Example #1
static int Initialize(void *hwnd)
    DSBUFFERDESC primaryDesc;
    if (!g_lpDSDevice) return TRUE;
    sysMemZero(&primaryDesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC));
    primaryDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
    primaryDesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER;
    if (RLX.Audio.Config & RLXAUDIO_Use3D)
		primaryDesc.dwFlags|= DSBCAPS_CTRL3D;

	if (SYS_DXTRACE(g_lpDSDevice->SetCooperativeLevel((HWND)hwnd, DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE)) != DS_OK)
		return -1;

	if (SYS_DXTRACE(g_lpDSDevice->CreateSoundBuffer(&primaryDesc, &g_lpPrimaryBuffer, NULL))!=DS_OK )
		return 0;
		sysMemZero(&g_cDSPCMOutFormat, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nChannels = 2;
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nBlockAlign = (uint16_t)(g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nChannels   *  (g_cDSPCMOutFormat.wBitsPerSample>>3));
		g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = (uint32_t)g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nBlockAlign *  (uint32_t)g_cDSPCMOutFormat.nSamplesPerSec;
		hr = g_lpPrimaryBuffer->SetFormat(&g_cDSPCMOutFormat);
		if ( hr != DS_OK )

        if (RLX.Audio.Config & RLXAUDIO_Use3D)
			hr = SYS_DXTRACE(g_lpPrimaryBuffer->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSound3DListener, (void**)&g_lpDS3DListener));
            if (hr== DS_OK)
				hr = g_lpDS3DListener->SetAllParameters(&Listener3dProps, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
    return 0; // no problemo.
Example #2
// Name: Set3DParameters()
// Desc: Set the 3D buffer parameters
VOID Set3DParameters( FLOAT fDopplerFactor, FLOAT fRolloffFactor,
                      FLOAT fMinDistance,   FLOAT fMaxDistance )
    // Every change to 3-D sound buffer and listener settings causes 
    // DirectSound to remix, at the expense of CPU cycles. 
    // To minimize the performance impact of changing 3-D settings, 
    // use the DS3D_DEFERRED flag in the dwApply parameter of any of 
    // the IDirectSound3DListener or IDirectSound3DBuffer methods that 
    // change 3-D settings. Then call the IDirectSound3DListener::CommitDeferredSettings 
    // method to execute all of the deferred commands at once.
    DWORD dwApplyFlag = ( g_bDeferSettings ) ? DS3D_DEFERRED : DS3D_IMMEDIATE;

    g_dsListenerParams.flDopplerFactor = fDopplerFactor;
    g_dsListenerParams.flRolloffFactor = fRolloffFactor;

    if( g_pDSListener )
        g_pDSListener->SetAllParameters( &g_dsListenerParams, dwApplyFlag );

    g_dsBufferParams.flMinDistance = fMinDistance;
    g_dsBufferParams.flMaxDistance = fMaxDistance;

    if( g_pDS3DBuffer )
        g_pDS3DBuffer->SetAllParameters( &g_dsBufferParams, dwApplyFlag );