Example #1
// This method inspects the JSON blob stored in the 'USD_UserExportedAttributesJson'
// attribute on the Maya node at dagPath and exports any attributes specified
// there onto usdPrim at time usdTime. The JSON should contain an object that
// maps Maya attribute names to other JSON objects that contain metadata about
// how to export the attribute into USD. For example:
//    {
//        "myMayaAttributeOne": {
//        },
//        "myMayaAttributeTwo": {
//            "usdAttrName": "my:namespace:attributeTwo"
//        }
//    }
// If the attribute metadata contains a value for "usdAttrName", the attribute
// will be given that name in USD. Otherwise, the Maya attribute name will be
// used. Maya attributes in the JSON will be processed in sorted order, and any
// USD attribute name collisions will be resolved by using the first attribute
// visited and warning about subsequent attribute tags.
    const MDagPath& dagPath,
    const UsdPrim& usdPrim,
    const UsdTimeCode& usdTime)
    MStatus status;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(dagPath.node());

    MPlug exportedAttrsJsonPlug = depFn.findPlug(
                                      _tokens->USD_UserExportedAttributesJson.GetText(), true, &status);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess || exportedAttrsJsonPlug.isNull()) {
        // No attributes specified for export on this node.
        return false;

    std::string exportedAttrsJsonString(exportedAttrsJsonPlug.asString().asChar());
    if (exportedAttrsJsonString.empty()) {
        return false;

    JsParseError jsError;
    JsValue jsValue = JsParseString(exportedAttrsJsonString, &jsError);
    if (not jsValue) {
        MString errorMsg(TfStringPrintf(
                             "Failed to parse USD exported attributes JSON on node at dagPath '%s'"
                             " at line %d, column %d: %s",
                             jsError.line, jsError.column, jsError.reason.c_str()).c_str());
        return false;

    // Maintain a set of USD attribute names that have been processed. If an
    // attribute is multiply-defined, we'll use the first tag encountered and
    // issue warnings for the subsequent definitions. JsObject is really just a
    // std::map, so we'll be considering attributes in sorted order.
    std::set<std::string> exportedUsdAttrNames;

    JsObject exportedAttrs = jsValue.GetObject();
    for (JsObject::const_iterator iter = exportedAttrs.begin();
            iter != exportedAttrs.end();
            ++iter) {
        const std::string mayaAttrName = iter->first;

        const MPlug attrPlug = depFn.findPlug(mayaAttrName.c_str(), true, &status);
        if (status != MS::kSuccess || attrPlug.isNull()) {
            MString errorMsg(TfStringPrintf(
                                 "Could not find attribute '%s' for USD export on node at dagPath '%s'",
                                 mayaAttrName.c_str(), dagPath.fullPathName().asChar()).c_str());

        const JsObject attrMetadata = iter->second.GetObject();

        // Check the metadata to see if the USD attribute name should be
        // different than the Maya attribute name.
        std::string usdAttrName = mayaAttrName;
        JsObject::const_iterator usdAttrValueIter = attrMetadata.find(_tokens->usdAttrName);
        if (usdAttrValueIter != attrMetadata.end()) {
            std::string nameValue = usdAttrValueIter->second.GetString();
            if (not nameValue.empty()) {
                usdAttrName = nameValue;

        const auto& insertIter = exportedUsdAttrNames.insert(usdAttrName);

        if (not insertIter.second) {
            MString errorMsg(TfStringPrintf(
                                 "Ignoring duplicate USD export tag for attribute '%s' on node at dagPath '%s'",
                                 usdAttrName.c_str(), dagPath.fullPathName().asChar()).c_str());

        UsdAttribute usdAttr = PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreateUsdAttr(
                                   attrPlug, usdPrim, usdAttrName, true);
        if (usdAttr) {
            PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::SetUsdAttr(attrPlug, usdAttr, usdTime);

    return true;