Example #1
InstanceObject* Picture::buildInstanceObject(char* fileName, BasicObject* obj)
   InstanceObject* io = new InstanceObject(obj);
   FileIO* inputFile = new FileIO(fileName, 1);  //for reading

   //scale transformation
   string line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sx = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sy = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* scale = AffineTransforms::scale(sx, sy, sz);

   //rotation transformations
   line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double rx = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotX = AffineTransforms::rotateX(rx);   
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double ry = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotY = AffineTransforms::rotateY(ry);
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double rz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotZ = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(rz);

   //translation transformation
   line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double tx = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double ty = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double tz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* translate = AffineTransforms::translate(tx, ty, tz);

   //standard TRS form
   io->buildTransform(scale);  //deletes the matrix when done

   delete inputFile;
   return io;
Example #2
*    Reads a file to build an InstanceObject object.
*    Written by Dr. Boshart
*    Modified by Thomas Shaffer
InstanceObject* Picture::buildInstanceObject(char* fileName, BasicObject* obj)
    InstanceObject* io = new InstanceObject(obj);
    FileIO* inputFile = new FileIO(fileName, 1);  //for reading
    char* f1 = (char*)malloc(255*sizeof(char));
    char* f2 = (char*)malloc(255*sizeof(char));

    //scale transformation
    string line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sx = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sy = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* scale = AffineTransforms::scale(sx, sy, sz);

    //rotation transformations
    line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double rx = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotX = AffineTransforms::rotateX(rx);
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double ry = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotY = AffineTransforms::rotateY(ry);
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double rz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotZ = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(rz);

    //translation transformation
    line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double tx = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double ty = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double tz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* translate = AffineTransforms::translate(tx, ty, tz);

    //standard TRS form
    io->buildTransform(scale);  //deletes the matrix when done

    // Material
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double red = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double green = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double blue = atof(line.c_str());
    Color* color = new Color( red, green, blue );
    io->setColor( color );

    // Texture
    string t_string = string("texture");
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    //if ( strcmp( line.c_str(), t_string.c_str() ) ) {
        line = inputFile->readLine();
        const char* file = line.c_str();
        strcpy( f1, file );
        line = inputFile->readLine();
        const char* file2 = line.c_str();
        strcpy( f2, file2 );
        line = inputFile->readLine();
        int width = atoi( line.c_str() );
        line = inputFile->readLine();
        int height = atoi( line.c_str() );
        Texture *tex = new Texture( f1, width, height );
        Texture *norm = new Texture( f2, width, height );
        io->setTexture( tex );
        io->setNormal( norm );

    delete inputFile;
    return io;
Example #3
InstanceObject* Picture::buildInstanceObject(char* fileName, BasicObject* obj)
   InstanceObject* io = new InstanceObject(obj);
   FileIO* inputFile = new FileIO(fileName, 1);  //for reading

   //scale transformation
   string line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sx = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sy = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double sz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* scale = AffineTransforms::scale(sx, sy, sz);

   //rotation transformations
   line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double rx = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotX = AffineTransforms::rotateX(rx);
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double ry = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotY = AffineTransforms::rotateY(ry);
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double rz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* rotZ = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(rz);

   //translation transformation
   line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double tx = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double ty = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double tz = atof(line.c_str());
   Matrix* translate = AffineTransforms::translate(tx, ty, tz);

   line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double mr = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double mg = atof(line.c_str());
   line = inputFile->readLine();
   double mb = atof(line.c_str());
   Color* mat = new Color(mr, mg, mb);

   //standard TRS form
   io->buildTransform(scale);  //deletes the matrix when done

   //Get shininess
   FileIO* shaderFile = new FileIO("shade.txt", 1);
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();
   line = shaderFile->readLine();


   delete shaderFile;
   delete inputFile;
   return io;
Example #4
*    Reads a file to build an InstanceObject object.
*    Written by Dr. Boshart
*    Modified by Thomas Shaffer
InstanceObject* Picture::buildInstanceObject(char* fileName, BasicObject* obj)
    InstanceObject* io = new InstanceObject(obj);
    FileIO* inputFile = new FileIO(fileName, 1);  //for reading

    //scale transformation
    string line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sx = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sy = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double sz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* scale = AffineTransforms::scale(sx, sy, sz);

    //rotation transformations
    line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double rx = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotX = AffineTransforms::rotateX(rx);
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double ry = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotY = AffineTransforms::rotateY(ry);
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double rz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* rotZ = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(rz);

    //translation transformation
    line = inputFile->readLine();  //skip this line
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double tx = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double ty = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double tz = atof(line.c_str());
    Matrix* translate = AffineTransforms::translate(tx, ty, tz);

    //standard TRS form
    io->buildTransform(scale);  //deletes the matrix when done

    // Material
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double red = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double green = atof(line.c_str());
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    double blue = atof(line.c_str());
    io->setColor( red, green, blue );

    // Texture
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    char* file = (char*)line.c_str();
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    int width = atoi( line.c_str() );
    line = inputFile->readLine();
    int height = atoi( line.c_str() );
    Texture *tex = new Texture( file, width, height );
    io->setTexture( tex );

    delete inputFile;
    return io;
Example #5
void Picture::render(Pixel* px)
	Color *ambient = new Color(1, 1, 1);
	Vertex *eye = new Vertex(0,0,0);
	Light *light = new Light();
	double attenuation = 0;

   //char* fileName = "sphere.txt";
   //BasicObject* sphere = readObject(fileName);
   ////delete[] fileName;  //mingw appears to delete this automatically

   //fileName = "trs.txt";
   //InstanceObject* sphereInstance = buildInstanceObject(fileName, sphere);
   ////delete[] fileName;

   //obtaining the window transform
   int widthPixels = px->getWidth();  //the dimensions of the panel on which the drawing will occur
   int heightPixels = px->getHeight();

   getShaderInfo(eye, ambient, light, &attenuation);
   Scene* scene = new Scene(light, ambient);
   scene->buildTransform(getPerspectiveTransform("fov.txt", widthPixels, heightPixels));
   scene->buildTransform(AffineTransforms::window(widthPixels, heightPixels));

	BasicObject* cube = readObject("cube.txt");
	BasicObject* cylinder = readObject("cylinder.txt");

	InstanceObject* upperArm = new InstanceObject(cube);
	upperArm->setDiffuseMaterial(new Color(1,0,0));
	upperArm->buildTransform(AffineTransforms::scale(.2, 1, .2));
	InstanceObject* lowerArm = new InstanceObject(cube);
	lowerArm->setDiffuseMaterial(new Color(0,1,0));
	lowerArm->buildTransform(AffineTransforms::scale(.2, 2, .2));
	InstanceObject* base = new InstanceObject(cylinder); //no instance transform
	base->setDiffuseMaterial(new Color(0,0,1));

	Matrix *temp;
	TransformNode *upperArmTransform, *lowerArmTransform, *baseTransform, *robotArm1, *robotArm2;

	//upper arm transform
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, 1, 0);
	temp = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(90)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, -1, 0)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, 3, 0)->multiply(temp);
	upperArmTransform = new TransformNode();

	//lower arm transform
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, 2, 0);
	temp = AffineTransforms::rotateZ(-20)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, -2, 0)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, 3, 0)->multiply(temp);
	lowerArmTransform = new TransformNode();

	//base transform
	temp = AffineTransforms::rotateY(30);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, -2, 0)->multiply(temp);
	baseTransform = new TransformNode();

	//robot arm #1
	temp = AffineTransforms::scale(.2, .2, .2);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(0, 0, -3)->multiply(temp);
	robotArm1 = new TransformNode();

	//robot arm #2
	temp = AffineTransforms::scale(.2, .2, .2);
	temp = AffineTransforms::rotateX(45)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::translate(-3, .5, 0)->multiply(temp);
	temp = AffineTransforms::scale(.2, .2, .2)->multiply(temp);
	robotArm2 = new TransformNode();

	//build scene

	scene->render(px, eye, attenuation);
	delete scene;

   /*TransformNode* tn = new TransformNode();

   scene->render(px, eye, attenuation);
   delete scene;*/