Example #1
// is any literal in this expr safely coercible to its target type?
NABoolean Cast::isSafelyCoercible(CacheWA &cwa) const
  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND) {
    ItemExpr *opd = child(0);
    if (!opd->isSafelyCoercible(cwa)) { 
      return FALSE; 
    if (opd->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT) {
      return ((ConstValue*)opd)->canBeSafelyCoercedTo(*type_);
    return TRUE; 
  return FALSE;
Example #2
// is any literal in this expr safely coercible to its target type?
NABoolean Assign::isSafelyCoercible(CacheWA &cwa) const
  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND) {
    // we have to disallow caching of the following types of updates:
    //   update t set col = overlylongliteral
    ItemExpr *src = getSource().getItemExpr();
    if (src->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT) {
      // source is a literal; make sure this update is cacheable only if
      // literal can be safely coerced into its target type.
      return ((ConstValue*)src)->canBeSafelyCoercedTo(getTarget().getType());
    else { // source is not a literal
      // we need to descend into this expr to verify that no 
      // errors can occur during backpatching. For example, 
      //   update t set i = i + 123456789012345678901234567890
      // should not be cacheable if i is a smallint.
      // reject "update t set c=(subquery)" as noncacheable
      // as part of a fix to CR 10-020108-8401.
      return src->isSafelyCoercible(cwa) && src->isCacheableExpr(cwa);
  return FALSE;
Example #3
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters 
ItemExpr* UDFunction::normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA)
  if (nodeIsNormalizedForCache()) { 
    return this; 
  // Since the UDFunction::transformNode refers to both the 
  // inputVars_ ValueIdSet and the children array we need to make sure
  // they are consistent.
  // The children array may contain cast() of the expressions in inputVars_

  // If we have a UUDF function the inputs that were given 
  // at parse time, really do not reflect reality anymore.
  // So here we will simply reinitialize them with what we find in the
  // inputVars_.

  CMPASSERT(udfDesc_); // we better have one after binding.
  NABoolean isUUDF(udfDesc_->isUUDFRoutine());

  // Save off a copy of the original inputVars_ set.
  ValueIdSet origInputVars(inputVars_);

  // Loop through the given inputs
  for (Int32 x = 0; x < getArity(); x++)
    NABoolean origInputIsChildOfCast(FALSE);
    ItemExpr * origIe = child(x);
    ItemExpr * newIe = NULL;
    ValueId vid = origIe->getValueId();
    if (cwa.getPhase() == CmpMain::BIND) 
      if (origIe->isSafelyCoercible(cwa)) 
        // fix CR 10-010726-4109: make sure queries with constants that 
        // cannot be safely backpatched such as 
        //   select case smallintcol when 4294967393 then 'max' end from t
        // are not parameterized
        newIe = origIe->normalizeForCache(cwa, bindWA);
        if (newIe != origIe )
          // normalizeForCache returned a new ItemExpr. We have to update
          // the UDFunction inputVars_ set, as this is used to determine
          // characteristic inputs for IsolatedScalarUDF at transform time.

          child(x) = newIe;

          // Is it a input that UDFunction::bindNode put a cast around?
          if ((origIe->getOperatorType() == ITM_CAST) &&

            // Since the original child was a CAST that UDFunction::bindNode
            // created, check to see if that CAST's child is part of the new
            // expression, if it is, we don't have to do anything, since the
            // CASTED value is part of the inputVars set, otherwise, we have
            // to update the inputVars set to keep the characteristic inputs
            // consistent.
            if (! newIe->referencesTheGivenValue(
                    origIe->child(0)->getValueId()), TRUE)
              // remove the original input from inputVars. It is the child
              // of origIe because origIe is a cast that UDFunction::bindNode
              // introduced.
              inputVars_ -= origIe->child(0)->getValueId();

              if (newIe->getOperatorType() == ITM_CAST)
                // If the new expression is a CAST, we assume the child is the
                // real input. We don't expect CAST(CAST(CAST(expr))) type
                // expressions only simple CAST(expr) ones.
                inputVars_ += newIe->child(0)->getValueId();
                // add the newIe itself if it was not a CAST.
                inputVars_ += newIe->getValueId();
            // If the newIe doesn't contain the original one, we need to update
            // the inputVars set.
            if (! newIe->referencesTheGivenValue(
                    origIe->getValueId()), TRUE)
              // the origIe was not a CAST introduced by UDFunction::bindNode()
              if (newIe->getOperatorType() == ITM_CAST) 
                if (!origInputVars.contains(newIe->child(0)->getValueId()))
                  inputVars_ -= origIe->getValueId();
                  // If the new expression is a CAST, we assume the child is the
                  // real input. We don't expect CAST(CAST(CAST(expr))) type
                  // expressions only simple CAST(expr) ones.
                  inputVars_ += newIe->child(0)->getValueId();
                // we don't need to update inputVars_ if the origInputVars 
                // contains the valueId of the newIe child already.
                // This is an entirely new input. Remove the old one, and 
                // add in the new.
                inputVars_ -= origIe->getValueId();
                inputVars_ += newIe->getValueId();

  return this;
Example #4
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean GenericUpdate::isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa)
  // descend to scans early to get cwa.numberOfScans_ 
  if (!RelExpr::isCacheableExpr(cwa)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Make "{update|delete} ... where current of cursor" non-cacheable
  // so that stale cache will not lead to timestamp mismatch error at
  // runtime.  AQR attempts to handle this error, but only after the 
  // referenced cursor is closed due to transaction rollback.  This is
  // Solution 10-100425-9755.
  if (currOfCursorName()) { 
    return FALSE; 

  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND) {
    // make sure any literals in the assignment clause can be safely
    // cast and assigned to their target types at plan-backpatch-time
    ItemExpr *newExpr = newRecExprTree_ ? newRecExprTree_ :
    if (newExpr && !newExpr->isSafelyCoercible(cwa)) { 
      return FALSE; 
    // reject as non-cacheable queries such as
    //   prepare s from select * from (update t042qT8 set b=7 
    //   set on rollback c=12345678901234567890 where a=2) as t;
    ItemExpr *setOnRollback;
    if (newRecBeforeExpr_.entries() > 0 &&
        && !setOnRollback->isSafelyCoercible(cwa)) {
      return FALSE; 
    // make sure any executor predicate is cacheable
    ItemExpr *execPred = executorPredTree_ ? executorPredTree_ :
    if (execPred) {
      if (execPred->hasNoLiterals(cwa)) {
        // predicate with no literals is cacheable
      else {
        return execPred->isCacheableExpr(cwa);

    // at this time, not cacheable if subquery is specified in 
    // UPDATE SET clause.
    // This could be enabled later.
    if (subqInUpdateAssign()) {
      return FALSE;
  else {
    if ((getTableName().isPartitionNameSpecified()) ||
	(getTableName().isLocationNameSpecified()) ||
      return FALSE; // If PartnClause is used no cache hit before bind stage.
  return TRUE; // may be cacheable