Example #1
void gr_GetEulerVectors(
	const LTVector vAngles,
	LTVector &vRight,
	LTVector &vUp,
	LTVector &vForward)
	LTMatrix mTemp;

	gr_SetupMatrixEuler(vAngles, mTemp.m);
	mTemp.GetBasisVectors(&vRight, &vUp, &vForward);
Example #2
bool CTrackedNodeMgr::GetOrientationSpace( HTRACKEDNODE ID,	LTVector& vRight, 
											LTVector& vUp, 
											LTVector& vForward)
		return false;

	//read in the vectors
	LTMatrix mTargetTransform = ID->m_mInvTargetTransform;

	mTargetTransform.GetBasisVectors(&vRight, &vUp, &vForward);
	return true;
Example #3
// returns true if intersection happened, plus fills hit dist param with 
// the parametric position of the intersection on the ray dir. 
// the obb must be within ray-origin + ray-dir. So ray-dir isn't normalized.
// source : Real-time rendering moller&haines
inline bool i_OrientedBoundingBoxTest(const ModelOBB &mobb, 
									  const LTransform &tf, 
									  const LTVector &origin, 
									  const LTVector &dir, 
									  float &t)
	float tmin = -999999999999.0f;
	float tmax = 999999999999.0f;

	LTVector vObbPos = mobb.m_Pos;

	// Setup our OBB's translated position
	LTMatrix obb_mat;
	obb_mat.SetBasisVectors( &tf.m_Rot.Right(), &tf.m_Rot.Up(), &tf.m_Rot.Forward() );
	obb_mat.SetTranslation( tf.m_Pos );

	LTVector p = vObbPos - origin;
	float e ;
	float f;
	float hi;
	float t1,t2;
	// Setup OBB rotation tranforms
	LTMatrix mObbMat;
	mObbMat.SetBasisVectors(&mobb.m_Basis[0], &mobb.m_Basis[1], &mobb.m_Basis[2]);
	// Get matrix of our Node's rotation
	LTMatrix mTrMat;
	// Apply our node rotation to our obb rotation
	// Get our translated basis vectors
	LTVector axis[3];
	mObbMat.GetBasisVectors(&axis[0], &axis[1], &axis[2]);

	LTVector vSize =  mobb.m_Size * 0.5f ; // we want the 1/2 size of the box.

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		e = axis[i].Dot(p);  
		f = axis[i].Dot(dir);		
		hi= vSize[i]  ; // 

		if( fabs(f) > 0.00015 )
			t1 = ( e + hi ) / f ;
			t2 = ( e - hi ) / f ;
			if( t1 > t2 ) {float v = t2 ; t2 = t1 ; t1 = v ; }
			if(t1 > tmin ) {tmin = t1 ;}
			if(t2 < tmax ) {tmax = t2 ;}
			if(tmin > tmax ) { 
				 return false ; }
			if(tmax < 0  ) { 
				 return false ; }
		else if( ((-e - hi) > 0 ) || ( (-e + hi) < 0 )) { t = 0 ; return false ; }

	if( tmin > 0 ) { t = tmin ;  return true ; }
	else { t = tmax ;  return true ;}
Example #4
static void d3d_DrawRotatableSprite(const ViewParams& Params, SpriteInstance *pInstance, SharedTexture *pShared)
	if(!d3d_SetTexture(pShared, 0, eFS_SpriteTexMemory))

	float fWidth = (float)((RTexture*)pShared->m_pRenderData)->GetBaseWidth();
	float fHeight = (float)((RTexture*)pShared->m_pRenderData)->GetBaseHeight();

	//cache the object position
	LTVector vPos = pInstance->GetPos();
	LTMatrix mRotation;
	d3d_SetupTransformation(&vPos, (float*)&pInstance->m_Rotation, &pInstance->m_Scale, &mRotation);

	//get our basis vectors
	LTVector vRight, vUp, vForward;
	mRotation.GetBasisVectors(&vRight, &vUp, &vForward);

	//scale the vectors to be the appropriate size
	vRight  *= fWidth;
	vUp		*= fHeight;

	// Setup the points.
	RGBColor Color;
	d3d_GetSpriteColor(pInstance, &Color);
	uint32 nColor = Color.color;

	CSpriteVertex SpriteVerts[4];
	SpriteVerts[0].SetupVert(vPos + vUp - vRight, nColor, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	SpriteVerts[1].SetupVert(vPos + vUp + vRight, nColor, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	SpriteVerts[2].SetupVert(vPos + vRight - vUp, nColor, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	SpriteVerts[3].SetupVert(vPos - vRight - vUp, nColor, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	//figure out our final vertices to use
	CSpriteVertex	*pPoints;
	uint32			nPoints;
	CSpriteVertex	ClippedSpriteVerts[40 + 5];

	if(pInstance->m_ClipperPoly != INVALID_HPOLY)
		if(!d3d_ClipSprite(pInstance, pInstance->m_ClipperPoly, &pPoints, &nPoints, ClippedSpriteVerts))
		pPoints = SpriteVerts;
		nPoints = 4;

	if((pInstance->m_Flags & FLAG_SPRITEBIAS) && !(pInstance->m_Flags & FLAG_REALLYCLOSE))
		//adjust the points
		for(uint32 nCurrPt = 0; nCurrPt < nPoints; nCurrPt++)
			//get the sprite vertex that we are modifying
			LTVector& vPt = SpriteVerts[nCurrPt].m_Vec;

			//find a point relative to the viewer position
			LTVector vPtRelCamera = vPt - Params.m_Pos;

			//determine the distance from the camera
			float fZ = vPtRelCamera.Dot(Params.m_Forward);

			if(fZ <= NEARZ)

			//find the bias, up to, but not including the near plane
			float fBiasDist = SPRITE_POSITION_ZBIAS;
			if((fZ + fBiasDist) < NEARZ)
				fBiasDist = NEARZ - fZ;
			//now adjust our vectors accordingly so that we can move it forward
			//but have it be the same size
			float fScale = 1 + fBiasDist / fZ;

			vPt = Params.m_Right * vPtRelCamera.Dot(Params.m_Right) * fScale +
				  Params.m_Up * vPtRelCamera.Dot(Params.m_Up) * fScale +
				  (fZ + fBiasDist) * Params.m_Forward + Params.m_Pos;
	LTEffectImpl* pEffect = (LTEffectImpl*)LTEffectShaderMgr::GetSingleton().GetEffectShader(pInstance->m_nEffectShaderID);

		ID3DXEffect* pD3DEffect = pEffect->GetEffect();
			RTexture* pTexture = (RTexture*)pShared->m_pRenderData;
			pD3DEffect->SetTexture("texture0", pTexture->m_pD3DTexture);

			i_client_shell->OnEffectShaderSetParams(pEffect, NULL, NULL, LTShaderDeviceStateImp::GetSingleton());

			UINT nPasses = 0;
			pD3DEffect->Begin(&nPasses, 0);

			for(UINT i = 0; i < nPasses; ++i)
				D3D_CALL(PD3DDEVICE->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, nPoints-2, pPoints, sizeof(CSpriteVertex)));


		D3D_CALL(PD3DDEVICE->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, nPoints-2, pPoints, sizeof(CSpriteVertex)));

Example #5
float ModelDraw::GetDirLightAmount(ModelInstance* pInstance, const LTVector& vInstancePosition)
	const WorldTreeNode* pWTRoot = world_bsp_client->ClientTree()->GetRootNode();

	//the maximum distance we would ever need to cast a node
	float fLongestDist = (pWTRoot->GetBBoxMax() - pWTRoot->GetBBoxMin()).Mag();

	//figure out the segment that we will now intersect (opposite direction that the sun is going
	//since we are shooting towards it)
	LTVector vDir = g_pStruct->m_GlobalLightDir * -fLongestDist;

	// Just do a single intersection in the middle out if the variance calculation's turned off
	if (!g_CV_ModelSunVariance.m_Val)
		return CastRayAtSky(vInstancePosition, vDir) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

	// Get the orienation of the model instance
	LTMatrix mInstanceTransform;

	// Figure out the shadow in/out direction
	LTVector vUp, vForward, vRight;
	mInstanceTransform.GetBasisVectors(&vRight, &vUp, &vForward);
	LTVector vLightUp = g_pStruct->m_GlobalLightDir.Cross(vRight);

	// Apply the size of the model to the shadow direction
	vLightUp *= pInstance->GetRadius();

	// Get top/bottom light states
	bool bTopInLight = CastRayAtSky(vInstancePosition + vLightUp, vDir);
	bool bBottomInLight = CastRayAtSky(vInstancePosition - vLightUp, vDir);

	// Jump out if they're the same
	if (bTopInLight == bBottomInLight)
		return (bTopInLight) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

	// Do a binary subdivision to try and find the point of cross-over
	bool bMiddleInLight;
	float fVariance = 1.0f, fTop = 1.0f, fBottom = -1.0f, fMiddle;
	float fLight = 1.0f;

	while ((fVariance > g_CV_ModelSunVariance.m_Val) && (bBottomInLight != bTopInLight))
		// Find the middle state
		fMiddle = (fTop + fBottom) * 0.5f;
		bMiddleInLight = CastRayAtSky(vInstancePosition + (vLightUp * fMiddle), vDir);
		// Drop the variance
		fVariance *= 0.5f;
		// Keep track of the total
		if (!bMiddleInLight)
			fLight -= fVariance;
		// Decide which half to keep
		if (bMiddleInLight == bTopInLight)
			fTop = fMiddle;
			bTopInLight = bMiddleInLight;
			fBottom = fMiddle;
			bBottomInLight = bMiddleInLight;

	return fLight;