void XDLink::SendRaw ( const JCharacter* text ) { if (itsLink != NULL) { JString s = text; s.TrimWhitespace(); JIndex i; while (s.LocateSubstring(" ", &i)) { s.ReplaceSubstring(i, i+1, " "); } itsLink->SendMessage(s); itsLink->StartTimer(); if (!itsDebuggerBusyFlag) { itsDebuggerBusyFlag = kJTrue; Broadcast(DebuggerBusy()); } Broadcast(DebugOutput(s, kCommandType)); } }
void CMEditPrefsDialog::ChooseDebugger ( const JCharacter* name, JXInputField* input ) { const JCharacter* map[] = { "name", name }; const JString prompt = JGetString("ChooseDebuggerPrompt::CMEditPrefsDialog", map, sizeof(map)); JString fullName; if ((JGetChooseSaveFile())->ChooseFile(prompt, "", &fullName)) { JString text = input->GetText(); JIndex i; if (text.LocateSubstring(" ", &i)) { text.ReplaceSubstring(1, i-1, fullName); } else { text = fullName; } input->SetText(text); } }
void XDLink::Send ( const JCharacter* text ) { if (itsLink != NULL) { if (ProgramIsRunning()) { StopProgram(); } JString arg = " -i not_command"; JString s = text; JIndex i; if (s.LocateSubstring("@i", &i)) { s.ReplaceSubstring(i, i+1, arg); } else { s += arg; } SendRaw(s); } }
void GDBGetSourceFileList::HandleSuccess ( const JString& origData ) { if (origData.BeginsWith("Source files for which symbols have been read in:")) { (JXGetApplication())->DisplayBusyCursor(); JXFileListTable* table = (GetFileList())->GetTable(); table->RemoveAllFiles(); JString data = origData; JIndex i,j; while (data.LocateSubstring("Source files for which symbols", &i)) { j = i; if (!data.LocateNextSubstring(":", &j)) { j = data.GetLength(); } data.ReplaceSubstring(i, j, ","); } data.TrimWhitespace(); // no comma after last file std::istrstream input(data.GetCString(), data.GetLength()); JString fullName, path, name, s; JBoolean foundDelimiter; do { input >> ws; fullName = JReadUntil(input, ',', &foundDelimiter); fullName.TrimWhitespace(); if (!fullName.IsEmpty()) { JSplitPathAndName(fullName, &path, &name); table->AddFile(name); } } while (foundDelimiter); }
void XDLink::SendMedicCommand ( CMCommand* command ) { command->Starting(); JString arg = " -i "; arg += JString(command->GetTransactionID(), JString::kBase10); JString s = command->GetCommand(); JIndex i; if (s.LocateSubstring("@i", &i)) { s.ReplaceSubstring(i, i+1, arg); } else { s += arg; } SendRaw(s); }
void CBCompileDocument::AppendText ( const JString& origText ) { const JString* text = &origText; JBoolean deleteText = kJFalse; if (strchr(*text, kMultibyteMarker) != NULL) { JString* s = jnew JString(origText); assert( s != NULL ); text = s; deleteText = kJTrue; JSize length = s->GetLength(); for (JIndex i=1; i<=length; i++) { if (s->GetCharacter(i) == kMultibyteMarker && i <= length-2) { const unsigned char c1 = s->GetCharacter(i+1); const unsigned char c2 = s->GetCharacter(i+2); const JIndex u = (((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c1) << 8) | ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c2); if (u == 32920 || u == 32921) { s->ReplaceSubstring(i, i+2, "'"); } else { std::cout << "jcc: AppendText: unicode: " << u << std::endl; s->ReplaceSubstring(i, i+2, "\x80"); } length -= 2; } } } const JBoolean isJavacError = javacOutputRegex.Match(*text); JIndexRange gccPrevLineRange, gccRange; const JBoolean isGCCError = JI2B(!isJavacError && gccErrorRegex.Match(*text, &gccRange)); JIndexRange flexRange; const JBoolean isFlexError = flexErrorRegex.Match(*text, &flexRange); JIndexRange bisonRange; const JBoolean isBisonError = bisonErrorRegex.Match(*text, &bisonRange); JIndexRange makeRange; const JBoolean isMakeError = JI2B( makeErrorRegex.Match(*text, &makeRange) && !text->EndsWith(makeIgnoreErrorStr) ); JArray<JIndexRange> absoftRangeList; const JBoolean isAbsoftError = absoftErrorRegex.Match(*text, &absoftRangeList); JArray<JIndexRange> maven2RangeList; const JBoolean isMaven2Error = maven2ErrorRegex.Match(*text, &maven2RangeList); JArray<JIndexRange> maven3RangeList; const JBoolean isMaven3Error = maven3ErrorRegex.Match(*text, &maven3RangeList); if (isGCCError && gccErrorRegex.Match(itsPrevLine, &gccPrevLineRange) && gccPrevLineRange == gccRange && JCompareMaxN(itsPrevLine, *text, gccRange.last, kJTrue)) { JString s = *text; s.RemoveSubstring(1, gccRange.last - 1); s.Prepend(" /"); // in front of 1 or 2 trailing newlines CBTextEditor* te = GetTextEditor(); te->SetCaretLocation(te->GetTextLength() - (theDoubleSpaceFlag ? 1 : 0)); te->Paste(s); } else if (!isJavacError && !isGCCError && gccErrorRegex.Match(itsPrevLine, &gccPrevLineRange) && text->BeginsWith(gccMultilinePrefix) && text->GetLength() > kGCCMultilinePrefixLength && !isspace(text->GetCharacter(kGCCMultilinePrefixLength+1))) { JString s = *text; s.RemoveSubstring(1, strlen(gccMultilinePrefix)); CBTextEditor* te = GetTextEditor(); te->SetCaretLocation(te->GetTextLength() - (theDoubleSpaceFlag ? 1 : 0)); te->Paste(s); } else { CBTextEditor* te = GetTextEditor(); const JIndex startIndex = te->GetTextLength() + 1; CBExecOutputDocument::AppendText(*text); if (theDoubleSpaceFlag) { te->Paste("\n"); } itsPrevLine = *text; // display file name in bold and activate Errors menu JIndexRange boldRange; if (isJavacError) { JArray<JIndexRange> javacMatchList; if (javacErrorRegex.Match(*text, &javacMatchList)) { const JIndexRange r = javacMatchList.GetElement(2); boldRange.Set(startIndex + r.first-1, startIndex + r.last-1); } } else if (isGCCError) { boldRange.Set(startIndex, startIndex + gccRange.first - 1); } else if (isFlexError) { boldRange.Set(startIndex+1, startIndex + flexRange.first); } else if (isBisonError) { boldRange.Set(startIndex+2, startIndex + bisonRange.first + 1); } else if (isMakeError) { boldRange.SetFirstAndLength(startIndex, text->GetLength()); } else if (isAbsoftError) { boldRange = absoftRangeList.GetElement(2); boldRange += startIndex-1; } else if (isMaven2Error) { boldRange = maven2RangeList.GetElement(2); boldRange += startIndex-1; } else if (isMaven3Error) { boldRange = maven3RangeList.GetElement(2); boldRange += startIndex-1; } if (!boldRange.IsEmpty()) { te->JTextEditor::SetFont(boldRange.first, boldRange.last, GetErrorFont(), kJTrue); if (!itsHasErrorsFlag) { itsHasErrorsFlag = kJTrue; itsErrorMenu->Activate(); JXWindow* window = GetWindow(); JString windowTitle = window->GetTitle(); windowTitle.SetCharacter(1, '!'); windowTitle.SetCharacter(2, '!'); windowTitle.SetCharacter(3, '!'); window->SetTitle(windowTitle); } } } if (deleteText) { jdelete text; } }
void CBShellEditor::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { const JBoolean controlOn = modifiers.control(); const JBoolean metaOn = modifiers.meta(); const JBoolean shiftOn = modifiers.shift(); if ((key == kJLeftArrow && metaOn && !controlOn && !shiftOn) || (key == JXCtrl('A') && controlOn && !metaOn && !shiftOn)) { const JIndex index = GetInsertionIndex(); const JRunArray<Font>& styles = GetStyles(); if (index > 1 && styles.GetElement(index-1) == GetDefaultFont()) { JIndex runIndex, firstIndexInRun; const JBoolean ok = styles.FindRun(index-1, &runIndex, &firstIndexInRun); SetCaretLocation(firstIndexInRun); return; } } if (key == kJReturnKey) { SetCurrentFont(itsInsertFont); } else { SetCurrentFont(GetDefaultFont()); } JBoolean sentCmd = kJFalse; if (key == kJReturnKey && !modifiers.shift() && !HasSelection()) { JIndex index; JBoolean ok = GetCaretLocation(&index); assert( ok ); JString cmd; const JRunArray<Font>& styles = GetStyles(); if (index > 1 && styles.GetElement(index-1) == GetDefaultFont()) { JIndex runIndex, firstIndexInRun; ok = styles.FindRun(index-1, &runIndex, &firstIndexInRun); const JIndex endIndex = firstIndexInRun + styles.GetRunLength(runIndex); cmd = (GetText()).GetSubstring(firstIndexInRun, endIndex - 1); SetCaretLocation(endIndex); if (cmd.BeginsWith("man ")) { cmd.ReplaceSubstring(1, 4, "jcc --man "); } else if (cmd.BeginsWith("apropos ")) { cmd.ReplaceSubstring(1, 8, "jcc --apropos "); } else if (cmd.BeginsWith("vi ")) { cmd.ReplaceSubstring(1, 3, "jcc "); } else if (cmd.BeginsWith("less ") || cmd.BeginsWith("more ")) { cmd.ReplaceSubstring(1, 5, "jcc "); } else if (cmd == "more" || cmd == "less" || cmd == "vi") { cmd = "jcc"; } } cmd += "\n"; itsShellDoc->SendCommand(cmd); sentCmd = kJTrue; } CBTextEditor::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); if (sentCmd) { itsInsertIndex = GetInsertionIndex(); } }
JBoolean CBCClass::ViewDefinition ( const JCharacter* fnName, const JBoolean caseSensitive, const JBoolean reportNotFound ) const { JBoolean found = kJFalse; JString headerName; if (IsEnum()) { found = ViewDeclaration(fnName, caseSensitive, reportNotFound); } else if (!Implements(fnName, caseSensitive)) { found = ViewInheritedDefinition(fnName, caseSensitive, reportNotFound); if (!found && reportNotFound) { JString msg = "Unable to find any definition for \""; msg += fnName; msg += "\"."; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(msg); } } else if (GetFileName(&headerName)) { // search for class::fn const JCharacter* nsOp = "[[:space:]]*::[[:space:]]*"; JString searchStr = GetFullName(); JIndex i=1; while (searchStr.LocateNextSubstring("::", &i)) { searchStr.ReplaceSubstring(i,i+1, nsOp); i += strlen(nsOp); } searchStr += nsOp; searchStr += fnName; found = FindDefinition(headerName, searchStr, caseSensitive); if (!found) { // "::" insures that we find the source instead of a call to the function. // We can't use "class::" because this doesn't work for templates. searchStr = "::[[:space:]]*"; searchStr += fnName; found = FindDefinition(headerName, searchStr, caseSensitive); } if (!found) { CBDocumentManager* docMgr = CBGetDocumentManager(); // look for it in the header file (pure virtual or inline in class defn) JIndex lineIndex; if (docMgr->SearchFile(headerName, fnName, caseSensitive, &lineIndex)) { docMgr->OpenTextDocument(headerName, lineIndex); found = kJTrue; } // we couldn't find it anywhere else if (reportNotFound) { JString msg = "Unable to find the definition for \""; msg += fnName; msg += "\"."; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(msg); } } } else if (reportNotFound) { JString msg = GetFullName(); msg.PrependCharacter('"'); msg += "\" is a ghost class, so no information is available for it."; (JGetUserNotification())->ReportError(msg); } return found; }
JString JGetClosestDirectory ( const JCharacter* origDirName, const JBoolean requireWrite, const JCharacter* basePath ) { assert( !JStringEmpty(origDirName) ); JString workingDir; if (!JStringEmpty(basePath)) { workingDir = basePath; JAppendDirSeparator(&workingDir); } else { workingDir = JGetCurrentDirectory(); } JString dirName = origDirName; JString homeDir; JSize homeLength; if (origDirName[0] == '~' && !JExpandHomeDirShortcut(origDirName, &dirName, &homeDir, &homeLength)) { return JGetRootDirectory(); } else if (JIsRelativePath(origDirName)) { dirName.Prepend(workingDir); } assert( !JIsRelativePath(dirName) ); JString newDir, junkName; while (!JDirectoryExists(dirName) || !JCanEnterDirectory(dirName) || !JDirectoryReadable(dirName) || (requireWrite && !JDirectoryWritable(dirName))) { JStripTrailingDirSeparator(&dirName); if (JIsRootDirectory(dirName)) { break; } JSplitPathAndName(dirName, &newDir, &junkName); dirName = newDir; } // convert back to partial path, if possible if (origDirName[0] == '~' && dirName.BeginsWith(homeDir)) { dirName.ReplaceSubstring(1, homeDir.GetLength(), origDirName, homeLength); } else if (JIsRelativePath(origDirName) && dirName.GetLength() > workingDir.GetLength() && dirName.BeginsWith(workingDir)) { dirName.RemoveSubstring(1, workingDir.GetLength()); } return dirName; }