Example #1
void CFlashLight::Update()
	if (!m_bOn || !m_hLight) return;

	// Calculate light position...

    HLOCALOBJ hPlayerObj = g_pLTClient->GetClientObject();
	if (!hPlayerObj) return;

    HOBJECT hFilterList[] = {hPlayerObj, g_pPlayerMgr->GetMoveMgr()->GetObject(), LTNULL};

	IntersectQuery qInfo;
	IntersectInfo iInfo;

	LTVector vPos, vEndPos, vUOffset, vROffset;

	GetLightPositions(vPos, vEndPos, vUOffset, vROffset);

	qInfo.m_From = vPos;
	qInfo.m_To   = vEndPos;

	qInfo.m_FilterFn = NonSolidFilterFn;
	qInfo.m_pUserData = hFilterList;

    if (g_pLTClient->IntersectSegment(&qInfo, &iInfo))
		vEndPos = iInfo.m_Point;

	g_pLTClient->SetObjectPos(m_hLight, &vEndPos);

    LTVector vDir = vEndPos - vPos;
    LTFLOAT fDist = vDir.Length();
	vDir *= 1.0f / fDist;

    LTFLOAT fLightRadius = g_cvarFLMinLightRadius.GetFloat() +
		((g_cvarFLMaxLightRadius.GetFloat() - g_cvarFLMinLightRadius.GetFloat()) * fDist / g_cvarFLLightOffsetForward.GetFloat());

    g_pLTClient->SetLightRadius(m_hLight, fLightRadius);

    LTVector vColor; 
    vColor.y = vColor.z = vColor.x = GetRandom(g_cvarFLMinLightColor.GetFloat(), g_cvarFLMaxLightColor.GetFloat());

    LTVector vLightColor = vColor / 255.0f;

    g_pLTClient->SetLightColor(m_hLight, vLightColor.x, vLightColor.y, vLightColor.z);
Example #2
void CLightningFX::EmitBolts( float tmFrameTime )
	// Make sure enough time between emissions has passed...
	m_tmElapsedEmission += tmFrameTime;

	if( m_fDelay < m_tmElapsedEmission )
		LTransform		lTrans;
		LTVector		vAttractorPos;
		ILTModel		*pModelLT = m_pLTClient->GetModelLT();

		uint32	nActiveBolts = GetRandom( (int)GetProps()->m_nMinNumBolts, (int)GetProps()->m_nMaxNumBolts );
		uint32	nBolt;

		bool	bCanUseAttractors = (m_lstAttractors.size() > 0);
		bool	bCanUseRadius = (GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius >= 1.0f);

		CLightningBolt *pBolt = LTNULL;
		LightningBolts::iterator iter;

		for( nBolt = 0, iter = m_lstBolts.begin(); iter != m_lstBolts.end(), nBolt < nActiveBolts; ++iter, ++nBolt )
			pBolt = *iter;
			pBolt->m_fWidth = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinBoltWidth, GetProps()->m_fMaxBoltWidth );
			pBolt->m_fLifetime = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinLifetime, GetProps()->m_fMaxLifetime );
			pBolt->m_tmElapsed = 0.0f;
			pBolt->m_bActive = true;
			// Grab the position of the object to compensate for offset
			if( m_hTarget )
				m_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( m_hTarget, &vAttractorPos );
				vAttractorPos = m_vTargetPos;

			// Decide if we should use an attractor or radius for the end pos...
			if( bCanUseAttractors && (!bCanUseRadius || GetRandom(0,1)) )
				uint8	nIndex = GetRandom( 0, (int)(m_lstAttractors.size()) - 1 );
				CAttractor cAttractor = m_lstAttractors[nIndex];

				if( cAttractor.GetTransform( lTrans, true ) == LT_OK )
					vAttractorPos = lTrans.m_Pos;
			else if( bCanUseRadius )
				LTVector vRandomPos;
				vRandomPos.x = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos.y = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos.z = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos *= GetRandom( -GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius, GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius );

				vAttractorPos = m_vPos + vRandomPos;

				IntersectQuery	iQuery;
				IntersectInfo	iInfo;

				iQuery.m_From	= m_vPos;
				iQuery.m_To		= vAttractorPos;

				if( m_pLTClient->IntersectSegment( &iQuery, &iInfo ))
					vAttractorPos = iInfo.m_Point;

			LTVector vNew = m_vPos;
			LTVector vDir = vAttractorPos - vNew;
			float fStep = vDir.Length() / (float)pBolt->m_nNumSegments;
			float fPerturb = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinPerturb, GetProps()->m_fMaxPerturb );
			LTRotation rRot = LTRotation( vDir, LTVector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ));
			CLinkListNode<PT_TRAIL_SECTION> *pNode = pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead();
			while( pNode )
				pNode->m_Data.m_vPos = vNew;
				pNode->m_Data.m_tmElapsed = 0.0f;
				// Add in some perturb going in the direction of the attractor pos for the next section...
				vNew +=	(rRot.Forward() * fStep );
				vNew += (rRot.Up() * GetRandom( -fPerturb, fPerturb ));
				vNew += (rRot.Right() * GetRandom( -fPerturb, fPerturb ));

				// Make sure the last section goes to the end pos...

				if( !pNode->m_pNext )
					pNode->m_Data.m_vPos = vAttractorPos;

				pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

		// Decide when the next emission will be...

		m_tmElapsedEmission = 0.0f;
		m_fDelay = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinDelay, GetProps()->m_fMaxDelay );
Example #3
LTBOOL CAIMovement::UpdateMovementEncoding( EnumAnimMovement eMovementType, LTVector* pvNewPos )
	// Encode_NG means encoding with NoGravity.
	if( ( eMovementType == kAM_Encode_NG ) || ( eMovementType == kAM_Encode_V ) )
		// Turn off gravity

		m_bIgnoreVolumes = LTTRUE;

	LTVector vHintPosDelta;
	LTRotation rHintRotDelta;
	g_pTransLT->Get( m_pAI->GetLastHintTransform(), vHintPosDelta, rHintRotDelta );

	LTRotation rRot;
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectRotation( m_pAI->m_hObject, &rRot );

	rRot = rRot * rHintRotDelta;
	LTFLOAT fInvMag = 1.0f/(LTFLOAT)sqrt(rRot.m_Quat[0]*rRot.m_Quat[0] + rRot.m_Quat[1]*rRot.m_Quat[1] +
										 rRot.m_Quat[2]*rRot.m_Quat[2] + rRot.m_Quat[3]*rRot.m_Quat[3]);

	rRot.m_Quat[0] *= fInvMag;
	rRot.m_Quat[1] *= fInvMag;
	rRot.m_Quat[2] *= fInvMag;
	rRot.m_Quat[3] *= fInvMag;

	g_pLTServer->SetObjectRotation( m_pAI->m_hObject, &rRot );

	LTVector vOldPos;
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos( m_pAI->m_hObject, &vOldPos );

	// No destination is set, so just add the hint vector.

	if( m_eState != eStateSet )
		*pvNewPos = vOldPos + vHintPosDelta;

	// A destination has been set, so just use the magnitude of 
	// the xz compnents of the hint vector, to guarantee we're 
	// headed to our dest.

		if( vOldPos == m_vDest )
			m_eState = eStateDone;
			return LTFALSE;

		LTVector vOldDirToDest;
		LTVector vNewDirToDest;

		if( eMovementType == kAM_Encode_V )
			// Get the direction from the old pos to the dest.

			vOldDirToDest = m_vDest - vOldPos;
			// Set the new pos to the sum of the old pos, and the 
			// magnitude of the xz components of the hint, towards 
			// the dest.  Then add the y component.

			*pvNewPos = vOldPos + ( vOldDirToDest * vHintPosDelta.Length() );

			// See if we'll overshoot our dest.

			vNewDirToDest = m_vDest - *pvNewPos;
		else {
			// Get the direction from the old pos to the dest.

			vOldDirToDest = m_vDest - vOldPos;
			vOldDirToDest.y = 0.f;

			// Get the x and z components of the hint vector.

			LTVector vHintXZ = vHintPosDelta;
			vHintXZ.y = 0.f;
			// Set the new pos to the sum of the old pos, and the 
			// magnitude of the xz components of the hint, towards 
			// the dest.  Then add the y component.

			*pvNewPos = vOldPos + ( vOldDirToDest * vHintXZ.Length() );
			pvNewPos->y += vHintPosDelta.y;

			// See if we'll overshoot our dest.

			vNewDirToDest = m_vDest - *pvNewPos;
			vNewDirToDest.y = 0.f;

		if( vOldDirToDest.Dot(vNewDirToDest) < 0.f )
			m_eState = eStateDone;
			*pvNewPos = m_vDest;

			// If the movement is not vertical, then do not affect the 
			// elevation of the AI. Let CheapMovement take care of 
			// putting the AI on the ground.

			if( eMovementType != kAM_Encode_V )
				pvNewPos->y = m_pAI->GetPosition().y;
		else if( m_bFaceDest ) {
			// Face backwards.

			if( eMovementType == kAM_Encode_GB )
				LTVector vFacePos = vOldPos - vOldDirToDest;
				m_pAI->FacePosMoving( vFacePos );

			// Face forwards.

			else {
				m_pAI->FacePosMoving( m_vDest );

	return LTTRUE;