bool SCH_BITMAP::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg )
    char* line = aLine.Line();

    if( strncasecmp( line, "$Bitmap", 7 ) != 0 )
        aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file bitmap image load error at line %d, aborted" ),
                          aLine.LineNumber() );
        aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine );
        return false;

    for( ; ; )
        if( !aLine.ReadLine() )
            return false;

        line = aLine.Line();

        if( strncasecmp( line, "Pos", 3 ) == 0 )
            sscanf( line + 3, "%d %d", &m_pos.x, &m_pos.y );

        if( strncasecmp( line, "Scale", 5 ) == 0 )
            double scale = 1.0;
            sscanf( line + 5, "%lf", &scale );
            m_image->SetScale( scale );

        if( strncasecmp( line, "Data", 4 ) == 0 )
            m_image->LoadData( aLine, aErrorMsg );

        if( strncasecmp( line, "$EndBitmap", 4 ) == 0 )

    return true;
bool BITMAP_BASE::LoadData( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg )
    wxMemoryOutputStream stream;
    char* line;

    while( true )
        if( !aLine.ReadLine() )
            aErrorMsg = wxT("Unexpected end of data");
            return false;

        line = aLine.Line();

        if( strncasecmp( line, "EndData", 4 ) == 0 )
            // all the PNG date is read.
            // We expect here m_image and m_bitmap are void
            m_image = new wxImage();
            wxMemoryInputStream istream( stream );
            m_image->LoadFile( istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG );
            m_bitmap = new wxBitmap( *m_image );

        // Read PNG data, stored in hexadecimal,
        // each byte = 2 hexadecimal digits and a space between 2 bytes
        // and put it in memory stream buffer
        int len = strlen( line );

        for( ; len > 0; len -= 3, line += 3 )
            int value = 0;

            if( sscanf( line, "%X", &value ) == 1 )
                stream.PutC( (char) value );

    return true;
bool SCH_SHEET_PIN::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg )
    int     size;
    char    number[256];
    char    name[256];
    char    connectType[256];
    char    sheetSide[256];
    char*   line = aLine.Line();
    char*   cp;

    static const char delims[] = " \t";

    // Read coordinates.
    // D( printf( "line: \"%s\"\n", line );)

    cp = strtok( line, delims );

    strncpy( number, cp, sizeof(number) );
    number[sizeof(number)-1] = 0;

    cp += strlen( number ) + 1;

    cp += ReadDelimitedText( name, cp, sizeof(name) );

    cp = strtok( cp, delims );
    strncpy( connectType, cp, sizeof(connectType) );
    connectType[sizeof(connectType)-1] = 0;

    cp = strtok( NULL, delims );
    strncpy( sheetSide, cp, sizeof(sheetSide) );
    sheetSide[sizeof(sheetSide)-1] = 0;

    cp += strlen( sheetSide ) + 1;

    int r = sscanf( cp, "%d %d %d", &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y, &size );
    if( r != 3 )
        aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file sheet hierarchical label error at line %d.\n" ),
                          aLine.LineNumber() );

        aErrorMsg << FROM_UTF8( line );
        return false;

    m_Text = FROM_UTF8( name );

    if( size == 0 )
        size = GetDefaultTextSize();

    m_Size.x = m_Size.y = size;

    switch( connectType[0] )
    case 'I':
        m_shape = NET_INPUT;

    case 'O':
        m_shape = NET_OUTPUT;

    case 'B':
        m_shape = NET_BIDI;

    case 'T':
        m_shape = NET_TRISTATE;

    case 'U':
        m_shape = NET_UNSPECIFIED;

    switch( sheetSide[0] )
    case 'R' : /* pin on right side */
        SetEdge( 1 );

    case 'T' : /* pin on top side */
        SetEdge( 2 );

    case 'B' : /* pin on bottom side */
        SetEdge( 3 );

    case 'L' : /* pin on left side */
    default  :
        SetEdge( 0 );

    return true;