Example #1
void BemGame::DrawMiniMap()
	int k, m, n;

	KrResource* res = engine->Vault()->GetResource( KYRATAG_CANVAS, "minimap" );
	KrCanvasResource* cres = res->ToCanvasResource();
	GLASSERT( cres );

	KrRGBA* target = cres->Pixels();
	int factorX = cres->Width()  / MAPX;
	int factorY = cres->Height() / MAPY;

	memset( target, 0, sizeof( KrRGBA ) * cres->Height() * cres->Width() );
	// Draw the floor tiles on the map.

	for( m=0; m<MAPX; m++ )
		for( n=0; n<MAPY; n++ )
			if ( GetMap( m, MAPY - 1 - n ) == FLOOR ) // The map is stored upside down.
				KrRGBA color;
				color.Set( 0, 0, 255, 255 );

				int x = factorX * m;
				int y = factorY * n;
				DrawMiniMapBox( cres, color, 
								x+1, y+1, 
								factorX-1, factorY-1 );

	// Draw a box for each actor:
	for( k=0; k<numActors; k++ )
		// Draw a box for each actor.
		KrRGBA color;
		if ( actor[k].sprite->SpriteResource()->ResourceName() == "DRONE" )
			color.Set( 255, 0, 0, 180 );
			color.Set( 0, 255, 0, 180 );

		int x = factorX * actor[k].mapX;
		int y = factorY * ( MAPY - actor[k].mapY - 1);	// The map is stored upside down.

		DrawMiniMapBox( cres, color,
						x+1, y+1, 
						factorX-1, factorY-1 );

	// Remember we have to refresh a canvas after we draw!
Example #2
BemGame::BemGame( SDL_Surface* screen, bool useWindows )
	random.SetSeed( 0 );

	KrRGBA green;
	green.Set( 0, 200, 0 );
	if ( useWindows )
		KrRect rects[5];
		const int lW = 280;
		const int lH = 180;
		const int r = 200;
		const int pad = 10;
		rects[0].Set( 0,   0, screen->w - 1 - pad - r, r + pad - 1 );
		rects[1].Set( 0, r + pad, screen->w-1, screen->h - 1 - pad - lH );
		rects[2].Set( lW + pad, screen->h - pad - lH, screen->w-1, screen->h - 1 );

		rects[3].Set( 0, screen->h - lH, lW-1, screen->h - 1 );
		rects[4].Set( screen->w - r, 0, screen->w-1, r-1 );

		engine = new KrEngine( screen, 5, rects, &green );
		engine = new KrEngine( screen );
	GLASSERT( engine );

	// The vault contains all the resources used by this
	// demo.
	if (!engine->Vault()->LoadDatFile( "bem.dat" ) )
		GLOUTPUT(( "Error loading dat file: 'bem.dat'!\n" ));
		exit( 100 );

	KrRGBA black;
	black.Set( 0, 0, 0 );
	if ( useWindows )
		engine->FillBackgroundWindow( 0, 0 );			// main
		engine->FillBackgroundWindow( 1, 0 );			// main
		engine->FillBackgroundWindow( 2, 0 );			// main
		engine->FillBackgroundWindow( 3, &black );		// zoomed out
		engine->FillBackgroundWindow( 4, &black );		// moving zoom
		// We have a space image so the engine should not draw
		// the background. Performance enhancement.
		engine->FillBackground( 0 );

	// Set up some depth categories:
	backgroundTree = new KrImNode;
	underTree	   = new KrImNode;
	floorTree      = new KrImNode;
	standingTree   = new KrImNode;
	overTree       = new KrImNode;

	// Depth sort by order of addition. All the z-depths are
	// left at 0. In other words, when added at the same Z-depth (0
	// in this case) the object added most recently is on top.
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, backgroundTree );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, underTree );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, floorTree );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, standingTree );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, overTree );

	// Store the floor size. Due to the way the sprites are defined,
	// the size in terms of positioning the tiles is slightly different
	// than the size in terms of the tile bitmap.
	KrSpriteResource* resource = engine->Vault()->GetSpriteResource( BEM_ROOM | BEM_FLOOR );
	GLASSERT( resource );
	tileWidth  = resource->GetActionByIndex( 0 )->Frame( 0 ).Width() +2;
	tileHeight = resource->GetActionByIndex( 0 )->Frame( 0 ).Height();

	isoMath = new GlIsoMath( tileWidth, tileHeight );
	isoMath->SetScreenCenterToTile( screen->w,
									MAPX / 2, MAPY / 2, 0 );

	AddActors( useWindows );

	// Add the mini-map
	KrCanvasResource* canvasResource =
					new KrCanvasResource(	"minimap",
											140, 140,
											true  );
	GLASSERT( canvasResource );

	// An example of a user-defined resource getting added to a vault.
	engine->Vault()->AddResource( canvasResource );

	canvas = new KrCanvas( canvasResource );
	canvas->SetPos( screen->w - canvasResource->Width(),
					screen->h - canvasResource->Height() );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( overTree, canvas );

	subtick = 0;
	tick = 0;
	teleFrame = 0;
	teleSprite = 0;

	if ( useWindows )
		// Set the 3 "band" windows to be positioned
		// to the first.
 		engine->Tree()->Root()->SetPos( 0, 0, 0 );
		engine->Tree()->Root()->SetPos( -engine->ScreenBounds(1).min.x, -engine->ScreenBounds(1).min.y, 1 );
 		engine->Tree()->Root()->SetPos( -engine->ScreenBounds(2).min.x, -engine->ScreenBounds(2).min.y, 2 );

Example #3
ScalingTest::ScalingTest( SDL_Surface* screen )
	int i, j;
	//KrMatrix2 xForm;
	state = BOTH;

	// Create the engine, load the dat files, get the resource.
	engine = new KrEngine( screen );
	GLASSERT( engine );

	if ( !engine->Vault()->LoadDatFile( "space.dat" ) )
		GLOUTPUT(( "Error loading 'space.dat'\n" ));

	fontVault = new KrResourceVault();
	if ( !fontVault->LoadDatFile( "font.dat" ) )
		GLOUTPUT(( "Error loading 'font.dat'\n" ));

	KrSpriteResource* shipRes = engine->Vault()->GetSpriteResource( "MED" );
	GLASSERT( shipRes );
	KrSpriteResource* smallShipRes = engine->Vault()->GetSpriteResource( "SMALL" );
	GLASSERT( smallShipRes );
	KrFontResource*	fontConsole = fontVault->GetFontResource( "CONSOLE" );
	GLASSERT( fontConsole );

	KrRGBA white, red;
	white.Set( 255, 255, 255 );
	red.Set( 255, 0, 0 );


	// A group of travelling ships.
	travellingShip = new KrSprite( shipRes );
	travellingShip->SetAction( "BODY" );
	travellingShip->SetPos( 500, 390 );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, travellingShip );

	for ( i=0; i<4; ++i )
		KrSprite* escort = new KrSprite( smallShipRes );
		escort->SetPos( 10 + i*30, -55 + i*30 );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( travellingShip, escort );

	travelText = new KrTextBox( fontConsole, 300, 300, 1 );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( travellingShip, travelText );
	travelText->SetPos( -60, 30 );
	travelText->SetTextChar( "sin wave motion", 0 );

	// Zoom 3 canvases to compare. The canvas are set up by drawing
	// a sprite to a canvas.
	int hotx, hoty;
	KrCanvasResource* canvasRes = shipRes->CreateCanvasResource( "BODY", 0, &hotx, &hoty );
	GLASSERT( canvasRes );
	GLASSERT( canvasRes->Alpha() );
	engine->Vault()->AddResource( canvasRes );

	for( i=0; i<canvasRes->Width(); ++i )
		for( j=0; j<canvasRes->Height(); ++j )
			KrRGBA* pixel = canvasRes->Pixels() + j*canvasRes->Width() + i;
			if ( pixel->c.alpha )
				pixel->c.alpha = i * 256 / canvasRes->Width();

	for( i=0; i<3; ++i )
		canvas[i] = new KrCanvas( canvasRes );
		canvas[i]->SetPos( 50 + i * 200, 170 );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, canvas[i] );
	canvas[0]->SetQuality( KrQualityFast );
	canvas[1]->SetQuality( KrQualityLinear );
	canvas[2]->SetQuality( KrQualityAdaptive );

	// A sprite that scales in the upper left.
	// A resource to mark the center of the sprite.
	KrBoxResource* centerRes = new KrBoxResource( "Center",
												  5, 5,
												  &red, 1,
												  KrBoxResource::CROSSHAIR );
	engine->Vault()->AddResource( centerRes );

	// The ship that scales in the upper left
	ship = new KrSprite( shipRes );
	ship->SetAction( "BODY" );
	ship->SetPos( SHIPX, SHIPY );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, ship );

	// Center marker of the sprite
	center = new KrBox( centerRes );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, center );
	center->SetPos( SHIPX, SHIPY );

	// Some text info.
	textBox = new KrTextBox( fontConsole, 1024, 1024, 0 );
	textBox->SetPos( 10, 10 );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, textBox );

	scaleX.v = GlFixed_1 - GlFixed_1 / 8;
	scaleY.v = GlFixed_1 - GlFixed_1 / 8;
	AddText( engine );
Example #4
TileTest::TileTest( SDL_Surface* _screen )
	drawn = false;
	screen = _screen;
	engine = new KrEngine( screen );
	//GLOUTPUT( "TileTest::TileTest\n" );
	engine->Validate();	// check validity

	int i, j;

	// Classes to hold other objects:
	engine->Vault()->LoadDatFile( "standardtest.dat" );

	KrTileResource* noAlphaRes = engine->Vault()->GetTileResource( "NOALPHA" );
	KrTileResource* alphaRes = engine->Vault()->GetTileResource( "ALPHA" );
	GLASSERT( noAlphaRes && alphaRes );

	// Transforms:
	KrColorTransform alphaCForm;
	alphaCForm.SetAlpha( 255 * 70 / 100 );

	KrColorTransform redCForm;
	redCForm.SetRed( 255 * 50 / 100, 127 );

	KrColorTransform blueCForm;
	blueCForm.SetBlue( 255 * 50 / 100, 127 );

	KrColorTransform greenAlphaCForm;
	greenAlphaCForm.SetGreen( 255 * 50 / 100, 127 );
	greenAlphaCForm.SetAlpha( 255 * 70 / 100 );

	KrColorTransform blueAlphaCForm;
	blueAlphaCForm.SetBlue( 255 * 50 / 100, 127 );
	blueAlphaCForm.SetAlpha( 255 * 70 / 100 );

	// Containers:
	KrImNode* c0 = new KrImNode;	// background
	KrImNode* c1 = new KrImNode;	// tiles
 	KrImNode* c2 = new KrImNode;	// canvas

	engine->Tree()->AddNode( 0, c0 );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( c0, c1 );
	engine->Tree()->AddNode( c0, c2 );

	c1->SetPos(   0,   0 );
	c2->SetPos(	420,   0 );
	c1->SetZDepth( 1 );
	c2->SetZDepth( 1 );

	// ---------- Background ----------- //
	KrSpriteResource* backSpriteRes = engine->Vault()->GetSpriteResource( "BACKGROUND" );
	GLASSERT( backSpriteRes );
	KrAction* action = backSpriteRes->GetActionByIndex( 0 );
	GLASSERT( action );
	const KrRle& rle = action->Frame( 0 );

	for ( i=0; i <= (screen->w) / rle.Width(); i++ )
		for ( j=0; j <= (screen->h) / rle.Height(); j++ )
			KrSprite* sprite = new KrSprite( backSpriteRes );
			sprite->SetPos( i*rle.Width(), j*rle.Height() );
			GLASSERT( sprite );
			engine->Tree()->AddNode( c0, sprite );

	// ---------- The "no alpha" tile.
	// no transform:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		noAlpha[i][0] = new KrTile( noAlphaRes );
		noAlpha[i][0]->SetPos( i*noAlpha[i][0]->Size(), 0 );
		noAlpha[i][0]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( noAlpha );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, noAlpha[i][0] );

	// alpha:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		noAlpha[i][1] = new KrTile( noAlphaRes );
		noAlpha[i][1]->SetColor( alphaCForm );
		noAlpha[i][1]->SetPos( i*noAlpha[i][1]->Size(), 1*noAlpha[i][1]->Size() );
		noAlpha[i][1]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( noAlpha[i][1] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, noAlpha[i][1] );

	// red:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		noAlpha[i][2] = new KrTile( noAlphaRes );
		noAlpha[i][2]->SetColor( redCForm );
		noAlpha[i][2]->SetPos( i*noAlpha[i][2]->Size(), 2*noAlpha[i][2]->Size() );
		noAlpha[i][2]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( noAlpha[i][2] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, noAlpha[i][2] );

	// combination:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		noAlpha[i][3] = new KrTile( noAlphaRes );
		noAlpha[i][3]->SetColor( blueAlphaCForm );
		noAlpha[i][3]->SetPos( i*noAlpha[i][3]->Size(), 3*noAlpha[i][3]->Size() );
		noAlpha[i][3]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( noAlpha );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, noAlpha[i][3] );

	// ---------- The "alpha" tile.
	// no transform:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
// 		i=6;
		alpha[i][0] = new KrTile( alphaRes );
		alpha[i][0]->SetPos( i*alpha[i][0]->Size(), 4*alpha[i][0]->Size() );
		alpha[i][0]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( alpha[i][0] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, alpha[i][0] );

	// alpha:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		alpha[i][1] = new KrTile( alphaRes );
		alpha[i][1]->SetColor( alphaCForm );
		alpha[i][1]->SetPos( i*alpha[i][1]->Size(), 5*alpha[i][1]->Size() );
		alpha[i][1]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( alpha[i][1] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, alpha[i][1] );

	// red:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		alpha[i][2] = new KrTile( alphaRes );
		alpha[i][2]->SetColor( redCForm );
		alpha[i][2]->SetPos( i*alpha[i][2]->Size(), 6*alpha[i][2]->Size() );
		alpha[i][2]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( alpha[i][2] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, alpha[i][2] );

	// combination:
	for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
		alpha[i][3] = new KrTile( alphaRes );
		alpha[i][3]->SetColor( blueAlphaCForm );
		alpha[i][3]->SetPos( i*alpha[i][3]->Size(), 7*alpha[i][3]->Size() );
		alpha[i][3]->SetRotation( i );
		GLASSERT( alpha[i][3] );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c1, alpha[i][3] );

	// ----------- A canvas ----------------- //
	KrCanvasResource* canvasResource = new KrCanvasResource( "mycanvas",
															 50, 50,
															 true );
	engine->Vault()->AddResource( canvasResource );
	KrRGBA* pixels = canvasResource->Pixels();
	KrRGBA color;
	for( i=0; i<canvasResource->Width(); i++ )
		for( j=0; j<canvasResource->Height(); j++ )
			color.c.red = i*4 + 50;
			color.c.green = j*4 + 50;
			color.c.blue = 0;
			color.c.alpha = 255 - i;
			pixels[ j*canvasResource->Width() + i ] = color;
		// Put in a diagonal line:
		color.Set( 0, 0, 255 );
		pixels[ i*canvasResource->Width() + i ] = color;

	for ( i=0; i<NUMCANVASDIV2; i++ )
		GlFixed sx;
		GlFixed sy;

		// The left canvas:
		canvas[i*2] = new KrCanvas( canvasResource );

		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c2, canvas[i*2] );
		canvas[i*2]->SetPos( 0, i * canvas[i*2]->Height() * 3 / 2 );
		sx.v = GlFixed_1 * (i+1) / 3;
		sy.v = GlFixed_1 * (i+1) / 3;

		canvas[i*2]->SetScale( sx, sy );

		// The right canvas:
		canvas[i*2+1] = new KrCanvas( canvasResource );
		engine->Tree()->AddNode( c2, canvas[i*2+1] );

		canvas[i*2+1]->SetPos( 100, i * canvas[i*2+1]->Height() * 3 / 2 );
		sx.v = GlFixed_1 * (NUMCANVASDIV2 + 1 - i) / 3;
		sy.v = GlFixed_1 * (i+1) / 3;

		canvas[i*2+1]->SetScale( sx, sy );
Example #5
KrCanvasResource* KrEncoder::Load32Canvas(	const char* filename,
											const KrRGBA* transparent,
											int nTrans,
											gedString* error )
	if ( !filename )
		if ( error ) *error = "No filename for a surface specified";
		return 0;

	// Try to load the file.
	SDL_Surface* surface = ImageLoader( filename );
	if ( !surface )
		char buf[256];
		sprintf( buf, "Failed to load surface '%s'.", filename );

		if ( error ) *error = buf;
		return 0;

	// The image can be 32 bits or less. A NON-32 bit image has
	// color(s) that are marked transparent. A 32 bit image
	// simply uses the alpha channel. Canvas's are always 32 bit,
	// and we always use a canvas that supports alpha.

	KrCanvasResource* canvas = new KrCanvasResource(	"encoder", 
														true );

	if ( !canvas )
		if ( error ) *error = "Failed to create canvas.";
		return 0;

	// Copy from the surface to the canvas.
	int x, y;
	int i;
	KrPaintInfo canvasPaintInfo( canvas->Pixels(), canvas->Width(), canvas->Height() );
	KrPainter	canvasPainter( &canvasPaintInfo );
	KrPainter	surfacePainter( surface );

	for( x=0; x<surface->w; x++ )
		for( y=0; y<surface->h; y++ )
			KrRGBA rgba;
			surfacePainter.BreakPixel( x, y, &rgba );	

			for ( i=0; i<nTrans; i++ )
				if (	rgba.c.red   == transparent[i].c.red
					 && rgba.c.green == transparent[i].c.green
					 && rgba.c.blue  == transparent[i].c.blue )
					// Set the surface alpha to transparent.
					rgba.c.alpha = KrRGBA::KR_TRANSPARENT;
			canvasPainter.SetPixel( x, y, rgba );
	return canvas;