std::string LLControlGroup::getString(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_STRING)) return control->get().asString(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid string control " << name << llendl; return LLStringUtil::null; } }
F32 LLControlGroup::getF32(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_F32)) return (F32) control->get().asReal(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid F32 control " << name << llendl; return 0.0f; } }
BOOL LLControlGroup::getBOOL(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_BOOLEAN)) return control->get().asBoolean(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid BOOL control " << name << llendl; return FALSE; } }
U32 LLControlGroup::getU32(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_U32)) return control->get().asInteger(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid U32 control " << name << llendl; return 0; } }
LLColor3 LLControlGroup::getColor3(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_COL3)) return control->get(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid LLColor3 control " << name << llendl; return LLColor3::white; } }
LLRect LLControlGroup::getRect(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_RECT)) return control->get(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid rect control " << name << llendl; return LLRect::null; } }
LLVector3d LLControlGroup::getVector3d(const std::string& name) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_VEC3D)) return control->get(); else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid LLVector3d control " << name << llendl; return LLVector3d::zero; } }
// Checked: 2009-10-10 (RLVa-1.0.4e) | Modified: RLVa-1.0.4e ERlvCmdRet RlvExtGetSet::onSetDebug(std::string strSetting, const std::string& strValue) { S16 dbgFlags; ERlvCmdRet eRet = RLV_RET_FAILED_UNKNOWN; if ( (findDebugSetting(strSetting, dbgFlags)) && ((dbgFlags & DBG_WRITE) == DBG_WRITE) ) { eRet = RLV_RET_FAILED_OPTION; if ((dbgFlags & DBG_PSEUDO) == 0) { LLControlVariable* pSetting = gSavedSettings.getControl(strSetting); if (pSetting) { U32 u32Value; S32 s32Value; BOOL fValue; switch (pSetting->type()) { case TYPE_U32: if (LLStringUtil::convertToU32(strValue, u32Value)) { gSavedSettings.setU32(strSetting, u32Value); eRet = RLV_RET_SUCCESS; } break; case TYPE_S32: if (LLStringUtil::convertToS32(strValue, s32Value)) { gSavedSettings.setS32(strSetting, s32Value); eRet = RLV_RET_SUCCESS; } break; case TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(strValue, fValue)) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL(strSetting, fValue); eRet = RLV_RET_SUCCESS; } break; default: RLV_ERRS << "Unexpected debug setting type" << LL_ENDL; eRet = RLV_RET_FAILED; break; } // Default settings should persist if they were marked that way, but non-default settings should never persist pSetting->setPersist( (pSetting->isDefault()) ? ((dbgFlags & DBG_PERSIST) == DBG_PERSIST) : false ); } } else { eRet = onSetPseudoDebug(strSetting, strValue); } } return eRet; }
void LLControlGroup::setString(const std::string& name, const std::string &val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_STRING)) { control->set(val); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid control " << name << llendl; } }
void LLControlGroup::setLLSD(const std::string& name, const LLSD& val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_LLSD)) { setValue(name, val); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid LLSD control " << name << llendl; } }
// static void LLFloaterSettingsDebug::onClickDefault(void* user_data) { LLFloaterSettingsDebug* floaterp = (LLFloaterSettingsDebug*)user_data; LLComboBox* settings_combo = floaterp->getChild<LLComboBox>("settings_combo"); LLControlVariable* controlp = (LLControlVariable*)settings_combo->getCurrentUserdata(); if (controlp) { controlp = controlp->getCOAActive(); controlp->resetToDefault(true); floaterp->updateControl(controlp); } }
void LLControlGroup::setU32(const std::string& name, U32 val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_U32)) { control->set((LLSD::Integer) val); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid control " << name << llendl; } }
void LLControlGroup::setColor4(const std::string& name, const LLColor4 &val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_COL4)) { control->set(val.getValue()); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid LLColor4 control " << name << llendl; } }
void control_group_t::test<3>() { int results = mCG->loadFromFile(mTestConfigFile.c_str()); LLControlVariable* control = mCG->getControl("TestSetting"); LLSD new_value = 13; control->setValue(new_value, FALSE); ensure_equals("value of changed setting", mCG->getU32("TestSetting"), 13); LLControlGroup test_cg; std::string temp_test_file = (mTestConfigDir + "setting_llsd_persist_temp.xml"); mCG->saveToFile(temp_test_file.c_str(), TRUE); results = test_cg.loadFromFile(temp_test_file.c_str()); //If we haven't changed any settings, then we shouldn't have any settings to load ensure("number of non-persisted changed settings loaded", (results == 0)); }
void LLControlGroup::setBOOL(const std::string& name, BOOL val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { control->set(val); if(mChangeCallback) mChangeCallback(name,(val) ? "1" : "0"); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid control " << name << llendl; } }
void LLControlGroup::setF32(const std::string& name, F32 val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_F32)) { control->set(val); if(mChangeCallback) mChangeCallback(name,llformat("%f",val)); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid control " << name << llendl; } }
void LLControlGroup::setRect(const std::string& name, const LLRect &val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_RECT)) { control->set(val.getValue()); if(mChangeCallback) mChangeCallback(name,llformat("[%f,%f,%f,%f]",val.mBottom,val.mLeft,val.mRight,val.mTop)); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid rect control " << name << llendl; } }
void LLControlGroup::setColor4(const std::string& name, const LLColor4 &val) { LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control && control->isType(TYPE_COL4)) { control->set(val.getValue()); if(mChangeCallback) mChangeCallback(name,llformat("<%f,%f,%f,%f>",val.mV[VX],val.mV[VY],val.mV[VZ],val.mV[VW])); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid LLColor4 control " << name << llendl; } }
LLNearbyChatScreenChannel(const LLUUID& id):LLScreenChannelBase(id) { mStopProcessing = false; LLControlVariable* ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastLifeTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastsLifetime, this)); } ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastFadingTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastFadingTime, this)); } }
void LLViewerLogin::getLoginURIs(std::vector<std::string>& uris) const { // return the login uri set on the command line. LLControlVariable* c = gSavedSettings.getControl("CmdLineLoginURI"); if(c && !LLStartUp::shouldAutoLogin()) { LLSD v = c->getValue(); if(v.isArray()) { for(LLSD::array_const_iterator itr = v.beginArray(); itr != v.endArray(); ++itr) { std::string uri = itr->asString(); if(!uri.empty()) { uris.push_back(uri); } } } else { std::string uri = v.asString(); if(!uri.empty()) { uris.push_back(uri); } } } // If there was no command line uri... if(uris.empty()) { uris.push_back(gHippoGridManager->getConnectedGrid()->getLoginUri()); /* // If its a known grid choice, get the uri from the table, // else try the grid name. if(mGridChoice > GRID_INFO_NONE && mGridChoice < GRID_INFO_OTHER) { uris.push_back(gGridInfo[mGridChoice].mLoginURI); } else { uris.push_back(mGridName); } */ } }
//static void LLViewerControlListener::setDefault(LLControlGroup * controls, LLSD const & event_data) { if(event_data.has("key")) { std::string key(event_data["key"]); if(controls->controlExists(key)) { LLControlVariable * control = controls->getControl(key); control->resetToDefault(); } else { llwarns << "requested unknown control: \"" << key << '\"' << llendl; } } }
LLNearbyChatScreenChannel(const Params& p) : LLScreenChannelBase(p) { mWorldViewRectConnection = gViewerWindow->setOnWorldViewRectUpdated(boost::bind(&LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateSize, this, _1, _2)); mStopProcessing = false; LLControlVariable* ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastLifeTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastsLifetime, this)); } ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastFadingTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastFadingTime, this)); } }
void LLControlGroup::setUntypedValue(const std::string& name, const LLSD& val) { if (name.empty()) { return; } LLControlVariable* control = getControl(name); if (control) { control->setValue(val); } else { CONTROL_ERRS << "Invalid control " << name << llendl; } }
// static void LLPanelNetwork::onClickSearchDefault(void* user_data) { LLPanelNetwork* self = (LLPanelNetwork*)user_data; LLControlVariable* controlp = (gHippoGridManager->getConnectedGrid()->isSecondLife()) ? gSavedSettings.getControl("SearchURLQuery") : gSavedSettings.getControl("SearchURLQueryOpenSim"); if (controlp) { self->childSetValue("world_search_editor",controlp->getDefault().asString()) ; } else { llwarns << "SearchURLQuery or SearchURLQueryOpenSim missing from settings.xml - thats bad!" << llendl; } }
// Checked: 2009-06-03 (RLVa-0.2.0h) | Modified: RLVa-0.2.0h RlvExtGetSet::RlvExtGetSet() { if (!m_DbgAllowed.size()) // m_DbgAllowed is static and should only be initialized once { m_DbgAllowed.insert(std::pair<std::string, S16>("AvatarSex", DBG_READ | DBG_WRITE | DBG_PSEUDO)); m_DbgAllowed.insert(std::pair<std::string, S16>("RenderResolutionDivisor", DBG_READ | DBG_WRITE)); #ifdef RLV_EXTENSION_CMD_GETSETDEBUG_EX m_DbgAllowed.insert(std::pair<std::string, S16>(RLV_SETTING_FORBIDGIVETORLV, DBG_READ)); m_DbgAllowed.insert(std::pair<std::string, S16>(RLV_SETTING_NOSETENV, DBG_READ)); m_DbgAllowed.insert(std::pair<std::string, S16>("WindLightUseAtmosShaders", DBG_READ)); #endif // RLV_EXTENSION_CMD_GETSETDEBUG_EX // Cache persistance of every setting LLControlVariable* pSetting; for (std::map<std::string, S16>::iterator itDbg = m_DbgAllowed.begin(); itDbg != m_DbgAllowed.end(); ++itDbg) { if ( ((pSetting = gSavedSettings.getControl(itDbg->first)) != NULL) && (pSetting->isPersisted()) ) itDbg->second |= DBG_PERSIST; } } }
void LLPanelPreference::cancel() { for (control_values_map_t::iterator iter = mSavedValues.begin(); iter != mSavedValues.end(); ++iter) { LLControlVariable* control = iter->first; LLSD ctrl_value = iter->second; control->set(ctrl_value); } for (string_color_map_t::iterator iter = mSavedColors.begin(); iter != mSavedColors.end(); ++iter) { LLColorSwatchCtrl* color_swatch = findChild<LLColorSwatchCtrl>(iter->first); if(color_swatch) { color_swatch->set(iter->second); color_swatch->onCommit(); } } }
void LLPanelPreference::saveSettings() { // Save the value of all controls in the hierarchy mSavedValues.clear(); std::list<LLView*> view_stack; view_stack.push_back(this); while(!view_stack.empty()) { // Process view on top of the stack LLView* curview = view_stack.front(); view_stack.pop_front(); LLColorSwatchCtrl* color_swatch = dynamic_cast<LLColorSwatchCtrl *>(curview); if (color_swatch) { mSavedColors[color_swatch->getName()] = color_swatch->get(); } else { LLUICtrl* ctrl = dynamic_cast<LLUICtrl*>(curview); if (ctrl) { LLControlVariable* control = ctrl->getControlVariable(); if (control) { mSavedValues[control] = control->getValue(); } } } // Push children onto the end of the work stack for (child_list_t::const_iterator iter = curview->getChildList()->begin(); iter != curview->getChildList()->end(); ++iter) { view_stack.push_back(*iter); } } }
U32 LLControlGroup::saveToFile(const std::string& filename, BOOL nondefault_only) { LLSD settings; int num_saved = 0; for (ctrl_name_table_t::iterator iter = mNameTable.begin(); iter != mNameTable.end(); iter++) { LLControlVariable* control = iter->second; if (!control) { LL_WARNS("Settings") << "Tried to save invalid control: " << iter->first << LL_ENDL; } else if( control->shouldSave(nondefault_only) ) { settings[iter->first]["Type"] = typeEnumToString(control->type()); settings[iter->first]["Comment"] = control->getComment(); settings[iter->first]["Value"] = control->getSaveValue(); ++num_saved; } } llofstream file;; if (file.is_open()) { LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(settings, file); file.close(); LL_INFOS("Settings") << "Saved to " << filename << LL_ENDL; } else { // This is a warning because sometime we want to use settings files which can't be written... LL_WARNS("Settings") << "Unable to open settings file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return 0; } return num_saved; }
//static void LLViewerControlListener::toggleControl(LLControlGroup * controls, LLSD const & event_data) { if(event_data.has("key")) { std::string key(event_data["key"]); if(controls->controlExists(key)) { LLControlVariable * control = controls->getControl(key); if(control->isType(TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { control->set(!control->get().asBoolean()); } else { llwarns << "requested toggle of non-boolean control: \"" << key << "\", type is " << control->type() << llendl; } } else { llwarns << "requested unknown control: \"" << key << '\"' << llendl; } } }
U32 LLControlGroup::saveToFile(const std::string& filename, BOOL nondefault_only) { LLSD settings; int num_saved = 0; for (ctrl_name_table_t::iterator iter = mNameTable.begin(); iter != mNameTable.end(); iter++) { LLControlVariable* control = iter->second; if (!control) { llwarns << "Tried to save invalid control: " << iter->first << llendl; } if( control && control->isPersisted() ) { if (!(nondefault_only && (control->isSaveValueDefault()))) { settings[iter->first]["Type"] = typeEnumToString(control->type()); settings[iter->first]["Comment"] = control->getComment(); settings[iter->first]["Value"] = control->getSaveValue(); ++num_saved; } else { // Debug spam // llinfos << "Skipping " << control->getName() << llendl; } } } llofstream file;; if (file.is_open()) { LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(settings, file); file.close(); llinfos << "Saved to " << filename << llendl; } else { // This is a warning because sometime we want to use settings files which can't be written... llwarns << "Unable to open settings file: " << filename << llendl; return 0; } return num_saved; }