Example #1
void modCalcAzel::slotComputeCoords()
	SkyPoint sp;
	double epoch0 = getEpoch( epochName->text() );
	KStarsDateTime dt;
	dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0 );
	long double jd = getDateTime().djd();
	long double jd0 = dt.djd();

	dms LST( getDateTime().gst().Degrees() + getLongitude().Degrees() );

	if(radioApCoords->isChecked()) {
		sp = getEquCoords();
		sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jd);
		dms lat(getLatitude());
		sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, &lat );
		showHorCoords( sp );

	} else {
		sp = getHorCoords();
		dms lat(getLatitude());
		sp.HorizontalToEquatorial( &LST, &lat );
		showEquCoords( sp );

Example #2
void modCalcAzel::showCurrentDateTime (void)
	KStars *ks = (KStars*) parent()->parent()->parent();

	KStarsDateTime dt = ks->data()->geo()->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() );

	datBox->setDate( dt.date() );
	timBox->setTime( dt.time() );
	dateBoxBatch->setDate( dt.date() );
	utBoxBatch->setTime( dt.time() );
Example #3
SkyPoint SkyPoint::timeTransformed( const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour ) {

    Q_ASSERT( p );
    if( !p )
        return SkyPoint( NaN::d, NaN::d );

    // Jasem 2015-08-24 Using correct procedure to find altitude
    SkyPoint sp = *p; // make a copy
    KStarsDateTime targetDateTime = dt.addSecs( hour * 3600.0 );
    dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( targetDateTime.gst() );
    sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, geo->lat() );
    return sp;

Example #4
void ConjunctionsTool::slotGoto() {
    int index = m_SortModel->mapToSource( OutputList->currentIndex() ).row(); // Get the number of the line
    long double jd = outputJDList.value( index );
    KStarsDateTime dt;
    KStars *ks = KStars::Instance();
    KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
    SkyMap *map = ks->map();

    // Show conjunction
    data->setLocation( *geoPlace );
    dt.setDJD( jd );
    data->changeDateTime( dt );
    map->setClickedObject( data->skyComposite()->findByName( m_Model->data( m_Model->index( index, 2 ) ).toString() ) );
    map->setClickedPoint( map->clickedObject() );
Example #5
void modCalcAzel::showEpoch( const KStarsDateTime &dt )
	double epochN = dt.epoch();
//	Localization
//	epochName->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(epochN,3));
	epochName->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( epochN ) );
Example #6
QTime SkyObject::transitTimeUT( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() );

	//dSec is the number of seconds until the object transits.
	dms HourAngle = dms( LST.Degrees() - ra()->Degrees() );
	int dSec = int( -3600.*HourAngle.Hours() );

	//dt0 is the first guess at the transit time.
	KStarsDateTime dt0 = dt.addSecs( dSec );

	//recompute object's position at UT0 and then find
	//transit time of this refined position
	SkyPoint sp = recomputeCoords( dt0, geo );
	const dms *ram = sp.ra0();

	HourAngle = dms ( LST.Degrees() - ram->Degrees() );
	dSec = int( -3600.*HourAngle.Hours() );

	return dt.addSecs( dSec ).time();
Example #7
QTime SkyObject::riseSetTime( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst ) {
	//this object does not rise or set; return an invalid time
	if ( checkCircumpolar(geo->lat()) )
		return QTime( 25, 0, 0 );

	//First of all, if the object is below the horizon at date/time dt, adjust the time 
	//to bring it above the horizon
	KStarsDateTime dt2 = dt;
	SkyPoint p = recomputeCoords( dt, geo );
	p.EquatorialToHorizontal( &(geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() )), geo->lat() );
	if ( p.alt()->Degrees() < 0.0 ) {
		if ( p.az()->Degrees() < 180.0 ) { //object has not risen yet
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( 12.*3600. );
		} else { //object has already set
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( -12.*3600. );
	return geo->UTtoLT( KStarsDateTime( dt2.date(), riseSetTimeUT( dt2, geo, rst ) ) ).time();
unsigned short MoonPhaseCalendar::computeMoonPhase( const KStarsDateTime &date ) {

    KSNumbers num( date.djd() );
    KSPlanet earth( I18N_NOOP( "Earth" ), QString(), QColor( "white" ), 12756.28 /*diameter in km*/ );
    earth.findPosition( &num );

    m_Moon.findGeocentricPosition( &num, &earth );

    return m_Moon.getIPhase();

Example #9
SkyPoint SkyObject::recomputeCoords( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	//store current position
	SkyPoint original( ra(), dec() );

	// compute coords for new time jd
	KSNumbers num( dt.djd() );
	if ( isSolarSystem() && geo ) {
		dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() );
		updateCoords( &num, true, geo->lat(), &LST );
	} else {
		updateCoords( &num );

	//the coordinates for the date dt:
	SkyPoint sp = SkyPoint( ra(), dec() );

	// restore original coords
	setRA( original.ra()->Hours() );
	setDec( original.dec()->Degrees() );

	return sp;
Example #10
KStarsDateTime KStarsDateTime::fromString( const QString &s ) {
    qDebug() << "Date string: " << s;

    KStarsDateTime dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::TextDate );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::ISODate );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    //dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, QDateTime::RFCDate );
    dtResult = QDateTime::fromString( s, Qt::RFC2822Date );
    if ( dtResult.isValid() )
        return dtResult;

    qWarning() << i18n( "Could not parse Date/Time string: " ) << s ;
    qWarning() << i18n( "Valid date formats: " ) ;
    qWarning() << "  1950-02-25   ;  1950-02-25T05:30:00" ;
    qWarning() << "  25 Feb 1950  ;  25 Feb 1950 05:30:00" ;
    qWarning() << "  Sat Feb 25 1950  ;  Sat Feb 25 05:30:00 1950";
    return KStarsDateTime( QDateTime() ); //invalid
Example #11
QTime SkyObject::auxRiseSetTimeUT( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo,
			const dms *righta, const dms *decl, bool riseT) {
	dms LST = auxRiseSetTimeLST( geo->lat(), righta, decl, riseT );
	return dt.GSTtoUT( geo->LSTtoGST( LST ) );
Example #12
dms SkyObject::riseSetTimeLST( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool riseT ) {
	KStarsDateTime rst( dt.date(), riseSetTimeUT( dt, geo, riseT) );
	return geo->GSTtoLST( rst.gst() );
Example #13
void modCalcVlsr::slotCompute()
    bool ok1(false), ok2(false);
    SkyPoint sp( RA->createDms(false, &ok1), Dec->createDms(true, &ok2) );
    if ( !ok1 || !ok2 ) return;

    KStarsDateTime dt = Date->dateTime();
    double vst[3];
    geoPlace->TopocentricVelocity( vst, dt.gst() );

    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VLSR" )   velocityFlag = 0;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VHelio" ) velocityFlag = 1;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VGeo" )   velocityFlag = 2;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VTopo" )  velocityFlag = 3;

    switch ( velocityFlag ) {
    case 0: //Hold VLSR constant, compute the others
            double vlsr = VLSR->text().toDouble();
            double vhelio = sp.vHeliocentric( vlsr, dt.djd() );
            double vgeo = sp.vGeocentric( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 1: //Hold VHelio constant, compute the others
            double vhelio = VHelio->text().toDouble();
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );
            double vgeo = sp.vGeocentric( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 2: //Hold VGeo constant, compute the others
            double vgeo = VGeo->text().toDouble();
            double vhelio = sp.vGeoToVHelio( vgeo, dt.djd() );
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 3: //Hold VTopo constant, compute the others
            double vtopo = VTopo->text().toDouble();
            double vgeo = sp.vTopoToVGeo( vtopo, vst );
            double vhelio = sp.vGeoToVHelio( vgeo, dt.djd() );
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );

    default: //oops
        kDebug() << i18n("Error: do not know which velocity to use for input.");
Example #14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    KAboutData aboutData( "kstars", 0, ki18n("KStars"),
                          KSTARS_VERSION, ki18n(description), KAboutData::License_GPL,
                          ki18n("(c) 2001-2012, The KStars Team"), ki18n(notice), "http://edu.kde.org/kstars");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Jason Harris"),KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.30doradus.org");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Jasem Mutlaq"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("James Bowlin"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Pablo de Vicente"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Thomas Kabelmann"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Heiko Evermann"),KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.evermann.de");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Carsten Niehaus"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Mark Hollomon"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Alexey Khudyakov"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("M&eacute;d&eacute;ric Boquien"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Akarsh Simha"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~asimha");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Sonrier"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Prakash Mohan"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Victor Cărbune"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Henry de Valence"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Samikshan Bairagya"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Rafał Kułaga"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Rishab Arora"), KLocalizedString(), "*****@*****.**");

    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Valery Kharitonov"), ki18n("Converted labels containing technical terms to links to documentation") );
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Ana-Maria Constantin"), ki18n("Technical documentation on Astronomy and KStars") );
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Andrew Stepanenko"), ki18n("Guiding code based on lin_guider") );
    aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Nuno Pinheiro"), ki18n("Artwork") );

    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );

    KCmdLineOptions options;
    options.add("!dump", ki18n( "Dump sky image to file" ));
    options.add("script ", ki18n( "Script to execute" ));
    options.add("width ", ki18n( "Width of sky image" ), "640");
    options.add("height ", ki18n( "Height of sky image" ), "480");
    options.add("filename ", ki18n( "Filename for sky image" ), "kstars.png");
    options.add("date ", ki18n( "Date and time" ));
    options.add("!paused", ki18n( "Start with clock paused" ));
    KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.
    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

    KApplication a;

    if ( args->isSet( "dump" ) ) {
        kDebug() << i18n( "Dumping sky image" );

        //parse filename and image format
        const char* format = "PNG";
        QString fname = args->getOption( "filename" );
        QString ext = fname.mid( fname.lastIndexOf(".")+1 );
        if ( ext.toLower() == "png" ) { format = "PNG"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "jpg" || ext.toLower() == "jpeg" ) { format = "JPG"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "gif" ) { format = "GIF"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "pnm" ) { format = "PNM"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "bmp" ) { format = "BMP"; }
        else { kWarning() << i18n( "Could not parse image format of %1; assuming PNG.", fname ) ; }

        //parse width and height
        bool ok(false);
        int w(0), h(0);
        w = args->getOption( "width" ).toInt( &ok );
        if ( ok ) h =  args->getOption( "height" ).toInt( &ok );
        if ( !ok ) {
            kWarning() << "Unable to parse arguments: " ;
            kWarning() << "Width: " << args->getOption( "width" )
            << "  Height: " << args->getOption( "height" ) << endl;
            return 1;

        KStarsData *dat = KStarsData::Create();
        QObject::connect( dat, SIGNAL( progressText(QString) ), dat, SLOT( slotConsoleMessage(QString) ) );

        //Set Geographic Location

        //Set color scheme

        //set clock now that we have a location:
        //Check to see if user provided a date/time string.  If not, use current CPU time
        QString datestring = args->getOption( "date" );
        KStarsDateTime kdt;
        if ( ! datestring.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( datestring.contains( "-" ) ) { //assume ISODate format
                if ( datestring.contains( ":" ) ) { //also includes time
                    kdt = KDateTime::fromString( datestring, KDateTime::ISODate );
                } else { //string probably contains date only
                    kdt.setDate( QDate::fromString( datestring, Qt::ISODate ) );
                    kdt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) );
            } else { //assume Text format for date string
                kdt = dat->geo()->LTtoUT( KDateTime::fromString( datestring, KDateTime::QtTextDate ) );

            if ( ! kdt.isValid() ) {
                kWarning() << i18n( "Using CPU date/time instead." ) ;

                kdt = KStarsDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
        } else {
            kdt = KStarsDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
        dat->clock()->setUTC( kdt );

        KSNumbers num( dat->ut().djd() );
        //		dat->initGuides(&num);

        SkyMap *map = SkyMap::Create();
        map->resize( w, h );
        QPixmap sky( w, h );

        dat->updateTime(dat->geo(), map );

        SkyPoint dest( Options::focusRA(), Options::focusDec() );
        map->setDestination( dest );
        map->destination()->EquatorialToHorizontal( dat->lst(), dat->geo()->lat() );
        map->setFocus( map->destination() );
        map->focus()->EquatorialToHorizontal( dat->lst(), dat->geo()->lat() );

        //Execute the specified script
        QString scriptfile = args->getOption( "script" );
        if ( ! scriptfile.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( dat->executeScript( scriptfile, map ) ) {
                std::cout << i18n( "Script executed." ).toUtf8().data() << std::endl;
            } else {
                kWarning() << i18n( "Could not execute script." ) ;

        map->exportSkyImage( &sky );

        if ( ! sky.save( fname, format ) ) kWarning() << i18n( "Unable to save image: %1 ", fname ) ;
        else kDebug() << i18n( "Saved to file: %1", fname );

        delete map;
        delete dat;
        return 0;

    //start up normally in GUI mode

    //Try to parse the given date string
    QString datestring = args->getOption( "date" );
    kDebug() << "Date string: " << datestring;

    if ( ! datestring.isEmpty() && ! KStarsDateTime::fromString( datestring ).isValid() ) {
        kWarning() << i18n( "Using CPU date/time instead." ) ;

    KStars::createInstance( true, ! args->isSet( "paused" ), datestring );
    QObject::connect(kapp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), kapp, SLOT(quit()));
    return a.exec();

Example #15
void modCalcAltAz::slotDateTimeChanged(const QDateTime &dt)
    KStarsDateTime ut = geoPlace->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( dt ) );
    LST = geoPlace->GSTtoLST( ut.gst() );
Example #16
void modCalcAzel::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) {

	// we open the output file

//	QTextStream istream(&fIn);
	QString outputFileName;
	outputFileName = OutputLineEditBatch->text();
	QFile fOut( outputFileName );
	QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

	QString line;
	QString space = " ";
	int i = 0;
	long double jd0, jdf;
	dms LST;
	SkyPoint sp;
	dms raB, decB, latB, longB, azB, elB;
	double epoch0B;
	QTime utB;
	ExtDate dtB;

	while ( ! istream.eof() ) {
		line = istream.readLine();

		//Go through the line, looking for parameters

		QStringList fields = QStringList::split( " ", line );

		i = 0;

		// Read Ut and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			utB = QTime::fromString( fields[i] );
		} else
			utB = utBoxBatch->time();
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << utB.toString() << space;
			if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << utB.toString() << space;
		// Read date and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			 dtB = ExtDate::fromString( fields[i] );
		} else
			dtB = dateBoxBatch->date();
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << dtB.toString().append(space);
			if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() )
			 	ostream << dtB.toString().append(space);
		// Read Longitude and write in ostream if corresponds
		if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			longB = dms::fromString( fields[i],TRUE);
		} else
			longB = longBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE);
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;
			if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space;
		// Read Latitude

		if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			latB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
		} else
			latB = latBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE);
		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;
			if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space;
		// Read Epoch and write in ostream if corresponds
		if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			epoch0B = fields[i].toDouble();
		} else
			epoch0B = getEpoch( epochBoxBatch->text() );

		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << epoch0B << space;
			if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << epoch0B << space;

		// We make the first calculations
		KStarsDateTime dt;
		dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0B );
		jdf = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).djd();
		jd0 = dt.djd();

		LST = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).gst().Degrees() + longB.Degrees();
		// Equatorial coordinates are the input coords.
		if (!horInputCoords) {
		// Read RA and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				raB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE);
			} else
				raB = raBoxBatch->createDms(FALSE);

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;
				if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space;

			// Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				decB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
			} else
				decB = decBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;
				if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space;

			sp = SkyPoint (raB, decB);
			sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jdf);
			sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, &latB );
			ostream << sp.az()->toDMSString() << space << sp.alt()->toDMSString() << endl;

		// Input coords are horizontal coordinates
		} else {
			if(azCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				azB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE);
			} else
				azB = azBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space;
				if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space;

			// Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds

			if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
				elB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE);
			} else
				elB = decBoxBatch->createDms();

			if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space;
				if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() )
					ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space;

			sp.HorizontalToEquatorial( &LST, &latB );
			ostream << sp.ra()->toHMSString() << space << sp.dec()->toDMSString() << endl;


Example #17
ConjunctionsTool::ConjunctionsTool(QWidget *parentSplit)
    : QFrame(parentSplit), Object1( 0 ), Object2( 0 ) {


    KStarsData *kd = KStarsData::Instance();
    KStarsDateTime dtStart ( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() );
    KStarsDateTime dtStop ( dtStart.djd() + 365.24 ); // TODO: Refine

    //startDate -> setDateTime( dtStart.dateTime() );
    //stopDate -> setDateTime( dtStop.dateTime() );
    //TODO Check if this change works
    startDate -> setDateTime( dtStart );
    stopDate -> setDateTime( dtStop );

    geoPlace = kd -> geo();
    LocationButton -> setText( geoPlace -> fullName() );

    // Init filter type combobox
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Single Object...") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Any") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Stars") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Solar System") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Planets") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Comets") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Asteroids") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Open Clusters") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Globular Clusters") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Gaseous Nebulae") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Planetary Nebulae") );
    FilterTypeComboBox->addItem( i18n ("Galaxies") );

    pNames[KSPlanetBase::MERCURY] = i18n("Mercury");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::VENUS] = i18n("Venus");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::MARS] = i18n("Mars");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::JUPITER] = i18n("Jupiter");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::SATURN] = i18n("Saturn");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::URANUS] = i18n("Uranus");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::NEPTUNE] = i18n("Neptune");
    //pNames[KSPlanetBase::PLUTO] = i18n("Pluto");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::SUN] = i18n("Sun");
    pNames[KSPlanetBase::MOON] = i18n("Moon");

    for ( int i=0; i<KSPlanetBase::UNKNOWN_PLANET; ++i ) {
        //      Obj1ComboBox->insertItem( i, pNames[i] );
        Obj2ComboBox->insertItem( i, pNames[i] );

    // Initialize the Maximum Separation box to 1 degree
    maxSeparationBox->setDegType( true );
    maxSeparationBox->setDMS( "01 00 00.0" );

    //Set up the Table Views
    m_Model = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 5, this );
    m_Model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << i18n( "Conjunction/Opposition" )
                                        << i18n( "Date & Time (UT)" ) << i18n( "Object 1" ) << i18n( "Object 2" ) << i18n( "Separation" ) );
    m_SortModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this );
    m_SortModel->setSourceModel( m_Model );
    OutputList->setModel( m_SortModel );
    OutputList->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection( true );
    OutputList->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(  QHeaderView::Interactive );
    OutputList->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(2, 100);
    OutputList->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(3, 100);
    OutputList->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(4, 120); //is it bad way to fix default size of columns ?

    //FilterEdit->showClearButton = true;
    ClearFilterButton->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "edit-clear" , QIcon(":/icons/breeze/default/edit-clear.svg") ) );

    m_index = 0;

    // signals and slots connections
    connect(LocationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotLocation()));
    connect(Obj1FindButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFindObject()));
    connect(ComputeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCompute()));
    connect( FilterTypeComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int) ), SLOT( slotFilterType(int) ) );
    connect( ClearButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotClear() ) );
    connect( ExportButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotExport() ) );
    connect( OutputList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( slotGoto() ) );
    connect( ClearFilterButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), FilterEdit, SLOT( clear() ) );
    connect( FilterEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotFilterReg( const QString & ) ) );

Example #18
KStarsDateTime::KStarsDateTime( const KStarsDateTime &kdt ) : QDateTime()
    setDJD( kdt.djd() );
void modCalcJD::processLines( QTextStream &istream, int inputData ) {
    QFile fOut( OutputFileBatch->url().toLocalFile() );
    QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

    QString line;
    long double jd(0);
    double mjd(0);
    KStarsDateTime dt;

    while ( ! istream.atEnd() ) {
        line = istream.readLine();
        line = line.trimmed();
        QStringList data = line.split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );

        if ( inputData == 0 ) { //Parse date & time
            //Is the first field parseable as a date or date&time?
            if ( data[0].length() > 10 )
                dt = KStarsDateTime::fromString( data[0] );
                dt = KStarsDateTime( QDate::fromString( data[0] ), QTime(0,0,0) );

            kDebug() << data[0];
            if ( dt.isValid() ) kDebug() << dt.toString();

            if ( dt.isValid() ) {
                //Try to parse the second field as a time
                if ( data.size() > 1 ) {
                    QString s = data[1];
                    if ( s.length() == 4 ) s = '0'+s;
                    QTime t = QTime::fromString( s );
                    if ( t.isValid() ) dt.setTime( t );

            } else { //Did not parse the first field as a date; try it as a time
                QTime t = QTime::fromString( data[0] );
                if ( t.isValid() ) {
                    dt.setTime( t );
                    //Now try the second field as a date
                    if ( data.size() > 1 ) {
                        QDate d = QDate::fromString( data[1] );
                        if ( d.isValid() ) dt.setDate( d );
                        else dt.setDate( QDate::currentDate() );

            if ( dt.isValid() ) {
                //Compute JD and MJD
                jd = dt.djd();
                mjd = jd - MJD0;

        } else if ( inputData == 1 ) {//Parse Julian day
            bool ok(false);
            jd = data[0].toDouble(&ok);
            if ( ok ) {
                dt.setDJD( jd );
                mjd = jd - MJD0;
        } else if ( inputData == 2 ) {//Parse Modified Julian day
            bool ok(false);
            mjd = data[0].toDouble(&ok);
            if ( ok ) {
                jd = mjd + MJD0;
                dt.setDJD( jd );

        //Write to output file
        ostream << KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dt, KLocale::LongDate ) << "  "
                << QString::number( jd, 'f', 2 ) << "  "
                << QString::number( mjd, 'f', 2 ) << endl;


Example #20
QTime SkyObject::transitTime( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	return geo->UTtoLT( KStarsDateTime( dt.date(), transitTimeUT( dt, geo ) ) ).time();
Example #21
void ConjunctionsTool::slotCompute (void)
    KStarsDateTime dtStart = startDate -> dateTime();   // Start date
    KStarsDateTime dtStop = stopDate -> dateTime();     // Stop date
    long double startJD = dtStart.djd();                // Start julian day
    long double stopJD = dtStop.djd();                  // Stop julian day
    bool opposition = false;                            // true=opposition, false=conjunction
    if( Opposition->currentIndex() ) opposition = true;
    QStringList objects;                                // List of sky object used as Object1
    KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
    int progress = 0;

    // Check if we have a valid angle in maxSeparationBox
    dms maxSeparation( 0.0 );
    bool ok;
    maxSeparation = maxSeparationBox->createDms( true, &ok );

    if( !ok ) {
        KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Maximum separation entered is not a valid angle. Use the What's this help feature for information on how to enter a valid angle") );

    // Check if Object1 and Object2 are set
    if( FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == 0 && !Object1 ) {
        KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Please select an object to check conjunctions with, by clicking on the \'Find Object\' button.") );
    Object2 = KSPlanetBase::createPlanet( Obj2ComboBox->currentIndex() );
    if( FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == 0 && Object1->name() == Object2->name() ) {
        // FIXME: Must free the created Objects
        KMessageBox::sorry( 0 , i18n("Please select two different objects to check conjunctions with.") );

    // Init KSConjunct object
    KSConjunct ksc;
    connect( &ksc, SIGNAL(madeProgress(int)), this, SLOT(showProgress(int)) );
    ksc.setGeoLocation( geoPlace );

    switch ( FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() ) {
    case 1: // All object types
        foreach( int type, data->skyComposite()->objectNames().keys() )
            objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( type );
    case 2: // Stars
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::STAR );
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::CATALOG_STAR );
    case 3: // Solar system
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::PLANET );
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::COMET );
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::ASTEROID );
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::MOON );
        objects += i18n("Sun");
        // Remove Object2  planet
        objects.removeAll( Object2->name() );
    case 4: // Planet
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::PLANET );
        // Remove Object2  planet
        objects.removeAll( Object2->name() );
    case 5: // Comet
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::COMET );
    case 6: // Ateroid
        objects += data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::ASTEROID );
    case 7: // Open Clusters
        objects = data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::OPEN_CLUSTER );
    case 8: // Open Clusters
        objects = data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::GLOBULAR_CLUSTER );
    case 9: // Gaseous nebulae
        objects = data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::GASEOUS_NEBULA );
    case 10: // Planetary nebula
        objects = data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::PLANETARY_NEBULA );
    case 11: // Galaxies
        objects = data->skyComposite()->objectNames( SkyObject::GALAXY );

    // Remove all Jupiter and Saturn moons
    // KStars crash if we compute a conjunction between a planet and one of this moon
    if ( FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == 1 ||
            FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == 3 ||
            FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == 6 ) {
        objects.removeAll( "Io" );
        objects.removeAll( "Europa" );
        objects.removeAll( "Ganymede" );
        objects.removeAll( "Callisto" );
        objects.removeAll( "Mimas" );
        objects.removeAll( "Enceladus" );
        objects.removeAll( "Tethys" );
        objects.removeAll( "Dione" );
        objects.removeAll( "Rhea" );
        objects.removeAll( "Titan" );
        objects.removeAll( "Hyperion" );
        objects.removeAll( "Iapetus" );

    if ( FilterTypeComboBox->currentIndex() != 0 ) {
        // Show a progress dialog while processing
        QProgressDialog progressDlg( i18n( "Compute conjunction..." ), i18n( "Abort" ), 0, objects.count(), this);
        progressDlg.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
        progressDlg.setValue( 0 );

        foreach( QString object, objects ) {
            // If the user click on the 'cancel' button
            if ( progressDlg.wasCanceled() )

            // Update progress dialog
            progressDlg.setValue( progress );
            progressDlg.setLabelText( i18n( "Compute conjunction between %1 and %2", Object2->name(), object ) );

            // Compute conjuction
            Object1 = data->skyComposite()->findByName( object );
            showConjunctions( ksc.findClosestApproach(*Object1, *Object2, startJD, stopJD, maxSeparation, opposition), object, Object2->name() );

        progressDlg.setValue( objects.count() );
    } else {
Example #22
void DetailsTable::createCoordinatesTable(SkyObject *obj, const KStarsDateTime &ut, GeoLocation *geo)

    QTextCursor cursor = m_Document->rootFrame()->firstCursorPosition();

    // Set column width constraints
    QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
    constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25);

    // Insert table & row containing table name
    QTextTable *table = cursor.insertTable(4, 4, m_TableFormat);
    table->mergeCells(0, 0, 1, 4);
    QTextBlockFormat centered;
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Coordinates"), m_TableTitleCharFormat);

    //Coordinates Section:
    //Don't use KLocale::formatNumber() for the epoch string,
    //because we don't want a thousands-place separator!
    QString sEpoch = QString::number(ut.epoch(), 'f', 1);
    //Replace the decimal point with localized decimal symbol
    sEpoch.replace('.', KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol());

    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("RA (%1):", sEpoch), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->ra().toHMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Dec (%1):", sEpoch), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(2, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->dec().toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Hour angle:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    //Hour Angle can be negative, but dms HMS expressions cannot.
    //Here's a kludgy workaround:
    dms lst = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst());
    dms ha(lst.Degrees() - obj->ra().Degrees());
    QChar sgn('+');
    if(ha.Hours() > 12.0)
        ha.setH(24.0 - ha.Hours());
        sgn = '-';
    table->cellAt(3, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(QString("%1%2").arg(sgn).arg(ha.toHMSString()), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Azimuth:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->az().toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Altitude:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    dms a;
        a = obj->alt();

        a = obj->altRefracted();
    table->cellAt(2, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(a.toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Airmass:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    //Airmass is approximated as the secant of the zenith distance,
    //equivalent to 1./sin(Alt).  Beware of Inf at Alt=0!
    QString aMassStr;
    if(obj->alt().Degrees() > 0.0)
        aMassStr = KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(1./sin(obj->alt().radians() ), 2);

        aMassStr = "--";
    table->cellAt(3, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(aMassStr, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    // Restore the position and other time-dependent parameters
    obj->recomputeCoords(ut, geo);
Example #23
void DetailsTable::createRSTTAble(SkyObject *obj, const KStarsDateTime &ut, GeoLocation *geo)

    QTextCursor cursor = m_Document->rootFrame()->firstCursorPosition();

    QString rtValue, stValue; // Rise/Set time values
    QString azRValue, azSValue; // Rise/Set azimuth values

    //Prepare time/position variables
    QTime rt = obj->riseSetTime(ut, geo, true); //true = use rise time
    dms raz = obj->riseSetTimeAz(ut, geo, true); //true = use rise time

    //If transit time is before rise time, use transit time for tomorrow
    QTime tt = obj->transitTime(ut, geo);
    dms talt = obj->transitAltitude(ut, geo);
    if(tt < rt)
        tt = obj->transitTime(ut.addDays(1), geo);
        talt = obj->transitAltitude(ut.addDays(1), geo);

    //If set time is before rise time, use set time for tomorrow
    QTime st = obj->riseSetTime(ut, geo, false); //false = use set time
    dms saz = obj->riseSetTimeAz(ut, geo, false); //false = use set time
    if(st < rt)
        st = obj->riseSetTime(ut.addDays(1), geo, false); //false = use set time
        saz = obj->riseSetTimeAz(ut.addDays( 1 ), geo, false); //false = use set time

        rtValue = QString().sprintf("%02d:%02d", rt.hour(), rt.minute());
        stValue = QString().sprintf("%02d:%02d", st.hour(), st.minute());
        azRValue = raz.toDMSString();
        azSValue = saz.toDMSString();

        if(obj->alt().Degrees() > 0.0)
            rtValue = i18n("Circumpolar");
            stValue = i18n("Circumpolar");

            rtValue = i18n("Never rises");
            stValue = i18n("Never rises");

        azRValue = i18nc("Not Applicable", "N/A");
        azSValue = i18nc("Not Applicable", "N/A");

    // Set column width constraints
    QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
    constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25);

    // Insert table & row containing table name
    QTextTable *table = cursor.insertTable(4, 4, m_TableFormat);
    table->mergeCells(0, 0, 1, 4);
    QTextBlockFormat centered;
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Rise/Set/Transit"), m_TableTitleCharFormat);

    // Insert cell names & values
    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Rise time:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(rtValue, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Transit time:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(2, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(QString().sprintf("%02d:%02d", tt.hour(), tt.minute()), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Set time:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(3, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(stValue, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Azimuth at rise:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(azRValue, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Altitude at transit:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(2, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(talt.toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Azimuth at set:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(3, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(azSValue, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    // Restore the position and other time-dependent parameters
    obj->recomputeCoords( ut, geo );
Example #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
    //Note, this function will return true on OS X if the data directories are good to go.  If not, quit with error code 1!
        KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("Sorry, without a KStars Data Directory, KStars cannot operate. Exiting program now."));
        return 1;
    * enable high dpi support
     app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);


    KAboutData aboutData( "kstars", i18n("KStars"), KSTARS_VERSION, i18n(description), KAboutLicense::GPL,
                          "2001-" + QString::number(QDate::currentDate().year()) + i18n("(c), The KStars Team"), i18n(notice), "http://edu.kde.org/kstars");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Jason Harris"), i18n("Original Author"), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.30doradus.org");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Jasem Mutlaq"), i18n("Current Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.indilib.org");

    // Active developers
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Akarsh Simha"), QString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~asimha");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Artem Fedoskin"), i18n("KStars Lite"), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Robert Lancaster"), i18n("FITSViewer Improvements. KStars OSX Port"), "*****@*****.**");

    // Inactive developers
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("James Bowlin"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Pablo de Vicente"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Thomas Kabelmann"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Heiko Evermann"),QString(), "*****@*****.**", "http://www.evermann.de");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Carsten Niehaus"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Mark Hollomon"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Alexey Khudyakov"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("M&eacute;d&eacute;ric Boquien"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");    
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Sonrier"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Prakash Mohan"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Victor Cărbune"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Henry de Valence"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Samikshan Bairagya"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Rafał Kułaga"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");
    aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Rishab Arora"), QString(), "*****@*****.**");

    // Contributors
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Valery Kharitonov"), i18n("Converted labels containing technical terms to links to documentation") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Ana-Maria Constantin"), i18n("Technical documentation on Astronomy and KStars") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Andrew Stepanenko"), i18n("Guiding code based on lin_guider") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Nuno Pinheiro"), i18n("Artwork") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Utkarsh Simha"), i18n("Improvements to observation plan execution, star hopper etc.") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Daniel Holler"), i18n("Extensive testing and suggestions for Ekos/INDI.") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Stephane Lucas"), i18n("Extensive testing and suggestions for Ekos Scheduler.") );
    aboutData.addCredit(i18n("Yuri Fabirovsky"), i18n("Splash screen for both regular KStars and KStars Lite.") );


    QCommandLineParser parser;

    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "dump", i18n( "Dump sky image to file" )));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "script ", i18n( "Script to execute" )));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "width ", i18n( "Width of sky image" ),  "640"));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "height ", i18n( "Height of sky image" ), "480"));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "filename ", i18n( "Filename for sky image" ), "kstars.png"));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "date", i18n( "Date and time" )));
    parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << "paused", i18n( "Start with clock paused" )));

    // urls to open
    parser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("urls"), i18n("FITS file(s) to open."), QStringLiteral("[urls...]"));


    if ( parser.isSet( "dump" ) )
        qDebug() << "Dumping sky image";

        //parse filename and image format
        const char* format = "PNG";
        QString fname = parser.value( "filename" );
        QString ext = fname.mid( fname.lastIndexOf(".")+1 );
        if ( ext.toLower() == "png" ) { format = "PNG"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "jpg" || ext.toLower() == "jpeg" ) { format = "JPG"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "gif" ) { format = "GIF"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "pnm" ) { format = "PNM"; }
        else if ( ext.toLower() == "bmp" ) { format = "BMP"; }
        else { qWarning() << i18n( "Could not parse image format of %1; assuming PNG.", fname ) ; }

        //parse width and height
        bool ok(false);
        int w(0), h(0);
        w = parser.value( "width" ).toInt( &ok );
        if ( ok ) h =  parser.value( "height" ).toInt( &ok );
        if ( !ok ) {
            qWarning() << "Unable to parse arguments: " ;
            qWarning() << "Width: " << parser.value( "width" )
                       << "  Height: " << parser.value( "height" ) << endl;
            return 1;
        KStarsData *dat = KStarsData::Create();
        QObject::connect( dat, SIGNAL( progressText(QString) ), dat, SLOT( slotConsoleMessage(QString) ) );

        //Set Geographic Location

        //Set color scheme

        //set clock now that we have a location:
        //Check to see if user provided a date/time string.  If not, use current CPU time
        QString datestring = parser.value( "date" );
        KStarsDateTime kdt;
        if ( ! datestring.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( datestring.contains( "-" ) ) { //assume ISODate format
                if ( datestring.contains( ":" ) ) { //also includes time
                    //kdt = QDateTime::fromString( datestring, QDateTime::ISODate );
                    kdt = QDateTime::fromString( datestring, Qt::ISODate );
                } else { //string probably contains date only
                    //kdt.setDate( QDate::fromString( datestring, Qt::ISODate ) );
                    kdt.setDate( QDate::fromString( datestring, Qt::ISODate ) );
                    kdt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ) );
            } else { //assume Text format for date string
                kdt = dat->geo()->LTtoUT( QDateTime::fromString( datestring, Qt::TextDate ) );

            if ( ! kdt.isValid() ) {
                qWarning() << i18n( "Using CPU date/time instead." ) ;

                kdt = KStarsDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
        } else {
            kdt = KStarsDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
        dat->clock()->setUTC( kdt );

        SkyMap *map = SkyMap::Create();
        map->resize( w, h );
        QPixmap sky( w, h );

        dat->updateTime(dat->geo(), map );

        SkyPoint dest( Options::focusRA(), Options::focusDec() );
        map->setDestination( dest );
        map->destination()->EquatorialToHorizontal( dat->lst(), dat->geo()->lat() );
        map->setFocus( map->destination() );
        map->focus()->EquatorialToHorizontal( dat->lst(), dat->geo()->lat() );

        //Execute the specified script
        QString scriptfile = parser.value( "script" );
        if ( ! scriptfile.isEmpty() ) {
            if ( dat->executeScript( scriptfile, map ) ) {
                std::cout << i18n( "Script executed." ).toUtf8().data() << std::endl;
            } else {
                qWarning() << i18n( "Could not execute script." ) ;

        map->exportSkyImage( &sky );

        if ( ! sky.save( fname, format ) )
            qWarning() << "Unable to save image: " << fname;
            qDebug() << "Saved to file: %1" << fname;

        delete map;
        delete dat;
        return 0;

    //Try to parse the given date string
    QString datestring = parser.value( "date" );

    if ( ! datestring.isEmpty() && ! KStarsDateTime::fromString( datestring ).isValid() )
        qWarning() << i18n( "Using CPU date/time instead." ) ;

    // Create writable data dir if it does not exist
    QDir writableDir;

    KStars::createInstance( true, ! parser.isSet( "paused" ), datestring );

    // no session.. just start up normally
    const QStringList urls = parser.positionalArguments();

    // take arguments
    if( ! urls.isEmpty() )
        foreach (const QString &url, urls) {
            const QUrl u = QUrl::fromUserInput(url, QDir::currentPath());
Example #25
QTime modCalcSidTime::computeLTtoST( QTime lt )
    KStarsDateTime utdt = geo->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( Date->date(), lt ) );
    dms st = geo->GSTtoLST( utdt.gst() );
    return QTime( st.hour(), st.minute(), st.second() );