Example #1
QString cmdFromUser(int argc, char **argv, QString inFile, QString extension, QString& path, bool showDLG=false){
    //First check to see if there is a default for this extension
    QString defApp = LFileDialog::getDefaultApp(extension);
    if(extension=="directory" && defApp.isEmpty() && !showDLG){
      //Just use the Lumina File Manager
      return "lumina-fm";
    }else if( !defApp.isEmpty() && !showDLG ){
      bool ok = false;
      XDGDesktop DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(defApp, ok);
      	QString exec = LXDG::getDesktopExec(DF);
      	  qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Using default application:" << DF.name << "File:" << inFile; 
          if(!DF.path.isEmpty()){ path = DF.path; }
          return exec;
      //invalid default - reset it and continue on
      LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, "");
    //No default set -- Start up the application selection dialog
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QTranslator translator;
    QLocale mylocale;
    QString langCode = mylocale.name();
    if(!QFile::exists(PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/lumina-open_" + langCode + ".qm") ){ 
      langCode.truncate( langCode.indexOf("_") ); 
    translator.load( QString("lumina-open_") + langCode, PREFIX + "/share/Lumina-DE/i18n/" );
    a.installTranslator( &translator );
    qDebug() << "Locale:" << langCode;

    LFileDialog w;
      w.setFileInfo(inFile, extension, false);
      if(inFile.endsWith("/")){ inFile.chop(1); }
      w.setFileInfo(inFile.section("/",-1), extension, true);

    if(!w.appSelected){ exit(1); }
    //Return the run path if appropriate
    if(!w.appPath.isEmpty()){ path = w.appPath; }
    //Just do the default application registration here for now
    //  might move it to the runtime phase later after seeing that the app has successfully started
    if(w.setDefault){ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, w.appFile); }
    else{ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, ""); }
    //Now return the resulting application command
    return w.appExec;
Example #2
QString cmdFromUser(int argc, char **argv, QString inFile, QString extension, QString& path, bool showDLG=false){
    //First check to see if there is a default for this extension
    QString defApp;
	//qDebug() << "inFile:" << inFile;
	QStringList matches = LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(inFile, true).split("::::"); //allow multiple matches
	//qDebug() << "Matches:" << matches;
	for(int i=0; i<matches.length(); i++){
	  defApp = LXDG::findDefaultAppForMime(matches[i]);
	  if(!defApp.isEmpty()){ extension = matches[i]; break; }
	  else if(i+1==matches.length()){ extension = matches[0]; }
    }else{ defApp = LFileDialog::getDefaultApp(extension); }
    if( !defApp.isEmpty() && !showDLG ){
      bool ok = false;
        XDGDesktop DF = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(defApp, ok);
      	  QString exec = LXDG::getDesktopExec(DF);
      	    qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Using default application:" << DF.name << "File:" << inFile;
            if(!DF.path.isEmpty()){ path = DF.path; }
            return exec;
	//Only binary given
	  qDebug() << "[lumina-open] Using default application:" << defApp << "File:" << inFile;
	  return defApp; //just use the binary
      //invalid default - reset it and continue on
      LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, "");
    //Final catch: directory given - no valid default found - use lumina-fm
    if(extension=="directory" && !showDLG){ return "lumina-fm"; }
    //No default set -- Start up the application selection dialog
    QApplication App(argc, argv);
    LuminaThemeEngine theme(&App);

    LFileDialog w;
    if(extension=="email" || extension=="webbrowser"){
      w.setFileInfo(inFile, extension, false);
      if(inFile.endsWith("/")){ inFile.chop(1); }
      w.setFileInfo(inFile.section("/",-1), extension, true);

    if(!w.appSelected){ return ""; }
    //Return the run path if appropriate
    if(!w.appPath.isEmpty()){ path = w.appPath; }
    //Just do the default application registration here for now
    //  might move it to the runtime phase later after seeing that the app has successfully started
      if(!w.appFile.isEmpty()){ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, w.appFile); }
      else{ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, w.appExec); }
    }else{ LFileDialog::setDefaultApp(extension, ""); }
    //Now return the resulting application command
    return w.appExec;