int main() {

  // get necessary config
  // -----------------------------------------------
  Jansson j;
  if(!j.load("youtube.cfg", true)) {
    RX_ERROR("Make sure that you created the youtube.cfg; we're using that config to authorize ourself");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  std::string client_id;
  std::string client_secret;
  std::string auth_code;

  j.getString("/client_id", client_id);
  j.getString("/client_secret", client_secret);
  j.getString("/auth_code", auth_code);

  if(!client_id.size() || !client_secret.size() || !auth_code.size()) {
    RX_ERROR("One of the configuration options is empty! Did you set the auth code? See html/index.html and readme.");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // test an upload with some garbage json 
  // -----------------------------------------------
  YouTube yt;
  if(!yt.setup(client_id, client_secret)) {
    RX_ERROR("Cannot setup the youtube API handler");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if(!yt.hasAccessToken()) {
    RX_VERBOSE("Fetching access token");
    if(!yt.exchangeAuthCode(auth_code)) {
      RX_ERROR("Cannot update the access token");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  YouTubeVideo video;
  video.title = "some title";
  video.filename = rx_to_data_path("");
  video.datapath = false;
  video.video_resource_json = "_invalid_json_"; 
  video.bytes_total = rx_get_file_size(video.filename);

  YouTubeUploadStart uploader;
  if(uploader.start(video, yt.getAccessToken())) {
    RX_ERROR("TEST FAILED, uploader should return false on error");
  else {

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #2
int main() {
  Jansson config;
  if(!config.load("twitter.json", true)) {
    RX_ERROR("Cannot load the twitter.json file with the config tokens");
  std::string access_token;
  std::string access_token_secret;
  std::string consumer_key;
  std::string consumer_secret;

  if(!config.getString("/access_token", access_token) 
     || !config.getString("/access_token_secret", access_token_secret)
     || !config.getString("/consumer_key", consumer_key)
     || !config.getString("/consumer_secret", consumer_secret))
      RX_ERROR("Cannot find the correct values in the config file");

  Twitter tw;
  bool r =  tw.setup(access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret);

  if(!r) {
    RX_ERROR("Cannot setup the twitter obj");

#if 1
  TwitterStatusesFilter tw_filter;
  tw_filter.track("love,openframeworks"); // comma separated list of keywords to track
  tw.apiStatusesFilter(tw_filter, twitter_filter_cb, NULL);

#if 0
  // Follow users timeline
  TwitterStatusesUserTimeline tl;
  tl.count = 10;
  tw.apiStatusesUserTimeline(tl, twitter_usertimeline_cb, NULL);

  while(true) {

  return 0;