Example #1
//Generate a random complete euclidean ListGraph
bool GenerateRandomEuclideanListDigraph(ListDigraph &g,
			  DNodeStringMap &vname, // node name
			  DNodePosMap    &px, // x-position of the node
			  DNodePosMap    &py, // y-position of the node
			  ArcValueMap  & weight, // weight of edges
			  int n, // number of nodes
			  double SizeX, // coordinate x is a random number in [0,SizeX)
			  double SizeY) // coordinate y is a random number in [0,SizeY)
  DNode *V;
  V = new DNode[n];
  if (V==NULL){
    cout << "Memory allocation error, number of nodes " << n << " too large\n";
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {   // insert nodes (random points in [0,100] x [0,100] )
    V[i] = g.addNode();    // new node
    px[V[i]] = SizeX*drand48();
    py[V[i]] = SizeY*drand48();
    vname[V[i]] = IntToString(i+1);// name of node is i+1
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
    for (int j=i+1;j<n;j++) {
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[i],V[j]);  // generate new arc from v_i to v_j
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[i]]-px[V[j]],2) + pow(py[V[i]]-py[V[j]],2));
      Arc f = g.addArc(V[j],V[i]);  // generate new arc from v_j to v_i
      weight[f] = weight[e];
  delete[] V;
int read_pcpath(string input_file){
  std::ifstream kinput;
  kinput.open(input_file.c_str()); if (!kinput) return 0;
  kinput >> n >> m;
  std::map<std::string, ListDigraph::Node> ref;

  for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ){
    string tmp;
    double r;
    kinput >> tmp >> r;
    ListDigraph::Node n = g.addNode();
    node_names[n] = tmp;
    prizes[n] = r;

  for ( int i=0; i<m; i++){
    string v1, v2;
    double c_tmp;
    kinput >> v1 >> v2 >> c_tmp;
    ListDigraph::Arc a = g.addArc(ref[v1], ref[v2]);  //source, target
    costs[a] = c_tmp;

  return 1;
Example #3
//splits graph into connected components
void split_graph(ListDigraph& g, vector<ListDigraph*>& graphs){

	Undirector<ListDigraph> undirected(g);
	ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> components(g);
	stronglyConnectedComponents(undirected, components);

	int num_subgraphs = 0;
	for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
		if(components[n] > num_subgraphs) num_subgraphs = components[n];
	ListDigraph::NodeMap<ListDigraph::Node> map(g);

	for(int i = 0; i < num_subgraphs; i++){
		ListDigraph temp;
		for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
			if(components[n] == i){
				map[n] = temp.addNode();
		for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
			if(components[n] == i){
				for(ListDigraph::OutArcIt o(g, n); o != INVALID; ++o){
					temp.addArc(map[g.source(o)], map[g.target(o)]);
Example #4
void drawGraphToFile(ListDigraph& g){
	ofstream myfile;
	myfile << "digraph g {\n";
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt a(g); a!= INVALID; ++a)
		myfile << g.id(g.source(a)) << " -> " << g.id(g.target(a)) <<  "\n";
	myfile << "}\n";
Example #5
void drawGraphToFileWithArcMap(ListDigraph& g, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& map){
	ofstream myfile;
	myfile << "digraph g {\n";
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt a(g); a!= INVALID; ++a)
		myfile << g.id(g.source(a)) << " -> " << g.id(g.target(a)) << " [label=\"" << map[a] << "\"] \n";
	myfile << "}\n";
Example #6
ListDigraph::Node addSink(ListDigraph& g){

  ListDigraph::Node t = g.addNode();  
  for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
        if(countOutArcs(g, n) == 0 && n != t){
            g.addArc(n, t);
  return t;
Example #7
ListDigraph::Node addSource(ListDigraph& g){

  ListDigraph::Node s = g.addNode();
  for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
        if(countInArcs(g, n) == 0 && n != s){
            g.addArc(s, n);
  return s;
Example #8
int main()
    ListDigraph g;

    ListDigraph::Node u = g.addNode();
    ListDigraph::Node v = g.addNode();
    ListDigraph::Arc  a = g.addArc( u, v );

    cout << "Hello World! This is LEMON library here." << endl;
    cout << "We have a directed graph with " << countNodes( g ) << " nodes "
         << "and " << countArcs( g ) << " arc." << endl;

    return 0;
Example #9
/* The function purpose is to check if the node is exist, if not it create it and add it to the map*/
void nodeValidation(int input, CrossRefMap<ListDigraph, ListDigraph::Node, int> & ids, ListDigraph::Node & node, ListDigraph & g){
	node = ids(input);
	if (node == INVALID) {  // Check if node is inavlid 
		node = g.addNode();
		ids.set(node, input); // make a connection between the node and the string
Example #10
// This routine visualize a digraph using a pdf viewer. It uses neato (from
// graphviz.org) to generate a pdf file and a program to view the pdf file. The
// pdf viewer name is given in the viewername parameter.
int ViewListDigraph(ListDigraph &g,
      DNodeStringMap &vname, // node names
      DNodePosMap    &px, // x-position of the nodes
      DNodePosMap    &py, // y-position of the nodes
      DNodeColorMap  &vcolor, // color of node (see myutils.h)
      ArcColorMap   &ecolor, // color of edge 
      string text) // text displayed below the figure
  char tempname[1000],cmd[1000];
  FILE *fp;
  double minpx=DBL_MAX,minpy=DBL_MAX,maxpx=-DBL_MAX,maxpy=-DBL_MAX,delta,factor;
  string str;

  // obtain a temporary file name
  fp = fopen(tempname,"w+");
  if (fp==NULL) {cout << "Error to open temporary file to visualize digraph.\n"; return(0);}
  for (DNodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) {
    if (px[v] < minpx) minpx = px[v];
    if (px[v] > maxpx) maxpx = px[v];
    if (py[v] < minpy) minpy = py[v];
    if (py[v] > maxpy) maxpy = py[v];
  factor = 40; // using larger values makes small nodes
  delta = fmax(maxpx - minpx,maxpy - minpy);
  // Generate a text file with the graph format of neato program
  fprintf(fp,"digraph g {\n");
  fprintf(fp,"\tsize = \"10, 10\";\n");
  fprintf(fp,"\tnode [style = filled, shape = \"circle\"];\n");
  for (DNodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) {
    if (vcolor[v]==NOCOLOR) continue;
    fprintf(fp,"\t%s [color=\"%s\", pos = \"%lf,%lf!\"];\n",
  for (ArcIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
    if (ecolor[e]==NOCOLOR) continue;
    fprintf(fp,"\t%s -> %s [color=\"%s\" ];\n",vname[g.source(e)].c_str(),vname[g.target(e)].c_str(),ColorName(ecolor[e]).c_str());
  sprintf(cmd,"neato -Tpdf %s -o %s.pdf",tempname,tempname); system(cmd);
  str = tempname;
  str = str + ".pdf";
Example #11
int main()

	ListDigraph test;
	ListDigraph::Node a = test.addNode();
	ListDigraph::Node b = test.addNode();
	ListDigraph::Node c = test.addNode();
	ListDigraph::Node d = test.addNode();
	ListDigraph::Node e = test.addNode();
	ListDigraph::Node f = test.addNode();

	ListDigraph::Arc ac  = test.addArc(a, c);
	ListDigraph::Arc bc  = test.addArc(b, c);
	ListDigraph::Arc cd  = test.addArc(c, d);
	ListDigraph::Arc bf  = test.addArc(b, f);
	ListDigraph::Arc de  = test.addArc(d, e);
	ListDigraph::Arc df  = test.addArc(d, f);

	ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> costs(test);

	costs[ac] = 1;
	costs[bc] = 2;
	costs[cd] = 2;
	costs[bf] = 32;
	costs[de] = 16;
	costs[df] = 8;

	solve_via_minflow(test, costs);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  tMax = 600;
  int verbose = 0;
  std::string input_file;
  int option, i_f = 0;
  if ( argc == 1 ){
    return 0;
  while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "t:i:v"))!=-1)
      case 't':
      case 'i':
        i_f = 1;
      case 'v':

  if ( i_f == 0 ){
    std::cout << "-i  mandatory argument" << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if ( !read_pcpath(input_file) ) return 1;

  for ( ListDigraph::NodeIt u(g); u!=INVALID; ++u ){
    if ( node_names[u].compare("s")==0 )
    if ( node_names[u].compare("t")==0 )

  //if ( verbose )
  //  show_input();

  prize_collecting_st_path_pli(g, prizes, costs, s, t, path, UB, LB, tMax);
  if ( verbose ){
    //make_eps_graph(path, "sol");

  for ( int i=0; i<(int)path.size(); i++ )
    std::cout << g.id(path[i]) << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
Example #13
int main(){

    string a = "88\t567 999\t444 555\n22\t777 666\t111 000";
    string  file, line;
    int     out1, out2;
    istringstream   mStream( a );
//    ifstream mStream( "/Users/sonneundasche/Dropbox/FLI/04_HIT_Transform/_node size/Schwein_BL_07_time_tmpArcIDs_amountOnArc.txt" );
//    getline( mStream, file, '\n');
    while(getline( mStream, file, '\n')){
        istringstream lineStream( file );
        lineStream  >> out1;
        cout << "time: " << out1 << "\n";
        getline( lineStream, line, '\t');
        while( getline( lineStream, line, '\t') ){
            istringstream pairStream( line );
            pairStream >> out1;
            pairStream >> out2;
            cout << out1 << " : " << out2 << "\n";
    vector< int >  activeTimes;
    ListDigraph   mGraph;
    digraphReader( mGraph, "/Users/sonneundasche/Dropbox/FLI/04_HIT_Transform/_node size/Schwein_BL_07.lgf")

    map< int,  vector< pair <ListDigraph::Arc, int > > >  activeArcsAndWeight;
    activeTimes = tempGR::readTemporalArcListWeighted(mGraph, activeArcsAndWeight, "/Users/sonneundasche/Dropbox/FLI/04_HIT_Transform/_node size/Schwein_BL_07_time_tmpArcIDs_amountOnArc.txt");
    for (auto i : activeArcsAndWeight[2486]) {
        cout << mGraph.id( activeArcsAndWeight[2492][0].first ) << " : " << i.second << "\n";

    cout << mGraph.id( activeArcsAndWeight[2492][0].first ) << " : " << activeArcsAndWeight[2492][0].second << endl;
Example #14
void createKPathGraph(ListDigraph& g, int k, int n, int m, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& weights, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& demands){

	ListDigraph::Node* nodes[k];
	for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
		nodes[i] = (ListDigraph::Node*) calloc(n, sizeof(ListDigraph::Node));
	for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			nodes[i][j] = g.addNode();
			if(j != 0) g.addArc(nodes[i][j-1], nodes[i][j]);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		int k1 = rand()%k;
		int k2 = rand()%k;
		int n1 = rand()%(n-1);
		int n2 = (rand()%(n-n1-1))+n1+1;

		if(findArc(g, nodes[k1][n1], nodes[k2][n2]) == INVALID){
			g.addArc(nodes[k1][n1], nodes[k2][n2]);
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt a(g); a != INVALID; ++a)
		weights[a] = rand()%1000;
	//this splits every node and sets demand for the edge between the halves to 1
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
		ListDigraph::Node new_node = g.split(n, false);
		ListDigraph::Arc new_edge = g.addArc(n, new_node);
		demands[new_edge] = 1;

Example #15
//Simple function for generating acyclic graphs
void createRandomGraph(ListDigraph& g, int num_nodes, float edge_prob){

	ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> labels(g);

	for(int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++){
		ListDigraph::Node new_node = g.addNode();
		labels[new_node] = i;
	for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
		for(ListDigraph::NodeIt v(g); v != INVALID; ++v){

			//no edges from bigger nodes to smaller to ensure acyclicity,
			//and no edges from node to itself
			//+ an attempt to create longer graphs
			if(labels[n] >= labels[v] || labels[n] < labels[v]-20) continue;

			if(rand()%100 <= edge_prob*100){
				g.addArc(n, v);
Example #16
//check for circle for each course with his pre courses
bool checkCircle(SeasonConfig  & seasonConfig) {

	ListDigraph g;
	CrossRefMap<ListDigraph, ListDigraph::Node, int> ids(g);
	ListDigraph::Node u, v;
	Bfs<ListDigraph> bfs(g);

	for (int i = 0; i < seasonConfig.courses.count(); i++){
		nodeValidation(seasonConfig.courses.get(i).getId(), ids, u, g);
		for (int j = 0; j < seasonConfig.courses.get(i).pre.count(); j++)
			nodeValidation(seasonConfig.courses.get(i).pre.get(j).getId(), ids, v, g);

			if (bfs.reached(u)){ // If there is a path to u 
				return true; // circle was found we can exit the progeam;
			g.addArc(u, v); // Else  we make a connection between u and v 
	return false;
Example #17
// ****************** TSP WITH REFUELING **********************************
// Directed version of adjacency matrix. Used to handle with the TSP with Refueling Problem.
AdjacencyMatrixDirected::AdjacencyMatrixDirected(ListDigraph &dgraph, ArcValueMap &graphweight, double NonArcValue): DNode2Index(dgraph), Arc2Index(dgraph)
    int i;
    g = &dgraph;
    this->NonArcValue = NonArcValue;
    weight = &graphweight;
    Nnodes = countNodes(dgraph); // number of nodes in the input dgraph
    Narcs = countArcs(dgraph); // number of edges in the input dgraph
    Nmatrix = Nnodes*Nnodes; // full matrix

    AdjMatrix = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*Nmatrix);
    Index2DNode = (DNode *) malloc(sizeof(Node)*Nnodes);
    Index2Arc = (Arc *) malloc(sizeof(Arc)*Narcs);

    if ((AdjMatrix==NULL)||(Index2DNode==NULL)||(Index2Arc==NULL)) {
        cout << "Out of memory in constructor of AdjacencyMatrixDirected\n";
        ADJMAT_FreeNotNull(AdjMatrix); ADJMAT_FreeNotNull(Index2DNode); ADJMAT_FreeNotNull(Index2Arc);

    i = 0;
    for (DNodeIt v(*g); v != INVALID; ++v) {
        Index2DNode[i] = v;
        AdjacencyMatrixDirected::DNode2Index[v] = i;

    // Initially all edges have infinity weight
    for (int i=0;i<Nmatrix;i++) AdjMatrix[i] = NonArcValue;
    // Then, update the existing edges with the correct weight
    for (ArcIt a(dgraph); a != INVALID; ++a) {
        DNode u,v;    int i_u,i_v;
        u = dgraph.source(a);  v = dgraph.target(a);  // obtain the extremities of e
        i_u = DNode2Index[u];
        i_v = DNode2Index[v];
        AdjMatrix[i_u*Nnodes+i_v] = graphweight[a];
Example #18
void createMACGraph(ListDigraph& g, int num_paths, int path_length, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& demands){


	ListDigraph::Node prev[num_paths];
	ListDigraph::Node current[num_paths];

	for (int i = 0; i < num_paths; ++i)
		prev[i] = g.addNode();
	for (int i = 0; i < path_length-1; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < num_paths; ++j)
			current[j] = g.addNode();
			g.addArc(prev[j], current[j]);
		for (int j = 0; j < num_paths; ++j)
			if(rand()%100 < 50){
				int targetIndex  = j;
				while(targetIndex != j){
					targetIndex = rand()%num_paths;
				g.addArc(prev[j], current[targetIndex]);
		for (int j = 0; j < num_paths; ++j)
			prev[j] = current[j];


	//this splits every node and sets demand for the edge between the halves to 1
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
		ListDigraph::Node new_node = g.split(n, false);
		ListDigraph::Arc new_edge = g.addArc(n, new_node);
		demands[new_edge] = 1;

Example #19
int main(){

    ListDigraph MyGraph;
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< long long int >   idNodeMap ( MyGraph );
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< double >          xKoordNodeMap (MyGraph );
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< double >          yKoordNodeMap (MyGraph );
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< long double >     capacityNodeMap( MyGraph );
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< bool >            typeNodeMap( MyGraph );    
    ListDigraph::ArcMap< long double >      distanceArcMap( MyGraph );
    ListDigraph::ArcMap < bool >            switchArcMap( MyGraph, true );  // Alle Kanten sollen an / true sein
    ListDigraph::ArcMap < bool >            stateArcMap(  MyGraph, false ); // Keine Infraktion (false) am Anfang
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< bool >            stateNodeMap( MyGraph, false );
    try {
        digraphReader( MyGraph, "/Users/sonneundasche/Desktop/MilkyWayDaten/MilkyWay_Solution.lgf")
        .nodeMap( "Type", typeNodeMap )
    } catch (Exception& error) { // check if there was any error
        std::cerr << "Error: " << error.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  ----------------  Erzeuge die Glättungs Kanten    -----------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    // Zur Abspeicherung der IDs der Glättungs Arcs
    //    int glattArcID[ glattArcNr ];    
    //    int m = 0;
    //    for ( int in = 0; in < supplyNodesNr; in++ ) 
    //        for ( int out = 0; out < supplyNodesNr ; out++ ) {
    //            glattArcID[ m ] = MyGraph.id( MyGraph.addArc( MyGraph.nodeFromId( in ), MyGraph.nodeFromId( out ) ));
    //            m++;
    //            //vice versa "in/out"
    //            glattArcID[ m ] = MyGraph.id( MyGraph.addArc( MyGraph.nodeFromId( out ), MyGraph.nodeFromId( in ) )); 
    //            m++;
    //        }
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  ----------------  Erzeuge eine FilterMap und Init -----------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    //  ----------------  um Glättung umzuschalten   ----------------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //    FilterArcs< ListDigraph >::ArcFilterMap   glattArcFilterMap( MyGraph  );
    //    FilterArcs< ListDigraph >::FilterArcs     glattFilterGraph( MyGraph, glattArcFilterMap  );
    //        // Alle auf TRUE setzen
    //    for ( FilterArcs< ListDigraph >::ArcIt a( glattFilterGraph ) ; a != INVALID ; ++a )
    //        glattArcFilterMap[ a ] = 1;
    //        // Glättungskanten auf FALSE setzen
    //    for ( int i = 0; i < glattArcNr; i++ ) 
    //        glattArcFilterMap[ glattFilterGraph.arcFromId( glattArcID[ i ] ) ] = 0;
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  ----------------  Zufalls Glättungskanten umschalten  -------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  ----------------  Infectious Dynamics Calculation (Range) ----------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    // +++++ Hier sollte noch ein SubGraph / FilterMap erstellt werden für die Glättung
    // ++++  Gesamtschleife mit Abbruch kommt noch

    int infStartAmount = 1;                 // Anzahl der Molkerei-Knoten die am Anfang infiziert sind
    int infSumInfected = infStartAmount;    // StartRange: Anzahl infizierten Knoten + Anfangswert
//    int ctrlRange[ ];                      // Range die über die Out Arcs gezählt wird
    int ctrlRangeALL = 0;
    int infSumArry[ 3 ];                    // AbbruchBed.: Falls nach drei Rechen-Schritten "Range" gleich, dann brich ab.
    infSumArry[ 0 ] =  infStartAmount;      // Zwangsbed., damit der Loop anfängt
    //  ----------------  Zufällig eine Molkerei/Node infizieren  -------------    
//    for ( int i = 0; i < infStartAmount; i++)
//        stateNodeMap[ MyGraph.nodeFromId( rnd( 0, ( supplyNodesNr - 1 ) ) ) ] = 1;
    //    for ( int i = 0; i < sumSup; i++)
    //        stateNodeMap[ MyGraph.nodeFromId( i ) ] = 1;
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------   
    //  -----------------  Durchlauf durch den Graphen     ----------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------   
    //  ++++  Man kann entweder zuerst Nodes oder Arcs durchschauen
    //  ++++  Falls Arcs zuerst gezählt werden, breitet sich die Krankheit in weniger
    //  ++++    Rechenschritten aus, da in anschließenden Schritt infizierte Kanten Knoten infinzieren.
    //  ++++  Dieser Weg wird hier aus Performance-Gründen gegangen. Uns interessiert nicht die Ausbreitungsgeschw.
    do {
        //  ----------------  Arc Infectious States ----------------    
        for ( ListDigraph::ArcIt a( MyGraph ) ; a != INVALID; ++a ) {
//            if ( stateArcMap[ a ] == 0 )  //Falls noch nicht infiziert
                if ( stateNodeMap[ MyGraph.source( a ) ] == 1 )     // Falls der QuellKnoten Infiziert, Kante auch
                    stateArcMap[ a ] = 1;
        //  ----------------  Node Infectious States ----------------    
        for ( ListDigraph::NodeIt n( MyGraph ) ; n != INVALID; ++n ) {
            if ( stateNodeMap[ n ] == 0 )       // Optimierung: Nur abfragen falls es noch nicht infiziert ist
                for (ListDigraph::InArcIt in( MyGraph, n ) ; in != INVALID; ++in )
                    if ( stateArcMap[ in ] ) {
                        stateNodeMap[ n ] = 1;
                        infSumInfected++;   // Zähle die Neuinfektion falls Knoten an ist
                        continue;           // Schleife verlassen, falls eine Kante an ist
        // Billiges Aufschieben der Werte. Damit man schauen kann, ob dreimal nichts geschah
        infSumArry[ 2 ] = infSumArry [ 1 ];
        infSumArry[ 1 ] = infSumArry [ 0 ];
        infSumArry[ 0 ] = infSumInfected;
    }    while ( ( infSumArry[ 0 ] != infSumArry[ 1 ] ) || ( infSumArry[ 1 ] != infSumArry [ 2 ] ) );
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------   
    //  -----------------  Test Funktion zur Überprüfung der Werte  ----------------
    //  -------------------------------------------------------------------  
    //  +++ Einfache Berechnung des AUS-Grades
    // GesamtRange
    for ( ListDigraph::NodeIt n( MyGraph ) ; n != INVALID; ++n)
        for ( ListDigraph::OutArcIt o( MyGraph, n ) ; o != INVALID;  ++o ){
            // ++++>> hier den Range Array einfügen
    //  -----------------  Graph schreiben  ----------------
    digraphWriter( MyGraph, cout )
    .nodeMap( "NodeStates", stateNodeMap )
    cout << endl << "Range-Berechnungs-Zeit: " << time.realTime() << endl;  
    cout << endl << "Range-Wert: " << infSumInfected << endl;      

    return 0;

Example #20
//find minflow by reducing the maximal amount of flow (with maxflow) from a feasible flow
void find_minflow_IBFS(ListDigraph& g, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& demands, ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>& flow, ListDigraph::NodeMap<int>& labels, ListDigraph::Node s, ListDigraph::Node t)

  ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> feasible_flow(g);
  find_feasible_flow(g, demands, feasible_flow);
  //Create IBFS graph and solve maxflow in it

  IBFSGraph* g_ibfs = new IBFSGraph(IBFSGraph::IB_INIT_FAST);

  int num_nodes = countNodes(g);
  int num_arcs = countArcs(g);

  //we need a special labeling for IBFS, because we won't have s and t there
  //ListDigraph::Node label_to_node[num_nodes];
  ListDigraph::Node* label_to_node = new ListDigraph::Node[num_nodes];
  ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> labels_ibfs(g);
  int index_counter = 0;
  for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
    if(n == s || n == t) continue;

    labels_ibfs[n] = index_counter;
    label_to_node[labels_ibfs[n]] = n;

  g_ibfs->initSize(num_nodes-2, num_arcs-countOutArcs(g, s) - countInArcs(g, t));
  for(ListDigraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n){
    if(countInArcs(g, n) == 0){
      g_ibfs->addNode(labels[n], 0, MAX_CAPACITY);
    else if(countOutArcs(g, n) == 0){
      g_ibfs->addNode(labels[n], MAX_CAPACITY, 0);

  ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> arc_labels(g);
  //ListDigraph::Arc arc_labels_reverse[num_arcs];
  ListDigraph::Arc* arc_labels_reverse = new ListDigraph::Arc[num_arcs];

  int counter = 0;
  for(ListDigraph::ArcIt a(g); a != INVALID; ++a){
    arc_labels[a] = counter;
    arc_labels_reverse[counter] = a;

  for(ListDigraph::ArcIt a(g); a != INVALID; ++a){
    if(g.source(a) == s){
      g_ibfs->addNode(labels_ibfs[g.target(a)], 0, MAX_CAPACITY);
    else if(g.target(a) == t){
      g_ibfs->addNode(labels_ibfs[g.source(a)], MAX_CAPACITY, 0);
      g_ibfs->addEdge(labels_ibfs[g.target(a)], labels_ibfs[g.source(a)], feasible_flow[a]-demands[a], MAX_CAPACITY);    



  while(g_ibfs->arcs != g_ibfs->arcEnd){

    //cout << "LABEL:: " << g_ibfs->arcs->label << "\n";

    if(g_ibfs->arcs->label != -1){

      ListDigraph::Arc a = arc_labels_reverse[g_ibfs->arcs->label];
      int flow_on_arc = MAX_CAPACITY - g_ibfs->arcs->rCap;
      int flow_on_reverse = (feasible_flow[a]-demands[a]) - g_ibfs->arcs->rev->rCap;
      //cout << g_ibfs->arcs->rCap << " " << g_ibfs->arcs->rev->rCap << "\n";
      //cout << feasible_flow[a] << " " << flow_on_arc << " " << flow_on_reverse << " ";
      flow[a] = feasible_flow[a] + flow_on_arc - flow_on_reverse; 
      //cout << flow[a] << "\n";

  for(ListDigraph::OutArcIt o(g, s); o != INVALID; ++o){
    for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt oa(g, g.target(o)); oa != INVALID; ++oa)
      flow[o] += flow[oa];

  for(ListDigraph::InArcIt i(g, t); i != INVALID; ++i){
    for(ListDigraph::InArcIt ia(g, g.source(i)); ia != INVALID; ++ia){
      flow[i] += flow[ia];

Example #21
#include "test_utils.h"
#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
#include "../decomposition.h"
#include "../MPC.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <lemon/bfs.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace lemon;

TEST_CASE("MACs are found in an easy test case")
  ListDigraph g;
  ListDigraph::Node s = g.addNode();
  ListDigraph::Node t = g.addNode();
  ListDigraph::Node a = g.addNode();
  ListDigraph::Node b = g.addNode(); 
  ListDigraph::Node c = g.addNode();
  ListDigraph::Node d = g.addNode();

  ListDigraph::Arc sa = g.addArc(s, a);
  ListDigraph::Arc ab = g.addArc(a, b);
  ListDigraph::Arc bt = g.addArc(b, t);
  ListDigraph::Arc sc = g.addArc(s, c);
  ListDigraph::Arc cd = g.addArc(c, d);
  ListDigraph::Arc dt = g.addArc(d, t);

  ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> labels(g);
Example #22
// Generate a triangulated ListDigraph, building the Delaunay
// triangulation of random points. Each edge of the Delaunay triangulation
// leads to two arcs (in both senses)  
// Uses the geompack program, available in
// http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/geompack/geompack.html
bool GenerateTriangulatedListDigraph(ListDigraph &g,
		 DNodeStringMap &vname, // name of the nodes
		 DNodePosMap  &px, // x-position of the nodes
		 DNodePosMap  &py, // y-position of the nodes
		 ArcValueMap   & weight, // weight of edges
		 int n, // number of nodes
		 double SizeX, // coordinate x is a random number in [0,SizeX)
		 double SizeY) // coordinate y is a random number in [0,SizeY)
 int i; // n=number of nodes
 DNode *V = new DNode[n];
 double *p = new double[2*n+2];// node coodinates are (x;y) = ( p[2*i] ; p[2*i+1] )
 int *tri = new int[6*n]; // Each 3 elements are the indexes of a triangle
 int ntri;
 int *tri_nabe = new int[6*n];
  if ((V==NULL)||(p==NULL)||(tri==NULL)||(tri_nabe==NULL)){
    cout << "Memory allocation error, number of nodes " << n << " too large\n";

 for (i=0;i<n;i++) {   // insere os vértices (pontos aleatórios no plano [0,SizeX]x[0,SizeY] )
    V[i] = g.addNode(); // gera um vértice nó do grafo 
    px[V[i]] = SizeX*drand48();  // nodes are random points
    py[V[i]] = SizeY*drand48();
    p[2*i]   = px[V[i]];
    p[2*i+1] = py[V[i]];
    vname[V[i]] = IntToString(i+1);// name of node is i+1
  if (r8tris2 ( n, p, &ntri, tri,  tri_nabe )) {  printf("ERROR\n");Pause(); }
  for (i=0;i<ntri;i++) { 
    int a,b,c;
    a = tri[3*i]-1; b = tri[3*i+1]-1; c = tri[3*i+2]-1;
    // each triangle if formed with nodes  V[a] , V[b] , V[c]
    // insert arcs without duplications in both senses
    if (findArc(g,V[a],V[b])==INVALID){
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[a],V[b]); 
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[a]]-px[V[b]],2) + pow(py[V[a]]-py[V[b]],2));
    if (findArc(g,V[b],V[a])==INVALID){
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[b],V[a]);  
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[b]]-px[V[a]],2) + pow(py[V[b]]-py[V[a]],2));
    if (findArc(g,V[a],V[c])==INVALID){
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[a],V[c]);  
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[a]]-px[V[c]],2) + pow(py[V[a]]-py[V[c]],2));
    if (findArc(g,V[c],V[a])==INVALID){
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[c],V[a]);  
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[c]]-px[V[a]],2) + pow(py[V[c]]-py[V[a]],2));
    if (findArc(g,V[b],V[c])==INVALID) {
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[b],V[c]);  
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[b]]-px[V[c]],2) + pow(py[V[b]]-py[V[c]],2));
    if (findArc(g,V[c],V[b])==INVALID) {
      Arc e = g.addArc(V[c],V[b]);  
      weight[e] = sqrt(pow(px[V[c]]-px[V[b]],2) + pow(py[V[c]]-py[V[b]],2));
  delete[] V;
  delete[] p;
  delete[] tri;
  delete[] tri_nabe;
Example #23
bool ReadListDigraph(string filename,
		     ListDigraph &g,
		     DNodeStringMap  &vname,
		     ArcValueMap      &weight,
		     DNodePosMap     &posx,
		     DNodePosMap     & posy,
             DNodeBoolMap &is_terminal,
		     const bool dupla)
  ifstream ifile;
  int i,n,m;
  double peso;
  Arc a;
  char nomeu[100],nomev[100];
  string STR;
  DNode u,v;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
  std::unordered_map<string,DNode> string2node,test;
  std::tr1::unordered_map<string,DNode> string2node;

  if (!ifile) {cout << "File '" << filename << "' does not exist.\n"; exit(0);}
  ifile >> n;    ifile >> m; // first line have number of nodes and number of arcs
  if (m<0 || ifile.eof())
    { cout<<"File "<<filename<<" is not a digraph given by arcs.\n"; exit(0);}

  for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
    if (ifile.eof()) {cout<<"Reached unexpected end of file "<<filename<<".\n";exit(0);}
    while (STR=="") getline(ifile,STR);
      string token;
      istringstream ins; // Declare an input string stream.
      ins.str(STR);        // Specify string to read.
      int nt = 0;
      while( getline(ins, token, ' ') ) {
	// format: <node_name>  <pos_x>  <pos_y>   <is_terminal>
	if (nt==0) {
	  auto test = string2node.find(token);

	  if (test!=string2node.end()){cout<<"ERROR: Repeated node: "<<nomev<<endl;exit(0);}
	  v = g.addNode(); string2node[token] = v; vname[v] = token;}
	else if (nt==1) { posx[v] = atof(token.c_str());}
	else if (nt==2) { posy[v] = atof(token.c_str());}
    else if (nt==3) {
        if(atoi(token.c_str()) == 1)
            is_terminal[v] = true;
            is_terminal[v] = false;
  for (i=0;i<m;i++) {
    // format: <node_source>   <node_target>   <arc_weight>
    ifile >> nomeu;  ifile >> nomev; ifile >> peso;
    if (ifile.eof()) 
      {cout << "Reached unexpected end of file " <<filename << ".\n"; exit(0);}
    auto test = string2node.find(nomeu);
    if (test == string2node.end()) {cout<<"ERROR: Unknown node: "<<nomeu<<endl;exit(0);}
    else u = string2node[nomeu];
    test = string2node.find(nomev);
    if (test == string2node.end()) {cout<<"ERROR: Unknown node: "<<nomev<<endl;exit(0);}
    else v = string2node[nomev];
    a = g.addArc(u,v); weight[a] = peso;
    if (dupla) {a = g.addArc(v,u);   weight[a] = peso;}
int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // ------------------------------
    // --- INPUT - OUTPUT
    // ------------------------------
    string  sourceLGF, sourceTempEdge, target;
    ArgParser       ap( argc, argv);
    ap.refOption("g", "Graph file of LEMON GRAPH FORMAT", sourceLGF, true);
    ap.refOption("t", "Temporal active edges", sourceTempEdge, true);
    ap.refOption("n", "Target filename", target, true);

//    sourceLGF       = "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/02Sheep/Schaf_NEW.lgf";
//    sourceTempEdge  = "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/02Sheep/Schaf_NEW_time_tmpArcIDs.txt";
//        sourceLGF       = "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/03Pork/porkNEW_.lgf";
//        sourceTempEdge  = "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/03Pork/porkNEW__time_tmpArcIDs.txt";
//        target          = "Test";
    // ------------------------------
    // --- Graph creation
    // ------------------------------
    cout << "- READING\n";
    ListDigraph                    mGraph;
    try {
        digraphReader(mGraph, sourceLGF)
    } catch (lemon::Exception) {
        cerr << "Error reading";
    // ------------------------------
    // --- Temporal Edges
    // ------------------------------
    vector<int> times;
    boost::unordered_map< int,  vector<ListDigraph::Arc > >   mTimeToArcs;
    times = tempGR::readTemporalArcList(mGraph, mTimeToArcs, sourceTempEdge);
    // ------------------------------
    // --- Determine the components
    // ------------------------------
    cout << "- CALCULATION\n";
    ListDigraph::NodeMap<int>      mCompIds(mGraph);
    mapFill(mGraph, mCompIds, -1);
    int nrComponents        = connectedComponents( undirector( mGraph ), mCompIds );
    // Determine the ID with the biggest component
    vector<int>     mIDcount(nrComponents,0);
    for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mGraph); n!=INVALID; ++n) {
        mIDcount[ mCompIds[ n ] ]++;
    auto a = max_element( mIDcount.begin(), mIDcount.end() );
    int maxCompID = distance( mIDcount.begin(), a );

    cout << "Nodes: " << countNodes( mGraph ) << " components: " << countConnectedComponents( undirector( mGraph ) ) << endl;
    cout << "Max Comp ID: " << maxCompID << " size: " << *a << endl;
//    int i = 0;
//    for ( auto x : mIDcount ){
//    cout << "Comp ID: " << i++ << " size: " << x << endl;
//    }
    // ------------------------------
    // --- Mark nodes of the biggest component
    // ------------------------------
    cout << "- PROCESSING\n";
    vector< ListDigraph::Node >    eraseNodes;
    for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mGraph); n!=INVALID; ++n) {
        if ( mCompIds[ n ] != maxCompID) {
    cout << "The complete graph has " << countConnectedComponents( undirector( mGraph ) )
    << " components and " << countNodes(mGraph) << " nodes" <<  endl;
    // ------------------------------
    // --- erase the nodes
    // ------------------------------
    for (auto n : eraseNodes){
        mGraph.erase( n );
    cout << "The new graph has " << countConnectedComponents( undirector( mGraph ) )
    << " components and " << countNodes(mGraph) << " nodes" << endl;
    ListDigraph     newGraph;
    ListDigraph::ArcMap< ListDigraph::Arc >     arcRef( mGraph);
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< ListDigraph::Node>    nodeRef( mGraph );
    digraphCopy( mGraph, newGraph)
    .arcRef(arcRef)  // arcMap[ oldArc ] = newArc
    // ------------------------------
    // --- erase the invalid temporal edges
    // ------------------------------
    vector< vector< ListDigraph::Arc > >    newTempArcs;
    for (auto i : times){
        vector<ListDigraph::Arc>  validArcs;
        for (auto arc : mTimeToArcs[i]){
            if ( mGraph.valid( arc ) )
                validArcs.push_back( arcRef[ arc ] );
        newTempArcs.push_back( validArcs ); // assign new arc set
    // ------------------------------
    // --- save the static graph
    // ------------------------------
    cout << "- WRITING\n";
    string  pathLFG = target;
    pathLFG += "_LargesComponent.lfg";
    digraphWriter( mGraph, pathLFG)
//    .nodeMap("oldNodes", nodeRef)
//    .arcMap("oldArcs", arcRef)
    // ------------------------------
    // --- save the temporal arcs
    // ------------------------------
    string  pathTempArc = target;
    pathTempArc += "_LargesComponent_tempArcs.txt";
    tempGR::writeTempGraph<ListDigraph>( mGraph, newTempArcs, pathTempArc);
    cout << "- DONE\n";
int main( void ){
     --- Daten Anordnung ---
     From	To	Amount	Date
     560739	254569	7	2682
     913338	356536	1	3497
    string edgeListSource   = "TradingData.txt";
    string lemonFileTmp     = "DataTMP.lgf";
    string lemonFileOut     = "DataProcessed.lgf";
    boost::unordered_set< unsigned int >                        uniqueNodes; // Mathematische Menge (set) der Knoten
    boost::unordered_set< pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > >  uniqueArcs;  // Menge der Kanten (set von Knoten-Paaren)
    ifstream    myEdgeListFile( edgeListSource );
    string      foo;  // kill first line, because it has the header
    getline(myEdgeListFile, foo);    
    unsigned int from, to, amount, day;
    // Einlesen der Werte in die Menge. Paar-Erstellung.
    while ( myEdgeListFile.good() ){
        myEdgeListFile >> from;
        myEdgeListFile >> to;
        myEdgeListFile >> amount;
        myEdgeListFile >> day;
        uniqueNodes.insert( from );
        uniqueNodes.insert( to );
        uniqueArcs.insert( make_pair( from, to ) );
    cout << "Nodes: " << uniqueNodes.size() << " Arcs: " << uniqueArcs.size() << endl;;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Schreiben der LFG durch eigene Routine
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ofstream myLemonFile( lemonFileTmp );
    // ----- Nodes -----
    myLemonFile << "@nodes" << endl;
    myLemonFile << "label" << "\t" << "name" << endl;
    for (auto iter = uniqueNodes.begin(); iter != uniqueNodes.end(); iter++) {
        myLemonFile << *iter << "\t" 
        << *iter << endl;
    myLemonFile << endl << endl << "@arcs" << endl;
    myLemonFile << "\t\tfrom\tto" << endl;
    for (auto iterArcs = uniqueArcs.begin(); iterArcs  != uniqueArcs.end(); iterArcs++ ){
        myLemonFile << (*iterArcs).first    << "\t"         // Erster  Paar-Eintrag für LEMON, damit es mit den Nodes übereinstimmt
        << (*iterArcs).second    << "\t"
        << (*iterArcs).first    << "\t"         // Zweiter Paar-Eintrag erhält die alten IDs, damit die Daten nicht beim Umwandeln verloren gehen
        << (*iterArcs).second   << endl;
    // =========================================================================================
    // Create Graph and Format in a Lemon friendly way
    // Hier erhalten die Knoten und Kanten LEMON IDs
    ListDigraph myCulmiGraph;
    ListDigraph::NodeMap< unsigned int >    nameNodeMap( myCulmiGraph );
    ListDigraph::ArcMap< unsigned int >     fromNdArcMap( myCulmiGraph );
    ListDigraph::ArcMap< unsigned int>      toNdArcMap   ( myCulmiGraph );
    ListDigraph::ArcMap< bool >             activeArcsMap( myCulmiGraph );
    timeToActiveArcs    dayActivityArcIDs; //Menge an Zeitpunkten (int) und den dazu gehörigen aktiven Kanten (vec)
    boost::unordered_map< unsigned int, unsigned int >              origIDtoLemon;
    // Hier besitzen die Knoten & Kanten noch original IDs (name) 
    digraphReader( myCulmiGraph, lemonFileTmp)
    .nodeMap( "name", nameNodeMap )
    .arcMap( "from", fromNdArcMap )
    .arcMap( "to", toNdArcMap)
    cout << "LEMON - Nodes: " << countNodes( myCulmiGraph ) << " Arcs: " << countArcs( myCulmiGraph ) << endl;
    // Ausgabe der neuen LEMON IDs für Knoten und Kanten
    digraphWriter( myCulmiGraph, lemonFileOut)
    .nodeMap( "name", nameNodeMap )
    .arcMap( "from", fromNdArcMap )
    .arcMap( "to" , toNdArcMap )
    // =========================================================================================
    // Create HashMap of time and active arc pairs
    // Eine Map, die original KnotenIDs zu LEMON IDs zuweist (LemonMap Umkehr, statisch)
    // Nötig, da ich die orginalIDs aus der Ursprungsdatei einlese
    for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n( myCulmiGraph ) ; n!=INVALID; ++n) {
        origIDtoLemon[ nameNodeMap[ n ] ] = myCulmiGraph.id( n );
    myEdgeListFile.open( edgeListSource );
    getline(myEdgeListFile, foo);    
    // Einlesen der Werte in die Menge. Paar-Erstellung.
    while ( myEdgeListFile.good() ){
        myEdgeListFile >> from;
        myEdgeListFile >> to;
        myEdgeListFile >> amount;
        myEdgeListFile >> day;
        (dayActivityArcIDs[ day ]).push_back( findArc( myCulmiGraph,  myCulmiGraph.nodeFromId( origIDtoLemon[ from ] ), 
                                                      myCulmiGraph.nodeFromId( origIDtoLemon[ to   ] ) ) );
    // =========================================================================================
    // ==================    Dies art von Map kann über alle true Werte iterieren   ============
    IterableBoolMap< ListDigraph, ListDigraph::Arc >      myItBoolMap( myCulmiGraph, false );
    // =========================================================================================
    // =====================    Creating the NetEvo System   ==================
    System mapSys, odeSys;
    ActiveArcsInteractionMap interaction( myItBoolMap );
    SIRdynamic odeDyn( 10, 0.1 );
    mapSys.addNodeDynamic( &interaction );
    mapSys.copyDigraph( myCulmiGraph, "InteractionMap", "NoArcDynamic");
    odeSys.addNodeDynamic( & odeDyn );
    odeSys.copyDigraph( myCulmiGraph, "SIRdynamic", "NoArcDynamic");
    SimObserverToStream coutObserver(cout);
    SimObserver         nullObserver;
    ChangeLog           nullLogger;
    SimulateMap         simMap;
    SimulateOdeFixed    simODE( RK_4, 0.01 );
    State initial = State( mapSys.totalStates(), 1.0) ;
    initDegreeDistributed( mapSys, initial, 3, 10.0);
    Timer t;
    cout << "Days to calculate: " << dayActivityArcIDs.size() << endl;
    cout << "Starte Simulation!" << endl;
    for( int i = 1; i < dayActivityArcIDs.size() ; i++){
        setBoolMapOfDay( myItBoolMap, dayActivityArcIDs, i );
        //        cout << "Zeit: " << i << " Aktive Kanten: " << myItBoolMap.trueNum() << endl  << " ODE:" << endl;
        simODE.simulate( odeSys, 1, initial, nullObserver, nullLogger);
        simMap.simulate( mapSys, 1, initial, nullObserver, nullLogger);
    cout << "Laufzeit: " << t.realTime() << endl;