Example #1
LibraryLoader* DllLoaderContainer::LoadDll(const char* sName, bool bLoadSymbols)

#ifdef LOGALL
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading dll %s", sName);

  LibraryLoader* pLoader;
#ifdef _LINUX
  if (strstr(sName, ".so") != NULL || strstr(sName, ".vis") != NULL || strstr(sName, ".xbs") != NULL
      || strstr(sName, ".mvis") != NULL || strstr(sName, ".dylib") != NULL || strstr(sName, ".framework") != NULL || strstr(sName, ".pvr") != NULL)
    pLoader = new SoLoader(sName, bLoadSymbols);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
  if (1)
    pLoader = new Win32DllLoader(sName);
    pLoader = new DllLoader(sName, m_bTrack, false, bLoadSymbols);

  if (!pLoader)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to create dll %s", sName);
    return NULL;

  if (!pLoader->Load())
    delete pLoader;
    return NULL;

  return pLoader;
Example #2
//to do
LibraryLoader* LoaderContainer::LoadDll(const char* sName, bool bLoadSymbols)

#ifdef LOGALL
	LOGDEBUG("Loading dll %s", sName);

	LibraryLoader* pLoader = new Win32DllLoader(sName);

	if (!pLoader) 
		LOGERR("Unable to create dll %s", sName);
		return NULL;

	if (!pLoader->Load()) 
		delete pLoader;
		return NULL;
#ifdef LOGALL
	LOGDEBUG("Dll %s has been succesfully loaded.", sName);
	return pLoader;
Example #3
extern "C" HMODULE WINAPI dllGetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR lpModuleName)
  If the file name extension is omitted, the default library extension .dll is appended.
  The file name string can include a trailing point character (.) to indicate that the module name has no extension.
  The string does not have to specify a path. When specifying a path, be sure to use backslashes (\), not forward slashes (/).
  The name is compared (case independently)
  If this parameter is NULL, GetModuleHandle returns a handle to the file used to create the calling process (.exe file).

  if( lpModuleName == NULL )
    return NULL;

  char* strModuleName = new char[strlen(lpModuleName) + 5];
  strcpy(strModuleName, lpModuleName);

  if (strrchr(strModuleName, '.') == 0) strcat(strModuleName, ".dll");

  //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetModuleHandleA(%s) .. looking up", lpModuleName);

  LibraryLoader *p = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(strModuleName);
  delete []strModuleName;

  if (p)
    //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetModuleHandleA('%s') => 0x%x", lpModuleName, h);
    return (HMODULE)p->GetHModule();

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetModuleHandleA('%s') failed", lpModuleName);
  return NULL;
Example #4
bool Win32DllLoader::NeedsHooking(const char *dllName)
  LibraryLoader *loader = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(dllName);
  if (loader)
    // may have hooked this already (we can have repeats in the import table)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_referencedDlls.size(); i++)
      if (loader->GetHModule() == m_referencedDlls[i])
        return false;
  std::wstring strdllNameW;
  g_charsetConverter.utf8ToW(CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath(dllName), strdllNameW, false);
  HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(strdllNameW.c_str());
  if (hModule == NULL)
    return false;

  wchar_t filepathW[MAX_PATH];
  GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, filepathW, MAX_PATH);
  std::string dllPath;
  g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(filepathW, dllPath);

  // compare this filepath with some special directories
  std::string xbmcPath = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://xbmc");
  std::string homePath = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://home");
  std::string tempPath = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath("special://temp");
  return (StringUtils::StartsWith(dllPath, xbmcPath) ||
          StringUtils::StartsWith(dllPath, homePath) ||
          StringUtils::StartsWith(dllPath, tempPath));
Example #5
bool Win32DllLoader::NeedsHooking(const char *dllName)
  LibraryLoader *loader = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(dllName);
  if (loader)
    // may have hooked this already (we can have repeats in the import table)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_referencedDlls.size(); i++)
      if (loader->GetHModule() == m_referencedDlls[i])
        return false;
  CStdStringW strdllNameW;
  g_charsetConverter.utf8ToW(_P(dllName), strdllNameW, false);
  HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(strdllNameW.c_str());
  wchar_t filepathW[MAX_PATH];
  GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, filepathW, MAX_PATH);
  CStdString dllPath;
  g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(filepathW, dllPath);

  // compare this filepath with some special directories
  CStdString xbmcPath = _P("special://xbmc");
  CStdString homePath = _P("special://home");
  CStdString tempPath = _P("special://temp");
  return ((strncmp(xbmcPath.c_str(), dllPath.c_str(), xbmcPath.GetLength()) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(homePath.c_str(), dllPath.c_str(), homePath.GetLength()) == 0) ||
    (strncmp(tempPath.c_str(), dllPath.c_str(), tempPath.GetLength()) == 0));
Example #6
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI dllGetModuleFileNameA(HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize)
  if (NULL == hModule)
    strncpy(lpFilename, "xbmc.xbe", nSize);
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetModuleFileNameA(%p, %p, %u) => '%s'\n",
              hModule, lpFilename, nSize, lpFilename);
    return 8;
  LibraryLoader* dll = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(hModule);
  if( !dll )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid hModule specified", __FUNCTION__);
    return 0;

  char* sName = dll->GetFileName();
  if (sName)
    strncpy(lpFilename, sName, nSize);
    return strlen(lpFilename);
  return 0;
Example #7
LibraryLoader* DllLoaderContainer::LoadDll(const char* sName, bool bLoadSymbols)

#ifdef LOGALL
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading dll %s", sName);

  LibraryLoader* pLoader;
  pLoader = new SoLoader(sName, bLoadSymbols);
#elif defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
  pLoader = new Win32DllLoader(sName, false);
  pLoader = new DllLoader(sName, m_bTrack, false, bLoadSymbols);

  if (!pLoader)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Unable to create dll %s", sName);
    return NULL;

  if (!pLoader->Load())
    delete pLoader;
    return NULL;

  return pLoader;
Example #8
void Project::slotNewProject()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("New Project"),
                                                    "", tr("Qucs Projects (*.xpro)"));
    if(!fileName.isEmpty()) {
        if(QString(QFileInfo(fileName).suffix()).isEmpty()) {
            fileName = fileName + ".xpro";

        //First we create the folder structure where files are to be placed
        QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName);
        QDir filePath = QDir(fileInfo.absolutePath() + "/" + fileInfo.baseName());
        if(!filePath.exists()) {
        fileName = fileInfo.absolutePath() + "/" + fileInfo.baseName() + "/" + fileInfo.fileName();

        //Then we create the library/project
        LibraryLoader *library = LibraryLoader::instance();

        if(library->newLibrary(fileName)) {
            projectLibrary = library->library(m_libraryName);
            qDebug() << "Succesfully created library!";
            m_projectsSidebar->plugLibrary(m_libraryName, "root");
Example #9
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI dllGetModuleFileNameA(HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFilename, DWORD nSize)
  if (NULL == hModule)
#ifdef _WIN32
    return GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, lpFilename, nSize);
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - No hModule specified", __FUNCTION__);
    return 0;

  LibraryLoader* dll = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(hModule);
  if( !dll )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid hModule specified", __FUNCTION__);
    return 0;

  char* sName = dll->GetFileName();
  if (sName)
    strncpy(lpFilename, sName, nSize);
    return strlen(lpFilename);

  return 0;
Example #10
extern "C" HMODULE __stdcall dllLoadLibraryExtended(LPCSTR lib_file, LPCSTR sourcedll)
  char libname[MAX_PATH + 1] = {};
  char libpath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {};
  LibraryLoader* dll = NULL; 

  /* extract name */  
  const char* p = strrchr(lib_file, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
  if (p) 
    strcpy(libname, p+1);
    strcpy(libname, lib_file);  

  if( libname[0] == '\0' )
    return NULL;

  /* extract path */
  getpath(libpath, lib_file);
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "LoadLibraryA('%s')", libname);
  if (sourcedll)
    /* also check for invalid paths wich begin with a \ */
    if( libpath[0] == '\0' || libpath[0] == PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR )
      /* use calling dll's path as base address for this call */
      getpath(libpath, sourcedll);

      /* mplayer has all it's dlls in a codecs subdirectory */
      if (strstr(sourcedll, "mplayer.dll"))
        strcat(libpath, "codecs\\");

  /* if we still don't have a path, use default path */
  if( libpath[0] == '\0' )
    strcpy(libpath, DEFAULT_DLLPATH);
  /* msdn docs state */
  /* "If no file name extension is specified in the lpFileName parameter, the default library extension .dll is appended.  */
  /* However, the file name string can include a trailing point character (.) to indicate that the module name has no extension." */
  if( strrchr(libname, '.') == NULL )
    strcat(libname, ".dll");
  else if( libname[strlen(libname)-1] == '.' )
    libname[strlen(libname)-1] = '\0';

  dll = DllLoaderContainer::LoadModule(libname, libpath);
  if (dll)
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "LoadLibrary('%s') returning: %p", libname, (void*)dll);
    return (HMODULE)dll->GetHModule();

  CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "LoadLibrary('%s') failed", libname);
  return NULL;
Example #11
void *xbp_dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol)
  LibraryLoader *pDll = (LibraryLoader*)handle;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - load symbol %s", __FUNCTION__, symbol);
  void *f = NULL;
  if (pDll && pDll->ResolveExport(symbol, &f))
    return f;

  return NULL;
Example #12
void Project::slotCloseProject()
    if(projectLibrary) {
        m_projectsSidebar->unPlugLibrary(m_libraryName, "root");
        LibraryLoader *library = LibraryLoader::instance();

        projectLibrary = 0;
        m_libraryFileName = "";
        m_libraryName = "";
Example #13
int xbp_dlclose(void *handle)
  LibraryLoader *pDll = (LibraryLoader*)handle;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s - releasing python library %s", __FUNCTION__, pDll->GetName());
  return 0;
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Cannot release python lib because python isnt being used!");
  return NULL;
Example #14
extern "C" int __stdcall dllFreeLibrary(HINSTANCE hLibModule)
  LibraryLoader* dllhandle = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(hLibModule);

  if( !dllhandle )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid hModule specified",__FUNCTION__);
    return 1;

  // to make sure systems dlls are never deleted
  if (dllhandle->IsSystemDll()) return 1;


  return 1;
Example #15
bool Win32DllLoader::NeedsHooking(const char *dllName)
  if ( !StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(dllName, "libdvdcss-2.dll")
  && !StringUtils::EndsWithNoCase(dllName, "libdvdnav.dll"))
    return false;

  LibraryLoader *loader = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(dllName);
  if (loader)
    // may have hooked this already (we can have repeats in the import table)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_referencedDlls.size(); i++)
      if (loader->GetHModule() == m_referencedDlls[i])
        return false;
  return true;
Example #16
void DllLoaderContainer::UnloadPythonDlls()
  // unload all dlls that python24.dll could have loaded
  for (int i = 0; m_dlls[i] != NULL && i < m_iNrOfDlls; i++)
    char* name = m_dlls[i]->GetName();
    if (strstr(name, ".pyd") != NULL)
      LibraryLoader* pDll = m_dlls[i];
      i = 0;

  // last dll to unload, python24.dll
  for (int i = 0; m_dlls[i] != NULL && i < m_iNrOfDlls; i++)
    char* name = m_dlls[i]->GetName();

    if (strstr(name, "python26.dll") != NULL)
    if (strstr(name, "python24.dll") != NULL)
      LibraryLoader* pDll = m_dlls[i];
      while (pDll->DecrRef() > 1) pDll->DecrRef();

      // since we freed all python extension dlls first, we have to remove any associations with them first
      DllTrackInfo* info = tracker_get_dlltrackinfo_byobject((DllLoader*) pDll);
      if (info != NULL)


Example #17
void Project::slotOpenProject(QString fileName)
    if(fileName == 0) {
        fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Project"),
                                                "", tr("Qucs Projects (*.xpro)"));

    if(!fileName.isEmpty()) {

        LibraryLoader *library = LibraryLoader::instance();

        if(library->load(fileName)) {
            projectLibrary = library->library(m_libraryName);
            qDebug() << "Succesfully loaded library!";
            m_projectsSidebar->plugLibrary(m_libraryName, "root");
void ImportParseTreeTraverser::traverse(Node* tree, ClassSpaceSymbolTable& classes, LibraryLoader& l, ErrorTracker& errors, std::string importpath) {
	switch(tree->node_type) {

		case NT_PROGRAM:
		case NT_IMPORT:
			for(int i = 0; i < tree->subnodes; i++) {
				traverse(tree->node_data.nodes[i], classes, l, errors, importpath);

			// TODO use actual path
			if(!l.loadImport(tree->node_data.string, importpath, classes)) {
				errors.addError(new SemanticError(BAD_IMPORT, "Could not import class by name " + string(tree->node_data.string), tree));

			//throw "Not supported yet";

Example #19
extern "C" void tracker_library_free_all(DllTrackInfo* pInfo)
  // unloading unloaded dll's
  if (!pInfo->dllList.empty())
    CSingleLock lock(g_trackerLock);
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"%s: Detected %"PRIdS" unloaded dll's", pInfo->pDll->GetFileName(), pInfo->dllList.size());
    for (DllListIter it = pInfo->dllList.begin(); it != pInfo->dllList.end(); ++it)
      LibraryLoader* pDll = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule((HMODULE)*it);
      if( !pDll)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid module in tracker", __FUNCTION__);

      if (!pDll->IsSystemDll())
        if (strlen(pDll->GetFileName()) > 0) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"  : %s", pDll->GetFileName());

    // now unload the dlls
    for (DllListIter it = pInfo->dllList.begin(); it != pInfo->dllList.end(); ++it)
      LibraryLoader* pDll = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule((HMODULE)*it);
      if( !pDll)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid module in tracker", __FUNCTION__);

      if (!pDll->IsSystemDll())
Example #20
  bool python_load_dll(LibraryLoader& dll)
    bool bResult;

    bResult = (
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_ReleaseLock)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_AcquireLock)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyThreadState_Get)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_SimpleString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_InitThreads)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_ThreadsInitialized)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_Initialize)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_IsInitialized)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_Finalize)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_NewInterpreter)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_EndInterpreter)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyThreadState_Swap)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_SetString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyThreadState_New)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_Print)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_Occurred)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_SimpleFile)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PySys_SetPath)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_GetPath)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyThreadState_Delete)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyThreadState_Clear)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(Py_BuildValue)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyType_IsSubtype)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyString_AsString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_AddPendingCall)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyObject_CallMethod)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyList_GetItem)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyList_Size)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyList_New)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyList_Append)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(_PyObject_New)) &&               
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyLong_AsLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyLong_AsLongLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyErr_Format)) &&
#ifndef _LINUX
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUTF8String)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_MakePendingCalls)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_SaveThread)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyEval_RestoreThread)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyLong_FromLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyModule_AddStringConstant)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyModule_AddObject)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(Py_InitModule4)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyInt_AsLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyFloat_AsDouble)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyString_FromString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyBool_FromLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyModule_AddIntConstant)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyObject_CallFunction)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_SetItemString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_New)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyModule_GetDict)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyImport_Import)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyFloat_FromDouble)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyInt_FromLong)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_GetItemString)) &&
      //dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_GetItem)) &&
      //dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_Keys)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_Next)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyDict_Size)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyType_Ready)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyType_GenericNew)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyTuple_New)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyTuple_SetItem)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyArg_Parse)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_VA_FUNCTION(PyArg_ParseTuple)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PySys_SetArgv)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyObject_RichCompare)) &&

      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_SystemExit)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_SystemError)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_ValueError)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_Exception)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_TypeError)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_RuntimeError)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyExc_ReferenceError)) &&

      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(_Py_NoneStruct)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(_Py_NotImplementedStruct)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(_Py_TrueStruct)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(_Py_ZeroStruct)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyString_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyList_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyLong_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyInt_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyUnicode_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyTuple_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_OBJECT_DATA(PyDict_Type)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_Fetch)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyImport_AddModule)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyImport_ImportModule)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyObject_Str)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_File)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_Clear)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyObject_SetAttrString)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyErr_ExceptionMatches)) &&
#if (defined USE_EXTERNAL_PYTHON) && (defined HAVE_LIBPYTHON2_6)
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_SimpleStringFlags)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_StringFlags)) &&
      dll.ResolveExport(DLL_FUNCTION(PyRun_FileExFlags)) &&

    return bResult;
Example #21
extern "C" FARPROC __stdcall dllGetProcAddress(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR function)
  uintptr_t loc = (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress();

  void* address = NULL;
  LibraryLoader* dll = DllLoaderContainer::GetModule(hModule);

  if( !dll )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid hModule specified",__FUNCTION__);
    return NULL;

  /* how can somebody get the stupid idea to create such a stupid function */
  /* where you never know if the given pointer is a pointer or a value */
  if( HIGH_WORD(function) == 0 && LOW_WORD(function) < 1000)
    if( dll->ResolveOrdinal(LOW_WORD(function), &address) )
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s(%p(%s), %d) => %p", __FUNCTION__, hModule, dll->GetName(), LOW_WORD(function), address);
    else if( dll->IsSystemDll() )
      char ordinal[5];
      sprintf(ordinal, "%d", LOW_WORD(function));
      address = (void*)create_dummy_function(dll->GetName(), ordinal);

      /* add to tracklist if we are tracking this source dll */
      DllTrackInfo* track = tracker_get_dlltrackinfo(loc);
      if( track )
        tracker_dll_data_track(track->pDll, (uintptr_t)address);

      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - created dummy function %s!%s",__FUNCTION__, dll->GetName(), ordinal);
      address = NULL;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s(%p(%s), '%s') => %p",__FUNCTION__ , hModule, dll->GetName(), function, address);
    if( dll->ResolveExport(function, &address) )
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s(%p(%s), '%s') => %p",__FUNCTION__ , hModule, dll->GetName(), function, address);
      DllTrackInfo* track = tracker_get_dlltrackinfo(loc);
      /* some dll's require us to always return a function or it will fail, other's  */
      /* decide functionallity depending on if the functions exist and may fail      */
      if( dll->IsSystemDll() && track
       && stricmp(track->pDll->GetName(), "CoreAVCDecoder.ax") == 0 )
        address = (void*)create_dummy_function(dll->GetName(), function);
        tracker_dll_data_track(track->pDll, (uintptr_t)address);
        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - created dummy function %s!%s", __FUNCTION__, dll->GetName(), function);
        address = NULL;
        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s(%p(%s), '%s') => %p", __FUNCTION__, hModule, dll->GetName(), function, address);

  return (FARPROC)address;