bool LineAttributes::operator==( const LineAttributes& r ) const
        missingValuesPolicy() == r.missingValuesPolicy() &&
        displayArea() == r.displayArea() &&
        transparency() == r.transparency() &&
        areaBoundingDataset() == r.areaBoundingDataset();
void NormalLineDiagram::paint( PaintContext* ctx )
    Q_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<CartesianCoordinatePlane*>( ctx->coordinatePlane() ) );
    CartesianCoordinatePlane* plane = static_cast<CartesianCoordinatePlane*>( ctx->coordinatePlane() );
    const int columnCount = compressor().modelDataColumns();
    const int rowCount = compressor().modelDataRows();
    if ( columnCount == 0 || rowCount == 0 ) return; // maybe blank out the area?

// FIXME integrate column index retrieval to compressor:
// the compressor should only pass through visiblel columns
//    int maxFound = 0;
//     {   // find the last column number that is not hidden
//         for( int column =  datasetDimension() - 1;
//              column <  columnCount;
//              column += datasetDimension() )
//             if( ! diagram()->isHidden( column ) )
//                 maxFound = column;
//     }
//    maxFound = columnCount;
    // ^^^ temp

    // Reverse order of data sets?
    bool rev = diagram()->reverseDatasetOrder();
    DataValueTextInfoList textInfoList;
    LineAttributesInfoList lineList;
    for( int column = rev ? columnCount - 1 : 0;
         rev ? (column >= 0) : (column < columnCount);
         rev ? --column : ++column ) {
        LineAttributes laPreviousCell;
        CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint lastPoint;
        qreal lastAreaBoundingValue = 0;

        // Get min. y value, used as lower or upper bounding for area highlighting
        const qreal minYValue = qMin(plane->visibleDataRange().bottom(), plane->visibleDataRange().top());

        CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition previousCellPosition;
        for ( int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row ) {
            const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition position( row, column );
            // get where to draw the line from:
            CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint point = compressor().data( position );

            const QModelIndex sourceIndex = attributesModel()->mapToSource( point.index );

            const LineAttributes laCell = diagram()->lineAttributes( sourceIndex );
            const LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicy policy = laCell.missingValuesPolicy();

            // lower or upper bounding for the highlighted area
            qreal areaBoundingValue;
            if ( laCell.areaBoundingDataset() != -1 ) {
                const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition areaBoundingCachePosition( row, laCell.areaBoundingDataset() );
                areaBoundingValue = compressor().data( areaBoundingCachePosition ).value;
            } else
                // Use min. y value (i.e. zero line in most cases) if no bounding dataset is set
                areaBoundingValue = minYValue;

            if( ISNAN( point.value ) )
                switch( policy )
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesAreBridged:
                    // we just bridge both values
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesShownAsZero:
                    // set it to zero
                    point.value = 0.0;
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesHideSegments:
                    // they're just hidden
                    // hm....

            // area corners, a + b are the line ends:
            const QPointF a( plane->translate( QPointF( diagram()->centerDataPoints() ? lastPoint.key + 0.5 : lastPoint.key, lastPoint.value ) ) );
            const QPointF b( plane->translate( QPointF( diagram()->centerDataPoints() ? point.key + 0.5 : point.key, point.value ) ) );
            const QPointF c( plane->translate( QPointF( diagram()->centerDataPoints() ? lastPoint.key + 0.5 : lastPoint.key, lastAreaBoundingValue ) ) );
            const QPointF d( plane->translate( QPointF( diagram()->centerDataPoints() ? point.key + 0.5 : point.key, areaBoundingValue ) ) );
            // add the line to the list:
           // add data point labels:
            const PositionPoints pts = PositionPoints( b, a, d, c );
            // if necessary, add the area to the area list:
            QList<QPolygonF> areas;
            if ( !ISNAN( point.value ) && !ISNAN( lastPoint.value ) && laCell.displayArea() ) {
                areas << ( QPolygonF() << a << b << d << c );//polygon;
            // add the pieces to painting if this is not hidden:
            if ( ! point.hidden && !ISNAN( point.value ) )
                appendDataValueTextInfoToList( diagram(), textInfoList, sourceIndex, &position,
                                               pts, Position::NorthWest, Position::SouthWest,
                                               point.value );
                paintAreas( ctx, attributesModel()->mapToSource( lastPoint.index ), areas, laCell.transparency() );
                // position 0 is not really painted, since it takes two points to make a line :-)
                if( row > 0 && !ISNAN( lastPoint.value ) )
                    lineList.append( LineAttributesInfo( sourceIndex, a, b ) );

            // wrap it up:
            previousCellPosition = position;
            laPreviousCell = laCell;
            lastAreaBoundingValue = areaBoundingValue;
            lastPoint = point;


    LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicy policy = LineAttributes::MissingValuesAreBridged; //unused
    paintElements( ctx, textInfoList, lineList, policy );
void NormalLineDiagram::paint( PaintContext* ctx )
    Q_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<CartesianCoordinatePlane*>( ctx->coordinatePlane() ) );
    CartesianCoordinatePlane* plane = static_cast<CartesianCoordinatePlane*>( ctx->coordinatePlane() );
    const int columnCount = compressor().modelDataColumns();
    const int rowCount = compressor().modelDataRows();
    if ( columnCount == 0 || rowCount == 0 ) return; // maybe blank out the area?

    // Reverse order of data sets?
    bool rev = diagram()->reverseDatasetOrder();
    LabelPaintCache lpc;
    LineAttributesInfoList lineList;

    const int step = rev ? -1 : 1;
    const int end = rev ? -1 : columnCount;
    for ( int column = rev ? columnCount - 1 : 0; column != end; column += step ) {
        LineAttributes laPreviousCell;
        CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint lastPoint;
        qreal lastAreaBoundingValue = 0;

        // Get min. y value, used as lower or upper bounding for area highlighting
        const qreal minYValue = qMin(plane->visibleDataRange().bottom(), plane->visibleDataRange().top());

        CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition previousCellPosition;
        for ( int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row ) {
            const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition position( row, column );
            // get where to draw the line from:
            CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::DataPoint point = compressor().data( position );
            if ( point.hidden ) {

            const QModelIndex sourceIndex = attributesModel()->mapToSource( point.index );

            const LineAttributes laCell = diagram()->lineAttributes( sourceIndex );
            const LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicy policy = laCell.missingValuesPolicy();

            // lower or upper bounding for the highlighted area
            qreal areaBoundingValue;
            if ( laCell.areaBoundingDataset() != -1 ) {
                const CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::CachePosition areaBoundingCachePosition( row, laCell.areaBoundingDataset() );
                areaBoundingValue = compressor().data( areaBoundingCachePosition ).value;
            } else {
                // Use min. y value (i.e. zero line in most cases) if no bounding dataset is set
                areaBoundingValue = minYValue;

            if ( ISNAN( point.value ) )
                switch ( policy )
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesAreBridged:
                    // we just bridge both values
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesShownAsZero:
                    // set it to zero
                    point.value = 0.0;
                case LineAttributes::MissingValuesHideSegments:
                    // they're just hidden
                    // hm....

            if ( !ISNAN( point.value ) ) {
                // area corners, a + b are the line ends:
                const qreal offset = diagram()->centerDataPoints() ? 0.5 : 0;
                const QPointF a( plane->translate( QPointF( lastPoint.key + offset, lastPoint.value ) ) );
                const QPointF b( plane->translate( QPointF( point.key + offset, point.value ) ) );
                const QPointF c( plane->translate( QPointF( lastPoint.key + offset, lastAreaBoundingValue ) ) );
                const QPointF d( plane->translate( QPointF( point.key + offset, areaBoundingValue ) ) );
                const PositionPoints pts = PositionPoints( b, a, d, c );

                // add label
                m_private->addLabel( &lpc, sourceIndex, &position, pts, Position::NorthWest,
                                     Position::NorthWest, point.value );

                // add line and area, if switched on and we have a current and previous value
                if ( !ISNAN( lastPoint.value ) ) {
                    lineList.append( LineAttributesInfo( sourceIndex, a, b ) );

                    if ( laCell.displayArea() ) {
                        QList<QPolygonF> areas;
                        areas << ( QPolygonF() << a << b << d << c );
                        PaintingHelpers::paintAreas( m_private, ctx, attributesModel()->mapToSource( lastPoint.index ),
                                                     areas, laCell.transparency() );

            previousCellPosition = position;
            laPreviousCell = laCell;
            lastAreaBoundingValue = areaBoundingValue;
            lastPoint = point;

    // paint the lines
    PaintingHelpers::paintElements( m_private, ctx, lpc, lineList );