Example #1
void KisKraLoaderTest::testLoading()
    KisDocument *doc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument();
    doc->loadNativeFormat(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "load_test.kra");
    KisImageSP image = doc->image();
    QCOMPARE(image->nlayers(), 12);
    QCOMPARE(doc->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"), QString("test image for loading"));
    QCOMPARE(image->height(), 753);
    QCOMPARE(image->width(), 1000);
    QCOMPARE(image->colorSpace()->id(), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->id());

    KisNodeSP node = image->root()->firstChild();
    QCOMPARE(node->name(), QString("Background"));

    node = node->nextSibling();
    QCOMPARE(node->name(), QString("Group 1"));
    QCOMPARE((int) node->childCount(), 2);

    delete doc;
Example #2
QImage KritaShape::convertToQImage()
    if (m_d->doc && m_d->doc->image()) {
        KisImageSP img = m_d->doc->image();
        return img->convertToQImage(0, 0, img->width(), img->height(), m_d->displayProfile);
    return QImage();
QImage utils::StrokeTester::doStroke(bool cancelled,
                                     bool indirectPainting,
                                     bool externalLayer,
                                     bool testUpdates,
                                     bool needQImage)
    KisImageSP image = utils::createImage(0, m_imageSize);
    KoCanvasResourceManager *manager = utils::createResourceManager(image, 0, m_presetFilename);
    KisNodeSP currentNode;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_numIterations; i++) {
        modifyResourceManager(manager, image, i);

        KisPainter *painter = new KisPainter();
        KisResourcesSnapshotSP resources =
            new KisResourcesSnapshot(image,

        if(externalLayer) {
            KisNodeSP externalNode = new KisPaintLayer(0, "extlyr", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, image->colorSpace());
            Q_ASSERT(resources->currentNode() == externalNode);

        initImage(image, resources->currentNode(), i);

        KisStrokeStrategy *stroke = createStroke(indirectPainting, resources, painter, image);
        m_strokeId = image->startStroke(stroke);
        addPaintingJobs(image, resources, painter, i);

        if(!cancelled) {
        else {

        currentNode = resources->currentNode();

    QImage resultImage;
    if(needQImage) {
        KisPaintDeviceSP device = testUpdates ?
            image->projection() :

        resultImage = device->convertToQImage(0, 0, 0, image->width(), image->height());

    image = 0;
    delete manager;
    return resultImage;
Example #4
void KritaShape::paint(QPainter& painter, const KoViewConverter& converter)
    if (m_d && m_d->doc && m_d->doc->image()) {
        // XXX: Only convert the bit the painter needs for painting?
        //      Or should we keep a converted qimage in readiness,
        //      just as with KisCanvas2?
        KisImageSP kimage = m_d->doc->image();

        QImage qimg = kimage->convertToQImage(0, 0, kimage->width(), kimage->height(),
                                              m_d->displayProfile); // XXX: How about exposure?

        const QRectF paintRect = QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), size());
        applyConversion(painter, converter);
        painter.drawImage(paintRect.toRect(), qimg);

    } else if (m_d->doc == 0)
Example #5
void KisDuplicateOp::paintAt(const KisPaintInformation& info)
    if (!painter()) return;

    if (!m_duplicateStartIsSet) {
        m_duplicateStartIsSet = true;
        m_duplicateStart = info.pos();

    bool heal = settings->healing();

    if (!source()) return;

    KisBrushSP brush = m_brush;
    if (!brush) return;
    if (! brush->canPaintFor(info))

    double scale = KisPaintOp::scaleForPressure(info.pressure());
    QPointF hotSpot = brush->hotSpot(scale, scale);
    QPointF pt = info.pos() - hotSpot;

    // Split the coordinates into integer plus fractional parts. The integer
    // is where the dab will be positioned and the fractional part determines
    // the sub-pixel positioning.
    qint32 x;
    double xFraction;
    qint32 y;
    double yFraction;

    splitCoordinate(pt.x(), &x, &xFraction);
    splitCoordinate(pt.y(), &y, &yFraction);
    xFraction = yFraction = 0.0;

    QPointF srcPointF = pt - settings->offset();
    QPoint srcPoint = QPoint(x - static_cast<qint32>(settings->offset().x()),
                             y - static_cast<qint32>(settings->offset().y()));

    qint32 sw = brush->maskWidth(scale, 0.0);
    qint32 sh = brush->maskHeight(scale, 0.0);

    if (srcPoint.x() < 0)

    if (srcPoint.y() < 0)
    if (!(m_srcdev && !(*m_srcdev->colorSpace() == *source()->colorSpace()))) {
        m_srcdev = new KisPaintDevice(source()->colorSpace());

    // Perspective correction ?
    KisPainter copyPainter(m_srcdev);
    KisImageSP image = settings->m_image;
    if (settings->perspectiveCorrection() && image && image->perspectiveGrid()->countSubGrids() == 1) {
        Matrix3qreal startM = Matrix3qreal::Identity();
        Matrix3qreal endM = Matrix3qreal::Identity();

        // First look for the grid corresponding to the start point
        KisSubPerspectiveGrid* subGridStart = *image->perspectiveGrid()->begin();
        QRect r = QRect(0, 0, image->width(), image->height());

#if 1
        if (subGridStart) {
            startM = KisPerspectiveMath::computeMatrixTransfoFromPerspective(r, *subGridStart->topLeft(), *subGridStart->topRight(), *subGridStart->bottomLeft(), *subGridStart->bottomRight());
#if 1
        // Second look for the grid corresponding to the end point
        KisSubPerspectiveGrid* subGridEnd = *image->perspectiveGrid()->begin();
        if (subGridEnd) {
            endM = KisPerspectiveMath::computeMatrixTransfoToPerspective(*subGridEnd->topLeft(), *subGridEnd->topRight(), *subGridEnd->bottomLeft(), *subGridEnd->bottomRight(), r);

        // Compute the translation in the perspective transformation space:
        QPointF positionStartPaintingT = KisPerspectiveMath::matProd(endM, QPointF(m_duplicateStart));
        QPointF duplicateStartPositionT = KisPerspectiveMath::matProd(endM, QPointF(m_duplicateStart) - QPointF(settings->offset()));
        QPointF translat = duplicateStartPositionT - positionStartPaintingT;
        KisRectIteratorPixel dstIt = m_srcdev->createRectIterator(0, 0, sw, sh);
        KisRandomSubAccessorPixel srcAcc = source()->createRandomSubAccessor();
        while (!dstIt.isDone()) {
            if (dstIt.isSelected()) {
                QPointF p =  KisPerspectiveMath::matProd(startM, KisPerspectiveMath::matProd(endM, QPointF(dstIt.x() + x, dstIt.y() + y)) + translat);

    } else {
        // Or, copy the source data on the temporary device:
        copyPainter.bitBlt(0, 0, source(), srcPoint.x(), srcPoint.y(), sw, sh);

    // heal ?

    if (heal) {
        quint16 dataDevice[4];
        quint16 dataSrcDev[4];
        double* matrix = new double[ 3 * sw * sh ];
        // First divide
        const KoColorSpace* deviceCs = source()->colorSpace();
        KisHLineConstIteratorPixel deviceIt = source()->createHLineConstIterator(x, y, sw);
        KisHLineIteratorPixel srcDevIt = m_srcdev->createHLineIterator(0, 0, sw);
        double* matrixIt = &matrix[0];
        for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; !srcDevIt.isDone(); i++) {
                deviceCs->toLabA16(deviceIt.rawData(), (quint8*)dataDevice, 1);
                deviceCs->toLabA16(srcDevIt.rawData(), (quint8*)dataSrcDev, 1);
                // Division
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    matrixIt[k] = dataDevice[k] / (double)qMax((int)dataSrcDev [k], 1);
                matrixIt += 3;
        // Minimize energy
            int iter = 0;
            double err;
            double* solution = new double [ 3 * sw * sh ];
            do {
                err = minimizeEnergy(&matrix[0], &solution[0], sw, sh);
                memcpy(&matrix[0], &solution[0], sw * sh * 3 * sizeof(double));
            } while (err < 0.00001 && iter < 100);
            delete [] solution;

        // Finaly multiply
        deviceIt = source()->createHLineIterator(x, y, sw);
        srcDevIt = m_srcdev->createHLineIterator(0, 0, sw);
        matrixIt = &matrix[0];
        for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++) {
            for (int i = 0; !srcDevIt.isDone(); i++) {
                deviceCs->toLabA16(deviceIt.rawData(), (quint8*)dataDevice, 1);
                deviceCs->toLabA16(srcDevIt.rawData(), (quint8*)dataSrcDev, 1);
                // Multiplication
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    dataSrcDev[k] = (int)CLAMP(matrixIt[k] * qMax((int) dataSrcDev[k], 1), 0, 65535);
                deviceCs->fromLabA16((quint8*)dataSrcDev, srcDevIt.rawData(), 1);
                matrixIt += 3;
        delete [] matrix;

    KisFixedPaintDeviceSP fixedDab = new KisFixedPaintDevice(m_srcdev->colorSpace());
    fixedDab->setRect(QRect(0, 0, sw, sh));

    m_srcdev->readBytes(fixedDab->data(), fixedDab->bounds());
    brush->mask(fixedDab, scale, scale, 0.0, info, xFraction, yFraction);
    m_srcdev->writeBytes(fixedDab->data(), fixedDab->bounds());

    QRect dabRect = QRect(0, 0, brush->maskWidth(scale, 0.0), brush->maskHeight(scale, 0.0));
    QRect dstRect = QRect(x, y, dabRect.width(), dabRect.height());

    if (painter()->bounds().isValid()) {
        dstRect &= painter()->bounds();

    if (dstRect.isNull() || dstRect.isEmpty() || !dstRect.isValid()) return;

    qint32 sx = dstRect.x() - x;
    qint32 sy = dstRect.y() - y;
    sw = dstRect.width();
    sh = dstRect.height();

    painter()->bitBlt(dstRect.x(), dstRect.y(), m_srcdev, sx, sy, sw, sh);

void KisAsyncMergerTest::testFullRefreshWithClones()
    const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8();
    KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 128, 128, colorSpace, "clones test");

    KisPaintDeviceSP device1 = new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace);
    device1->fill(image->bounds(), KoColor( Qt::white, colorSpace));

    KisFilterSP filter = KisFilterRegistry::instance()->value("invert");
    KisFilterConfiguration *configuration = filter->defaultConfiguration(0);

    KisLayerSP paintLayer1 = new KisPaintLayer(image, "paint1", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, device1);
    KisFilterMaskSP invertMask1 = new KisFilterMask();
    invertMask1->initSelection(0, paintLayer1);

    KisLayerSP cloneLayer1 = new KisCloneLayer(paintLayer1, image, "clone_of_1", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8);
     * The clone layer must have a projection to allow us
     * to read what it got from its source. Just shift it.

    image->addNode(cloneLayer1, image->rootLayer());
    image->addNode(paintLayer1, image->rootLayer());
    image->addNode(invertMask1, paintLayer1);

    QRect cropRect(image->bounds());

    KisFullRefreshWalker walker(cropRect);
    KisAsyncMerger merger;

    walker.collectRects(image->rootLayer(), image->bounds());

    // Wait for additional jobs generated by the clone are finished

    QRect filledRect(10, 10,
                     image->width() - cloneLayer1->x(),
                     image->height() - cloneLayer1->y());

    const int pixelSize = device1->pixelSize();
    const int numPixels = filledRect.width() * filledRect.height();

    QByteArray bytes(numPixels * pixelSize, 13);
    cloneLayer1->projection()->readBytes((quint8*)bytes.data(), filledRect);

    KoColor desiredPixel(Qt::black, colorSpace);
    quint8 *srcPtr = (quint8*)bytes.data();
    quint8 *dstPtr = desiredPixel.data();
    for(int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
        if(memcmp(srcPtr, dstPtr, pixelSize)) {
            qDebug() << "expected:" << dstPtr[0] << dstPtr[1] << dstPtr[2] << dstPtr[3];
            qDebug() << "result:  " << srcPtr[0] << srcPtr[1] << srcPtr[2] << srcPtr[3];
            QFAIL("Failed to compare pixels");
        srcPtr += pixelSize;