void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::DeleteAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString aliasname = m_PartAliasListCtrl->GetStringSelection();

    if( aliasname.IsEmpty() )

    if( aliasname.CmpNoCase( m_Parent->GetAliasName() ) == 0 )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Alias <%s> cannot be removed while it is being edited!" ),
                    GetChars( aliasname ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    m_PartAliasListCtrl->Delete( m_PartAliasListCtrl->GetSelection() );
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component )
        component->RemoveAlias( aliasname );

    if( m_PartAliasListCtrl->IsEmpty() )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllAlias->Enable( false );
        m_ButtonDeleteOneAlias->Enable( false );
 * Set or clear the component alternate body style ( DeMorgan ).
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL || ( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() == component->HasConversion() ) )
        return false;

    if( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() )
        if( !IsOK( this, _( "Add new pins for alternate body style ( DeMorgan ) to component?" ) ) )
            return false;
    else if(  component->HasConversion() )
        if( !IsOK( this, _( "Delete alternate body style (DeMorgan) draw items from component?" ) ) )
            m_Parent->SetShowDeMorgan( true );
            return false;

    component->SetConversion( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() );

    return true;
 * create the basic panel for component properties editing
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() )
        m_AsConvertButt->SetValue( true );

    /* Default values for a new component. */
    if( component == NULL )
        m_ShowPinNumButt->SetValue( true );
        m_ShowPinNameButt->SetValue( true );
        m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue( true );
        m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetValue( 1 );
        m_SetSkew->SetValue( 40 );
        m_OptionPower->SetValue( false );
        m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue( false );

    m_ShowPinNumButt->SetValue( component->ShowPinNumbers() );
    m_ShowPinNameButt->SetValue( component->ShowPinNames() );
    m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue( component->GetPinNameOffset() != 0 );
    m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetValue( component->GetPartCount() );
    m_SetSkew->SetValue( component->GetPinNameOffset() );
    m_OptionPower->SetValue( component->IsPower() );
    m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue( component->UnitsLocked() && component->GetPartCount() > 1 );
LIB_PIN* SCH_SCREEN::GetPin( const wxPoint& aPosition, SCH_COMPONENT** aComponent,
                             bool aEndPointOnly ) const
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
    LIB_PIN* pin = NULL;

    for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

        if( aEndPointOnly )
            pin = NULL;
            LIB_COMPONENT* entry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryComponent( component->GetLibName() );

            if( entry == NULL )

            for( pin = entry->GetNextPin(); pin != NULL; pin = entry->GetNextPin( pin ) )
                // Skip items not used for this part.
                if( component->GetUnit() && pin->GetUnit() &&
                    ( pin->GetUnit() != component->GetUnit() ) )

                if( component->GetConvert() && pin->GetConvert() &&
                    ( pin->GetConvert() != component->GetConvert() ) )

                if(component->GetPinPhysicalPosition( pin ) == aPosition )
            if( pin )
            pin = (LIB_PIN*) component->GetDrawItem( aPosition, LIB_PIN_T );

            if( pin )

    if( pin && aComponent )
        *aComponent = component;

    return pin;
Example #5
    for( LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it=aliases.begin();  it!=aliases.end();  it++ )
        LIB_ALIAS* alias = (*it).second;
        LIB_COMPONENT* component = alias->GetComponent();
        alias = component->RemoveAlias( alias );

        if( alias == NULL )
            delete component;
 * Change the number of parts per package.
bool DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::ChangeNbUnitsPerPackage( int MaxUnit )
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL || component->GetPartCount() == MaxUnit || MaxUnit < 1 )
        return false;

    if( MaxUnit < component->GetPartCount()
        && !IsOK( this, _( "Delete extra parts from component?" ) ) )
        return false;

    component->SetPartCount( MaxUnit );
    return true;
/* Initialize state of check boxes and texts
    m_AliasLocation = -1;

    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL )
        SetTitle( _( "Library Component Properties" ) );

    wxString title;
    bool isRoot = m_Parent->GetAliasName().CmpNoCase( component->GetName() ) == 0;

    if( !isRoot )
        title.Printf( _( "Properties for %s (alias of %s)" ),
                      GetChars( m_Parent->GetAliasName() ),
                      GetChars( component->GetName() ) );
        title.Printf( _( "Properties for %s" ), GetChars( component->GetName() ) );

    SetTitle( title );

    if( isRoot && component->GetAliasCount() == 1 )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllAlias->Enable( false );

    /* Place list of alias names in listbox */
    m_PartAliasListCtrl->Append( component->GetAliasNames( false ) );

    if( component->GetAliasCount() <= 1 )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllAlias->Enable( false );
        m_ButtonDeleteOneAlias->Enable( false );

    /* Read the Footprint Filter list */
    m_FootprintFilterListBox->Append( component->GetFootPrints() );

    if( component->GetFootPrints().GetCount() == 0 )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllFootprintFilter->Enable( false );
        m_ButtonDeleteOneFootprintFilter->Enable( false );

    m_NoteBook->SetSelection( m_lastOpenedPage );

/* Add a new name to the alias list box
 *  New name cannot be the root name, and must not exists
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::AddAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString aliasname;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();
    CMP_LIBRARY* library = m_Parent->GetLibrary();

    if( component == NULL )

    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "New alias:" ), _( "Component Alias" ), aliasname );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return; // cancelled by user

    aliasname = dlg.GetValue( );

    aliasname.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
    if( aliasname.IsEmpty() )

    if( m_PartAliasListCtrl->FindString( aliasname ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Alias or component name <%s> already in use." ),
                    GetChars( aliasname ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    if( library && library->FindEntry( aliasname ) != NULL )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Alias or component name <%s> already exists in library <%s>." ),
                    GetChars( aliasname ),
                    GetChars( library->GetName() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    m_PartAliasListCtrl->Append( aliasname );

    if( m_Parent->GetAliasName().CmpNoCase( component->GetName() ) == 0 )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllAlias->Enable( true );

    m_ButtonDeleteOneAlias->Enable( true );
double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    /* Please, note: wxMSW before version 2.9 seems have
     * problems with zoom values < 1 ( i.e. userscale > 1) and needs to be patched:
     * edit file <wxWidgets>/src/msw/dc.cpp
     * search for line static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 1000;
     * and replace by static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 10000;

    LIB_COMPONENT*  component = NULL;
    double          bestzoom = 16.0;      // default value for bestzoom
    CMP_LIBRARY*    lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

    if( lib  )
        component = lib->FindComponent( m_entryName );

    if( component == NULL )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return bestzoom;

    wxSize size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

    // Reserve a 10% margin around component bounding box.
    double margin_scale_factor = 0.8;
    double zx =(double) BoundaryBox.GetWidth() /
               ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.x );
    double zy = (double) BoundaryBox.GetHeight() /
                ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.y);

    // Calculates the best zoom
    bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );

    // keep it >= minimal existing zoom (can happen for very small components
    // like small power symbols
    if( bestzoom  < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0] )
        bestzoom  = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0];

    SetScrollCenterPosition( BoundaryBox.Centre() );

    return bestzoom;
Example #10
    wxCHECK_MSG( aEntry != NULL, NULL, wxT( "NULL pointer cannot be removed from library." ) );

    LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator it = aliases.find( aEntry->GetName() );

    if( it == aliases.end() )
        return NULL;

    // If the entry pointer doesn't match the name it is mapped to in the library, we
    // have done something terribly wrong.
    wxCHECK_MSG( (*it).second == aEntry, NULL,
                 wxT( "Pointer mismatch while attempting to remove entry <" ) +
                 aEntry->GetName() + wxT( "> from library <" ) + GetName() + wxT( ">." ) );

    LIB_ALIAS* alias = (LIB_ALIAS*) aEntry;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = alias->GetComponent();
    alias = component->RemoveAlias( alias );

    if( alias == NULL )
        delete component;

        if( aliases.size() > 1 )
            LIB_ALIAS_MAP::iterator next = it;

            if( next == aliases.end() )
                next = aliases.begin();

            alias = (*next).second;

    aliases.erase( it );
    isModified = true;

    return alias;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::CopyDocFromRootToAlias( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_Parent == NULL )

    LIB_ALIAS* parent_alias;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL )

    // search for the main alias: this is the first alias in alias list
    // something like the main component
    parent_alias = component->GetAlias( 0 );

    if( parent_alias == NULL )  // Should never occur (bug)

    m_DocCtrl->SetValue( parent_alias->GetDescription() );
    m_DocfileCtrl->SetValue( parent_alias->GetDocFileName() );
    m_KeywordsCtrl->SetValue( parent_alias->GetKeyWords() );
    LIB_ALIAS* alias;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL )

    wxString aliasname = m_Parent->GetAliasName();

    if( aliasname.IsEmpty() )

    alias = component->GetAlias( aliasname );

    if( alias != NULL )
        m_DocCtrl->SetValue( alias->GetDescription() );
        m_KeywordsCtrl->SetValue( alias->GetKeyWords() );
        m_DocfileCtrl->SetValue( alias->GetDocFileName() );
Example #13
 * Function RedrawActiveWindow
 * Display the current selected component.
 * If the component is an alias, the ROOT component is displayed
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg )
    LIB_COMPONENT* component;
    LIB_ALIAS*     entry;
    CMP_LIBRARY*   lib;
    wxString       msg;
    wxString       tmp;

    lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

    if( lib == NULL )

    entry = lib->FindEntry( m_entryName );

    if( entry == NULL )

    component = entry->GetComponent();

    m_canvas->DrawBackGround( DC );

    if( !entry->IsRoot() )
        if( component == NULL )     // Should not occur

        // Temporarily change the name field text to reflect the alias name.
        msg = entry->GetName();
        tmp = component->GetName();
        component->SetName( msg );

        if( m_unit < 1 )
            m_unit = 1;

        if( m_convert < 1 )
            m_convert = 1;
        msg = _( "None" );

    component->Draw( m_canvas, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_unit, m_convert, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );

    /* Redraw the cursor */
    m_canvas->DrawCrossHair( DC );

    if( !tmp.IsEmpty() )
        component->SetName( tmp );

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Part" ), component->GetName(), BLUE, 6 );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Alias" ), msg, RED, 6 );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Description" ), entry->GetDescription(), CYAN, 6 );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Key words" ), entry->GetKeyWords(), DARKDARKGRAY );
Example #14
 * Traces the outline of the search block structures
 * The entire block follows the cursor
void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
                              bool aErase )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = aPanel->GetScreen();
    wxPoint move_offset;
    PtBlock = &screen->m_BlockLocate;

    LIB_EDIT_FRAME* parent = ( LIB_EDIT_FRAME* ) aPanel->GetParent();
    wxASSERT( parent != NULL );

    LIB_COMPONENT* component = parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL )

    int unit = parent->GetUnit();
    int convert = parent->GetConvert();

    if( aErase )
        PtBlock->Draw( aPanel, aDC, PtBlock->m_MoveVector, g_XorMode, PtBlock->m_Color );

        component->Draw( aPanel, aDC, PtBlock->m_MoveVector, unit, convert,
                         g_XorMode, -1, DefaultTransform, true, true, true );

    /* Repaint new view */
    PtBlock->m_MoveVector = screen->GetCrossHairPosition() - PtBlock->m_BlockLastCursorPosition;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, g_XorMode );
    PtBlock->Draw( aPanel, aDC, PtBlock->m_MoveVector, g_XorMode, PtBlock->m_Color );

    component->Draw( aPanel, aDC, PtBlock->m_MoveVector, unit, convert,
                     g_XorMode, -1, DefaultTransform, true, true, true );
    LIB_FIELDS cmpFields;

    m_libEntry->GetFields( cmpFields );

#if defined(DEBUG)
    for( unsigned i=0; i<cmpFields.size();  ++i )
        printf( "cmpFields[%d].name:%s\n", i, TO_UTF8( cmpFields[i].GetName() ) );

    /*  We have 3 component related field lists to be aware of: 1) UI
        presentation (m_FieldsBuf), 2) fields in component ram copy, and 3)
        fields recorded with component on disk. m_FieldsBuf is the list of UI
        fields, and this list is not the same as the list which is in the
        component, which is also not the same as the list on disk. All 3 lists
        are potentially different. In the UI we choose to preserve the order of
        the first MANDATORY_FIELDS which are sometimes called fixed fields. Then
        we append the template fieldnames in the exact same order as the
        template fieldname editor shows them. Then we append any user defined
        fieldnames which came from the component, and user can modify it during
        editing, but cannot delete or move a fixed field.


    /*  When this code was written, all field constructors ensured that the
        MANDATORY_FIELDS are all present within a component (in ram only). So we can
        knowingly copy them over in the normal order. Copy only the fixed fields
        at first. Please do not break the field constructors.

    // fixed fields:
    for( int i=0; i<MANDATORY_FIELDS; ++i )
        DBG( printf( "add fixed:%s\n", TO_UTF8( cmpFields[i].GetName() ) ); )
        m_FieldsBuf.push_back( cmpFields[i] );
void AddMenusForEditComponent( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_COMPONENT* Component )
    if( Component->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )
        wxASSERT( 0 );

    wxString       msg;
    LIB_ALIAS*     libEntry;
    LIB_COMPONENT* libComponent = NULL;

    libEntry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryEntry( Component->GetLibName() );

    if( libEntry )
        libComponent = libEntry->GetComponent();

    wxMenu* editmenu = new wxMenu;
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
    AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_component_xpm ) );

    if( libComponent && libComponent->IsNormal() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Value" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_EDIT_COMPONENT_VALUE );
        AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_COMPONENT_VALUE, msg,
                     KiBitmap( edit_comp_value_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Reference" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_EDIT_COMPONENT_REFERENCE );
        AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_COMPONENT_REFERENCE, msg,
                     KiBitmap( edit_comp_ref_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Footprint" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_EDIT_COMPONENT_FOOTPRINT );
        AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_COMPONENT_FOOTPRINT, msg,
                     KiBitmap( edit_comp_footprint_xpm ) );

    if( libComponent && libComponent->HasConversion() )
        AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_EDIT_CONVERT_CMP, _( "Convert" ),
                     KiBitmap( component_select_alternate_shape_xpm ) );

    if( libComponent && ( libComponent->GetPartCount() >= 2 ) )
        wxMenu* sel_unit_menu = new wxMenu; int ii;

        for( ii = 0; ii < libComponent->GetPartCount(); ii++ )
            wxString num_unit;
            int unit = Component->GetUnit();
            num_unit.Printf( _( "Unit %d %c" ), ii + 1,
                             "?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[ ii + 1 ] );
            wxMenuItem * item = sel_unit_menu->Append( ID_POPUP_SCH_SELECT_UNIT1 + ii,
                                                       num_unit, wxEmptyString,
                                                       wxITEM_CHECK );
            if( unit == ii + 1 )

        AddMenuItem( editmenu, sel_unit_menu, ID_POPUP_SCH_SELECT_UNIT_CMP,
                     _( "Unit" ), KiBitmap( component_select_unit_xpm ) );

    if( !Component->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( editmenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_CALL_LIBEDIT_AND_LOAD_CMP,
                     _( "Edit with Library Editor" ),
                     KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, editmenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM,
                 _( "Edit Component" ), KiBitmap( edit_component_xpm ) );

void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
    int  ii;
    wxString msg;
    CMP_LIBRARY* lib;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
    LIB_ALIAS* entry = NULL;
    bool asdeMorgan = false;

    if( m_mainToolBar  == NULL )
        m_mainToolBar = new wxAuiToolBar( this, ID_H_TOOLBAR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                          wxAUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxAUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT );

        // Set up toolbar
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_LIB, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( library_xpm ),
                                _( "Select library to browse" ) );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( add_component_xpm ),
                                _( "Select component to browse" ) );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_PREVIOUS, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( lib_previous_xpm ),
                                _( "Display previous component" ) );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_NEXT, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( lib_next_xpm ),
                                _( "Display next component" ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom in" ), s_Viewlib_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_COMMENT );
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_IN, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ), msg );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom out" ), s_Viewlib_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_COMMENT );
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_OUT, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ), msg );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Redraw view" ), s_Viewlib_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, IS_COMMENT );
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, wxEmptyString,
                             KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ), msg );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom auto" ), s_Viewlib_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_ZOOM_AUTO, IS_COMMENT );
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_PAGE, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ), msg );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( morgan1_xpm ),
                                _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" normal part" ),
                                wxITEM_CHECK );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( morgan2_xpm ),
                                _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" convert part" ),
                                wxITEM_CHECK );


        m_selpartBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar, ID_LIBVIEW_SELECT_PART_NUMBER,
                                       wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
                                       wxSize( 150, -1 ), 0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );
        m_mainToolBar->AddControl( m_selpartBox );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_VIEWDOC, wxEmptyString,
                                KiBitmap( datasheet_xpm ),
                                _( "View component documents" ) );
        m_mainToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBVIEW_VIEWDOC, false );

        if( m_semaphore )
            // The library browser is called from a "load component" command
            m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBVIEW_CMP_EXPORT_TO_SCHEMATIC,
                                    wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( export_xpm ),
                                    _( "Insert component in schematic" ) );

        // after adding the buttons to the toolbar, must call Realize() to
        // reflect the changes

    if( (m_libraryName != wxEmptyString) && (m_entryName != wxEmptyString) )
        lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

        if( lib != NULL )
            component = lib->FindComponent( m_entryName );

            if( component && component->HasConversion() )
                asdeMorgan = true;

            entry = lib->FindEntry( m_entryName );

    // Must be AFTER Realize():
    m_mainToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, asdeMorgan );
    m_mainToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, asdeMorgan );

    if( asdeMorgan )
        bool normal = m_convert <= 1;
        m_mainToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT,normal );
        m_mainToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, !normal );
        m_mainToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, true  );
        m_mainToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_LIBVIEW_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, false );

    int parts_count = 1;

    if( component )
        parts_count = std::max( component->GetPartCount(), 1 );


    for( ii = 0; ii < parts_count; ii++ )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Unit %c" ), 'A' + ii );
        m_selpartBox->Append( msg );

    m_selpartBox->SetSelection( (m_unit > 0 ) ? m_unit - 1 : 0 );
    m_selpartBox->Enable( parts_count > 1 );

    m_mainToolBar->EnableTool( ID_LIBVIEW_VIEWDOC,
                               entry && ( entry->GetDocFileName() != wxEmptyString ) );

void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    /* Update the doc, keyword and doc filename strings */
    int index;
    LIB_ALIAS* alias;
    LIB_COMPONENT* component = m_Parent->GetComponent();

    if( component == NULL )
        EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );

    m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( component );

    alias = component->GetAlias( m_Parent->GetAliasName() );

    wxCHECK_RET( alias != NULL,
                 wxT( "Alias \"" ) + m_Parent->GetAliasName() + wxT( "\" of component \"" ) +
                 component->GetName() + wxT( "\" does not exist." ) );

    alias->SetDescription( m_DocCtrl->GetValue() );
    alias->SetKeyWords( m_KeywordsCtrl->GetValue() );
    alias->SetDocFileName( m_DocfileCtrl->GetValue() );

    component->SetAliases( m_PartAliasListCtrl->GetStrings() );

    index = m_SelNumberOfUnits->GetValue();
    ChangeNbUnitsPerPackage( index );

    if( m_AsConvertButt->GetValue() )
        if( !m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() )
            m_Parent->SetShowDeMorgan( true );
        if( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() )
            m_Parent->SetShowDeMorgan( false );

    component->SetShowPinNumbers( m_ShowPinNumButt->GetValue() );
    component->SetShowPinNames( m_ShowPinNameButt->GetValue() );

    if( m_PinsNameInsideButt->GetValue() == false )
        component->SetPinNameOffset( 0 );       // pin text outside the body (name is on the pin)
        component->SetPinNameOffset( m_SetSkew->GetValue() );
        // Ensure component->m_TextInside != 0, because the meaning is "text outside".
        if( component->GetPinNameOffset() == 0 )
            component->SetPinNameOffset( 20 );  // give a reasonnable value

    if( m_OptionPower->GetValue() == true )

    /* Set the option "Units locked".
     *  Obviously, cannot be true if there is only one part */
    component->LockUnits( m_OptionPartsLocked->GetValue() );

    if( component->GetPartCount() <= 1 )
        component->LockUnits( false );

    /* Update the footprint filter list */
    component->GetFootPrints() = m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetStrings();

    EndModal( wxID_OK );
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnPlotCurrentComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
    LIB_COMPONENT* cmp = GetComponent();
    wxString   FullFileName;
    wxString   file_ext;
    wxString   mask;

    if( cmp == NULL )
        wxMessageBox( _( "No component" ) );

    switch( event.GetId() )
            bool       fmt_is_jpeg = false; // could be selectable later. so keep this option.

            file_ext = fmt_is_jpeg ? wxT( "jpg" ) : wxT( "png" );
            mask     = wxT( "*." ) + file_ext;
            wxFileName fn( cmp->GetName() );
            fn.SetExt( file_ext );

            FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Filename:" ), wxGetCwd(),
                                             fn.GetFullName(), file_ext, mask, this,
                                             wxFD_SAVE, true );

            if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )

            // calling wxYield is mandatory under Linux, after closing the file selector dialog
            // to refresh the screen before creating the PNG or JPEG image from screen
            CreatePNGorJPEGFile( FullFileName, fmt_is_jpeg );

            file_ext = wxT( "svg" );
            mask     = wxT( "*." ) + file_ext;
            wxFileName fn( cmp->GetName() );
            fn.SetExt( file_ext );
            FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Filename:" ), wxGetCwd(),
                                             fn.GetFullName(), file_ext, mask, this,
                                             wxFD_SAVE, true );

            if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )

            PAGE_INFO pageSave = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings();
            PAGE_INFO pageTemp = pageSave;

            wxSize componentSize = m_component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert ).GetSize();

            // Add a small margin to the plot bounding box
            pageTemp.SetWidthMils(  int( componentSize.x * 1.2 ) );
            pageTemp.SetHeightMils( int( componentSize.y * 1.2 ) );

            GetScreen()->SetPageSettings( pageTemp );
            SVG_Print_Component( FullFileName );
            GetScreen()->SetPageSettings( pageSave );
void DIALOG_EDIT_LIBENTRY_FIELDS_IN_LIB::OnOKButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )

    // test if reference prefix is acceptable
    if( !SCH_COMPONENT::IsReferenceStringValid( m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].GetText() ) )
        DisplayError( NULL, _( "Illegal reference prefix. A reference must start by a letter" ) );

    /* Note: this code is now (2010-dec-04) not used, because the value field is no more editable
     * because changing the value is equivalent to create a new component or alias.
     * This is now handled in libedit main frame, and no more in this dialog
     * but this code is not removed, just in case
    /* If a new name entered in the VALUE field, that it not an existing alias name
     * or root alias of the component */
    wxString newvalue = m_FieldsBuf[VALUE].GetText();

    if( m_libEntry->HasAlias( newvalue ) && !m_libEntry->GetAlias( newvalue )->IsRoot() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
            _( "A new name is entered for this component\n"
               "An alias %s already exists!\n"
               "Cannot update this component" ),
            GetChars( newvalue )
        DisplayError( this, msg );
    /* End unused code */

    // save old cmp in undo list
    m_parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_libEntry, IS_CHANGED );

    // delete any fields with no name or no value before we copy all of m_FieldsBuf
    // back into the component
    for( unsigned i = MANDATORY_FIELDS; i < m_FieldsBuf.size(); )
        if( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName().IsEmpty() || m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText().IsEmpty() )
            m_FieldsBuf.erase( m_FieldsBuf.begin() + i );


#if defined(DEBUG)
    for( unsigned i=0;  i<m_FieldsBuf.size();  ++i )
        printf( "save[%d].name:'%s' value:'%s'\n", i,
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName() ),
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText() ) );

    // copy all the fields back, fully replacing any previous fields
    m_libEntry->SetFields( m_FieldsBuf );

    // We need to keep the name and the value the same at the moment!
    SetName( m_libEntry->GetValueField().GetText() );


    EndQuasiModal( 0 );