QString KstIfaceImpl::loadMatrix(const QString& name, const QString& file, const QString& field, int xStart, int yStart, int xNumSteps, int yNumSteps, int skipFrames, bool boxcarFilter) { KstDataSourcePtr src; /* generate or find the kstfile */ KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(file); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { src = KstDataSource::loadSource(file); if (!src || !src->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return QString::null; } if (src->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return QString::null; } KST::dataSourceList.append(src); } else { src = *it; } src->writeLock(); KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); // make sure field is valid if (!src->isValidMatrix(field)) { src->unlock(); return QString::null; } // make sure name is unique, else generate a unique one KST::matrixList.lock().readLock(); QString matrixName; if (name.isEmpty()) { matrixName = "M" + QString::number(KST::matrixList.count() + 1); } else { matrixName = name; } while (KstData::self()->matrixTagNameNotUnique(matrixName, false)) { matrixName = "M" + QString::number(KST::matrixList.count() + 1); } KST::matrixList.lock().unlock(); KstMatrixPtr p = new KstRMatrix(src, field, matrixName, xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, boxcarFilter, skipFrames > 0, skipFrames); KST::addMatrixToList(p); src->unlock(); if (p) { _doc->forceUpdate(); _doc->setModified(); return p->tagName(); } return QString::null; }
void KstChangeFileDialog::sourceChanged(const QString& text) { delete _configWidget; _configWidget = 0L; _configureSource->setEnabled(false); _file = QString::null; if (!text.isEmpty() && text != "stdin" && text != "-") { KUrl url; QString txt = _dataFile->completionObject()->replacedPath(text); if (QFile::exists(txt) && QFileInfo(txt).isRelative()) { url.setPath(txt); } else { url = KUrl::fromPathOrURL(txt); } if (!url.isLocalFile() && url.protocol() != "file" && !url.protocol().isEmpty()) { _fileType->setText(QString::null); return; } if (!url.isValid()) { _fileType->setText(QString::null); return; } QString file = txt; KstDataSourcePtr ds = *KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(file); QStringList fl; QString fileType; if (ds) { ds->readLock(); fl = ds->fieldList(); fileType = ds->fileType(); ds->unlock(); ds = 0L; } else { bool complete = false; fl = KstDataSource::fieldListForSource(file, QString::null, &fileType, &complete); } if (!fl.isEmpty() && !fileType.isEmpty()) { if (ds) { ds->writeLock(); _configWidget = ds->configWidget(); ds->unlock(); } else { _configWidget = KstDataSource::configWidgetForSource(file, fileType); } } _configureSource->setEnabled(_configWidget); _file = file; _fileType->setText(fileType.isEmpty() ? QString::null : tr("Data source of type: %1").arg(fileType)); } else { _fileType->setText(QString::null); } }
void KstChangeNptsDialogI::applyNptsChange() { KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); for (uint i = 0; i < CurveList->count(); ++i) { if (CurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRVectorPtr vector = *(rvl.findTag(CurveList->text(i))); if (vector) { int f0, n; vector->readLock(); KstDataSourcePtr ds = vector->dataSource(); if (_kstDataRange->isStartRelativeTime() && ds) { ds->readLock(); f0 = ds->sampleForTime(_kstDataRange->f0Value()); ds->unlock(); } else if (_kstDataRange->isStartAbsoluteTime() && ds) { ds->readLock(); f0 = ds->sampleForTime(_kstDataRange->f0DateTimeValue()); ds->unlock(); } else { f0 = int(_kstDataRange->f0Value()); } if (_kstDataRange->isRangeRelativeTime() && ds) { ds->readLock(); double nValStored = _kstDataRange->nValue(); if (_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked()) { int frameCount = ds->frameCount(vector->field()); double msCount = ds->relativeTimeForSample(frameCount - 1); n = frameCount - 1 - ds->sampleForTime(msCount - nValStored); } else { double fTime = ds->relativeTimeForSample(f0); n = ds->sampleForTime(fTime + nValStored) - ds->sampleForTime(fTime); } ds->unlock(); } else { n = int(_kstDataRange->nValue()); } vector->unlock(); vector->writeLock(); vector->changeFrames( (_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : f0), (_kstDataRange->ReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : n), _kstDataRange->Skip->value(), _kstDataRange->DoSkip->isChecked(), _kstDataRange->DoFilter->isChecked()); vector->unlock(); } } } _modifiedRange = false; // avoid re-entering the dialog QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitDocChanged())); }
KJS::Value KstBindDataSource::frameCount(KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List& args) { QString field; if (args.size() == 1) { if (args[0].type() != KJS::StringType) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::TypeError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } field = args[0].toString(exec).qstring(); } else if (args.size() != 0) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::SyntaxError, "Requires at most one argument."); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } KstDataSourcePtr s = makeSource(_d); if (!s) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::GeneralError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } s->writeLock(); int rc = s->frameCount(field); s->unlock(); return KJS::Number(rc); }
KJS::Value KstBindDataSource::isValidField(KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List& args) { if (args.size() != 1) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::SyntaxError, "Requires exactly one argument."); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Boolean(false); } if (args[0].type() != KJS::StringType) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::TypeError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Boolean(false); } KstDataSourcePtr s = makeSource(_d); if (!s) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::GeneralError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Boolean(false); } s->writeLock(); bool rc = s->isValidField(args[0].toString(exec).qstring()); s->unlock(); return KJS::Boolean(rc); }
KJS::Value KstBindDataSource::samplesPerFrame(KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List& args) { if (args.size() != 1) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::SyntaxError, "Requires exactly one argument."); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } if (args[0].type() != KJS::StringType) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::TypeError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } KstDataSourcePtr s = makeSource(_d); if (!s) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::GeneralError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Number(0); } s->writeLock(); int rc = s->samplesPerFrame(args[0].toString(exec).qstring()); s->unlock(); return KJS::Number(rc); }
bool KstIfaceImpl::changeDataFile(const QString& vector, const QString& fileName, bool update) { KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); KstRVectorPtr rvp = kst_cast<KstRVector>(*KST::vectorList.findTag(vector)); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); if (!rvp) { return false; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(fileName); KstDataSourcePtr file; QString invalidSources; if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(fileName); if (!file || !file->isValid() || file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); rvp->writeLock(); file->writeLock(); if (!file->isValidField(vector)) { file->unlock(); rvp->unlock(); return false; } rvp->changeFile(file); file->unlock(); bool rc = rvp->isValid(); rvp->unlock(); if (update) { KstApp::inst()->forceUpdate(); } return rc; }
KJS::Value KstBindDataSource::metaData(KJS::ExecState *exec) const { KJS::Object array(exec->interpreter()->builtinArray().construct(exec, 0)); KstDataSourcePtr s = makeSource(_d); if (s) { s->readLock(); QDict<KstString> data = s->metaData(); s->unlock(); for (QDictIterator<KstString> i(data); i.current(); ++i) { array.put(exec, KJS::Identifier(i.currentKey().latin1()), KJS::String(i.current() ? i.current()->value() : QString::null)); } } return array; }
KJS::Value KstBindDataSource::fieldList(KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List& args) { Q_UNUSED(args) KJS::List rc; KstDataSourcePtr s = makeSource(_d); if (!s) { KJS::Object eobj = KJS::Error::create(exec, KJS::GeneralError); exec->setException(eobj); return KJS::Object(exec->interpreter()->builtinArray().construct(exec, rc)); } s->readLock(); QStringList l = s->fieldList(); s->unlock(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { rc.append(KJS::String(*i)); } return KJS::Object(exec->interpreter()->builtinArray().construct(exec, rc)); }
const QString& KstIfaceImpl::loadVector(const QString& file, const QString& field) { KstDataSourcePtr src; /* generate or find the kstfile */ KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(file); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { src = KstDataSource::loadSource(file); if (!src || !src->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return QString::null; } if (src->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return QString::null; } KST::dataSourceList.append(src); } else { src = *it; } src->writeLock(); KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); QString vname = "V" + QString::number(KST::vectorList.count() + 1); while (KstData::self()->vectorTagNameNotUnique(vname, false)) { vname = "V" + QString::number(KST::vectorList.count() + 1); } KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); KstVectorPtr p = new KstRVector(src, field, vname, 0, -1, 0, false, false); KST::addVectorToList(p); src->unlock(); if (p) { _doc->forceUpdate(); _doc->setModified(); return p->tagName(); } return QString::null; }
void KstChangeNptsDialogI::updateTimeCombo() { KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); uint cnt = CurveList->count(); bool supportsTime = true; for (uint i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { if (CurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRVectorPtr vector = *(rvl.findTag(CurveList->text(i))); if (vector) { vector->readLock(); KstDataSourcePtr ds = vector->dataSource(); vector->unlock(); if (ds) { ds->readLock(); supportsTime = ds->supportsTimeConversions(); ds->unlock(); if (!supportsTime) { break; } } } } } _kstDataRange->setAllowTime(supportsTime); }
bool UpdateThread::doUpdates(bool force, bool *gotData) { KstObject::UpdateType U = KstObject::NO_CHANGE; _updatedCurves.clear(); // HACK if (gotData) { *gotData = false; } #if UPDATEDEBUG > 0 if (force) { qDebug() << "Forced update!" << endl; } #endif _updateCounter++; if (_updateCounter < 1) { _updateCounter = 1; // check for wrap around } #if UPDATEDEBUG > 2 qDebug() << "UPDATE: counter=" << _updateCounter << endl; #endif { // Must make a copy to avoid deadlock KstBaseCurveList cl; KstDataObjectList dol; kstObjectSplitList<KstDataObject, KstBaseCurve>(KST::dataObjectList, cl, dol); qSort(cl); qSort(dol); // Update all curves for (uint i = 0; i < cl.count(); ++i) { KstBaseCurvePtr bcp = cl[i]; bcp->writeLock(); assert(bcp.data()); #if UPDATEDEBUG > 1 qDebug() << "updating curve: " << (void*)bcp << " - " << bcp->tagName() << endl; #endif KstObject::UpdateType ut = bcp->update(_updateCounter); bcp->unlock(); if (ut == KstObject::UPDATE) { // HACK _updatedCurves.append(bcp); } if (U != KstObject::UPDATE) { U = ut; if (U == KstObject::UPDATE) { #if UPDATEDEBUG > 0 qDebug() << "Curve " << bcp->tagName() << " said UPDATE" << endl; #endif } } if (_done || (_paused && !force)) { #if UPDATEDEBUG > 1 qDebug() << "5 Returning from scan with U=" << (int)U << endl; #endif return U == KstObject::UPDATE; } } // Update all data objects for (uint i = 0; i < dol.count(); ++i) { KstDataObjectPtr dp = dol[i]; dp->writeLock(); assert(dp.data()); #if UPDATEDEBUG > 1 qDebug() << "updating data object: " << (void*)dp << " - " << dp->tagName() << endl; #endif dp->update(_updateCounter); dp->unlock(); if (_done || (_paused && !force)) { #if UPDATEDEBUG > 1 qDebug() << "5 Returning from scan with U=" << (int)U << endl; #endif return U == KstObject::UPDATE; } } } // Update the files if (!_paused) { // don't update even if paused && force KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); unsigned cnt = KST::dataSourceList.count(); for (uint i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { KstDataSourcePtr dsp = KST::dataSourceList[i]; dsp->writeLock(); dsp->update(_updateCounter); dsp->unlock(); if (_done) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); return false; } } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } if (KstScalar::scalarsDirty()) { KstScalar::clearScalarsDirty(); // Must do this first and take a risk of // falling slightly behind KST::scalarList.lock().readLock(); KstScalarList sl = Q3DeepCopy<KstScalarList>(KST::scalarList.list()); // avoid deadlock on exit KST::scalarList.lock().unlock(); for (KstScalarList::ConstIterator i = sl.begin(); i != sl.end(); ++i) { KstScalarPtr sp = *i; sp->writeLock(); KstObject::UpdateType ut = sp->update(_updateCounter); sp->unlock(); if (ut == KstObject::UPDATE) { U = KstObject::UPDATE; } if (_done) { return false; } } } if (U == KstObject::UPDATE) { qDebug() << "Update plots" << endl; if (gotData) { // FIXME: do we need to consider all the other exit points? *gotData = true; } } #if UPDATEDEBUG > 1 qDebug() << "6 Returning from scan with U=" << (int)U << endl; #endif return U == KstObject::UPDATE; }
bool KstChangeFileDialog::applyFileChange() { KstDataSourcePtr file; KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_dataFile->url()); QString invalidSources; int invalid = 0; if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_dataFile->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Kst"), tr("The file could not be loaded.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Kst"), tr("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KstApp *app = KstApp::inst(); KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); KstRMatrixList rml = kstObjectSubList<KstMatrix,KstRMatrix>(KST::matrixList); int selected = 0; int handled = 0; int count = (int)ChangeFileCurveList->count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { ++selected; } } // a map to keep track of which objects have been duplicated, and mapping // old object -> new object KstDataObjectDataObjectMap duplicatedMap; QMap<KstVectorPtr, KstVectorPtr> duplicatedVectors; QMap<KstMatrixPtr, KstMatrixPtr> duplicatedMatrices; KstDataSourceList oldSources; // go through the vectors for (int i = 0; i < (int)rvl.count(); i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRVectorPtr vector = rvl[i]; vector->writeLock(); file->readLock(); bool valid = file->isValidField(vector->field()); file->unlock(); if (!valid) { if (invalid > 0) { invalidSources = tr("%1, %2").arg(invalidSources).arg(vector->field()); } else { invalidSources = vector->field(); } ++invalid; } else { if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked()) { // block vector updates until vector is setup properly KST::vectorList.lock().writeLock(); // create a new vector KstRVectorPtr newVector = vector->makeDuplicate(); if (!oldSources.contains(newVector->dataSource())) { oldSources << newVector->dataSource(); } newVector->changeFile(file); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); // duplicate dependents if (_duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { duplicatedVectors.insert(KstVectorPtr(vector), KstVectorPtr(newVector)); KST::duplicateDependents(KstVectorPtr(vector), duplicatedMap, duplicatedVectors); } } else { if (!oldSources.contains(vector->dataSource())) { oldSources << vector->dataSource(); } vector->changeFile(file); } } vector->unlock(); app->slotUpdateProgress(selected, ++handled, tr("Updating vectors...")); } } // go through the matrices for (int i = (int)rvl.count(); i < (int)ChangeFileCurveList->count(); i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRMatrixPtr matrix = rml[i-rvl.count()]; matrix->writeLock(); file->readLock(); bool valid = file->isValidMatrix(matrix->field()); file->unlock(); if (!valid) { if (invalid > 0) { invalidSources = tr("%1, %2").arg(invalidSources).arg(matrix->field()); } else { invalidSources = matrix->field(); } ++invalid; } else { if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked()) { // block matrix updates until matrix is setup properly KST::matrixList.lock().writeLock(); // create a new matrix KstRMatrixPtr newMatrix = matrix->makeDuplicate(); if (!oldSources.contains(newMatrix->dataSource())) { oldSources << newMatrix->dataSource(); } newMatrix->changeFile(file); KST::matrixList.lock().unlock(); // duplicate dependents if (_duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { duplicatedMatrices.insert(KstMatrixPtr(matrix), KstMatrixPtr(newMatrix)); KST::duplicateDependents(KstMatrixPtr(matrix), duplicatedMap, duplicatedMatrices); } } else { if (!oldSources.contains(matrix->dataSource())) { oldSources << matrix->dataSource(); } matrix->changeFile(file); } } matrix->unlock(); app->slotUpdateProgress(selected, ++handled, tr("Updating matrices...")); } } app->slotUpdateProgress(0, 0, QString::null); file = 0L; // now add any curves and images to plots if they were duplicated if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked() && _duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { KstApp *app = KstApp::inst(); QList<QMdiSubWindow*> windows; QList<QMdiSubWindow*>::const_iterator i; windows = app->subWindowList( CreationOrder ); for (i = windows.constBegin(); i != windows.constEnd(); ++i) KstViewWindow *viewWindow = dynamic_cast<KstViewWindow*>(*i); if (viewWindow) { KstTopLevelViewPtr view = kst_cast<KstTopLevelView>(viewWindow->view()); if (view) { Kst2DPlotList plots = view->findChildrenType<Kst2DPlot>(true); for (Kst2DPlotList::Iterator plotIter = plots.begin(); plotIter != plots.end(); ++plotIter) { for (KstDataObjectDataObjectMap::ConstIterator iter = duplicatedMap.begin(); iter != duplicatedMap.end(); ++iter) { if (KstBaseCurvePtr curve = kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(iter.data())) { if ((*plotIter)->Curves.contains(kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(iter.key())) && !(*plotIter)->Curves.contains(kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(curve))) { (*plotIter)->addCurve(curve); } } } } } } } }
bool KstChangeFileDialogI::applyFileChange() { KstDataSourcePtr file; KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_dataFile->url()); QString invalidSources; int invalid = 0; if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_dataFile->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file could not be loaded.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KstApp *app = KstApp::inst(); KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); KstRMatrixList rml = kstObjectSubList<KstMatrix,KstRMatrix>(KST::matrixList); int selected = 0; int handled = 0; int count = (int)ChangeFileCurveList->count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { ++selected; } } // a map to keep track of which objects have been duplicated, and mapping // old object -> new object KstDataObjectDataObjectMap duplicatedMap; QMap<KstVectorPtr, KstVectorPtr> duplicatedVectors; QMap<KstMatrixPtr, KstMatrixPtr> duplicatedMatrices; KstDataSourceList oldSources; // go through the vectors for (int i = 0; i < (int)rvl.count(); i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRVectorPtr vector = rvl[i]; vector->writeLock(); file->readLock(); bool valid = file->isValidField(vector->field()); file->unlock(); if (!valid) { if (invalid > 0) { // FIXME: invalid list construction for i18n invalidSources = i18n("%1, %2").arg(invalidSources).arg(vector->field()); } else { invalidSources = vector->field(); } ++invalid; } else { if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked()) { // block vector updates until vector is setup properly KST::vectorList.lock().writeLock(); // create a new vector KstRVectorPtr newVector = vector->makeDuplicate(); if (!oldSources.contains(newVector->dataSource())) { oldSources << newVector->dataSource(); } newVector->changeFile(file); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); // duplicate dependents if (_duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { duplicatedVectors.insert(KstVectorPtr(vector), KstVectorPtr(newVector)); KST::duplicateDependents(KstVectorPtr(vector), duplicatedMap, duplicatedVectors); } } else { if (!oldSources.contains(vector->dataSource())) { oldSources << vector->dataSource(); } vector->changeFile(file); } } vector->unlock(); app->slotUpdateProgress(selected, ++handled, i18n("Updating vectors...")); } } // go through the matrices for (int i = (int)rvl.count(); i < (int)ChangeFileCurveList->count(); i++) { if (ChangeFileCurveList->isSelected(i)) { KstRMatrixPtr matrix = rml[i-rvl.count()]; matrix->writeLock(); file->readLock(); bool valid = file->isValidMatrix(matrix->field()); file->unlock(); if (!valid) { if (invalid > 0) { // FIXME: invalid list construction for i18n invalidSources = i18n("%1, %2").arg(invalidSources).arg(matrix->field()); } else { invalidSources = matrix->field(); } ++invalid; } else { if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked()) { // block matrix updates until matrix is setup properly KST::matrixList.lock().writeLock(); // create a new matrix KstRMatrixPtr newMatrix = matrix->makeDuplicate(); if (!oldSources.contains(newMatrix->dataSource())) { oldSources << newMatrix->dataSource(); } newMatrix->changeFile(file); KST::matrixList.lock().unlock(); // duplicate dependents if (_duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { duplicatedMatrices.insert(KstMatrixPtr(matrix), KstMatrixPtr(newMatrix)); KST::duplicateDependents(KstMatrixPtr(matrix), duplicatedMap, duplicatedMatrices); } } else { if (!oldSources.contains(matrix->dataSource())) { oldSources << matrix->dataSource(); } matrix->changeFile(file); } } matrix->unlock(); app->slotUpdateProgress(selected, ++handled, i18n("Updating matrices...")); } } app->slotUpdateProgress(0, 0, QString::null); file = 0L; // now add any curves and images to plots if they were duplicated if (_duplicateSelected->isChecked() && _duplicateDependents->isChecked()) { KstApp *app = KstApp::inst(); KMdiIterator<KMdiChildView*> *it = app->createIterator(); while (it->currentItem()) { KstViewWindow *w = dynamic_cast<KstViewWindow*>(it->currentItem()); if (w) { KstTopLevelViewPtr view = kst_cast<KstTopLevelView>(w->view()); if (view) { Kst2DPlotList plots = view->findChildrenType<Kst2DPlot>(true); for (Kst2DPlotList::Iterator plotIter = plots.begin(); plotIter != plots.end(); ++plotIter) { for (KstDataObjectDataObjectMap::ConstIterator iter = duplicatedMap.begin(); iter != duplicatedMap.end(); ++iter) { if (KstBaseCurvePtr curve = kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(iter.data())) { if ((*plotIter)->Curves.contains(kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(iter.key())) && !(*plotIter)->Curves.contains(kst_cast<KstBaseCurve>(curve))) { (*plotIter)->addCurve(curve); } } } } } } it->next(); } app->deleteIterator(it); } // clean up unused data sources // kstdDebug() << "cleaning up data sources" << endl; KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); for (KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = oldSources.begin(); it != oldSources.end(); ++it) { // kstdDebug() << "DATA SOURCE: " << (*it)->tag().displayString() << " (" << (void*)(*it) << ") USAGE: " << (*it)->getUsage() << endl; if ((*it)->getUsage() == 1) { // kstdDebug() << " -> REMOVED" << endl; KST::dataSourceList.remove((*it).data()); } } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); if (!invalidSources.isEmpty()) { if (invalid == 1) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The following field is not defined for the requested file:\n%1").arg(invalidSources)); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The following fields are not defined for the requested file:\n%1").arg(invalidSources)); } } emit docChanged(); // force an update in case we're in paused mode KstApp::inst()->forceUpdate(); return true; }
bool KstVectorDialogI::editSingleObjectRV(KstVectorPtr vcPtr) { KstRVectorPtr rvp = kst_cast<KstRVector>(vcPtr); KstDataSourcePtr file; if (_fileNameDirty) { // if there is not an active KstFile, create one KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->FileName->url()); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_w->FileName->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file could not be opened.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } else { KstRVectorList vcList = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); for (uint i = 0; i < _editMultipleWidget->_objectList->count(); i++) { if (_editMultipleWidget->_objectList->isSelected(i)) { // get the pointer to the object KstRVectorList::Iterator vcIter = vcList.findTag(_editMultipleWidget->_objectList->text(i)); if (vcIter == vcList.end()) { return false; } KstRVectorPtr rvp = *vcIter; rvp->readLock(); file = rvp->dataSource(); rvp->unlock(); } } } file->writeLock(); if (rvp) { QString pField; if (_fileNameDirty) { pField = _w->Field->currentText(); if (!file->isValidField(pField)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The requested field is not defined for the requested file.")); file->unlock(); return false; } } else { pField = rvp->field(); } int f0 = 0, n = 0; if (_f0Dirty) { if (_w->_kstDataRange->isStartRelativeTime()) { f0 = file->sampleForTime(_w->_kstDataRange->f0Value()); } else if (_w->_kstDataRange->isStartAbsoluteTime()) { bool ok = false; f0 = file->sampleForTime(_w->_kstDataRange->f0DateTimeValue(), &ok); if (!ok) { file->unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The requested field or file could not use the specified date.")); return false; } } else { f0 = int(_w->_kstDataRange->f0Value()); } } if (_nDirty) { if (_w->_kstDataRange->isRangeRelativeTime()) { double nValStored = _w->_kstDataRange->nValue(); if (_w->_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked()) { int frameCount = file->frameCount(_w->Field->currentText()); double msCount = file->relativeTimeForSample(frameCount - 1); n = frameCount - 1 - file->sampleForTime(msCount - nValStored); } else { double fTime = file->relativeTimeForSample(f0); n = file->sampleForTime(fTime + nValStored) - file->sampleForTime(fTime); } } else { n = int(_w->_kstDataRange->nValue()); } } // use existing requested start and number of frames if not dirty rvp->readLock(); if (!_f0Dirty) { f0 = rvp->reqStartFrame(); } if (!_nDirty) { n = rvp->reqNumFrames(); } // other parameters for multiple edit bool pCountFromEnd, pReadToEnd, pDoSkip, pDoFilter; int pSkip; if (_countFromEndDirty) { pCountFromEnd = _w->_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked(); } else { pCountFromEnd = rvp->countFromEOF(); } if (_readToEndDirty) { pReadToEnd = _w->_kstDataRange->ReadToEnd->isChecked(); } else { pReadToEnd = rvp->readToEOF(); } if (_skipDirty) { pSkip = _w->_kstDataRange->Skip->value(); } else { pSkip = rvp->skip(); } if (_doSkipDirty) { pDoSkip = _w->_kstDataRange->DoSkip->isChecked(); } else { pDoSkip = rvp->doSkip(); } if (_doFilterDirty) { pDoFilter = _w->_kstDataRange->DoFilter->isChecked(); } else { pDoFilter = rvp->doAve(); } rvp->unlock(); // change the vector rvp->writeLock(); rvp->change(file, pField, rvp->tag(), pCountFromEnd ? -1 : f0, pReadToEnd ? -1 : n, pSkip, pDoSkip, pDoFilter); rvp->unlock(); } else { KstSVectorPtr svp = kst_cast<KstSVector>(_dp); if (!svp) { file->unlock(); return true; // shouldn't be needed } double x0 = _w->_xMin->text().toDouble(); double x1 = _w->_xMax->text().toDouble(); int n = _w->_N->value(); svp->writeLock(); svp->changeRange(x0, x1, n); svp->setTagName(KstObjectTag(_tagName->text(), svp->tag().context())); // FIXME: doesn't verify uniqueness, doesn't allow changing tag context svp->unlock(); } file->unlock(); return true; }
bool KstVectorDialogI::newObject() { KstDataSourcePtr file; QString tag_name = _tagName->text(); if (_w->_readFromSource->isChecked()) { tag_name.replace(defaultTag, _w->Field->currentText()); tag_name = KST::suggestVectorName(tag_name); // if there is not an active DataSource, create one { KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->FileName->url()); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_w->FileName->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file could not be loaded.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } file->readLock(); if (!file->isValidField(_w->Field->currentText())) { file->unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The requested field is not defined for the requested file.")); return false; } int f0, n; if (_w->_kstDataRange->isStartRelativeTime()) { f0 = file->sampleForTime(_w->_kstDataRange->f0Value()); } else if (_w->_kstDataRange->isStartAbsoluteTime()) { bool ok = false; f0 = file->sampleForTime(_w->_kstDataRange->f0DateTimeValue(), &ok); if (!ok) { file->unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The requested field or file could not use the specified date.")); return false; } } else { f0 = int(_w->_kstDataRange->f0Value()); } if (_w->_kstDataRange->isRangeRelativeTime()) { double nValStored = _w->_kstDataRange->nValue(); if (_w->_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked()) { int frameCount = file->frameCount(_w->Field->currentText()); double msCount = file->relativeTimeForSample(frameCount - 1); n = frameCount - 1 - file->sampleForTime(msCount - nValStored); } else { double fTime = file->relativeTimeForSample(f0); n = file->sampleForTime(fTime + nValStored) - file->sampleForTime(fTime); } } else { n = int(_w->_kstDataRange->nValue()); } file->unlock(); // create the vector KstRVectorPtr vector = new KstRVector( file, _w->Field->currentText(), KstObjectTag(tag_name, file->tag(), false), _w->_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : f0, _w->_kstDataRange->ReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : n, _w->_kstDataRange->Skip->value(), _w->_kstDataRange->DoSkip->isChecked(), _w->_kstDataRange->DoFilter->isChecked()); emit vectorCreated(KstVectorPtr(vector)); vector = 0L; emit modified(); } else { double x0 = _w->_xMin->text().toDouble(); double x1 = _w->_xMax->text().toDouble(); int n = _w->_N->value(); QString tagname = _tagName->text(); if (tagname == defaultTag) { tagname = KST::suggestVectorName(QString("(%1..%2)").arg(x0).arg(x1)); } KstSVectorPtr svector = new KstSVector(x0, x1, n, KstObjectTag(tagname, KstObjectTag::globalTagContext)); emit vectorCreated(KstVectorPtr(svector)); svector = 0L; emit modified(); } return true; }
void KstVectorDialogI::fillFieldsForRVEdit() { KstRVectorPtr rvp = kst_cast<KstRVector>(_dp); rvp->readLock(); _w->_readFromSource->setChecked(true); _w->_rvectorGroup->show(); _w->_kstDataRange->show(); _w->_kstDataRange->setEnabled(true); _w->_svectorGroup->hide(); _w->_svectorGroup->setEnabled(false); _w->sourceGroup->hide(); _tagName->setText(rvp->tagName()); _w->Field->clear(); if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->clear(); } { KstDataSourcePtr tf; KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(rvp->filename()); if (it != KST::dataSourceList.end()) { tf = *it; tf->readLock(); _w->Field->insertStringList(tf->fieldList()); if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->insertItems(tf->fieldList()); } tf->unlock(); } else { QStringList list = KstDataSource::fieldListForSource(_w->FileName->url()); _w->Field->insertStringList(list); if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->insertItems(list); } } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } _w->Field->setEnabled(_w->Field->count() > 0); _ok->setEnabled(_w->Field->isEnabled()); _w->Field->setCurrentText(rvp->field()); // select the proper file _w->FileName->setURL(rvp->filename()); // fill the vector range entries _w->_kstDataRange->CountFromEnd->setChecked(rvp->countFromEOF()); _w->_kstDataRange->setF0Value(rvp->reqStartFrame()); // fill number of frames entries _w->_kstDataRange->ReadToEnd->setChecked(rvp->readToEOF()); _w->_kstDataRange->setNValue(rvp->reqNumFrames()); // fill in frames to skip box _w->_kstDataRange->Skip->setValue(rvp->skip()); _w->_kstDataRange->DoSkip->setChecked(rvp->doSkip()); _w->_kstDataRange->DoFilter->setChecked(rvp->doAve()); _w->_kstDataRange->updateEnables(); rvp->unlock(); }
bool KstMatrixDialog::editSingleRMatrix(KstRMatrixPtr rmp) { KstDataSourcePtr file; QString pField; bool doSkip, doAve; int xStart; int yStart; int xNumSteps; int yNumSteps; int skip; if (_fileNameDirty) { KstDataSourceList::iterator it; // // if there is not an active KstFile, create one... // KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); // xxx it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->_fileName->url()); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { // xxx file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_w->_fileName->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The file could not be opened.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); pField = _w->_field->currentText(); if (!file->isValidMatrix(pField)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The requested field is not defined for the requested file.")); file->unlock(); return false; } } else { rmp->readLock(); file = rmp->dataSource(); pField = rmp->field(); rmp->unlock(); } rmp->readLock(); if (_xStartDirty || _xStartCountFromEndDirty) { xStart = _w->_xStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xStart->value(); } else { xStart = rmp->reqXStart(); } if (_yStartDirty || _yStartCountFromEndDirty) { yStart = _w->_yStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yStart->value(); } else { yStart = rmp->reqYStart(); } if (_xNumStepsDirty || _xNumStepsReadToEndDirty) { xNumSteps = _w->_xNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xNumSteps->value(); } else { xNumSteps = rmp->reqXNumSteps(); } if (_yNumStepsDirty || _yNumStepsReadToEndDirty) { yNumSteps = _w->_yNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yNumSteps->value(); } else { yNumSteps = rmp->reqYNumSteps(); } if (_doSkipDirty) { doSkip = _w->_doSkip->isChecked(); } else { doSkip = rmp->doSkip(); } if (_doAveDirty) { doAve = _w->_doAve->isChecked(); } else { doAve = rmp->doAverage(); } if (_skipDirty) { skip = _w->_skip->value(); } else { skip = rmp->skip(); } rmp->unlock(); rmp->writeLock(); rmp->change(file, pField, KstObjectTag(rmp->tag().tag(), rmp->tag().context()), xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, doAve, doSkip, skip); rmp->unlock(); return true; }
void KstMatrixDialog::fillFieldsForRMatrixEdit() { KstRMatrixPtr rmp; // // first hide/show the correct widgets... // _w->_readFromSource->setChecked(true); _w->_generateGradient->setChecked(false); _w->_dataSourceGroup->show(); _w->_dataRangeGroup->show(); _w->_gradientGroup->hide(); _w->_scalingGroup->hide(); rmp = kst_cast<KstRMatrix>(_dp); if (rmp) { rmp->readLock(); // // fill in the list of fields... // _w->_field->clear(); /* xxx if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->clear(); } */ // // scope for iterator... // { KstDataSourcePtr tf; KstDataSourceList::iterator it; KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(rmp->filename()); if (it != KST::dataSourceList.end()) { tf = *it; tf->readLock(); _w->_field->insertItems(0, tf->matrixList()); /* xxx if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->insertItems(tf->matrixList()); } */ tf->unlock(); } else { QStringList list; // xxx list = KstDataSource::matrixListForSource(_w->_fileName->url()); _w->_field->insertItems(0, list); /* xxx if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->insertItems(list); } */ } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } _w->_field->setEnabled(_w->_field->count() > 0); _ok->setEnabled(_w->_field->isEnabled()); _w->_field->setItemText(_w->_field->currentIndex(), rmp->field()); // // fill in the other parameters... // // xxx _w->_fileName->setURL(rmp->filename()); _w->_xStart->setValue(rmp->reqXStart()); _w->_yStart->setValue(rmp->reqYStart()); _w->_xNumSteps->setValue(rmp->reqXNumSteps()); _w->_yNumSteps->setValue(rmp->reqYNumSteps()); _w->_xStartCountFromEnd->setChecked(rmp->xCountFromEnd()); _w->_yStartCountFromEnd->setChecked(rmp->yCountFromEnd()); _w->_xNumStepsReadToEnd->setChecked(rmp->xReadToEnd()); _w->_yNumStepsReadToEnd->setChecked(rmp->yReadToEnd()); _w->_doSkip->setChecked(rmp->doSkip()); _w->_skip->setValue(rmp->skip()); _w->_doAve->setChecked(rmp->doAverage()); rmp->unlock(); } }
bool KstMatrixDialog::new_IRMatrix() { KstDataSourcePtr file; KstRMatrixPtr matrix; KstDataSourceList::iterator it; QString pField; QString tagName; bool doSkip; bool doAve; int xStart = _w->_xStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xStart->value(); int yStart = _w->_yStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yStart->value(); int xNumSteps = _w->_xNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xNumSteps->value(); int yNumSteps = _w->_yNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yNumSteps->value(); int skip; // // create a unique name... // tagName = (_tagName->text() == "<New_Matrix>") ? KST::suggestMatrixName(_w->_field->currentText()) : _tagName->text(); if (KstData::self()->matrixTagNameNotUnique(tagName)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } // // if there is not an active KstFile, create one... // KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); // xxx it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->_fileName->url()); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { // xxx file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_w->_fileName->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The file could not be opened.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); pField = _w->_field->currentText(); if (!file->isValidMatrix(pField)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("The requested matrix is not defined for the requested file.")); file->unlock(); return false; } doSkip = _w->_doSkip->isChecked(); doAve = _w->_doAve->isChecked(); skip = _w->_skip->value(); matrix = new KstRMatrix(file, pField, KstObjectTag(tagName, file->tag(), false), xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, doAve, doSkip, skip); emit matrixCreated(KstMatrixPtr(matrix)); matrix = 0L; // drop the reference emit modified(); return true; }
void KstVectorDialogI::updateCompletion() { QString current_text = _w->Field->currentText(); _w->Field->clear(); // update filename list and ll axes combo boxes KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); KstDataSourcePtr ds = *KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->FileName->url()); KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); delete _configWidget; _configWidget = 0L; QStringList list; if (ds) { ds->readLock(); list = ds->fieldList(); _w->Field->setEditable(!ds->fieldListIsComplete()); _configWidget = ds->configWidget(); ds->unlock(); _w->Field->setEnabled(true); _w->_connect->hide(); _w->_kstDataRange->setAllowTime(ds->supportsTimeConversions()); } else { QString type; bool complete = false; QString u = _w->FileName->url(); KURL url; if (QFile::exists(u) && QFileInfo(u).isRelative()) { url.setPath(u); } else { url = KURL::fromPathOrURL(u); } if (!_inTest && !url.isLocalFile() && url.protocol() != "file" && !url.protocol().isEmpty()) { _w->_connect->show(); } else if (url.isValid()) { list = KstDataSource::fieldListForSource(u, QString::null, &type, &complete); if (!_inTest || (_inTest && !list.isEmpty())) { _w->_connect->hide(); } } _w->Field->setEditable(!complete); _w->Field->setEnabled(!list.isEmpty()); if (!list.isEmpty() && !type.isEmpty()) { _configWidget = KstDataSource::configWidgetForSource(u, type); } _w->_kstDataRange->setAllowTime(KstDataSource::supportsTime(u, type)); } _w->_configure->setEnabled(_configWidget); _fieldCompletion = _w->Field->completionObject(); _w->Field->insertStringList(list); if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->clear(); _fieldCompletion->insertItems(list); } if (!current_text.isEmpty() && (list.contains(current_text) || _w->Field->editable())) { _w->Field->setCurrentText(current_text); } _ok->setEnabled(_w->Field->isEnabled() || _editMultipleMode); }
void KstMatrixDialog::updateCompletion() { KstDataSourcePtr ds; QString current_text = _w->_field->currentText(); QStringList list; _w->_field->clear(); // // update filename list and ll axes combo boxes... // KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); // xxx ds = *KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->_fileName->url()); KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); delete _configWidget; _configWidget = 0L; if (ds) { ds->readLock(); list = ds->matrixList(); _w->_field->setEditable(!ds->fieldListIsComplete()); _configWidget = ds->configWidget(); ds->unlock(); _w->_field->setEnabled(true); _w->_connect->hide(); // _kstDataRange->setAllowTime(ds->supportsTimeConversions()); } else { bool complete = false; QString u; QString type; /* xxx u = _w->_fileName->url(); if (QFile::exists(u) && QFileInfo(u).isRelative()) { url.setPath(u); } else { url = QUrl(u); } if (!_inTest && !url.scheme()=="file" && url.scheme() != "file" && !url.isRelative()) { _w->_connect->show(); } else if (url.isValid()) { list = KstDataSource::matrixListForSource(u, QString::null, &type, &complete); // // pretend we're getting the full field list... // if (list.isEmpty()) { QStringList fullList = KstDataSource::fieldListForSource(u, QString::null, &type, &complete); } if (!_inTest || (_inTest && !list.isEmpty())) { _w->_connect->hide(); } } */ _w->_field->setEditable(!complete); _w->_field->setEnabled(!list.isEmpty()); if (!type.isEmpty()) { _configWidget = KstDataSource::configWidgetForSource(u, type); } // _kstDataRange->setAllowTime(KstDataSource::supportsTime(u, type)); } _w->_configure->setEnabled(_configWidget); // xxx _fieldCompletion = _w->_field->completionObject(); _w->_field->insertItems(0, list); /* xxx if (_fieldCompletion) { _fieldCompletion->clear(); _fieldCompletion->insertItems(list); } */ if (!current_text.isEmpty() && (list.contains(current_text) || _w->_field->isEditable())) { _w->_field->setItemText(_w->_field->currentIndex(), current_text); } _ok->setEnabled(_w->_field->isEnabled() || _editMultipleMode); }
bool KstMatrixDialogI::new_IRMatrix() { //check the parameters int xStart = _w->_xStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xStart->value(); int yStart = _w->_yStartCountFromEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yStart->value(); int xNumSteps = _w->_xNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_xNumSteps->value(); int yNumSteps = _w->_yNumStepsReadToEnd->isChecked() ? -1 : _w->_yNumSteps->value(); //create a unique name QString tag_name = (_tagName->text() == "<New_Matrix>") ? KST::suggestMatrixName(_w->_field->currentText()) : _tagName->text(); if (KstData::self()->matrixTagNameNotUnique(tag_name)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } // get the data source and matrix field from datasource KstDataSourcePtr file; QString pField; /* if there is not an active KstFile, create one */ KST::dataSourceList.lock().writeLock(); KstDataSourceList::Iterator it = KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(_w->_fileName->url()); if (it == KST::dataSourceList.end()) { file = KstDataSource::loadSource(_w->_fileName->url()); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file could not be opened.")); return false; } if (file->isEmpty()) { KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The file does not contain data.")); return false; } KST::dataSourceList.append(file); } else { file = *it; } KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); pField = _w->_field->currentText(); if (!file->isValidMatrix(pField)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The requested matrix is not defined for the requested file.")); file->unlock(); return false; } // skipping parameters bool doSkip = _w->_doSkip->isChecked(); bool doAve = _w->_doAve->isChecked(); int skip = _w->_skip->value(); KstRMatrixPtr matrix = new KstRMatrix(file, pField, tag_name, xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, doAve, doSkip, skip); KST::addMatrixToList(KstMatrixPtr(matrix)); emit matrixCreated(KstMatrixPtr(matrix)); matrix = 0L; // drop the reference emit modified(); return true; }