Example #1
void LayoutEngine::adjustMarkGlyphs(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEGlyphFilter *markFilter, LEErrorCode &success)
    float xAdjust = 0;
    le_int32 p, glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (markFilter == NULL) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    float ignore, prev;

    glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(0, prev, ignore, success);

    for (p = 0; p < glyphCount; p += 1) {
        float next, xAdvance;
        glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(p + 1, next, ignore, success);

        xAdvance = next - prev;
        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(p, xAdjust, 0, success);

        if (markFilter->accept(glyphStorage[p])) {
            xAdjust -= xAdvance;

        prev = next;

    glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, 0, success);
Example #2
 * Process the glyph positions.  The positions array has two floats for each
 * glyph, plus a trailing pair to mark the end of the last glyph.
void KernTable::process(LEGlyphStorage& storage) 
  if (pairs) {
    LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;

    le_uint32 key = storage[0]; // no need to mask off high bits
    float adjust = 0;

    for (int i = 1, e = storage.getGlyphCount(); i < e; ++i) {
      key = key << 16 | (storage[i] & 0xffff);

      // argh, to do a binary search, we need to have the pair list in sorted order
      // but it is not in sorted order on win32 platforms because of the endianness difference
      // so either I have to swap the element each time I examine it, or I have to swap
      // all the elements ahead of time and store them in the font

      const PairInfo* p = pairs;
      const PairInfo* tp = (const PairInfo*)((char*)p + rangeShift);

      if (key > SWAP_KEY(tp)) {
        p = tp;

      fprintf(stderr, "binary search for %0.8x\n", key);

      le_uint32 probe = searchRange;

      while (probe > KERN_PAIRINFO_SIZE) {
        probe >>= 1;
        tp = (const PairInfo*)((char*)p + probe);

        le_uint32 tkey = SWAP_KEY(tp);
        fprintf(stdout, "   %.3d (%0.8x)\n", ((char*)tp - (char*)pairs)/KERN_PAIRINFO_SIZE, tkey);
        if (tkey <= key) {
          if (tkey == key) {
            le_int16 value = SWAPW(tp->value);
            fprintf(stdout, "binary found kerning pair %x:%x at %d, value: 0x%x (%g)\n", 
              storage[i-1], storage[i], i, value & 0xffff, font->xUnitsToPoints(value));
            adjust += font->xUnitsToPoints(value);

          p = tp;

      storage.adjustPosition(i, adjust, 0, success);

    storage.adjustPosition(storage.getGlyphCount(), adjust, 0, success);
void LayoutEngine::adjustMarkGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 charCount, le_bool reverse, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEGlyphFilter *markFilter, LEErrorCode &success)
    float xAdjust = 0;
    le_int32 c = 0, direction = 1, p;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (markFilter == NULL) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    if (reverse) {
        c = glyphCount - 1;
        direction = -1;

    float ignore, prev;

    glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(0, prev, ignore, success);

    for (p = 0; p < charCount; p += 1, c += direction) {
        float next, xAdvance;

        glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(p + 1, next, ignore, success);

        xAdvance = next - prev;

        _LETRACE("p#%d (%.2f,%.2f)", p, xAdvance, 0);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(p, xAdjust, 0, success);

        if (markFilter->accept(chars[c], success)) {
            xAdjust -= xAdvance;

        prev = next;

    glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, 0, success);
// apply GPOS table, if any
void OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    if (glyphCount == 0) {

    if (!fGPOSTable.isEmpty()) {
        GlyphPositionAdjustments *adjustments = new GlyphPositionAdjustments(glyphCount);
        le_int32 i;

        if (adjustments == NULL) {
            success = LE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;

#if 0
        // Don't need to do this if we allocate
        // the adjustments array w/ new...
        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            adjustments->setXPlacement(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYPlacement(i, 0);

            adjustments->setXAdvance(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYAdvance(i, 0);

            adjustments->setBaseOffset(i, -1);

        if (!fGPOSTable.isEmpty()) {
            if (fScriptTagV2 != nullScriptTag && 
                fGPOSTable->coversScriptAndLanguage(fGPOSTable, fScriptTagV2,fLangSysTag,success)) { 
              fGPOSTable->process(fGPOSTable, glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, 
                                  fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance, fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
            } else {
              fGPOSTable->process(fGPOSTable, glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTag, fLangSysTag, 
                                  fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance, fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
        } else if (fTypoFlags & LE_Kerning_FEATURE_FLAG) { /* kerning enabled */
          LETableReference kernTable(fFontInstance, LE_KERN_TABLE_TAG, success);
          KernTable kt(kernTable, success);
          kt.process(glyphStorage, success);

        float xAdjust = 0, yAdjust = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            float xAdvance   = adjustments->getXAdvance(i);
            float yAdvance   = adjustments->getYAdvance(i);
            float xPlacement = 0;
            float yPlacement = 0;

#if 0
            // This is where separate kerning adjustments
            // should get applied.
            xAdjust += xKerning;
            yAdjust += yKerning;

            for (le_int32 base = i; base >= 0; base = adjustments->getBaseOffset(base)) {
                xPlacement += adjustments->getXPlacement(base);
                yPlacement += adjustments->getYPlacement(base);

            xPlacement = fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xPlacement);
            yPlacement = fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yPlacement);
            glyphStorage.adjustPosition(i, xAdjust + xPlacement, -(yAdjust + yPlacement), success);

            xAdjust += fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xAdvance);
            yAdjust += fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yAdvance);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, -yAdjust, success);

        delete adjustments;
    } else {
        // if there was no GPOS table, maybe there's non-OpenType kerning we can use
        LayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(chars, offset, count, reverse, glyphStorage, success);        

    LEGlyphID zwnj  = fFontInstance->mapCharToGlyph(0x200C);

    if (zwnj != 0x0000) {
        for (le_int32 g = 0; g < glyphCount; g += 1) {
            LEGlyphID glyph = glyphStorage[g];

            if (glyph == zwnj) {
                glyphStorage[g] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, 0xFFFF);

#if 0
    // Don't know why this is here...
    fFeatureTags = NULL;
// apply GPOS table, if any
void OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    if (glyphCount == 0) {

    if (fGPOSTable != NULL) {
        GlyphPositionAdjustments *adjustments = new GlyphPositionAdjustments(glyphCount);
        le_int32 i;

        if (adjustments == NULL) {
            success = LE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;

#if 0
        // Don't need to do this if we allocate
        // the adjustments array w/ new...
        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            adjustments->setXPlacement(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYPlacement(i, 0);

            adjustments->setXAdvance(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYAdvance(i, 0);

            adjustments->setBaseOffset(i, -1);

        if (fGPOSTable != NULL) {
            if (fScriptTagV2 != nullScriptTag && fGPOSTable->coversScriptAndLanguage(fScriptTagV2,fLangSysTag)) { 
                fGPOSTable->process(glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance,
                                fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
            } else {
                fGPOSTable->process(glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTag, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance,
                                fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
        } else if ( fTypoFlags & 0x1 ) {
            static const le_uint32 kernTableTag = LE_KERN_TABLE_TAG;
            KernTable kt(fFontInstance, getFontTable(kernTableTag));

        float xAdjust = 0, yAdjust = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            float xAdvance   = adjustments->getXAdvance(i);
            float yAdvance   = adjustments->getYAdvance(i);
            float xPlacement = 0;
            float yPlacement = 0;

#if 0
            // This is where separate kerning adjustments
            // should get applied.
            xAdjust += xKerning;
            yAdjust += yKerning;

            for (le_int32 base = i; base >= 0; base = adjustments->getBaseOffset(base)) {
                xPlacement += adjustments->getXPlacement(base);
                yPlacement += adjustments->getYPlacement(base);

            xPlacement = fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xPlacement);
            yPlacement = fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yPlacement);
            glyphStorage.adjustPosition(i, xAdjust + xPlacement, -(yAdjust + yPlacement), success);

            xAdjust += fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xAdvance);
            yAdjust += fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yAdvance);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, -yAdjust, success);

        delete adjustments;
    } else {
        // if there was no GPOS table, maybe there's non-OpenType kerning we can use
        //   Google Patch: disable this.  Causes problems with Tamil.
        //       Umesh says layout is poor both with and without the change, but
        //       worse with the change.  See ocean/imageprocessing/layout_test_unittest.cc
        //   Public ICU ticket for this problem is  #7742
        // LayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(chars, offset, count, reverse, glyphStorage, success);        

    LEGlyphID zwnj  = fFontInstance->mapCharToGlyph(0x200C);

    if (zwnj != 0x0000) {
        for (le_int32 g = 0; g < glyphCount; g += 1) {
            LEGlyphID glyph = glyphStorage[g];

            if (glyph == zwnj) {
                glyphStorage[g] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, 0xFFFF);

#if 0
    // Don't know why this is here...
    fFeatureTags = NULL;
// apply GPOS table, if any
void OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    if (glyphCount > 0 && fGPOSTable != NULL) {
        GlyphPositionAdjustments *adjustments = new GlyphPositionAdjustments(glyphCount);
        le_int32 i;

        if (adjustments == NULL) {
            success = LE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;

#if 0
        // Don't need to do this if we allocate
        // the adjustments array w/ new...
        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            adjustments->setXPlacement(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYPlacement(i, 0);

            adjustments->setXAdvance(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYAdvance(i, 0);

            adjustments->setBaseOffset(i, -1);

        fGPOSTable->process(glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTag,
            fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance, fFeatureOrder);

        float xAdjust = 0, yAdjust = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            float xAdvance   = adjustments->getXAdvance(i);
            float yAdvance   = adjustments->getYAdvance(i);
            float xPlacement = 0;
            float yPlacement = 0;

#if 0
            // This is where separate kerning adjustments
            // should get applied.
            xAdjust += xKerning;
            yAdjust += yKerning;

            for (le_int32 base = i; base >= 0; base = adjustments->getBaseOffset(base)) {
                xPlacement += adjustments->getXPlacement(base);
                yPlacement += adjustments->getYPlacement(base);

            xPlacement = fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xPlacement);
            yPlacement = fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yPlacement);
            glyphStorage.adjustPosition(i, xAdjust + xPlacement, -(yAdjust + yPlacement), success);

            xAdjust += fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xAdvance);
            yAdjust += fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yAdvance);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, -yAdjust, success);

        delete adjustments;

#if 0
    // Don't know why this is here...
    fFeatureTags = NULL;