Example #1
int InverseElementTransformation::FindClosestRefPoint(
   const Vector& pt, const IntegrationRule &ir)
   MFEM_VERIFY(T != NULL, "invalid ElementTransformation");
   MFEM_VERIFY(pt.Size() == T->GetSpaceDim(), "invalid point");

   // Initialize distance and index of closest point
   int minIndex = -1;
   double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

   // Check all integration points in ir using the local metric at each point
   // induced by the transformation.
   Vector dp(T->GetSpaceDim()), dr(T->GetDimension());
   const int npts = ir.GetNPoints();
   for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i)
      const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i);
      T->Transform(ip, dp);
      dp -= pt;
      T->InverseJacobian().Mult(dp, dr);
      double dist = dr.Norml2();
      // double dist = dr.Normlinf();
      if (dist < minDist)
         minDist = dist;
         minIndex = i;
   return minIndex;
Example #2
void IsoparametricTransformation::Transform (const IntegrationRule &ir,
                                             DenseMatrix &tr)
   int dof, n, dim, i, j, k;

   dim = PointMat.Height();
   dof = FElem->GetDof();
   n = ir.GetNPoints();

   tr.SetSize(dim, n);

   for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      FElem -> CalcShape (ir.IntPoint(j), shape);
      for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
         tr(i, j) = 0.0;
         for (k = 0; k < dof; k++)
            tr(i, j) += PointMat(i, k) * shape(k);
Example #3
int InverseElementTransformation::FindClosestPhysPoint(
   const Vector& pt, const IntegrationRule &ir)
   MFEM_VERIFY(T != NULL, "invalid ElementTransformation");
   MFEM_VERIFY(pt.Size() == T->GetSpaceDim(), "invalid point");

   DenseMatrix physPts;
   T->Transform(ir, physPts);

   // Initialize distance and index of closest point
   int minIndex = -1;
   double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

   // Check all integration points in ir
   const int npts = ir.GetNPoints();
   for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i)
      double dist = pt.DistanceTo(physPts.GetColumn(i));
      if (dist < minDist)
         minDist = dist;
         minIndex = i;
   return minIndex;
Example #4
void IntegrationPointTransformation::Transform (const IntegrationRule &ir1,
                                                IntegrationRule &ir2)
   int i, n;

   n = ir1.GetNPoints();
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      Transform (ir1.IntPoint(i), ir2.IntPoint(i));