#ifdef ASSERT
    // Check for trying to throw stack overflow before initialization is complete
    // to prevent infinite recursion trying to initialize stack overflow without
    // adequate stack space.
    // This can happen with stress testing a large value of StackShadowPages
    if (h_exception()->klass() == SystemDictionary::StackOverflowError_klass()) {
        InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(h_exception->klass());
               "need to increase min_stack_allowed calculation");
#endif // ASSERT

    if (thread->is_VM_thread()
            || thread->is_Compiler_thread() ) {
        // We do not care what kind of exception we get for the vm-thread or a thread which
        // is compiling.  We just install a dummy exception object
        thread->set_pending_exception(Universe::vm_exception(), file, line);
        return true;

    return false;
  // Find all methods on this hierarchy that match this
  // method's erased (name, signature)
  bool visit() {
    PseudoScope* scope = PseudoScope::cast(current_data());
    InstanceKlass* iklass = current_class();

    Method* m = iklass->find_method(_method_name, _method_signature);
    // private interface methods are not candidates for default methods
    // invokespecial to private interface methods doesn't use default method logic
    // The overpasses are your supertypes' errors, we do not include them
    // future: take access controls into account for superclass methods
    if (m != NULL && !m->is_static() && !m->is_overpass() &&
         (!iklass->is_interface() || m->is_public())) {
      if (_family == NULL) {
        _family = new StatefulMethodFamily();

      if (iklass->is_interface()) {
        StateRestorer* restorer = _family->record_method_and_dq_further(m);
      } else {
        // This is the rule that methods in classes "win" (bad word) over
        // methods in interfaces. This works because of single inheritance
    return true;
static void collect_classes(Klass* k) {
  if (k->oop_is_instance()) {
    // Add in the array classes too
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
Example #5
void StackFrameInfo::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
  ResourceMark rm;
  java_lang_Throwable::print_stack_element(st, method(), bci());
  int len = (_locked_monitors != NULL ? _locked_monitors->length() : 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    oop o = _locked_monitors->at(i);
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(o->klass());
    st->print_cr("\t- locked <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> (a %s)", (address)o, ik->external_name());

Example #6
extern "C" void bad_compiled_vtable_index(JavaThread* thread, oop receiver, int index) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    HandleMark hm;
    Klass* klass = receiver->klass();
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(klass);
    klassVtable* vt = ik->vtable();
    fatal(err_msg("bad compiled vtable dispatch: receiver " INTPTR_FORMAT ", "
                  "index %d (vtable length %d)",
                  (address)receiver, index, vt->length()));
Example #7
void JavaCalls::call_default_constructor(JavaThread* thread, methodHandle method, Handle receiver, TRAPS) {
  assert(method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name(),    "Should only be called for default constructor");
  assert(method->signature() == vmSymbols::void_method_signature(), "Should only be called for default constructor");

  InstanceKlass* ik = method->method_holder();
  if (ik->is_initialized() && ik->has_vanilla_constructor()) {
    // safe to skip constructor call
  } else {
    static JavaValue result(T_VOID);
    JavaCallArguments args(receiver);
    call(&result, method, &args, CHECK);
void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_itable_call(Bytecodes::Code invoke_code, methodHandle method, int index) {
  assert(method->method_holder()->verify_itable_index(index), "");
  assert(invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "");
  InstanceKlass* interf = method->method_holder();
  assert(interf->is_interface(), "must be an interface");
  assert(!method->is_final_method(), "interfaces do not have final methods; cannot link to one here");
                   0,  // no option bits
// Walk all methods in the class list and assign a fingerprint.
// so that this part of the ConstMethod* is read only.
static void calculate_fingerprints() {
  for (int i = 0; i < _global_klass_objects->length(); i++) {
    Klass* k = _global_klass_objects->at(i);
    if (k->oop_is_instance()) {
      InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
      for (int i = 0; i < ik->methods()->length(); i++) {
        Method* m = ik->methods()->at(i);
        Fingerprinter fp(m);
        // The side effect of this call sets method's fingerprint field.
bool CompiledIC::set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, TRAPS) {
  assert(CompiledIC_lock->is_locked() || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "");
  assert(!is_optimized(), "cannot set an optimized virtual call to megamorphic");
  assert(is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted(), "going directly to megamorphic?");

  address entry;
  if (call_info->call_kind() == CallInfo::itable_call) {
    assert(bytecode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "");
    int itable_index = call_info->itable_index();
    entry = VtableStubs::find_itable_stub(itable_index);
    if (entry == false) {
      return false;
#ifdef ASSERT
    int index = call_info->resolved_method()->itable_index();
    assert(index == itable_index, "CallInfo pre-computes this");
    InstanceKlass* k = call_info->resolved_method()->method_holder();
    assert(k->verify_itable_index(itable_index), "sanity check");
#endif //ASSERT
    CompiledICHolder* holder = new CompiledICHolder(call_info->resolved_method()->method_holder(),
                                                    call_info->resolved_klass()(), false);
    InlineCacheBuffer::create_transition_stub(this, holder, entry);
  } else {
    assert(call_info->call_kind() == CallInfo::vtable_call, "either itable or vtable");
    // Can be different than selected_method->vtable_index(), due to package-private etc.
    int vtable_index = call_info->vtable_index();
    assert(call_info->resolved_klass()->verify_vtable_index(vtable_index), "sanity check");
    entry = VtableStubs::find_vtable_stub(vtable_index);
    if (entry == NULL) {
      return false;
    InlineCacheBuffer::create_transition_stub(this, NULL, entry);

  if (TraceICs) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    tty->print_cr ("IC@" INTPTR_FORMAT ": to megamorphic %s entry: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
                   p2i(instruction_address()), call_info->selected_method()->print_value_string(), p2i(entry));

  // We can't check this anymore. With lazy deopt we could have already
  // cleaned this IC entry before we even return. This is possible if
  // we ran out of space in the inline cache buffer trying to do the
  // set_next and we safepointed to free up space. This is a benign
  // race because the IC entry was complete when we safepointed so
  // cleaning it immediately is harmless.
  // assert(is_megamorphic(), "sanity check");
  return true;
Example #11
void FinalizerInfoDCmd::execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) {
  ResourceMark rm;

  Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(
    vmSymbols::finalizer_histogram_klass(), THREAD);
  assert(k != NULL, "FinalizerHistogram class is not accessible");

  instanceKlassHandle klass(THREAD, k);
  JavaValue result(T_ARRAY);

  // We are calling lang.ref.FinalizerHistogram.getFinalizerHistogram() method
  // and expect it to return array of FinalizerHistogramEntry as Object[]

  JavaCalls::call_static(&result, klass,
                         vmSymbols::void_finalizer_histogram_entry_array_signature(), CHECK);

  objArrayOop result_oop = (objArrayOop) result.get_jobject();
  if (result_oop->length() == 0) {
    output()->print_cr("No instances waiting for finalization found");

  oop foop = result_oop->obj_at(0);
  InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(foop->klass());

  fieldDescriptor count_fd, name_fd;

  Klass* count_res = ik->find_field(
    vmSymbols::finalizer_histogram_entry_count_field(), vmSymbols::int_signature(), &count_fd);

  Klass* name_res = ik->find_field(
    vmSymbols::finalizer_histogram_entry_name_field(), vmSymbols::string_signature(), &name_fd);

  assert(count_res != NULL && name_res != NULL, "Unexpected layout of FinalizerHistogramEntry");

  output()->print_cr("Unreachable instances waiting for finalization");
  output()->print_cr("#instances  class name");

  for (int i = 0; i < result_oop->length(); ++i) {
    oop element_oop = result_oop->obj_at(i);
    oop str_oop = element_oop->obj_field(name_fd.offset());
    char *name = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(str_oop);
    int count = element_oop->int_field(count_fd.offset());
    output()->print_cr("%10d  %s", count, name);
Example #12
void compute_offset(int &dest_offset, Klass* klass, const char* name, const char* signature, bool static_field) {
  Symbol* name_symbol = SymbolTable::probe(name, (int)strlen(name));
  Symbol* signature_symbol = SymbolTable::probe(signature, (int)strlen(signature));
  if (name_symbol == NULL || signature_symbol == NULL) {
    guarantee(false, err_msg("symbol with name %s and signature %s was not found in symbol table (klass=%s)", name, signature, klass->name()->as_C_string()));

  InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(klass);
  fieldDescriptor fd;
  if (!ik->find_field(name_symbol, signature_symbol, &fd)) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    fatal(err_msg("Invalid layout of %s at %s", name_symbol->as_C_string(), ik->external_name()));
  guarantee(fd.is_static() == static_field, "static/instance mismatch");
  dest_offset = fd.offset();
Example #13
void ConcurrentLocksDump::print_locks_on(JavaThread* t, outputStream* st) {
  st->print_cr("   Locked ownable synchronizers:");
  ThreadConcurrentLocks* tcl = thread_concurrent_locks(t);
  GrowableArray<instanceOop>* locks = (tcl != NULL ? tcl->owned_locks() : NULL);
  if (locks == NULL || locks->is_empty()) {
    st->print_cr("\t- None");

  for (int i = 0; i < locks->length(); i++) {
    instanceOop obj = locks->at(i);
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(obj->klass());
    st->print_cr("\t- <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> (a %s)", (address)obj, ik->external_name());
// Assumes the vtable is in first slot in object.
static void patch_klass_vtables(void** vtbl_list, void* new_vtable_start) {
  int n = _global_klass_objects->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    Klass* obj = _global_klass_objects->at(i);
    // Note oop_is_instance() is a virtual call.  After patching vtables
    // all virtual calls on the dummy vtables will restore the original!
    if (obj->oop_is_instance()) {
      InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(obj);
      *(void**)ik = find_matching_vtbl_ptr(vtbl_list, new_vtable_start, ik);
      ConstantPool* cp = ik->constants();
      *(void**)cp = find_matching_vtbl_ptr(vtbl_list, new_vtable_start, cp);
      for (int j = 0; j < ik->methods()->length(); j++) {
        Method* m = ik->methods()->at(j);
        *(void**)m = find_matching_vtbl_ptr(vtbl_list, new_vtable_start, m);
    } else {
      // Array klasses
      Klass* k = obj;
      *(void**)k = find_matching_vtbl_ptr(vtbl_list, new_vtable_start, k);
Example #15
void KlassHierarchy::print_class(outputStream* st, KlassInfoEntry* cie, bool print_interfaces) {
  ResourceMark rm;
  InstanceKlass* klass = (InstanceKlass*)cie->klass();
  int indent = 0;

  // Print indentation with proper indicators of superclass.
  Klass* super = klass->super();
  while (super != NULL) {
    super = super->super();
  print_indent(st, indent);
  if (indent != 0) st->print("--");

  // Print the class name, its unique ClassLoader identifer, and if it is an interface.
  print_classname(st, klass);
  if (klass->is_interface()) {
    st->print(" (intf)");

  // Print any interfaces the class has.
  if (print_interfaces) {
    Array<Klass*>* local_intfs = klass->local_interfaces();
    Array<Klass*>* trans_intfs = klass->transitive_interfaces();
    for (int i = 0; i < local_intfs->length(); i++) {
      print_interface(st, local_intfs->at(i), "declared", indent);
    for (int i = 0; i < trans_intfs->length(); i++) {
      Klass* trans_interface = trans_intfs->at(i);
      // Only print transitive interfaces if they are not also declared.
      if (!local_intfs->contains(trans_interface)) {
        print_interface(st, trans_interface, "inherited", indent);
Example #16
void CompiledIC::set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, TRAPS) {
  methodHandle method = call_info->selected_method();
  bool is_invoke_interface = (bytecode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface && !call_info->has_vtable_index());
  assert(CompiledIC_lock->is_locked() || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "");
  assert(!is_optimized(), "cannot set an optimized virtual call to megamorphic");
  assert(is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted(), "going directly to megamorphic?");

  address entry;
  if (is_invoke_interface) {
    int index = klassItable::compute_itable_index(call_info->resolved_method()());
    entry = VtableStubs::create_stub(false, index, method());
    assert(entry != NULL, "entry not computed");
    InstanceKlass* k = call_info->resolved_method()->method_holder();
    assert(k->is_interface(), "sanity check");
    InlineCacheBuffer::create_transition_stub(this, k, entry);
  } else {
    // Can be different than method->vtable_index(), due to package-private etc.
    int vtable_index = call_info->vtable_index();
    entry = VtableStubs::create_stub(true, vtable_index, method());
    InlineCacheBuffer::create_transition_stub(this, method(), entry);

  if (TraceICs) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    tty->print_cr ("IC@" INTPTR_FORMAT ": to megamorphic %s entry: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
                   instruction_address(), method->print_value_string(), entry);

  // We can't check this anymore. With lazy deopt we could have already
  // cleaned this IC entry before we even return. This is possible if
  // we ran out of space in the inline cache buffer trying to do the
  // set_next and we safepointed to free up space. This is a benign
  // race because the IC entry was complete when we safepointed so
  // cleaning it immediately is harmless.
  // assert(is_megamorphic(), "sanity check");
Example #17
oop StackWalk::fetchFirstBatch(BaseFrameStream& stream, Handle stackStream,
                               jlong mode, int skip_frames, int frame_count,
                               int start_index, objArrayHandle frames_array, TRAPS) {
    methodHandle m_doStackWalk(THREAD, Universe::do_stack_walk_method());

        Klass* stackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::StackWalker_klass();
        Klass* abstractStackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::AbstractStackWalker_klass();
        while (!stream.at_end()) {
            InstanceKlass* ik = stream.method()->method_holder();
            if (ik != stackWalker_klass &&
                    ik != abstractStackWalker_klass && ik->super() != abstractStackWalker_klass)  {

            if (log_is_enabled(Debug, stackwalk)) {
                ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
                outputStream* st = Log(stackwalk)::debug_stream();
                st->print("  skip ");

        // stack frame has been traversed individually and resume stack walk
        // from the stack frame at depth == skip_frames.
        for (int n=0; n < skip_frames && !stream.at_end(); stream.next(), n++) {
            if (log_is_enabled(Debug, stackwalk)) {
                ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
                outputStream* st = Log(stackwalk)::debug_stream();
                st->print("  skip ");

    int end_index = start_index;
    int numFrames = 0;
    if (!stream.at_end()) {
        numFrames = fill_in_frames(mode, stream, frame_count, start_index,
                                   frames_array, end_index, CHECK_NULL);
        if (numFrames < 1) {
            THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "stack walk: decode failed", NULL);

    // JVM_CallStackWalk walks the stack and fills in stack frames, then calls to
    // Java method java.lang.StackStreamFactory.AbstractStackWalker::doStackWalk
    // which calls the implementation to consume the stack frames.
    // When JVM_CallStackWalk returns, it invalidates the stack stream.
    JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
    JavaCallArguments args(stackStream);

    // Link the thread and vframe stream into the callee-visible object

    JavaCalls::call(&result, m_doStackWalk, &args, THREAD);

    // Do this before anything else happens, to disable any lingering stream objects
    bool ok = stream.cleanup_magic_on_exit(frames_array);

    // Throw pending exception if we must
    (void) (CHECK_NULL);

    if (!ok) {
        THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "doStackWalk: corrupted buffers on exit", NULL);

    // Return normally
    return (oop)result.get_jobject();
Example #18
// Begins stack walking.
// Parameters:
//   stackStream    StackStream object
//   mode           Stack walking mode.
//   skip_frames    Number of frames to be skipped.
//   frame_count    Number of frames to be traversed.
//   start_index    Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
//   classes_array  Buffer to store classes in, starting at start_index.
//   frames_array   Buffer to store StackFrame in, starting at start_index.
//                  NULL if not used.
// Returns Object returned from AbstractStackWalker::doStackWalk call.
oop StackWalk::walk(Handle stackStream, jlong mode,
                    int skip_frames, int frame_count, int start_index,
                    objArrayHandle classes_array,
                    objArrayHandle frames_array,
                    TRAPS) {
  JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*)THREAD;
  if (TraceStackWalk) {
    tty->print_cr("Start walking: mode " JLONG_FORMAT " skip %d frames batch size %d",
                  mode, skip_frames, frame_count);

  if (need_method_info(mode)) {
    if (frames_array.is_null()) {
      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), "frames_array is NULL", NULL);

  Klass* stackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::StackWalker_klass();
  Klass* abstractStackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::AbstractStackWalker_klass();

  methodHandle m_doStackWalk(THREAD, Universe::do_stack_walk_method());

  // Open up a traversable stream onto my stack.
  // This stream will be made available by *reference* to the inner Java call.
  StackWalkAnchor anchor(jt);
  vframeStream& vfst = anchor.vframe_stream();

    // Skip all methods from AbstractStackWalker and StackWalk (enclosing method)
    if (!fill_in_stacktrace(mode)) {
      while (!vfst.at_end()) {
        InstanceKlass* ik = vfst.method()->method_holder();
        if (ik != stackWalker_klass &&
              ik != abstractStackWalker_klass && ik->super() != abstractStackWalker_klass)  {

        if (TraceStackWalk) {
          tty->print("  skip "); vfst.method()->print_short_name(); tty->print("\n");

    // For exceptions, skip Throwable::fillInStackTrace and <init> methods
    // of the exception class and superclasses
    if (fill_in_stacktrace(mode)) {
      bool skip_to_fillInStackTrace = false;
      bool skip_throwableInit_check = false;
      while (!vfst.at_end() && !skip_throwableInit_check) {
        InstanceKlass* ik = vfst.method()->method_holder();
        Method* method = vfst.method();
        if (!skip_to_fillInStackTrace) {
          if (ik == SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass() &&
              method->name() == vmSymbols::fillInStackTrace_name()) {
              // this frame will be skipped
              skip_to_fillInStackTrace = true;
        } else if (!(ik->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()) &&
                     method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
            // there are none or we've seen them all - either way stop checking
            skip_throwableInit_check = true;

        if (TraceStackWalk) {
          tty->print("stack walk: skip "); vfst.method()->print_short_name(); tty->print("\n");

    // stack frame has been traversed individually and resume stack walk
    // from the stack frame at depth == skip_frames.
    for (int n=0; n < skip_frames && !vfst.at_end(); vfst.next(), n++) {
      if (TraceStackWalk) {
        tty->print("  skip "); vfst.method()->print_short_name();
        tty->print_cr(" frame id: " PTR_FORMAT " pc: " PTR_FORMAT,
                      p2i(vfst.frame_id()), p2i(vfst.frame_pc()));

  // The Method* pointer in the vfst has a very short shelf life.  Grab it now.
  int end_index = start_index;
  int numFrames = 0;
  if (!vfst.at_end()) {
    numFrames = fill_in_frames(mode, vfst, frame_count, start_index, classes_array,
                               frames_array, end_index, CHECK_NULL);
    if (numFrames < 1) {
      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "stack walk: decode failed", NULL);

  // JVM_CallStackWalk walks the stack and fills in stack frames, then calls to
  // Java method java.lang.StackStreamFactory.AbstractStackWalker::doStackWalk
  // which calls the implementation to consume the stack frames.
  // When JVM_CallStackWalk returns, it invalidates the stack stream.
  JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
  JavaCallArguments args(stackStream);

  // Link the thread and vframe stream into the callee-visible object

  JavaCalls::call(&result, m_doStackWalk, &args, THREAD);

  // Do this before anything else happens, to disable any lingering stream objects
  bool ok = anchor.cleanup_magic_on_exit(classes_array);

  // Throw pending exception if we must
  (void) (CHECK_NULL);

  if (!ok) {
    THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "doStackWalk: corrupted buffers on exit", NULL);

  // Return normally
  return (oop)result.get_jobject();

bool Dictionary::do_unloading() {
  assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
  bool class_was_unloaded = false;
  int  index = 0; // Defined here for portability! Do not move

  // Remove unloadable entries and classes from system dictionary
  // The placeholder array has been handled in always_strong_oops_do.
  DictionaryEntry* probe = NULL;
  for (index = 0; index < table_size(); index++) {
    for (DictionaryEntry** p = bucket_addr(index); *p != NULL; ) {
      probe = *p;
      Klass* e = probe->klass();
      ClassLoaderData* loader_data = probe->loader_data();

      InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(e);

      // Non-unloadable classes were handled in always_strong_oops_do
      if (!is_strongly_reachable(loader_data, e)) {
        // Entry was not visited in phase1 (negated test from phase1)
        assert(!loader_data->is_the_null_class_loader_data(), "unloading entry with null class loader");
        ClassLoaderData* k_def_class_loader_data = ik->class_loader_data();

        // Do we need to delete this system dictionary entry?
        bool purge_entry = false;

        // Do we need to delete this system dictionary entry?
        if (loader_data->is_unloading()) {
          // If the loader is not live this entry should always be
          // removed (will never be looked up again). Note that this is
          // not the same as unloading the referred class.
          if (k_def_class_loader_data == loader_data) {
            // This is the defining entry, so the referred class is about
            // to be unloaded.
            class_was_unloaded = true;
          // Also remove this system dictionary entry.
          purge_entry = true;

        } else {
          // The loader in this entry is alive. If the klass is dead,
          // (determined by checking the defining class loader)
          // the loader must be an initiating loader (rather than the
          // defining loader). Remove this entry.
          if (k_def_class_loader_data->is_unloading()) {
            // If we get here, the class_loader_data must not be the defining
            // loader, it must be an initiating one.
            assert(k_def_class_loader_data != loader_data,
                   "cannot have live defining loader and unreachable klass");
            // Loader is live, but class and its defining loader are dead.
            // Remove the entry. The class is going away.
            purge_entry = true;

        if (purge_entry) {
          *p = probe->next();
          if (probe == _current_class_entry) {
            _current_class_entry = NULL;
      p = probe->next_addr();
  return class_was_unloaded;
 InstanceKlass* interface_at(int index) {
   return InstanceKlass::cast(_class->local_interfaces()->at(index));
 int number_of_interfaces() { return _class->local_interfaces()->length(); }
Example #22
// Begins stack walking.
// Parameters:
//   stackStream    StackStream object
//   mode           Stack walking mode.
//   skip_frames    Number of frames to be skipped.
//   frame_count    Number of frames to be traversed.
//   start_index    Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
//   frames_array   Buffer to store StackFrame in, starting at start_index.
//                  frames array is a Class<?>[] array when only getting caller
//                  reference, and a StackFrameInfo[] array (or derivative)
//                  otherwise. It should never be null.
// Returns Object returned from AbstractStackWalker::doStackWalk call.
oop StackWalk::walk(Handle stackStream, jlong mode,
                    int skip_frames, int frame_count, int start_index,
                    objArrayHandle frames_array,
                    TRAPS) {
  ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
  JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*)THREAD;
  if (TraceStackWalk) {
    tty->print_cr("Start walking: mode " JLONG_FORMAT " skip %d frames batch size %d",
                  mode, skip_frames, frame_count);

  if (frames_array.is_null()) {
    THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), "frames_array is NULL", NULL);

  Klass* stackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::StackWalker_klass();
  Klass* abstractStackWalker_klass = SystemDictionary::AbstractStackWalker_klass();

  methodHandle m_doStackWalk(THREAD, Universe::do_stack_walk_method());

  // Setup traversal onto my stack.
  RegisterMap regMap(jt, true);
  JavaFrameStream stream(jt, &regMap);
    while (!stream.at_end()) {
      InstanceKlass* ik = stream.method()->method_holder();
      if (ik != stackWalker_klass &&
            ik != abstractStackWalker_klass && ik->super() != abstractStackWalker_klass)  {

      if (TraceStackWalk) {
        tty->print("  skip "); stream.method()->print_short_name(); tty->print("\n");

    // stack frame has been traversed individually and resume stack walk
    // from the stack frame at depth == skip_frames.
    for (int n=0; n < skip_frames && !stream.at_end(); stream.next(), n++) {
      if (TraceStackWalk) {
        tty->print("  skip "); stream.method()->print_short_name();
        tty->print_cr(" frame id: " PTR_FORMAT " pc: " PTR_FORMAT,

  int end_index = start_index;
  int numFrames = 0;
  if (!stream.at_end()) {
    numFrames = fill_in_frames(mode, stream, frame_count, start_index,
                               frames_array, end_index, CHECK_NULL);
    if (numFrames < 1) {
      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "stack walk: decode failed", NULL);

  // JVM_CallStackWalk walks the stack and fills in stack frames, then calls to
  // Java method java.lang.StackStreamFactory.AbstractStackWalker::doStackWalk
  // which calls the implementation to consume the stack frames.
  // When JVM_CallStackWalk returns, it invalidates the stack stream.
  JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
  JavaCallArguments args(stackStream);

  // Link the thread and vframe stream into the callee-visible object

  JavaCalls::call(&result, m_doStackWalk, &args, THREAD);

  // Do this before anything else happens, to disable any lingering stream objects
  bool ok = stream.cleanup_magic_on_exit(frames_array);

  // Throw pending exception if we must
  (void) (CHECK_NULL);

  if (!ok) {
    THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "doStackWalk: corrupted buffers on exit", NULL);

  // Return normally
  return (oop)result.get_jobject();
 InstanceKlass* next_super() { return _class->java_super(); }
 bool visit() {
   InstanceKlass* cls = current_class();
   streamIndentor si(tty, current_depth() * 2);
   tty->indent().print_cr("%s", cls->name()->as_C_string());
   return true;
static GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>* find_empty_vtable_slots(
    InstanceKlass* klass, GrowableArray<Method*>* mirandas, TRAPS) {

  assert(klass != NULL, "Must be valid class");

  GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>* slots = new GrowableArray<EmptyVtableSlot*>();

  // All miranda methods are obvious candidates
  for (int i = 0; i < mirandas->length(); ++i) {
    Method* m = mirandas->at(i);
    if (!already_in_vtable_slots(slots, m)) {
      slots->append(new EmptyVtableSlot(m));

  // Also any overpasses in our superclasses, that we haven't implemented.
  // (can't use the vtable because it is not guaranteed to be initialized yet)
  InstanceKlass* super = klass->java_super();
  while (super != NULL) {
    for (int i = 0; i < super->methods()->length(); ++i) {
      Method* m = super->methods()->at(i);
      if (m->is_overpass() || m->is_static()) {
        // m is a method that would have been a miranda if not for the
        // default method processing that occurred on behalf of our superclass,
        // so it's a method we want to re-examine in this new context.  That is,
        // unless we have a real implementation of it in the current class.
        Method* impl = klass->lookup_method(m->name(), m->signature());
        if (impl == NULL || impl->is_overpass() || impl->is_static()) {
          if (!already_in_vtable_slots(slots, m)) {
            slots->append(new EmptyVtableSlot(m));

    // also any default methods in our superclasses
    if (super->default_methods() != NULL) {
      for (int i = 0; i < super->default_methods()->length(); ++i) {
        Method* m = super->default_methods()->at(i);
        // m is a method that would have been a miranda if not for the
        // default method processing that occurred on behalf of our superclass,
        // so it's a method we want to re-examine in this new context.  That is,
        // unless we have a real implementation of it in the current class.
        Method* impl = klass->lookup_method(m->name(), m->signature());
        if (impl == NULL || impl->is_overpass() || impl->is_static()) {
          if (!already_in_vtable_slots(slots, m)) {
            slots->append(new EmptyVtableSlot(m));
    super = super->java_super();

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceDefaultMethods) {
    tty->print_cr("Slots that need filling:");
    streamIndentor si(tty);
    for (int i = 0; i < slots->length(); ++i) {
#endif // ndef PRODUCT
  return slots;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciInstanceKlass::ciInstanceKlass
// Loaded instance klass.
ciInstanceKlass::ciInstanceKlass(KlassHandle h_k) :
  assert(get_Klass()->oop_is_instance(), "wrong type");
  assert(get_instanceKlass()->is_loaded(), "must be at least loaded");
  InstanceKlass* ik = get_instanceKlass();

  AccessFlags access_flags = ik->access_flags();
  _flags = ciFlags(access_flags);
  _has_finalizer = access_flags.has_finalizer();
  _has_subklass = ik->subklass() != NULL;
  _init_state = ik->init_state();
  _nonstatic_field_size = ik->nonstatic_field_size();
  _has_nonstatic_fields = ik->has_nonstatic_fields();
  _has_default_methods = ik->has_default_methods();
  _nonstatic_fields = NULL; // initialized lazily by compute_nonstatic_fields:
  _has_injected_fields = -1;
  _implementor = NULL; // we will fill these lazily

  Thread *thread = Thread::current();
  if (ciObjectFactory::is_initialized()) {
    _loader = JNIHandles::make_local(thread, ik->class_loader());
    _protection_domain = JNIHandles::make_local(thread,
    _is_shared = false;
  } else {
    Handle h_loader(thread, ik->class_loader());
    Handle h_protection_domain(thread, ik->protection_domain());
    _loader = JNIHandles::make_global(h_loader);
    _protection_domain = JNIHandles::make_global(h_protection_domain);
    _is_shared = true;

  // Lazy fields get filled in only upon request.
  _super  = NULL;
  _java_mirror = NULL;

  if (is_shared()) {
    if (h_k() != SystemDictionary::Object_klass()) {
    //compute_nonstatic_fields();  // done outside of constructor

  _field_cache = NULL;