int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    int device = 0;
    cuda::setDevice (device);
    cuda::printShortCudaDeviceInfo (device);

        return std::cout << std::endl << "Kinfu is not supported for pre-Fermi GPU architectures, and not built for them by default. Exiting..." << std::endl, 1;

	OpenNISource capture;
	if(argc == 2)[1]));
    // (0);

    KinFuApp app (capture);

    // executing
    try { app.execute (); }
    catch (const std::bad_alloc& /*e*/) { std::cout << "Bad alloc" << std::endl; }
    catch (const std::exception& /*e*/) { std::cout << "Exception" << std::endl; }

    return 0;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])

    kfusion::Options* options;
        // Parse command line arguments
        options = new kfusion::Options(argc, argv);

        // Exit if options had to generate a usage message
        // (this means required parameters are missing)
        if ( options->printUsage() )
            return 0;

        ::std::cout << *options << ::std::endl;
    catch(exception& e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        return 0;

    OpenNISource capture;
    string device = options->getInputDevice();
    if(device.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
        cuda::setDevice (atoi(device.c_str()));
        cuda::printShortCudaDeviceInfo (atoi(device.c_str()));

            return std::cout << std::endl << "Kinfu is not supported for pre-Fermi GPU architectures, and not built for them by default. Exiting..." << std::endl, 1;;

    KinFuApp app (capture, options);

    // executing
    try {
        app.execute ();
    catch (const std::bad_alloc& /*e*/) {
        std::cout << "Bad alloc" << std::endl;
    catch (const std::exception& /*e*/) {
        std::cout << "Exception" << std::endl;

    return 0;
Example #3
  static void
  keyboard_callback (const visualization::KeyboardEvent &e, void *cookie)
    KinFuApp* app = reinterpret_cast<KinFuApp*> (cookie);

    int key = e.getKeyCode ();

    if (e.keyUp ())    
      switch (key)
      case 27: app->exit_ = true; break;
      case (int)'t': case (int)'T': app->scan_ = true; break;
      case (int)'a': case (int)'A': app->scan_mesh_ = true; break;
      case (int)'h': case (int)'H': app->printHelp (); break;
      case (int)'m': case (int)'M': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleExtractionMode (); break;
      case (int)'n': case (int)'N': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleNormals (); break;      
      case (int)'c': case (int)'C': app->scene_cloud_view_.clearClouds (true); break;
      case (int)'i': case (int)'I': app->toggleIndependentCamera (); break;
      case (int)'b': case (int)'B': app->scene_cloud_view_.toggleCube(app->kinfu_.volume().getSize()); break;
      case (int)'7': case (int)'8': app->writeMesh (key - (int)'0'); break;
      case (int)'1': case (int)'2': case (int)'3': app->writeCloud (key - (int)'0'); break;      
      case '*': app->image_view_.toggleImagePaint (); break;

      case (int)'x': case (int)'X':
        app->scan_volume_ = !app->scan_volume_;
        cout << endl << "Volume scan: " << (app->scan_volume_ ? "enabled" : "disabled") << endl << endl;
      case (int)'v': case (int)'V':
        cout << "Saving TSDF volume to tsdf_volume.dat ... " << flush;
        app-> ("tsdf_volume.dat", true);
        cout << "done [" << app->tsdf_volume_.size () << " voxels]" << endl;
        cout << "Saving TSDF volume cloud to tsdf_cloud.pcd ... " << flush;
        pcl::io::savePCDFile<pcl::PointXYZI> ("tsdf_cloud.pcd", *app->tsdf_cloud_ptr_, true);
        cout << "done [" << app->tsdf_cloud_ptr_->size () << " points]" << endl;

Example #4
main (int argc, char* argv[])
  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--help") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h"))
    return print_cli_help ();
  int device = 0;
  pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-gpu", device);
  pcl::gpu::setDevice (device);
  pcl::gpu::printShortCudaDeviceInfo (device);

//  if (checkIfPreFermiGPU(device))
//    return cout << endl << "Kinfu is supported only for Fermi and Kepler arhitectures. It is not even compiled for pre-Fermi by default. Exiting..." << endl, 1;
  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::Grabber> capture;
  bool triggered_capture = false;
  std::string eval_folder, match_file, openni_device, oni_file, pcd_dir;
    if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dev", openni_device) > 0)
      capture.reset (new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (openni_device));
    else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-oni", oni_file) > 0)
      triggered_capture = true;
      bool repeat = false; // Only run ONI file once
      capture.reset (new pcl::ONIGrabber (oni_file, repeat, ! triggered_capture));
    else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pcd", pcd_dir) > 0)
      float fps_pcd = 15.0f;
      pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-pcd_fps", fps_pcd);

      vector<string> pcd_files = getPcdFilesInDir(pcd_dir);    

      // Sort the read files by name
      sort (pcd_files.begin (), pcd_files.end ());
      capture.reset (new pcl::PCDGrabber<pcl::PointXYZ> (pcd_files, fps_pcd, false));
    else if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-eval", eval_folder) > 0)
      //init data source latter
      pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-match_file", match_file);
      capture.reset( new pcl::OpenNIGrabber() );
      //triggered_capture = true; capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224932.oni", true, ! triggered_capture) );
      //triggered_capture = true; capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/reg20111229-180846.oni, true, ! triggered_capture) );    
      //triggered_capture = true; capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("/media/Main/onis/20111013-224932.oni", true, ! triggered_capture) );
      //triggered_capture = true; capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224551.oni", true, ! triggered_capture) );
      //triggered_capture = true; capture.reset( new pcl::ONIGrabber("d:/onis/20111013-224719.oni", true, ! triggered_capture) );    
  catch (const pcl::PCLException& /*e*/) { return cout << "Can't open depth source" << endl, -1; }

  float volume_size = 3.f;
  pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-volume_size", volume_size);

  int icp = 1, visualization = 1;
  std::vector<float> depth_intrinsics;
  pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--icp", icp);
  pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--viz", visualization);
  KinFuApp app (*capture, volume_size, icp, visualization);

  if (pc::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-eval", eval_folder) > 0)
    app.toggleEvaluationMode(eval_folder, match_file);

  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--current-cloud") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-cc"))
    app.initCurrentFrameView ();

  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--save-views") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-sv"))
    app.image_view_.accumulate_views_ = true;  //will cause bad alloc after some time  
  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--registration") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-r"))  
  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--integrate-colors") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-ic"))

  if (pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "--scale-truncation") || pc::find_switch (argc, argv, "-st"))
  if (pc::parse_x_arguments (argc, argv, "--depth-intrinsics", depth_intrinsics) > 0)
    if ((depth_intrinsics.size() == 4) || (depth_intrinsics.size() == 2))
        pc::print_error("Depth intrinsics must be given on the form fx,fy[,cx,cy].\n");
        return -1;

  // executing
  try { app.startMainLoop (triggered_capture); }
  catch (const pcl::PCLException& /*e*/) { cout << "PCLException" << endl; }
  catch (const std::bad_alloc& /*e*/) { cout << "Bad alloc" << endl; }
  catch (const std::exception& /*e*/) { cout << "Exception" << endl; }

  for (size_t t = 0; t < app.image_view_.views_.size (); ++t)
    if (t == 0)
      cout << "Saving depth map of first view." << endl;
      cv::imwrite ("./depthmap_1stview.png", app.image_view_.views_[0]);
      cout << "Saving sequence of (" << app.image_view_.views_.size () << ") views." << endl;
    char buf[4096];
    sprintf (buf, "./%06d.png", (int)t);
    cv::imwrite (buf, app.image_view_.views_[t]);
    printf ("writing: %s\n", buf);

  return 0;