Example #1
void KVRangeYanezMaterial::Initialize()
      TIter next(fComposition);
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while( (nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next()) ){
         fAbsorb[fNelem].z = nvl->GetIntValue("Z");
         fAbsorb[fNelem].a = nvl->GetIntValue("A");
         fAbsorb[fNelem].w = nvl->GetDoubleValue("Ar*Weight");
   else if(IsMixture()){
      TIter next(fComposition);
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while( (nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next()) ){
         fAbsorb[fNelem].z = nvl->GetIntValue("Z");
         fAbsorb[fNelem].a = nvl->GetIntValue("A");
         fAbsorb[fNelem].w = nvl->GetDoubleValue("Ar*Weight");
TGeoMaterial* KVIonRangeTableMaterial::GetTGeoMaterial() const
   // Create and return pointer to a TGeoMaterial or TGeoMixture (for compound materials)
   // with the properties of this material.
   // gGeoManager must exist.

   TGeoMaterial* gmat = 0x0;
   if (!gGeoManager) return gmat;
   if (IsCompound()) {
      gmat = new TGeoMixture(GetTitle(), GetComposition()->GetEntries(), GetDensity());
      TIter next(GetComposition());
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         KVNucleus n(nvl->GetIntValue("Z"), nvl->GetIntValue("A"));
         TGeoElement* gel = gGeoManager->GetElementTable()->FindElement(n.GetSymbol("EL"));
         float poids = nvl->GetDoubleValue("NormWeight");
         ((TGeoMixture*)gmat)->AddElement(gel, poids);
   else {
      gmat = new TGeoMaterial(GetTitle(), GetMass(), GetZ(), GetDensity());
   // set state of material
   if (IsGas()) gmat->SetState(TGeoMaterial::kMatStateGas);
   else gmat->SetState(TGeoMaterial::kMatStateSolid);
   return gmat;
void KVIonRangeTableMaterial::Initialize()
   // Correctly initialize material ready for use
   // For compound or mixed materials, calculate normalised weights of components,
   // effective Z and A, and molar weight of substance

   fMoleWt = 0.;
   if (IsCompound() || IsMixture()) {
      // mixture or compound
      // calculate molar weight and effective Z & A
      fZmat = fAmat = 0;
      TIter next(fComposition);
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      Double_t totW = 0;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         Double_t arw = nvl->GetDoubleValue("Ar*Weight");
         Double_t poid = nvl->GetDoubleValue("Weight");
         fMoleWt += arw;
         totW += poid;
         fZmat += poid * nvl->GetIntValue("Z");
         fAmat += poid * nvl->GetIntValue("A");
      fZmat /= totW;
      fAmat /= totW;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         Double_t prop = nvl->GetDoubleValue("Weight");
         nvl->SetValue("NormWeight", prop / totW);
   else {
      // isotopically-pure elemental material
      // get mass of 1 mole of element
      KVNucleus n(fZmat, fAmat);
      fMoleWt = n.GetAtomicMass();
void KVIonRangeTableMaterial::PrintComposition(ostream& output) const
   // Print to stream the composition of this material, in a format compatible with the VEDALOSS parameter file.
   if (IsCompound()) output << "COMPOUND";
   else if (IsMixture()) output << "MIXTURE";
   else output << "ELEMENT";
   output << endl;
   if (IsCompound() || IsMixture()) {
      output << fComposition->GetEntries() << endl;
      TIter next(fComposition);
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         KVNucleus n(nvl->GetIntValue("Z"), nvl->GetIntValue("A"));
         output << n.GetZ() << " " << n.GetA() << " " << nvl->GetIntValue("Natoms");
         if (IsMixture()) output << " " << nvl->GetDoubleValue("Proportion");
         output << endl;
void KVIonRangeTableMaterial::Print(Option_t*) const
   printf("Material : %s (%s)   State : %s\n",
          GetName(), GetSymbol(), fState.Data());
   printf("\tEffective Z=%f, A=%f  ", fZmat, fAmat);
   if (IsGas()) printf(" Molar Weight = %f g.", fMoleWt);
   else printf(" Density = %f g/cm**3", fDens);
   if (IsCompound()) printf("\tCompound material:\n");
   else if (IsMixture())  printf("\tMixed material:\n");
   if (IsCompound() || IsMixture()) {
      TIter next(fComposition);
      KVNameValueList* nvl;
      while ((nvl = (KVNameValueList*)next())) {
         KVNucleus n(nvl->GetIntValue("Z"), nvl->GetIntValue("A"));
         printf("\t\tElement: %s   Ar=%f g.   Natoms=%d", n.GetSymbol(), n.GetAtomicMass(), nvl->GetIntValue("Natoms"));
         if (IsMixture()) printf("   Proportion=%f", nvl->GetDoubleValue("Proportion"));