Example #1
void SimpleDungeonGenerator::GenerateLevel(Level& level) {
    const sf::Vector2u& size = level.GetSize();

    const Tile& void_tile = const_access(level.GetMapType()->generator_tiles, "void");

    int rooms = rand() % (room_count_max - room_count_min) + room_count_min;

    for(int i = 0; i < rooms; i++) {
        int size_x = rand() % (room_size_max.x - room_size_min.x) + room_size_min.x;
        int size_y = rand() % (room_size_max.y - room_size_min.y) + room_size_min.y;
// Recalculates the enemies path finding.
void Enemy::UpdatePathfinding(Level& level, sf::Vector2f playerPosition)
	// Create all variables.
	std::vector<Tile*> openList;
	std::vector<Tile*> closedList;
	std::vector<Tile*> pathList;
	std::vector<Tile*>::iterator position;
	Tile* currentNode;

	// Reset all nodes.

	// Store the start and goal nodes.
	Tile* startNode = level.GetTile(m_position);
	Tile* goalNode = level.GetTile(playerPosition);

	// Check we have a valid path to find. If not we can just end the function as there's no path to find.
	if (startNode == goalNode)
		// Clear the vector of target positions.

		// Exit the function.

	// Pre-compute our H cost (estimated cost to goal) for each node.
	for (int i = 0; i < level.GetSize().x; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < level.GetSize().y; j++)
			int rowOffset, heightOffset;
			Tile* node = level.GetTile(i, j);

			heightOffset = abs(node->rowIndex - goalNode->rowIndex);
			rowOffset = abs(node->columnIndex - goalNode->columnIndex);

			node->H = heightOffset + rowOffset;

	// Add the start node to the open list.

	// While we have values to check in the open list.
	while (!openList.empty())
		// Find the node in the open list with the lowest F value and mark it as current.
		int lowestF = INT_MAX;

		for (Tile* tile : openList)
			if (tile->F < lowestF)
				lowestF = tile->F;
				currentNode = tile;

		// Remove the current node from the open list and add it to the closed list.
		position = std::find(openList.begin(), openList.end(), currentNode);
		if (position != openList.end())


		// Find all valid adjacent nodes.
		std::vector<Tile*> adjacentTiles;
		Tile* node;

		// Top.
		node = level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex, currentNode->rowIndex - 1);
		if ((node != nullptr) && (level.IsFloor(*node)))
			adjacentTiles.push_back(level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex, currentNode->rowIndex - 1));

		// Right.
		node = level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex + 1, currentNode->rowIndex);
		if ((node != nullptr) && (level.IsFloor(*node)))
			adjacentTiles.push_back(level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex + 1, currentNode->rowIndex));

		// Bottom.
		node = level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex, currentNode->rowIndex + 1);
		if ((node != nullptr) && (level.IsFloor(*node)))
			adjacentTiles.push_back(level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex, currentNode->rowIndex + 1));

		// Left.
		node = level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex - 1, currentNode->rowIndex);
		if ((node != nullptr) && (level.IsFloor(*node)))
			adjacentTiles.push_back(level.GetTile(currentNode->columnIndex - 1, currentNode->rowIndex));

		// For all adjacent nodes.
		for (Tile* node : adjacentTiles)
			// If the node is our goal node.
			if (node == goalNode)
				// Parent the goal node to current.
				node->parentNode = currentNode;

				// Store the current path.
				while (node->parentNode != nullptr)
					node = node->parentNode;

				// Empty the open list and break out of our for loop.
				// If the node is not in the closed list.
				position = std::find(closedList.begin(), closedList.end(), node);
				if (position == closedList.end())
					// If the node is not in the open list.
					position = std::find(openList.begin(), openList.end(), node);
					if (position == openList.end())
						// Add the node to the open list.

						// Set the parent of the node to the current node.
						node->parentNode = currentNode;

						// Calculate G (total movement cost so far) cost.
						node->G = currentNode->G + 10;

						// Calculate the F (total movement cost + heuristic) cost.
						node->F = node->G + node->H;
						// Check if this path is quicker that the other.
						int tempG = currentNode->G + 10;

						// Check if tempG is faster than the other. I.e, whether it's faster to go A->C->B that A->C.
						if (tempG < node->G)
							// Re-parent node to this one.
							node->parentNode = currentNode;

	// Clear the vector of target positions.

	// Store the node locations as the enemies target locations.
	for (Tile* tile : pathList)
		m_targetPositions.push_back(level.GetActualTileLocation(tile->columnIndex, tile->rowIndex));

	// Reverse the target position as we read them from goal to origin and we need them the other way around.
	std::reverse(m_targetPositions.begin(), m_targetPositions.end());