 * create the basic panel for component properties editing
    LIB_PART*      component = m_Parent->GetCurPart();

    if( m_Parent->GetShowDeMorgan() )
        m_AsConvertButt->SetValue( true );

    m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetRange (1, maxUnits );

    m_staticTextNbUnits->SetLabel( wxString::Format(
                            _( "Number of Units (max allowed %d)" ), maxUnits ) );

    /* Default values for a new component. */
    if( component == NULL )
        m_ShowPinNumButt->SetValue( true );
        m_ShowPinNameButt->SetValue( true );
        m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue( true );
        m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetValue( 1 );
        m_SetSkew->SetValue( 40 );
        m_OptionPower->SetValue( false );
        m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue( false );

    m_ShowPinNumButt->SetValue( component->ShowPinNumbers() );
    m_ShowPinNameButt->SetValue( component->ShowPinNames() );
    m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue( component->GetPinNameOffset() != 0 );
    m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetValue( component->GetUnitCount() );
    m_SetSkew->SetValue( component->GetPinNameOffset() );
    m_OptionPower->SetValue( component->IsPower() );
    m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue( component->UnitsLocked() && component->GetUnitCount() > 1 );
void SCH_SHEET_PATH::AnnotatePowerSymbols( PART_LIBS* aLibs, int* aReference )
    int ref = 1;

    if( aReference )
        ref = *aReference;

    for( EDA_ITEM* item = LastDrawList();  item;  item = item->Next() )
        if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

        SCH_COMPONENT*  component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;
        LIB_PART*       part = aLibs->FindLibPart( component->GetPartName() );

        if( !part || !part->IsPower() )

        wxString refstr = component->GetPrefix();

        //str will be "C?" or so after the ClearAnnotation call.
        while( refstr.Last() == '?' )

        if( !refstr.StartsWith( wxT( "#" ) ) )
            refstr = wxT( "#" ) + refstr;

        refstr << wxT( "0" ) << ref;
        component->SetRef( this, refstr );

    if( aReference )
        *aReference = ref;
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::DisplayCmpDoc()
    LIB_ALIAS*      alias;
    PART_LIB*    lib = GetCurLib();
    LIB_PART*       part = GetCurPart();


    if( !lib || !part )

    wxString msg = part->GetName();

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Name" ), msg, BLUE, 8 );

    if( m_aliasName == part->GetName() )
        msg = _( "None" );
        msg = m_aliasName;

    alias = part->GetAlias( m_aliasName );

    wxCHECK_RET( alias != NULL, "Alias not found in component." );

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Alias" ), msg, RED, 8 );

    static wxChar UnitLetter[] = wxT( "?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" );
    msg = UnitLetter[m_unit];

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Unit" ), msg, BROWN, 8 );

    if( m_convert > 1 )
        msg = _( "Convert" );
        msg = _( "Normal" );

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Body" ), msg, GREEN, 8 );

    if( part->IsPower() )
        msg = _( "Power Symbol" );
        msg = _( "Part" );

    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Type" ), msg, MAGENTA, 8 );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Description" ), alias->GetDescription(), CYAN, 8 );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Key words" ), alias->GetKeyWords(), DARKDARKGRAY );
    AppendMsgPanel( _( "Datasheet" ), alias->GetDocFileName(), DARKDARKGRAY );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::EditComponentFieldText( SCH_FIELD* aField )
    wxCHECK_RET( aField != NULL && aField->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T,
                 wxT( "Cannot edit invalid schematic field." ) );

    int            fieldNdx;
    SCH_COMPONENT* component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) aField->GetParent();

    wxCHECK_RET( component != NULL && component->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T,
                 wxT( "Invalid schematic field parent item." ) );

    LIB_PART* part = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibPart( component->GetPartName() );

    wxCHECK_RET( part, wxT( "Library part for component <" ) +
                 component->GetPartName() + wxT( "> could not be found." ) );

    fieldNdx = aField->GetId();

    // Save old component in undo list if not already in edit, or moving.
    if( aField->GetFlags() == 0 )
        SaveCopyInUndoList( component, UR_CHANGED );

    // Don't use GetText() here.  If the field is the reference designator and it's parent
    // component has multiple parts, we don't want the part suffix added to the field.
    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );

    wxString title;
    title.Printf( _( "Edit %s Field" ), GetChars( aField->GetName() ) );

    DIALOG_SCH_EDIT_ONE_FIELD dlg( this, title, aField );

    // Value fields of power components cannot be modified. This will grey out
    // the text box and display an explanation.
    if( fieldNdx == VALUE && part->IsPower() )
        dlg.SetPowerWarning( true );

    //The diag may invoke a kiway player for footprint fields
    //so we must use a quasimodal
    int response = dlg.ShowQuasiModal();

    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );
    wxString newtext = dlg.GetTextField( );

    if ( response != wxID_OK )
        return;  // canceled by user

    // make some tests
    bool can_update = true;
    if( !newtext.IsEmpty() )
        if( fieldNdx == REFERENCE )
            // Test if the reference string is valid:
            if( SCH_COMPONENT::IsReferenceStringValid( newtext ) )
                component->SetRef( m_CurrentSheet, newtext );
                DisplayError( this, _( "Illegal reference string!  No change" ) );
                can_update = false;
        if( fieldNdx == REFERENCE )
            DisplayError( this, _( "The reference field cannot be empty!  No change" ) );
            can_update = false;
        else if( fieldNdx == VALUE && ! part->IsPower() )
            // Note that power components also should not have empty value fields - but
            // since the user is forbidden from changing the value field here, if it
            // were to happen somehow, it'd be awfully confusing if an error were to
            // be displayed!

            DisplayError( this, _( "The value field cannot be empty!  No change" ) );
            can_update = false;
        else if ( !( fieldNdx == VALUE && part->IsPower() ) )
            dlg.SetTextField( wxT( "~" ) );

    if( can_update )
        dlg.TransfertDataToField( /* aIncludeText = */ !( fieldNdx == VALUE && part->IsPower() ) );

        if( m_autoplaceFields )
            component->AutoAutoplaceFields( GetScreen() );


    MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;
    component->SetCurrentSheetPath( &GetCurrentSheet() );
    component->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );
    SetMsgPanel( items );