Example #1
// Profiling note: About 30% of the time taken to initialize the
// listview is spent in this function. About 60% is spent in operator
// new and QListViewItem::QListViewItem.
void HeaderItem::irefresh()
  KMHeaders *headers = static_cast<KMHeaders*>(listView());
  NestingPolicy threadingPolicy = headers->getNestingPolicy();
  if ((threadingPolicy == AlwaysOpen) ||
      (threadingPolicy == DefaultOpen)) {
    //Avoid opening items as QListView is currently slow to do so.

  if (threadingPolicy == DefaultClosed)
    return; //default to closed

  // otherwise threadingPolicy == OpenUnread
  if (parent() && parent()->isOpen()) {

  KMMsgBase *mMsgBase = headers->folder()->getMsgBase( mMsgId );
  mSerNum = mMsgBase->getMsgSerNum();
  if (mMsgBase->isNew() || mMsgBase->isUnread()
      || mMsgBase->isImportant() || mMsgBase->isTodo() || mMsgBase->isWatched() ) {
    HeaderItem * topOfThread = this;
      topOfThread = (HeaderItem*)topOfThread->parent();
Example #2
void HeaderItem::paintCell( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg,
    int column, int width, int align )
  KMHeaders *headers = static_cast<KMHeaders*>(listView());
  if (headers->noRepaint) return;
  if (!headers->folder()) return;
  KMMsgBase *mMsgBase = headers->folder()->getMsgBase( mMsgId );
  if (!mMsgBase) return;

  QColorGroup _cg( cg );
  QColor c = _cg.text();
  QColor *color = const_cast<QColor *>( &headers->paintInfo()->colFore );
  QFont font = p->font();
  int weight = font.weight();

  // for color and font family "important" overrides "new" overrides "unread"
  // overrides "todo" for the weight we use the maximal weight
  if ( mMsgBase->isTodo() ) {
    color = const_cast<QColor*>( &headers->paintInfo()->colTodo );
    font = headers->todoFont();
    weight = QMAX( weight, font.weight() );
  if ( mMsgBase->isUnread() ) {
    color = const_cast<QColor*>( &headers->paintInfo()->colUnread );
    font = headers->unreadFont();
    weight = QMAX( weight, font.weight() );
  if ( mMsgBase->isNew() ) {
    color = const_cast<QColor*>( &headers->paintInfo()->colNew );
    font = headers->newFont();
    weight = QMAX( weight, font.weight() );

  if ( mMsgBase->isImportant() ) {
    color = const_cast<QColor*>( &headers->paintInfo()->colFlag );
    font = headers->importantFont();
    weight = QMAX( weight, font.weight() );
  if ( column == headers->paintInfo()->dateCol ) {
    font = headers->dateFont();

  QColor cdisabled = KGlobalSettings::inactiveTextColor();
  if ( headers->isMessageCut( msgSerNum() ) ) {
    font.setItalic( true );
    color = &cdisabled;

  // set color and font
  _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, *color );
  font.setWeight( weight );
  p->setFont( font );

  KListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, align );

  if (aboutToBeDeleted()) {
    // strike through
    p->drawLine( 0, height()/2, width, height()/2);

  // reset color
  _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, c );
Example #3
const QPixmap *HeaderItem::pixmap(int col) const
  KMHeaders *headers = static_cast<KMHeaders*>(listView());
  KMMsgBase *msgBase = headers->folder()->getMsgBase( mMsgId );

  if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->subCol ) {

    PixmapList pixmaps;

    if ( !headers->mPaintInfo.showSpamHam ) {
      // Have the spam/ham and watched/ignored icons first, I guess.
      if ( msgBase->isSpam() ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixSpam;
      if ( msgBase->isHam()  ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixHam;

    if ( !headers->mPaintInfo.showWatchedIgnored ) {
      if ( msgBase->isIgnored() ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixIgnored;
      if ( msgBase->isWatched() ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixWatched;

    if ( !headers->mPaintInfo.showStatus ) {
      const QPixmap *pix = statusIcon(msgBase);
      if ( pix ) pixmaps << *pix;

    // Only merge the attachment icon in if that is configured.
    if ( headers->paintInfo()->showAttachmentIcon &&
        !headers->paintInfo()->showAttachment &&
        msgBase->attachmentState() == KMMsgHasAttachment )
      pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixAttachment;

    // Only merge the crypto icons in if that is configured.
    if ( headers->paintInfo()->showCryptoIcons ) {
      const QPixmap *pix;

      if ( !headers->paintInfo()->showCrypto )
        if ( (pix = cryptoIcon(msgBase))    ) pixmaps << *pix;

      if ( !headers->paintInfo()->showSigned )
        if ( (pix = signatureIcon(msgBase)) ) pixmaps << *pix;

    if ( !headers->mPaintInfo.showImportant )
      if ( msgBase->isImportant() ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixFlag;

    if ( !headers->mPaintInfo.showTodo )
      if ( msgBase->isTodo() ) pixmaps << *KMHeaders::pixTodo;

    static QPixmap mergedpix;
    mergedpix = pixmapMerge( pixmaps );
    return &mergedpix;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->statusCol ) {
    return statusIcon(msgBase);
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->attachmentCol ) {
    if ( msgBase->attachmentState() == KMMsgHasAttachment )
      return KMHeaders::pixAttachment;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->importantCol ) {
    if ( msgBase->isImportant() )
      return KMHeaders::pixFlag;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->todoCol ) {
    if ( msgBase->isTodo() )
      return KMHeaders::pixTodo;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->spamHamCol ) {
    if ( msgBase->isSpam() ) return KMHeaders::pixSpam;
    if ( msgBase->isHam()  ) return KMHeaders::pixHam;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->watchedIgnoredCol ) {
    if ( msgBase->isWatched() ) return KMHeaders::pixWatched;
    if ( msgBase->isIgnored() ) return KMHeaders::pixIgnored;
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->signedCol ) {
    return signatureIcon(msgBase);
  else if ( col == headers->paintInfo()->cryptoCol ) {
    return cryptoIcon(msgBase);
  return 0;