void KstPluginDialogI::fillFieldsForEdit() { KstCPluginPtr pp = kst_cast<KstCPlugin>(_dp); if (!pp) { return; } pp->readLock(); if (!pp->plugin()) { // plugin() can be null if the kst file is invalid pp->unlock(); return; } const QString pluginName(pp->tagName()); const QString pluginObjectName(pp->plugin()->data()._name); const int usage = pp->getUsage(); KstSharedPtr<Plugin> plug = pp->plugin(); pp->unlock(); _tagName->setText(pluginName); updatePluginList(); int i = _pluginList.findIndex(pluginObjectName); _w->PluginCombo->setCurrentItem(i); pluginChanged(_w->PluginCombo->currentItem()); fillVectorScalarCombos(plug); _w->PluginCombo->setEnabled(usage < 3); fixupLayout(); }
bool KstPluginDialogI::editObject() { KstCPluginPtr pp = kst_cast<KstCPlugin>(_dp); if (!pp) { // something is dreadfully wrong - this should never happen return false; } pp->writeLock(); if (_tagName->text() != pp->tagName() && KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(_tagName->text())) { _tagName->setFocus(); pp->unlock(); return false; } pp->setTagName(_tagName->text()); int pitem = _w->PluginCombo->currentItem(); KstSharedPtr<Plugin> pPtr = PluginCollection::self()->plugin(_pluginList[pitem]); // Must unlock before clear() for (KstVectorMap::Iterator i = pp->inputVectors().begin(); i != pp->inputVectors().end(); ++i) { (*i)->unlock(); } for (KstScalarMap::Iterator i = pp->inputScalars().begin(); i != pp->inputScalars().end(); ++i) { (*i)->unlock(); } for (KstStringMap::Iterator i = pp->inputStrings().begin(); i != pp->inputStrings().end(); ++i) { (*i)->unlock(); } pp->inputVectors().clear(); pp->inputScalars().clear(); pp->inputStrings().clear(); // Save the vectors and scalars if (!saveInputs(pp, pPtr)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); pp->unlock(); return false; } if (pitem >= 0 && _w->PluginCombo->count() > 0) { pp->setPlugin(pPtr); } if (!saveOutputs(pp, pPtr)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); pp->unlock(); return false; } if (!pp->isValid()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); pp->unlock(); return false; } pp->setDirty(); pp->unlock(); emit modified(); return true; }
bool KstPluginDialogI::newObject() { QString tagName = _tagName->text(); if (tagName != plugin_defaultTag && KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(tagName, true, this)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } KstCPluginPtr plugin; int pitem = _w->PluginCombo->currentItem(); if (pitem >= 0 && _w->PluginCombo->count() > 0) { KstSharedPtr<Plugin> pPtr = PluginCollection::self()->plugin(_pluginList[pitem]); if (pPtr) { plugin = new KstCPlugin; plugin->writeLock(); if (!saveInputs(plugin, pPtr)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("One or more of the inputs was undefined.")); plugin->unlock(); plugin = 0L; return false; } plugin->setPlugin(pPtr); if (tagName == plugin_defaultTag) { tagName = KST::suggestPluginName(_pluginList[pitem]); } plugin->setTagName(tagName); if (!saveOutputs(plugin, pPtr)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("One or more of the outputs was undefined.")); plugin->unlock(); plugin = 0L; return false; } plugin->unlock(); } } if (!plugin || !plugin->isValid()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); return false; } plugin->setDirty(); KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(plugin.data()); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plugin = 0L; emit modified(); return true; }
void KstViewFitsDialog::fillComboBox(const QString& str) { KstCPluginList::iterator it; KstCPluginList fits; QString fitName = str; bool changed = false; uint i; _comboBoxFits->clear(); fits = kstObjectSubList<KstDataObject,KstCPlugin>(KST::dataObjectList); for (it = fits.begin(); it != fits.end(); ++it) { KstCPluginPtr fit; fit = *it; fit->readLock(); if (fit->plugin()->data()._isFit) { _comboBoxFits->insertItem(0, fit->tagName()); if (fitName == fit->tagName() || fitName.isEmpty()) { _comboBoxFits->setCurrentIndex(_comboBoxFits->count() - 1); if (fitName.isEmpty()) { fitName = fit->tagName(); } changed = true; fitChanged(fitName); } } fit->unlock(); } if (!changed) { fitChanged(_comboBoxFits->currentText()); } }
bool KstFilterDialogI::newObject() { QString tagName = _tagName->text(); if (KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(tagName, true, this)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } else { int pitem = _w->PluginCombo->currentItem(); if (pitem >= 0 && _w->PluginCombo->count() > 0) { KstSharedPtr<Plugin> pPtr = PluginCollection::self()->plugin(_pluginList[pitem]); if (pPtr) { KstCPluginPtr plugin = new KstCPlugin; plugin->writeLock(); plugin->setDirty(); if (saveInputs(plugin, pPtr)) { if (tagName == plugin_defaultTag) { tagName = KST::suggestPluginName(_pluginList[pitem], KstObjectTag::fromString(_yvector)); } plugin->setTagName(KstObjectTag(tagName, KstObjectTag::globalTagContext)); // FIXME: tag context always global? plugin->setPlugin(pPtr); if (saveOutputs(plugin, pPtr)) { if (plugin->isValid()) { if (!createCurve(plugin)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); } else { KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(plugin.data()); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); } } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("There is an error in the plugin you entered.")); } } } plugin->unlock(); } } emit modified(); } return true; }
void KstPluginDialogI::fillVectorScalarCombos(KstSharedPtr<Plugin> plugin) { bool DPvalid = false; KstCPluginPtr pp = kst_cast<KstCPlugin>(_dp); if (pp) { pp->readLock(); DPvalid = pp->isValid(); pp->unlock(); } if (plugin) { if (DPvalid) { pp->readLock(); } // Update input vector and scalar combos const QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>& itable = plugin->data()._inputs; for (QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>::ConstIterator it = itable.begin(); it != itable.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::TableType) { // vector QObject *field = _w->_pluginInputOutputFrame->child((*it)._name.latin1(), "VectorSelector"); assert(field); if (field) { VectorSelector *vs = static_cast<VectorSelector*>(field); QString selectedVector = vs->selectedVector(); vs->update(); if (DPvalid) { vs->setSelection(pp->inputVectors()[(*it)._name]->tag().displayString()); } else { vs->setSelection(selectedVector); } } } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::StringType) { QObject *field = _w->_pluginInputOutputFrame->child((*it)._name.latin1(), "StringSelector"); assert(field); if (field) { StringSelector *ss = static_cast<StringSelector*>(field); QString selectedString = ss->selectedString(); ss->update(); if (DPvalid) { ss->setSelection(pp->inputStrings()[(*it)._name]->tag().displayString()); } else { ss->setSelection(selectedString); } } } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::PidType) { // Nothing } else { QObject *field = _w->_pluginInputOutputFrame->child((*it)._name.latin1(), "ScalarSelector"); assert(field); if (field) { ScalarSelector *ss = static_cast<ScalarSelector*>(field); QString selectedScalar = ss->selectedScalar(); ss->update(); if (DPvalid) { ss->setSelection(pp->inputScalars()[(*it)._name]->tag().displayString()); } else { ss->setSelection(selectedScalar); } } } } // Update output vector and scalar lineedits if (DPvalid) { const QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>& otable = plugin->data()._outputs; for (QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>::ConstIterator it = otable.begin(); it != otable.end(); ++it) { QObject *field = _w->_pluginInputOutputFrame->child((*it)._name.latin1(), "QLineEdit"); assert(field); if (field) { QLineEdit *li = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(field); QString ts; if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::TableType) { // vector ts = pp->outputVectors()[(*it)._name]->tagName(); } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::PidType) { } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::StringType) { ts = pp->outputStrings()[(*it)._name]->tagName(); } else { // scalar ts = pp->outputScalars()[(*it)._name]->tagName(); } li->setText(ts); } } pp->unlock(); } } else { // invalid plugin PluginCollection *pc = PluginCollection::self(); QString cur = _pluginList[_w->PluginCombo->currentItem()]; Plugin::Data pdata = pc->pluginList()[pc->pluginNameList()[cur]]; for (QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>::ConstIterator it = pdata._outputs.begin(); it != pdata._outputs.end(); ++it) { QObject *field = _w->_pluginInputOutputFrame->child((*it)._name.latin1(), "QLineEdit"); if (field) { static_cast<QLineEdit*>(field)->setText(QString::null); } } } }
void renderLabel(RenderContext& rc, Label::Chunk *fi) { // FIXME: RTL support int oldSize = rc.size; int oldY = rc.y; int oldX = rc.x; while (fi) { if (fi->vOffset != Label::Chunk::None) { if (fi->vOffset == Label::Chunk::Up) { rc.y -= int(0.4 * rc.fontHeight()); } else { // Down rc.y += int(0.4 * rc.fontHeight()); } if (rc.size > 5) { rc.size = (rc.size*2)/3; } } QFont f = rc.font(); if (rc.fontSize() != rc.size) { f.setPointSize(rc.size); } f.setBold(fi->attributes.bold); f.setItalic(fi->attributes.italic); f.setUnderline(fi->attributes.underline); if (rc.p && fi->attributes.color.isValid()) { rc.p->setPen(fi->attributes.color); } else if (rc.p) { rc.p->setPen(rc.pen); } rc.setFont(f); if (fi->linebreak) { rc.x = oldX; rc.y += rc.fontAscent() + rc.fontDescent() + 1; fi = fi->next; continue; } if (!rc.substitute && (fi->scalar || fi->vector)) { QString txt = QString("[") + fi->text + "]"; if (rc.p) { rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, txt); } rc.x += rc.fontWidth(txt); } else if (fi->scalar) { // do scalar/string/fit substitution QString txt; if (!fi->text.isEmpty() && fi->text[0] == '=') { // Parse and evaluate as an equation bool ok = false; const QString s = fi->text.mid(1); const double eqResult(Equation::interpret(s.toLatin1(), &ok, s.length())); txt = QString::number(eqResult, 'g', rc.precision); if (rc._cache) { rc._cache->append(DataRef(DataRef::DRExpression, fi->text, QString::null, 0.0, QVariant(eqResult))); } } else { KST::scalarList.lock().readLock(); KstScalarPtr scp = KST::scalarList.retrieveObject(KstObjectTag::fromString(fi->text)); KST::scalarList.lock().unlock(); if (scp) { scp->readLock(); txt = QString::number(scp->value(), 'g', rc.precision); if (rc._cache) { rc._cache->append(DataRef(DataRef::DRScalar, fi->text, QString::null, 0.0, QVariant(scp->value()))); } scp->unlock(); } else { KST::stringList.lock().readLock(); KstStringPtr stp = KST::stringList.retrieveObject(KstObjectTag::fromString(fi->text)); KST::stringList.lock().unlock(); if (stp) { stp->readLock(); txt = stp->value(); if (rc._cache) { rc._cache->append(DataRef(DataRef::DRString, fi->text, QString::null, 0.0, QVariant(stp->value()))); } stp->unlock(); } else { KST::dataObjectList.lock().readLock(); KstDataObjectList::Iterator oi = KST::dataObjectList.findTag(fi->text); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); if (oi != KST::dataObjectList.end()) { KstCPluginPtr fit = kst_cast<KstCPlugin>(*oi); if (fit) { fit->readLock(); const QString txtAll = fit->label(rc.precision); fit->unlock(); const Q3ValueList<QString> strList = txtAll.split('\n'); Q3ValueListConstIterator<QString> last = --(strList.end()); for (Q3ValueListConstIterator<QString> iter = strList.begin(); iter != strList.end(); ++iter) { txt = (*iter); if (iter != last) { if (rc.p) { rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, txt); } else { rc.ascent = qMax(rc.ascent, -rc.y + rc.fontAscent()); if (-rc.y - rc.fontDescent() < 0) { rc.descent = qMax(rc.descent, rc.fontDescent() + rc.y); } } rc.x += rc.fontWidth(txt); rc.xMax = qMax(rc.xMax, rc.x); rc.x = oldX; rc.y += rc.fontAscent() + rc.fontDescent() + 1; } } if (rc._cache) { rc._cache->append(DataRef(DataRef::DRFit, fi->text, txtAll, rc.precision, QVariant(0.0))); } } } } } } if (rc.p) { rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, txt); } rc.x += rc.fontWidth(txt); } else if (fi->vector) { QString txt; KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); KstVectorPtr vp = *KST::vectorList.findTag(fi->text); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); if (vp) { if (!fi->expression.isEmpty()) { // Parse and evaluate as an equation bool ok = false; // FIXME: make more efficient: cache the parsed equation const double idx = Equation::interpret(fi->expression.toLatin1(), &ok, fi->expression.length()); if (ok) { vp->readLock(); const double vVal(vp->value()[int(idx)]); txt = QString::number(vVal, 'g', rc.precision); if (rc._cache) { rc._cache->append(DataRef(DataRef::DRVector, fi->text, fi->expression, idx, QVariant(vVal))); } vp->unlock(); } else { txt = "NAN"; } } } if (rc.p) { rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, txt); } rc.x += rc.fontWidth(txt); } else if (fi->tab) { const int tabWidth = rc.fontWidth("MMMMMMMM"); const int toSkip = tabWidth - (rc.x - rc.xStart) % tabWidth; if (rc.p && fi->attributes.underline) { const int spaceWidth = rc.fontWidth(" "); const int spacesToSkip = tabWidth / spaceWidth + (tabWidth % spaceWidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, QString().fill(' ', spacesToSkip)); } rc.x += toSkip; } else { if (rc.p) { #ifdef BENCHMARK QTime t; t.start(); #endif rc.p->drawText(rc.x, rc.y, fi->text); #ifdef BENCHMARK qDebug() << "Renderer did draw, time: " << t.elapsed() << endl; #endif } rc.x += rc.fontWidth(fi->text); } if (!rc.p) { // No need to compute ascent and descent when really painting rc.ascent = qMax(rc.ascent, -rc.y + rc.fontAscent()); if (-rc.y - rc.fontDescent() < 0) { rc.descent = qMax(rc.descent, rc.fontDescent() + rc.y); } } int xNext = rc.x; if (fi->group) { renderLabel(rc, fi->group); xNext = rc.x; } if (fi->up) { int xPrev = rc.x; renderLabel(rc, fi->up); xNext = qMax(xNext, rc.x); rc.x = xPrev; } if (fi->down) { renderLabel(rc, fi->down); xNext = qMax(xNext, rc.x); } rc.x = xNext; rc.xMax = qMax(rc.xMax, rc.x); fi = fi->next; } rc.size = oldSize; rc.y = oldY; }
void KstViewLabel::DataCache::update() { for (QValueVector<DataRef>::ConstIterator i = data.begin(); valid && i != data.end(); ++i) { switch ((*i).type) { case DataRef::DataRef::DRScalar: { KST::scalarList.lock().readLock(); KstScalarPtr p = *KST::scalarList.findTag((*i).name); KST::scalarList.lock().unlock(); if (p) { p->readLock(); if (QVariant(p->value()) != (*i).value) { valid = false; } p->unlock(); } } break; case DataRef::DRString: { KST::stringList.lock().readLock(); KstStringPtr p = *KST::stringList.findTag((*i).name); KST::stringList.lock().unlock(); if (p) { p->readLock(); if (QVariant(p->value()) != (*i).value) { valid = false; } p->unlock(); } } break; case DataRef::DRExpression: { bool ok = false; const double val = Equation::interpret((*i).name.latin1(), &ok, (*i).name.length()); if (QVariant(val) != (*i).value) { valid = false; } } break; case DataRef::DRVector: { bool ok = false; const double idx = Equation::interpret((*i).index.latin1(), &ok, (*i).index.length()); if (idx != (*i).indexValue) { valid = false; break; } KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); KstVectorPtr p = *KST::vectorList.findTag((*i).name); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); if (p) { p->readLock(); if (QVariant(p->value(int((*i).indexValue))) != (*i).value) { valid = false; } p->unlock(); } } break; case DataRef::DataRef::DRFit: { KST::dataObjectList.lock().readLock(); KstDataObjectList::Iterator oi = KST::dataObjectList.findTag((*i).name); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); if (oi != KST::dataObjectList.end()) { KstCPluginPtr fit = kst_cast<KstCPlugin>(*oi); if (fit) { fit->readLock(); if (fit->label((int)((*i).indexValue)) != (*i).index) { valid = false; } fit->unlock(); } } } break; } } }
void KstViewFitsDialog::fitChanged(const QString& strFit) { KstCPluginList fits; KstCPluginPtr plugin; double* params = 0L; double* covars = 0L; double chi2Nu = 0.0; int numParams = 0; int numCovars = 0; int i; fits = kstObjectSubList<KstDataObject,KstCPlugin>(KST::dataObjectList); plugin = *(fits.findTag(strFit)); if (plugin) { KstScalarPtr scalarChi2Nu; KstVectorPtr vectorParam; plugin->readLock(); const KstScalarMap& scalars = plugin->outputScalars(); scalarChi2Nu = scalars["chi^2/nu"]; if (scalarChi2Nu) { scalarChi2Nu->readLock(); chi2Nu = scalarChi2Nu->value(); scalarChi2Nu->unlock(); } const KstVectorMap& vectors = plugin->outputVectors(); vectorParam = vectors["Parameters"]; if (vectorParam) { KstVectorPtr vectorCovar; vectorParam->readLock(); vectorCovar = vectors["Covariance"]; if (vectorCovar) { vectorCovar->readLock(); numParams = vectorParam->length(); numCovars = vectorCovar->length(); if (numParams > 0 && numCovars > 0) { params = new double[numParams]; covars = new double[numCovars]; for (i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { params[i] = vectorParam->value(i); } for (i = 0; i < numCovars; i++) { covars[i] = vectorCovar->value(i); } } vectorCovar->unlock(); } vectorParam->unlock(); } plugin->unlock(); } _tableFits->setParameters(params, numParams, covars, numCovars, chi2Nu); if (numParams > 0) { _tableFits->horizontalHeaderItem(0)->setText(QObject::tr("Value")); _tableFits->horizontalHeaderItem(1)->setText(QObject::tr("Covariance:")); _tableFits->verticalHeaderItem(numParams+0)->setText("---"); _tableFits->verticalHeaderItem(numParams+1)->setText(QObject::tr("Chi^2/Nu")); if (plugin) { QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Plugin> pluginBase; plugin->readLock(); pluginBase = plugin->plugin(); if (pluginBase) { textLabelFit->setText(pluginBase->data()._readableName); for (i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { QString parameterName = pluginBase->parameterName(i); _tableFits->horizontalHeaderItem(i+2)->setText(parameterName); _tableFits->verticalHeaderItem(i)->setText(parameterName); } } plugin->unlock(); } } _tableFits->update(); }