Example #1
void RenderFieldset::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(*this))

    LayoutRect paintRect(paintOffset, size());
    RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
    if (!legend)
        return RenderBlockFlow::paintBoxDecorations(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    // FIXME: We need to work with "rl" and "bt" block flow directions.  In those
    // cases the legend is embedded in the right and bottom borders respectively.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47236
    if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit yOff = (legend->y() > 0) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2;
        paintRect.setHeight(paintRect.height() - yOff);
        paintRect.setY(paintRect.y() + yOff);
    } else {
        LayoutUnit xOff = (legend->x() > 0) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->width() - borderLeft()) / 2;
        paintRect.setWidth(paintRect.width() - xOff);
        paintRect.setX(paintRect.x() + xOff);

    if (!boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(determineBackgroundBleedAvoidance(paintInfo.context)))
        paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, style(), Normal);
    paintFillLayers(paintInfo, style().visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor), style().backgroundLayers(), paintRect);
    paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, style(), Inset);

    if (!style().hasBorder())
    // Create a clipping region around the legend and paint the border as normal
    GraphicsContext* graphicsContext = paintInfo.context;
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext);

    // FIXME: We need to work with "rl" and "bt" block flow directions.  In those
    // cases the legend is embedded in the right and bottom borders respectively.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47236
    LayoutRect clipRect;
    if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        clipRect.setX(paintRect.x() + legend->x());
        clipRect.setHeight(std::max<LayoutUnit>(style().borderTopWidth(), legend->height() - ((legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2)));
    } else {
        clipRect.setY(paintRect.y() + legend->y());
        clipRect.setWidth(std::max<LayoutUnit>(style().borderLeftWidth(), legend->width()));
    graphicsContext->clipOut(snapRectToDevicePixels(clipRect, document().deviceScaleFactor()));

    paintBorder(paintInfo, paintRect, style());
Example #2
void LayoutTextControlSingleLine::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo,
                                        const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const {
  LayoutTextControl::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);

  if (shouldPaintSelfBlockBackground(paintInfo.phase) &&
      m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator) {
    if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(
            paintInfo.context, *this, paintInfo.phase))

    LayoutRect contentsRect = contentBoxRect();

    // Center in the block progression direction.
    if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
      contentsRect.setY((size().height() - contentsRect.height()) / 2);
      contentsRect.setX((size().width() - contentsRect.width()) / 2);

    // Convert the rect into the coords used for painting the content
    contentsRect.moveBy(paintOffset + location());
    IntRect snappedRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(contentsRect);
    LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, *this,
                                         paintInfo.phase, snappedRect);
    LayoutTheme::theme().painter().paintCapsLockIndicator(*this, paintInfo,
Example #3
void RenderView::computeRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutRect& rect, bool fixed) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);

    if (printing())

    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        // We have to flip by hand since the view's logical height has not been determined.  We
        // can use the viewport width and height.
        if (style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
            rect.setY(viewHeight() - rect.maxY());
            rect.setX(viewWidth() - rect.maxX());

    if (fixed && m_frameView)
    // Apply our transform if we have one (because of full page zooming).
    if (!repaintContainer && m_layer && m_layer->transform())
        rect = m_layer->transform()->mapRect(rect);
Example #4
LayoutRect ShapeOutsideInfo::computedShapePhysicalBoundingBox() const
    LayoutRect physicalBoundingBox = computedShape().shapeMarginLogicalBoundingBox();
    physicalBoundingBox.setX(physicalBoundingBox.x() + logicalLeftOffset());
    physicalBoundingBox.setY(physicalBoundingBox.y() + logicalTopOffset());
    if (m_renderer.style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
        physicalBoundingBox.setY(m_renderer.logicalHeight() - physicalBoundingBox.maxY());
    if (!m_renderer.style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
        physicalBoundingBox = physicalBoundingBox.transposedRect();
    return physicalBoundingBox;
void RenderLineBreak::collectSelectionRects(Vector<SelectionRect>& rects, unsigned, unsigned)
    InlineElementBox* box = m_inlineBoxWrapper;
    if (!box)
    const RootInlineBox& rootBox = box->root();
    LayoutRect rect = rootBox.computeCaretRect(box->logicalLeft(), 0, nullptr);
    if (rootBox.isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
        if (box->isHorizontal())

    RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
    // Map rect, extended left to leftOffset, and right to rightOffset, through transforms to get minX and maxX.
    LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches cache(*containingBlock);
    LayoutUnit leftOffset = containingBlock->logicalLeftSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, box->logicalTop(), cache);
    LayoutUnit rightOffset = containingBlock->logicalRightSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, box->logicalTop(), cache);
    LayoutRect extentsRect = rect;
    if (box->isHorizontal()) {
        extentsRect.setWidth(rightOffset - leftOffset);
    } else {
        extentsRect.setHeight(rightOffset - leftOffset);
    extentsRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(extentsRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
    if (!box->isHorizontal())
        extentsRect = extentsRect.transposedRect();
    bool isFirstOnLine = !box->previousOnLineExists();
    bool isLastOnLine = !box->nextOnLineExists();
    if (containingBlock->isRubyBase() || containingBlock->isRubyText())
        isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->containingBlock()->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();

    bool isFixed = false;
    IntRect absRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(rect), UseTransforms, &isFixed).enclosingBoundingBox();
    bool boxIsHorizontal = !box->isSVGInlineTextBox() ? box->isHorizontal() : !style().svgStyle().isVerticalWritingMode();
    // If the containing block is an inline element, we want to check the inlineBoxWrapper orientation
    // to determine the orientation of the block. In this case we also use the inlineBoxWrapper to
    // determine if the element is the last on the line.
    if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
        if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal() != boxIsHorizontal) {
            boxIsHorizontal = containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal();
            isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();

    rects.append(SelectionRect(absRect, box->direction(), extentsRect.x(), extentsRect.maxX(), extentsRect.maxY(), 0, box->isLineBreak(), isFirstOnLine, isLastOnLine, false, false, boxIsHorizontal, isFixed, containingBlock->isRubyText(), view().pageNumberForBlockProgressionOffset(absRect.x())));
void IntersectionObserver::applyRootMargin(LayoutRect& rect) const
    // TODO(szager): Make sure the spec is clear that left/right margins are resolved against
    // width and not height.
    LayoutUnit topMargin = computeMargin(m_topMargin, rect.height());
    LayoutUnit rightMargin = computeMargin(m_rightMargin, rect.width());
    LayoutUnit bottomMargin = computeMargin(m_bottomMargin, rect.height());
    LayoutUnit leftMargin = computeMargin(m_leftMargin, rect.width());

    rect.setX(rect.x() - leftMargin);
    rect.setWidth(rect.width() + leftMargin + rightMargin);
    rect.setY(rect.y() - topMargin);
    rect.setHeight(rect.height() + topMargin + bottomMargin);
Example #7
static LayoutRect relevantViewRect(RenderView* view)
    // DidHitRelevantRepaintedObjectsAreaThreshold is a LayoutMilestone intended to indicate that
    // a certain relevant amount of content has been drawn to the screen. This is the rect that
    // has been determined to be relevant in the context of this goal. We may choose to tweak
    // the rect over time, much like we may choose to tweak gMinimumPaintedAreaRatio and
    // gMaximumUnpaintedAreaRatio. But this seems to work well right now.
    LayoutRect relevantViewRect = LayoutRect(0, 0, 980, 1300);

    LayoutRect viewRect = view->viewRect();
    // If the viewRect is wider than the relevantViewRect, center the relevantViewRect.
    if (viewRect.width() > relevantViewRect.width())
        relevantViewRect.setX((viewRect.width() - relevantViewRect.width()) / 2);

    return relevantViewRect;
// Checks if |node| is offscreen the visible area (viewport) of its container
// document. In case it is, one can scroll in direction or take any different
// desired action later on.
bool hasOffscreenRect(Node* node, FocusType type)
    // Get the FrameView in which |node| is (which means the current viewport if |node|
    // is not in an inner document), so we can check if its content rect is visible
    // before we actually move the focus to it.
    FrameView* frameView = node->document().view();
    if (!frameView)
        return true;


    LayoutRect containerViewportRect = frameView->visibleContentRect();
    // We want to select a node if it is currently off screen, but will be
    // exposed after we scroll. Adjust the viewport to post-scrolling position.
    // If the container has overflow:hidden, we cannot scroll, so we do not pass direction
    // and we do not adjust for scrolling.
    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
        containerViewportRect.setX(containerViewportRect.x() - ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());
        containerViewportRect.setWidth(containerViewportRect.width() + ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());
    case FocusTypeRight:
        containerViewportRect.setWidth(containerViewportRect.width() + ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());
    case FocusTypeUp:
        containerViewportRect.setY(containerViewportRect.y() - ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());
        containerViewportRect.setHeight(containerViewportRect.height() + ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());
    case FocusTypeDown:
        containerViewportRect.setHeight(containerViewportRect.height() + ScrollableArea::pixelsPerLineStep());

    RenderObject* render = node->renderer();
    if (!render)
        return true;

    LayoutRect rect(render->absoluteClippedOverflowRect());
    if (rect.isEmpty())
        return true;

    return !containerViewportRect.intersects(rect);
void RenderTextControlSingleLine::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderTextControl::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground && m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator) {
        LayoutRect contentsRect = contentBoxRect();

        // Center in the block progression direction.
        if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
            contentsRect.setY((height() - contentsRect.height()) / 2);
            contentsRect.setX((width() - contentsRect.width()) / 2);

        // Convert the rect into the coords used for painting the content
        contentsRect.moveBy(paintOffset + location());
        theme().paintCapsLockIndicator(*this, paintInfo, snappedIntRect(contentsRect));
Example #10
static FloatRect localQuadForTextBox(const InlineTextBox& box, unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight)
    unsigned realEnd = std::min(box.end() + 1, end);
    LayoutRect boxSelectionRect = box.localSelectionRect(start, realEnd);
    if (!boxSelectionRect.height())
        return FloatRect();
    if (useSelectionHeight)
        return boxSelectionRect;
    // Change the height and y position (or width and x for vertical text)
    // because selectionRect uses selection-specific values.
    if (box.isHorizontal()) {
    } else {
    return boxSelectionRect;
Example #11
void RenderView::mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect& rect, ViewportConstrainedPosition viewportConstraint, const PaintInvalidationState* state) const
    if (document().printing())

    if (style()->slowIsFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        // We have to flip by hand since the view's logical height has not been determined.  We
        // can use the viewport width and height.
        if (style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
            rect.setY(viewHeight() - rect.maxY());
            rect.setX(viewWidth() - rect.maxX());

    adjustViewportConstrainedOffset(rect, viewportConstraint);

    // Apply our transform if we have one (because of full page zooming).
    if (!paintInvalidationContainer && layer() && layer()->transform())
        rect = layer()->transform()->mapRect(rect);

    if (paintInvalidationContainer == this)

    Element* owner = document().ownerElement();
    if (!owner)

    if (RenderBox* obj = owner->renderBox()) {
        // Intersect the viewport with the paint invalidation rect.
        LayoutRect viewRectangle = viewRect();

        // Adjust for scroll offset of the view.

        // Adjust for frame border.
        obj->mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(paintInvalidationContainer, rect, 0);
// The starting rect is the rect of the focused node, in document coordinates.
// Compose a virtual starting rect if there is no focused node or if it is off screen.
// The virtual rect is the edge of the container or frame. We select which
// edge depending on the direction of the navigation.
LayoutRect virtualRectForDirection(FocusType type, const LayoutRect& startingRect, LayoutUnit width)
    LayoutRect virtualStartingRect = startingRect;
    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
        virtualStartingRect.setX(virtualStartingRect.maxX() - width);
    case FocusTypeUp:
        virtualStartingRect.setY(virtualStartingRect.maxY() - width);
    case FocusTypeRight:
    case FocusTypeDown:

    return virtualStartingRect;
Example #13
void RenderListItem::positionListMarker()
    if (m_marker && m_marker->parent()->isBox() && !m_marker->isInside() && m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
        LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = m_marker->logicalLeft();
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = 0;
        LayoutUnit lineOffset = 0;
        for (RenderBox* o = m_marker->parentBox(); o != this; o = o->parentBox()) {
            blockOffset += o->logicalTop();
            lineOffset += o->logicalLeft();

        bool adjustOverflow = false;
        LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
        RootInlineBox& root = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
        bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;

        LayoutUnit lineTop = root.lineTop();
        LayoutUnit lineBottom = root.lineBottom();

        // FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
        if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
            LayoutUnit leftLineOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = leftLineOffset - lineOffset - paddingStart() - borderStart() + m_marker->marginStart();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition((markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft).toFloat());
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
        } else {
            LayoutUnit rightLineOffset = logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = rightLineOffset - lineOffset + paddingStart() + borderStart() + m_marker->marginEnd();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition((markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft).toFloat());
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);

                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;

        if (adjustOverflow) {
            LayoutRect markerRect(LayoutPoint(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset), m_marker->size());
            if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
            RenderBox* o = m_marker;
            bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
            bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
            do {
                o = o->parentBox();
                if (o->isRenderBlock()) {
                    if (propagateVisualOverflow)
                    if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
                if (o->hasOverflowClip()) {
                    propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
                if (o->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
            } while (o != this && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);
LayoutRect RenderNamedFlowThread::decorationsClipRectForBoxInNamedFlowFragment(const RenderBox& box, RenderNamedFlowFragment& fragment) const
    LayoutRect visualOverflowRect = fragment.visualOverflowRectForBox(&box);
    LayoutUnit initialLogicalX = style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? visualOverflowRect.x() : visualOverflowRect.y();

    // The visual overflow rect returned by visualOverflowRectForBox is already flipped but the
    // RenderRegion::rectFlowPortionForBox method expects it unflipped.
    visualOverflowRect = fragment.rectFlowPortionForBox(&box, visualOverflowRect);
    // Now flip it again.

    // Take the scrolled offset of this object's parents into consideration.
    IntSize scrolledContentOffset;
    RenderBlock* containingBlock = box.containingBlock();
    while (containingBlock) {
        if (containingBlock->isRenderNamedFlowThread()) {
            // We've reached the flow thread, take the scrolled offset of the region into consideration.
            ASSERT(containingBlock == this);
            scrolledContentOffset += fragment.fragmentContainer().scrolledContentOffset();
        scrolledContentOffset += containingBlock->scrolledContentOffset();
        containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock();

    if (!scrolledContentOffset.isZero()) {
        if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode())
            scrolledContentOffset = -scrolledContentOffset;
    // Layers are in physical coordinates so the origin must be moved to the physical top-left of the flowthread.
    if (style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
            visualOverflowRect.moveBy(LayoutPoint(0, height()));
            visualOverflowRect.moveBy(LayoutPoint(width(), 0));

    const RenderBox* iterBox = &box;
    while (iterBox && iterBox != this) {
        RenderBlock* containerBlock = iterBox->containingBlock();

        // FIXME: This doesn't work properly with flipped writing modes.
        // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125149
        if (iterBox->isPositioned()) {
            // For positioned elements, just use the layer's absolute bounding box.

        LayoutRect currentBoxRect = iterBox->frameRect();
        if (iterBox->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            if (iterBox->style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
                currentBoxRect.setY(currentBoxRect.height() - currentBoxRect.maxY());
                currentBoxRect.setX(currentBoxRect.width() - currentBoxRect.maxX());

        if (containerBlock->style().writingMode() != iterBox->style().writingMode())

        iterBox = containerBlock;

    // Since the purpose of this method is to make sure the borders of a fragmented
    // element don't overflow the region in the fragmentation direction, there's no
    // point in restricting the clipping rect on the logical X axis. 
    // This also saves us the trouble of handling percent-based widths and margins
    // since the absolute bounding box of a positioned element would not contain
    // the correct coordinates relative to the region we're interested in, but rather
    // relative to the actual flow thread.
    if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        if (initialLogicalX < visualOverflowRect.x())
        if (visualOverflowRect.width() < frameRect().width())
    } else {
        if (initialLogicalX < visualOverflowRect.y())
        if (visualOverflowRect.height() < frameRect().height())

    return visualOverflowRect;
Example #15
void RenderMathMLMenclose::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLRow::paint(info, paintOffset);

    if (info.context().paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground || style().visibility() != VISIBLE)

    LayoutUnit thickness = ruleThickness();

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify its rect.
    PaintInfo paintInfo(info);
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(paintInfo.context());

    paintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform().translate(paintOffset + location()));

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "left" notation is described as follows:
    // - center of the left vertical bar is at 3\xi_8 padding + \xi_8 border/2 = 7\xi_8/2
    // - top space is Overbar Vertical Gap + Overbar Rule Thickness = 3\xi_8 + \xi_8 = 4\xi_8
    // - bottom space is Underbar Vertical Gap + Underbar Rule Thickness = 3\xi_8 + \xi_8 = 4\xi_8
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::Left)) {
        LayoutUnit x = m_contentRect.x() - 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit yStart = m_contentRect.y() - 4 * thickness;
        LayoutUnit yEnd = m_contentRect.maxY() + 4 * thickness;
        drawLine(info, x, yStart, x, yEnd);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "right" notation is described as follows:
    // - center of the right vertical bar is at 3\xi_8 padding + \xi_8 border/2 = 7\xi_8/2
    // - top space is Overbar Vertical Gap + Overbar Rule Thickness = 3\xi_8 + \xi_8 = 4\xi_8
    // - bottom space is Underbar Vertical Gap + Underbar Rule Thickness = 3\xi_8 + \xi_8 = 4\xi_8
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::Right)) {
        LayoutUnit x = m_contentRect.maxX() + 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit yStart = m_contentRect.y() - 4 * thickness;
        LayoutUnit yEnd = m_contentRect.maxY() + 4 * thickness;
        drawLine(info, x, yStart, x, yEnd);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "vertical" notation is horizontally centered.
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::VerticalStrike)) {
        LayoutUnit x = m_contentRect.x() + (m_contentRect.width() - thickness) / 2;
        LayoutUnit yStart = m_contentRect.y();
        LayoutUnit yEnd = m_contentRect.maxY();
        drawLine(info, x, yStart, x, yEnd);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "top" notation is described as follows:
    // - middle of the top horizontal bar is at Vertical Gap + Rule Thickness / 2 = 7\xi_8/2
    // - left and right spaces have size 4\xi_8
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::Top)) {
        LayoutUnit y = m_contentRect.y() - 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit xStart = m_contentRect.x() - 4 * thickness;
        LayoutUnit xEnd = m_contentRect.maxX() + 4 * thickness;
        drawLine(info, xStart, y, xEnd, y);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "bottom" notation is described as follows:
    // - middle of the bottom horizontal bar is at Vertical Gap + Rule Thickness / 2 = 7\xi_8/2
    // - left and right spaces have size 4\xi_8
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::Bottom)) {
        LayoutUnit y = m_contentRect.maxY() + 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit xStart = m_contentRect.x() - 4 * thickness;
        LayoutUnit xEnd = m_contentRect.maxX() + 4 * thickness;
        drawLine(info, xStart, y, xEnd, y);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "vertical" notation is vertically centered.
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::HorizontalStrike)) {
        LayoutUnit y = m_contentRect.y() + (m_contentRect.height() - thickness) / 2;
        LayoutUnit xStart = m_contentRect.x();
        LayoutUnit xEnd = m_contentRect.maxX();
        drawLine(info, xStart, y, xEnd, y);

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "updiagonalstrike" goes from the bottom left corner
    // to the top right corner.
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::UpDiagonalStrike))
        drawLine(info, m_contentRect.x(), m_contentRect.maxY(), m_contentRect.maxX(), m_contentRect.y());

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "downdiagonalstrike" goes from the top left corner
    // to the bottom right corner.
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::DownDiagonalStrike))
        drawLine(info, m_contentRect.x(), m_contentRect.y(), m_contentRect.maxX(), m_contentRect.maxY());

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "roundedbox" has radii size 3\xi_8 and is obtained
    // by inflating the content box by 3\xi_8 + \xi_8/2 = 7\xi_8/2
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::RoundedBox)) {
        LayoutSize radiiSize(3 * thickness, 3 * thickness);
        RoundedRect::Radii radii(radiiSize, radiiSize, radiiSize, radiiSize);
        RoundedRect roundedRect(m_contentRect, radii);
        roundedRect.inflate(7 * thickness / 2);
        Path path;

    // For longdiv, we use our own rules for now:
    // - top space is like "top" notation
    // - bottom space is like "bottom" notation
    // - right space is like "right" notation
    // - left space is longDivLeftSpace * \xi_8
    // - We subtract half of the thickness from these spaces to obtain "top", "bottom", "left"
    //   and "right" coordinates.
    // - The top bar is drawn from "right" to "left" and positioned at vertical offset "top".
    // - The left part is draw as a quadratic Bezier curve with end points going from "top" to
    //   "bottom" and positioned at horizontal offset "left".
    // - In order to force the curvature of the left part, we use a middle point that is vertically
    //   centered and shifted towards the right by longDivLeftSpace * \xi_8
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::LongDiv)) {
        LayoutUnit top = m_contentRect.y() - 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit bottom = m_contentRect.maxY() + 7 * thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit left = m_contentRect.x() - longDivLeftSpace * thickness + thickness / 2;
        LayoutUnit right = m_contentRect.maxX() + 4 * thickness;
        LayoutUnit midX = left + longDivLeftSpace * thickness;
        LayoutUnit midY = (top + bottom) / 2;
        Path path;
        path.moveTo(LayoutPoint(right, top));
        path.addLineTo(LayoutPoint(left, top));
        path.addQuadCurveTo(LayoutPoint(midX, midY), FloatPoint(left, bottom));

    // In the MathML in HTML5 implementation note, the "circle" notation is described as follows:
    // - The center and axes are the same as the content bounding box.
    // - The width of the bounding box is \xi_8/2 + contentWidth * \sqrt{2} + \xi_8/2
    // - The height is \xi_8/2 + contentHeight * \sqrt{2} + \xi_8/2
    if (hasNotation(MathMLMencloseElement::Circle)) {
        LayoutRect ellipseRect;
        ellipseRect.setWidth(m_contentRect.width() * sqrtOfTwoFloat + thickness);
        ellipseRect.setHeight(m_contentRect.height() * sqrtOfTwoFloat + thickness);
        ellipseRect.setX(m_contentRect.x() - (ellipseRect.width() - m_contentRect.width()) / 2);
        ellipseRect.setY(m_contentRect.y() - (ellipseRect.height() - m_contentRect.height()) / 2);
        Path path;
Example #16
void RenderListItem::positionListMarker()
    if (!m_marker || !m_marker->parent() || !m_marker->parent()->isBox())

    if (m_marker->isInside() || !m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper())

    LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = m_marker->logicalLeft();
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = 0;
    LayoutUnit lineOffset = 0;
    for (RenderBox* o = m_marker->parentBox(); o != this; o = o->parentBox()) {
        blockOffset += o->logicalTop();
        lineOffset += o->logicalLeft();

    bool adjustOverflow = false;
    LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
    bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;

    const RootInlineBox& rootBox = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
    LayoutUnit lineTop = rootBox.lineTop();
    LayoutUnit lineBottom = rootBox.lineBottom();

    // FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
    if (style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
        markerLogicalLeft = m_marker->lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset - paddingStart() - borderStart() + m_marker->marginStart();
        m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
        for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
            LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
                newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
    } else {
        markerLogicalLeft = m_marker->lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset + paddingStart() + borderStart() + m_marker->marginEnd();
        m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
        for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
            LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
                newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;

    if (adjustOverflow) {
        LayoutRect markerRect(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset, m_marker->width(), m_marker->height());
        if (!style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
            markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
        RenderBox* o = m_marker;
        bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
        bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
        do {
            o = o->parentBox();
            if (o->hasOverflowClip())
                propagateVisualOverflow = false;
            if (is<RenderBlock>(*o)) {
                if (propagateVisualOverflow)
                if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
            if (o->hasOverflowClip())
                propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
            if (o->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                propagateVisualOverflow = false;
        } while (o != this && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);