Example #1
void RKCaughtX11Window::copyDeviceToRObject () {

// TODO: not very pretty, yet
	KDialog *dialog = new KDialog (this);
	dialog->setButtons (KDialog::Ok|KDialog::Cancel);
	dialog->setCaption (i18n ("Specify R object"));
	dialog->setModal (true);
	KVBox *page = new KVBox (dialog);
	dialog->setMainWidget (page);

	new QLabel (i18n ("Specify the R object name, you want to save the graph to"), page);
	RKSaveObjectChooser *chooser = new RKSaveObjectChooser (page, "my.plot");
	connect (chooser, SIGNAL (changed(bool)), dialog, SLOT (enableButtonOk(bool)));
	if (!chooser->isOk ()) dialog->enableButtonOk (false);

	dialog->exec ();

	if (dialog->result () == QDialog::Accepted) {
		RK_ASSERT (chooser->isOk ());

		QString name = chooser->currentFullName ();

		RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("dev.set (" + QString::number (device_number) + ")\n" + name + " <- recordPlot ()", RCommand::App | RCommand::ObjectListUpdate, i18n ("Save contents of graphics device number %1 to object '%2'", device_number, name), error_dialog);

	delete dialog;
Example #2
void RKCaughtX11Window::setFixedSizeManual () {

// TODO: not very pretty, yet
	KDialog *dialog = new KDialog (this);
	dialog->setButtons (KDialog::Ok|KDialog::Cancel);
	dialog->setCaption (i18n ("Specify fixed size"));
	dialog->setModal (true);

	KVBox *page = new KVBox (dialog);
	dialog->setMainWidget (page);

	new QLabel (i18n ("Width"), page);
	KIntSpinBox *width = new KIntSpinBox (5, 32767, 1, xembed_container->width (), page, 10);
	width->setEditFocus (true);

	new QLabel (i18n ("Height"), page);
	KIntSpinBox *height = new KIntSpinBox (5, 32767, 1, xembed_container->height (), page, 10);

	dialog->exec ();

	if (dialog->result () == QDialog::Accepted) {
		dynamic_size_action->setChecked (false);
		fixedSizeToggled ();		// see setFixedSize1 () above

		xembed_container->setFixedSize (width->value (), height->value ());

	delete dialog;
void MagnatuneCollectionLocation::showSourceDialog( const Meta::TrackList &tracks, bool removeSources )
    KDialog dialog;
    dialog.setCaption( i18n( "Preview Tracks" ) );
    dialog.setButtons( KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel );

    QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n( "The tracks you are about to copy are Magnatune.com preview streams. For better quality and advert free streams, consider buying an album download. Remember that when buying from Magnatune the artist gets 50%. Also if you buy using Amarok, you support the Amarok project with 10%." ) );

    label->setWordWrap ( true );
    label->setMaximumWidth( 400 );
    dialog.setMainWidget( label );


    if ( dialog.result() == QDialog::Rejected )

    CollectionLocation::showSourceDialog( tracks, removeSources ); // to get transcoding dialog