static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { expr::evaluate(rhs); length_type const size = lhs.size(1, 0); for (index_type i=0; i<size; ++i) lhs.put(i, rhs.get(i)); }
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { expr::evaluate(rhs); length_type const rows = lhs.size(2, 0); length_type const cols = lhs.size(2, 1); for (index_type j=0; j<cols; ++j) for (index_type i=0; i<rows; ++i) lhs.put(i, j, rhs.get(i, j)); }
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { expr::evaluate(rhs); length_type const size0 = lhs.size(3, 0); length_type const size1 = lhs.size(3, 1); length_type const size2 = lhs.size(3, 2); for (index_type i=0; i<size0; ++i) for (index_type k=0; k<size2; ++k) for (index_type j=0; j<size1; ++j) lhs.put(i, j, k, rhs.get(i, j, k)); }
binary_operator< typename LHS::const_iterator, typename RHS::const_iterator, Op, NA > operator()(const LHS &lhs, const RHS &rhs, const Op &op) { return binary_operator< typename LHS::const_iterator, typename RHS::const_iterator, Op, NA >(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), hooks::extract_dims(lhs), rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), hooks::extract_dims(rhs), op); }
void operator()() { LHS lhs; RHS rhs; auto lhs_it = lhs.begin(); auto rhs_it = rhs.begin(); const auto lhs_end = lhs.end(); const auto rhs_end = rhs.end(); for( ; lhs_it != lhs_end && rhs_it != rhs_end; ) { std::tuple<typename LHS::rtype,typename RHS::rtype> t(*lhs_it, *rhs_it); //std::cout << "lhs_it="<<(*lhs_it)<<","<<(*rhs_it)<<std::endl; this->yield(t); ++lhs_it; ++rhs_it; } }};
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { if (parallel::has_same_map<D>(, rhs)) { // Maps are same, no communication required. typedef typename distributed_local_block<LHS>::type lhs_local_block_type; typedef typename distributed_local_block<RHS>::type rhs_local_block_type; typedef typename block_traits<lhs_local_block_type>::plain_type lhs_local_storage_type; typedef typename block_traits<rhs_local_block_type>::plain_type rhs_local_storage_type; lhs_local_storage_type lhs_local_block = get_local_block(lhs); rhs_local_storage_type rhs_local_block = get_local_block(rhs); Dispatcher<D, lhs_local_block_type, rhs_local_block_type>::exec(lhs_local_block, rhs_local_block); } else { // Maps are different, fall out to general expression. lhs_view_type lhs_view(lhs); rhs_view_type rhs_view(const_cast<RHS&>(rhs)); parallel::expr(lhs_view, rhs_view); } }
boost::logic::tribool evaluate(const typed_map& map) const { boost::logic::tribool result = lhs.valid(map) && rhs.valid(map); if (!result) return boost::logic::indeterminate; OP op; return op(lhs(map),rhs(map)); }
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { using namespace impl; typedef typename simd::LValue_access_traits<typename LHS::value_type> WAT; typedef typename simd::Proxy_factory<RHS, false>::access_traits EAT; length_type const vec_size = simd::Simd_traits<typename LHS::value_type>::vec_size; Ext_data<LHS, layout_type> dda(lhs, SYNC_OUT); simd::Proxy<WAT,true> lp(; simd::Proxy<EAT,false> rp(simd::Proxy_factory<RHS,false>::create(rhs)); length_type const size = dda.size(0); length_type n = size; // loop using proxy interface. This generates the best code // with gcc 3.4 (with gcc 4.1 the difference to the first case // above is negligible). while (n >= vec_size) {; n -= vec_size; lp.increment(); rp.increment(); } // Process the remainder, using simple loop fusion. for (index_type i = size - n; i != size; ++i) lhs.put(i, rhs.get(i)); }
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { VBlock const& vblock = rhs.get_vblk(); MBlock const& mblock = rhs.get_mblk(); typedef typename get_block_layout<LHS>::order_type order_type; Matrix<lhs_value_type, LHS> m_dst(lhs); const_Vector<v_value_type, VBlock> v(const_cast<VBlock&>(vblock)); const_Matrix<m_value_type, MBlock> m(const_cast<MBlock&>(mblock)); if (is_same<order_type, row2_type>::value) { if (D == row) { for (index_type r = 0; r < lhs.size(2, 0); ++r) m_dst.row(r) = v * m.row(r); } else { for (index_type r = 0; r < lhs.size(2, 0); ++r) m_dst.row(r) = v.get(r) * m.row(r); } } else // col2_type { if (D == row) { for (index_type c = 0; c < lhs.size(2, 1); ++c) m_dst.col(c) = v.get(c) * m.col(c); } else { for (index_type c = 0; c < lhs.size(2, 1); ++c) m_dst.col(c) = v * m.col(c); } } }
static void exec(LHS &lhs, RHS const &rhs) { if (parallel::has_same_map<D>(, rhs)) { // Maps are same, no communication required. typedef typename distributed_local_block<LHS>::type lhs_local_block_type; typedef typename distributed_local_block<RHS>::type rhs_local_block_type; typedef typename block_traits<lhs_local_block_type>::plain_type lhs_local_storage_type; typedef typename block_traits<rhs_local_block_type>::plain_type rhs_local_storage_type; lhs_local_storage_type lhs_local_block = get_local_block(lhs); rhs_local_storage_type rhs_local_block = get_local_block(rhs); Dispatcher<D, lhs_local_block_type, rhs_local_block_type>::exec(lhs_local_block, rhs_local_block); } else { OVXX_DO_THROW(unimplemented("Expression cannot be reorganized")); } }
void checkDeleter(LHS& lhs, RHS& rhs, int LHSState, int RHSState) { assert(lhs.get_deleter().state() == LHSState); assert(rhs.get_deleter().state() == RHSState); }
//Standard case: size1 from lhs, size2 from rhs (fits most cases) static vcl_size_t size1(LHS & lhs, RHS & /*rhs*/) { return lhs.size1(); }
//Standard case: size1 from lhs, size2 from rhs (fits most cases) static std::size_t size1(LHS & lhs, RHS & /*rhs*/) { return lhs.size1(); }
//Standard case: LHS is the vector type and carries the correct size static unsigned int size(LHS & lhs, RHS & rhs) { return lhs.size(); }
//Standard case: size1 from lhs, size2 from rhs (fits most cases) static size_t size1(LHS & lhs, RHS & rhs) { return lhs.size1(); }