bool MayaPrimWriter::writePrimAttrs(const MDagPath &dagT, const UsdTimeCode &usdTime, UsdGeomImageable &primSchema) { MStatus status; MFnDependencyNode depFn(getDagPath().node()); MFnDependencyNode depFn2(dagT.node()); // optionally also scan a shape's transform if merging transforms if (getArgs().exportVisibility) { bool isVisible = true; // if BOTH shape or xform is animated, then visible bool isAnimated = false; // if either shape or xform is animated, then animated PxrUsdMayaUtil::getPlugValue(depFn, "visibility", &isVisible, &isAnimated); if ( dagT.isValid() ) { bool isVis, isAnim; if (PxrUsdMayaUtil::getPlugValue(depFn2, "visibility", &isVis, &isAnim)){ isVisible = isVisible and isVis; isAnimated = isAnimated or isAnim; } } TfToken const &visibilityTok = (isVisible ? UsdGeomTokens->inherited : UsdGeomTokens->invisible); if (usdTime.IsDefault() != isAnimated ) { if (usdTime.IsDefault()) primSchema.CreateVisibilityAttr(VtValue(visibilityTok), true); else primSchema.CreateVisibilityAttr().Set(visibilityTok, usdTime); } } UsdPrim usdPrim = primSchema.GetPrim(); // There is no Gprim abstraction in this module, so process the few // gprim attrs here. UsdGeomGprim gprim = UsdGeomGprim(usdPrim); if (gprim and usdTime.IsDefault()){ PxrUsdMayaPrimWriterContext* unused = NULL; PxrUsdMayaTranslatorGprim::Write( getDagPath().node(), gprim, unused); } _writeUsdInfo(dagT, usdTime, usdPrim); // Write user-tagged export attributes. Write attributes on the transform // first, and then attributes on the shape node. This means that attribute // name collisions will always be handled by taking the shape node's value // if we're merging transforms and shapes. if (dagT.isValid() and !(dagT == getDagPath())) { PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::WriteUserExportedAttributes(dagT, usdPrim, usdTime); } PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::WriteUserExportedAttributes(getDagPath(), usdPrim, usdTime); return true; }
void geometryReplicatorGeometryOverride::updateDG() { if (!fPath.isValid()) { MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode(fThisNode); MObject messageAttr = fnThisNode.attribute("message"); MPlug messagePlug(fThisNode, messageAttr); MPlugArray connections; if (messagePlug.connectedTo(connections, false, true)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < connections.length(); ++i) { MObject node = connections[i].node(); if (node.hasFn(MFn::kMesh) || node.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface) || node.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve) || node.hasFn(MFn::kBezierCurve)) { MDagPath path; MDagPath::getAPathTo(node, path); fPath = path; fType = path.apiType(); break; } } } } }
bool DX11ResourceManager::translateCamera( const MDagPath &cameraPath ) // // Description: // Translate Maya's camera // { bool translatedCamera = false; if (cameraPath.isValid()) { MStatus status; MFnCamera camera (cameraPath, &status); if ( !status ) { status.perror("MFnCamera constructor"); } else { translatedCamera = true; MPoint eyePoint = camera.eyePoint( MSpace::kWorld ); MPoint lookAtPt = camera.centerOfInterestPoint( MSpace::kWorld ); MVector upDirection = camera.upDirection ( MSpace::kWorld ); MFloatMatrix projMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix(); double horizontalFieldOfView = MAngle( /* camera.verticalFieldOfView() / */ camera.horizontalFieldOfView() ).asDegrees(); double nearClippingPlane = camera.nearClippingPlane(); double farClippingPlane = camera.farClippingPlane(); // Convert API values to internal native storage. // m_camera.m_vEyePt = XMFLOAT3((float)eyePoint.x, (float)eyePoint.y, (float)eyePoint.z); m_camera.m_vLookatPt = XMFLOAT3((float)lookAtPt.x, (float)lookAtPt.y, (float)lookAtPt.z); m_camera.m_vUpVec = XMFLOAT3((float)upDirection.x, (float)upDirection.y, (float)upDirection.z); m_camera.m_FieldOfView = (float)horizontalFieldOfView; m_camera.m_nearClip = (float)nearClippingPlane; m_camera.m_farClip = (float)farClippingPlane; m_camera.m_isOrtho = camera.isOrtho(); } } else { initializeDefaultCamera(); } return translatedCamera; }
MStatus InstanceCallbackCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; // Draw a circle and get its dagPath // using an iterator MGlobal::executeCommand("circle"); MFnNurbsCurve circle; MDagPath dagPath; MItDependencyNodes iter( MFn::kNurbsCurve , &status); for(iter.reset(); !iter.isDone() ; { MObject item = iter.item(); if(item.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve)) { circle.setObject(item); circle.getPath(dagPath); MGlobal::displayInfo("DAG_PATH is " + dagPath.fullPathName()); if(dagPath.isValid()) { // register callback for instance add AND remove // MDagMessage::addInstanceAddedCallback ( dagPath,addCallbackFunc, NULL, &status); MDagMessage::addInstanceRemovedCallback ( dagPath,remCallbackFunc, NULL, &status); MGlobal::displayInfo("CALLBACK ADDED FOR INSTANCE ADD/REMOVE"); } } } if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayInfo("STATUS RETURNED IS NOT SUCCESS"); } return status; }
void geometryReplicatorGeometryOverride::populateGeometry( const MGeometryRequirements& requirements, const MRenderItemList& renderItems, MGeometry& data) { if (!fPath.isValid()) return; // MGeometryExtractor::MGeometryExtractor. // here, fPath is the path of the linked object instead of the plugin node; it // is used to determine the right type of the geometry shape, e.g., polygon // or NURBS surface. // The sharing flag (true here) is just for the polygon shape. MStatus status; MPolyGeomOptions options = kPolyGeom_Normal; if( isBaseMesh() ) options = options|kPolyGeom_BaseMesh; MGeometryExtractor extractor(requirements, fPath, options, &status); if (MS::kFailure == status) return; // fill vertex buffer const MVertexBufferDescriptorList& descList = requirements.vertexRequirements(); for (int reqNum = 0; reqNum < descList.length(); ++reqNum) { MVertexBufferDescriptor desc; if (!descList.getDescriptor(reqNum, desc)) { continue; } switch (desc.semantic()) { case MGeometry::kPosition: case MGeometry::kNormal: case MGeometry::kTexture: case MGeometry::kTangent: case MGeometry::kBitangent: case MGeometry::kColor: { MVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = data.createVertexBuffer(desc); if (vertexBuffer) { // MGeometryExtractor::vertexCount and MGeometryExtractor::populateVertexBuffer. // since the plugin node has the same vertex data as its linked scene object, // call vertexCount to allocate vertex buffer of the same size, and then call // populateVertexBuffer to copy the data. unsigned int vertexCount = extractor.vertexCount(); float* data = (float*)vertexBuffer->acquire(vertexCount, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/); if (data) { status = extractor.populateVertexBuffer(data, vertexCount, desc); if (MS::kFailure == status) return; vertexBuffer->commit(data); } } } break; default: // do nothing for stuff we don't understand break; } } // fill index buffer for (int i = 0; i < renderItems.length(); ++i) { const MRenderItem* item = renderItems.itemAt(i); if (!item) continue; MIndexBuffer* indexBuffer = data.createIndexBuffer(MGeometry::kUnsignedInt32); if (!indexBuffer) continue; // MGeometryExtractor::primitiveCount and MGeometryExtractor::populateIndexBuffer. // since the plugin node has the same index data as its linked scene object, // call primitiveCount to allocate index buffer of the same size, and then call // populateIndexBuffer to copy the data. if (item->primitive() == MGeometry::kTriangles) { MIndexBufferDescriptor triangleDesc(MIndexBufferDescriptor::kTriangle, MString(), MGeometry::kTriangles, 3); unsigned int numTriangles = extractor.primitiveCount(triangleDesc); unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)indexBuffer->acquire(3 * numTriangles, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/); status = extractor.populateIndexBuffer(indices, numTriangles, triangleDesc); if (MS::kFailure == status) return; indexBuffer->commit(indices); } else if (item->primitive() == MGeometry::kLines) { MIndexBufferDescriptor edgeDesc(MIndexBufferDescriptor::kEdgeLine, MString(), MGeometry::kLines, 2); unsigned int numEdges = extractor.primitiveCount(edgeDesc); unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)indexBuffer->acquire(2 * numEdges, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/); status = extractor.populateIndexBuffer(indices, numEdges, edgeDesc); if (MS::kFailure == status) return; indexBuffer->commit(indices); } item->associateWithIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); } }
void geometryReplicatorGeometryOverride::updateRenderItems( const MDagPath& path, MRenderItemList& list) { if (!fPath.isValid()) return; MRenderer* renderer = MRenderer::theRenderer(); if (!renderer) return; const MShaderManager* shaderManager = renderer->getShaderManager(); if (!shaderManager) return; if (fType == MFn::kNurbsCurve || fType == MFn::kBezierCurve) { // add render items for drawing curve MRenderItem* curveItem = NULL; int index = list.indexOf("geometryReplicatorCurve"); if (index < 0) { curveItem = MRenderItem::Create("geometryReplicatorCurve", MRenderItem::NonMaterialSceneItem, MGeometry::kLines); curveItem->setDrawMode(MGeometry::kAll); list.append(curveItem); MShaderInstance* shader = shaderManager->getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dSolidShader); if (shader) { static const float theColor[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; shader->setParameter("solidColor", theColor); curveItem->setShader(shader); shaderManager->releaseShader(shader); } } else { curveItem = list.itemAt(index); } if (curveItem) { curveItem->enable(true); } } else if (fType == MFn::kMesh) { // add render item for drawing wireframe on the mesh MRenderItem* wireframeItem = NULL; int index = list.indexOf("geometryReplicatorWireframe"); if (index < 0) { wireframeItem = MRenderItem::Create("geometryReplicatorWireframe", MRenderItem::DecorationItem, MGeometry::kLines); wireframeItem->setDrawMode(MGeometry::kWireframe); wireframeItem->depthPriority(MRenderItem::sActiveWireDepthPriority); list.append(wireframeItem); MShaderInstance* shader = shaderManager->getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dSolidShader); if (shader) { static const float theColor[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; shader->setParameter("solidColor", theColor); wireframeItem->setShader(shader); shaderManager->releaseShader(shader); } } else { wireframeItem = list.itemAt(index); } if (wireframeItem) { wireframeItem->enable(true); } // disable StandardShadedItem if CPV is shown. bool showCPV = isCPVShown(); index = list.indexOf("StandardShadedItem", MGeometry::kTriangles, MGeometry::kShaded); if (index >= 0) { MRenderItem* shadedItem = list.itemAt(index); if (shadedItem) { shadedItem->enable(!showCPV); } } index = list.indexOf("StandardShadedItem", MGeometry::kTriangles, MGeometry::kTextured); if (index >= 0) { MRenderItem* shadedItem = list.itemAt(index); if (shadedItem) { shadedItem->enable(!showCPV); } } // add item for CPV. index = list.indexOf("geometryReplicatorCPV"); if (index >= 0) { MRenderItem* cpvItem = list.itemAt(index); if (cpvItem) { cpvItem->enable(showCPV); } } else { // if no cpv item and showCPV is true, created the cpv item. if (showCPV) { MRenderItem* cpvItem = MRenderItem::Create("geometryReplicatorCPV", MRenderItem::MaterialSceneItem, MGeometry::kTriangles); cpvItem->setDrawMode((MGeometry::DrawMode)(MGeometry::kShaded|MGeometry::kTextured)); list.append(cpvItem); MShaderInstance* shader = shaderManager->getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dCPVSolidShader); if (shader) { cpvItem->setShader(shader); if (cpvItem) { cpvItem->enable(true); } shaderManager->releaseShader(shader); } } } } }
ConstObjectPtr LiveScene::readAttribute( const Name &name, double time ) const { if ( !m_isRoot && m_dagPath.length() == 0 ) { throw Exception( "IECoreMaya::LiveScene::readAttribute: Dag path no longer exists!" ); } tbb::mutex::scoped_lock l( s_mutex ); if ( !m_isRoot ) { if( name == SceneInterface::visibilityName ) { bool visible = true; MStatus st; MFnDagNode dagFn( m_dagPath ); MPlug visibilityPlug = dagFn.findPlug( MPxTransform::visibility, &st ); if( st ) { visible = visibilityPlug.asBool(); } if( visible ) { MDagPath childDag; // find an object that's either a SceneShape, or has a cortex converter and check its visibility: unsigned int childCount = 0; m_dagPath.numberOfShapesDirectlyBelow(childCount); for ( unsigned int c = 0; c < childCount; c++ ) { MDagPath d = m_dagPath; if( d.extendToShapeDirectlyBelow( c ) ) { MFnDagNode fnChildDag(d); if( fnChildDag.typeId() == SceneShape::id ) { childDag = d; break; } if ( fnChildDag.isIntermediateObject() ) { continue; } FromMayaShapeConverterPtr shapeConverter = FromMayaShapeConverter::create( d ); if( shapeConverter ) { childDag = d; break; } FromMayaDagNodeConverterPtr dagConverter = FromMayaDagNodeConverter::create( d ); if( dagConverter ) { childDag = d; break; } } } if( childDag.isValid() ) { MFnDagNode dagFn( childDag ); MPlug visibilityPlug = dagFn.findPlug( MPxSurfaceShape::visibility, &st ); if( st ) { visible = visibilityPlug.asBool(); } } } return new BoolData( visible ); } } else if( name == SceneInterface::visibilityName ) { return new BoolData( true ); } std::vector< CustomAttributeReader > &attributeReaders = customAttributeReaders(); for ( std::vector< CustomAttributeReader >::const_reverse_iterator it = attributeReaders.rbegin(); it != attributeReaders.rend(); ++it ) { ConstObjectPtr attr = it->m_read( m_dagPath, name ); if( !attr ) { continue; } return attr; } if( strstr( name.c_str(), "user:"******"ieAttr_" + name.string().substr(5) ).c_str(), false, &st ); if( st ) { FromMayaConverterPtr plugConverter = FromMayaPlugConverter::create( attrPlug ); if( !plugConverter ) { return IECore::NullObject::defaultNullObject(); } return plugConverter->convert(); } } return IECore::NullObject::defaultNullObject(); }
bool DX11ViewportRenderer::drawScene(const MRenderingInfo &renderInfo) // // Description: // Draw the Maya scene, using a custom traverser. // { bool useDrawTraversal = true; float groundPlaneColor[3] = { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f }; if (useDrawTraversal) { const MDagPath &cameraPath = renderInfo.cameraPath(); if (cameraPath.isValid()) { // You can actually keep the traverser classes around // if desired. Here we just create temporary traversers // on the fly. // MDrawTraversal *trav = new MDrawTraversal; if (!trav) { MGlobal::displayWarning("DX11 renderer : failed to create a traversal class !\n"); return true; } trav->enableFiltering( false ); const MRenderTarget &renderTarget = renderInfo.renderTarget(); trav->setFrustum( cameraPath, renderTarget.width(), renderTarget.height() ); if (!trav->frustumValid()) { MGlobal::displayWarning("DX11 renderer : Frustum is invalid !\n"); return true; } trav->traverse(); unsigned int numItems = trav->numberOfItems(); unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<numItems; i++) { MDagPath path; trav->itemPath(i, path); if (path.isValid()) { bool drawIt = false; // Default traverer may have view manips showing up. // This is currently a known Maya bug. if ( path.hasFn( MFn::kViewManip )) continue; // // Draw surfaces (polys, nurbs, subdivs) // bool active = false; bool templated = false; if ( path.hasFn( MFn::kMesh) || path.hasFn( MFn::kNurbsSurface) || path.hasFn( MFn::kSubdiv) ) { drawIt = true; if (trav->itemHasStatus( i, MDrawTraversal::kActiveItem )) { active = true; } if (trav->itemHasStatus( i, MDrawTraversal::kTemplateItem )) { templated = true; } } // // Draw the ground plane // else if (path.hasFn( MFn::kSketchPlane ) || path.hasFn( MFn::kGroundPlane )) { MMatrix matrix = path.inclusiveMatrix(); MFnDagNode dagNode(path); MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox(); drawBounds( matrix, box, groundPlaneColor ); } if (drawIt) { drawSurface( path, active, templated ); } } } if (trav) delete trav; // Cleanup any unused resource items bool onlyInvalidItems = true; clearResources( onlyInvalidItems, false ); } } else { // Draw some poly bounding boxes // MItDag::TraversalType traversalType = MItDag::kDepthFirst; MFn::Type filter = MFn::kMesh; MStatus status; MItDag dagIterator( traversalType, filter, &status); for ( ; !dagIterator.isDone(); ) { MDagPath dagPath; status = dagIterator.getPath(dagPath); if ( !status ) { status.perror("MItDag::getPath"); continue; } MFnDagNode dagNode(dagPath, &status); if ( !status ) { status.perror("MFnDagNode constructor"); continue; } MMatrix matrix = dagPath.inclusiveMatrix(); MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox(); drawBounds( matrix, box, groundPlaneColor ); } } return true; }
MStatus dagMessageCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args) // // Takes the nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an // attriubte changed callback to each one. // { MStatus status; MSelectionList list; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); status = argData.getObjects(list); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { MGlobal::displayError("Error getting objects"); return status; } // Get the flags // bool allDagUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kAllDagFlag); bool parentAddedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kParentAddedFlag); bool parentRemovedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kParentRemovedFlag); bool childAddedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildAddedFlag); bool childRemovedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildRemovedFlag); bool childReorderedUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kChildReorderedFlag); bool helpUsed = argData.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag); bool nothingSet = ( !allDagUsed && !parentAddedUsed && !parentRemovedUsed && !childAddedUsed && !childRemovedUsed && !childReorderedUsed && !helpUsed); if (nothingSet) { MGlobal::displayError("A flag must be used. dagMessage -help for availible flags."); return MS::kFailure; } if (argData.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag)) { MGlobal::displayInfo("dagMessage -help"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\tdagMessage adds a callback to the selected nodes,"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\tor if no nodes are selected, to all nodes. The callback"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\tprints a message when called. When the plug-in is unloaded"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\tthe callbacks are removed."); MGlobal::displayInfo(""); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-h -help : This message is printed"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-ad -allDag : parent changes and child reorders"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-pa -parentAdded : A parent is added"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-pr -parentRemoved : A parent is removed"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-ca -childAdded : A child is added (only for individual nodes)"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-cr -childRemoved : A child is removed (only for individual nodes)"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-cro -childReordered : A child is reordered"); MGlobal::displayInfo(""); } unsigned nObjs = list.length(); if (nObjs == 0) { // Add the callback for all changes of the specified type. // if (allDagUsed) { MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesCallback(userDAGGenericCB, NULL, &status); if (status) { callbackIds.append( id ); MGlobal::displayInfo("Added a callback for all Dag changes on all nodes.\n"); } else { MGlobal::displayError("Could not add a -allDag callback"); return status; } } if (parentAddedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(NULL, MDagMessage::kParentAdded, MString(" parent added ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (parentRemovedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(NULL, MDagMessage::kParentRemoved, MString(" parent removed ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (childAddedUsed) { MGlobal::displayError("-childAdded can only be used when a node is selected"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (childRemovedUsed) { MGlobal::displayError("-childRemoved can only be used when a node is selected"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (childReorderedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(NULL, MDagMessage::kChildReordered, MString(" child reordered ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i< nObjs; i++) { MDagPath dagPath; list.getDagPath(i, dagPath); if (!dagPath.isValid()) { continue; } // Add the callback for all changes of the specified type. // if (allDagUsed) { MCallbackId id = MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesCallback(dagPath, userDAGGenericCB, NULL, &status); if (status) { callbackIds.append( id ); MString infoStr("Added a callback for all Dag changes on "); infoStr += dagPath.fullPathName(); MGlobal::displayInfo(infoStr); } else { MGlobal::displayError("Could not add a -allDag callback"); return status; } } if (parentAddedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, MDagMessage::kParentAdded, MString(" parent added ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (parentRemovedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, MDagMessage::kParentRemoved, MString(" parent removed ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (childAddedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, MDagMessage::kChildAdded, MString(" child added ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (childRemovedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, MDagMessage::kChildRemoved, MString(" child removed ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } if (childReorderedUsed) { status = addGenericCallback(&dagPath, MDagMessage::kChildReordered, MString(" child reordered ")); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { return status; } } } } return status; }
/* From the draw context, get the list of lights and queue the ones we are interested in into the "desired list" */ MStatus shadowPrepass::execute( const MHWRender::MDrawContext & context ) { MHWRender::MRenderer* theRenderer = MHWRender::MRenderer::theRenderer(); if (!theRenderer) return MStatus::kSuccess; // Skip lighting modes where there are no lights which can // cast shadows MHWRender::MDrawContext::LightingMode lightingMode = context.getLightingMode(); if (lightingMode != MHWRender::MDrawContext::kSelectedLights && lightingMode != MHWRender::MDrawContext::kSceneLights) { return MStatus::kSuccess; } MHWRender::MDrawContext::LightFilter lightFilter = MHWRender::MDrawContext::kFilteredIgnoreLightLimit; unsigned int nbSceneLights = context.numberOfActiveLights(lightFilter); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nbSceneLights; i++) { MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation* lightInfo = context.getLightParameterInformation( i, lightFilter ); if (!lightInfo) continue; // Get the actually Maya light node MStatus status = MStatus::kFailure; MDagPath lightPath = lightInfo->lightPath(&status); if (status != MStatus::kSuccess || !lightPath.isValid()) continue; // Would be good to have an API method here to indicate if it // casts shadows MIntArray intVals; // Check if light is enabled, and emits any lighting MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::StockParameterSemantic semantic = MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::kLightEnabled; if (MStatus::kSuccess == lightInfo->getParameter( semantic, intVals )) { if (intVals.length()) { if (intVals[0] == 0) continue; } } semantic = MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::kEmitsDiffuse; if (MStatus::kSuccess == lightInfo->getParameter( semantic, intVals )) { if (intVals.length()) { if (intVals[0] == 0) continue; } } semantic = MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::kEmitsSpecular; if (MStatus::kSuccess == lightInfo->getParameter( semantic, intVals )) { if (intVals.length()) { if (intVals[0] == 0) continue; } } // Check if local shadows are enabled. semantic = MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::kShadowOn; if (MStatus::kSuccess == lightInfo->getParameter( semantic, intVals )) { if (intVals.length()) { if (intVals[0] == 0) continue; } } // Check if the shadow is "dirty" bool shadowIsDirty = false; semantic = MHWRender::MLightParameterInformation::kShadowDirty; if (MStatus::kSuccess == lightInfo->getParameter( semantic, intVals )) { if (intVals.length()) { if (intVals[0] == 0) // continue; shadowIsDirty = intVals[0] != 0 ? true : false ; } } // Check the light list to prune, if not already pruned bool prune = false; if (lightingMode != MHWRender::MDrawContext::kSelectedLights) { if (mLightList && mLightList->length()) { prune = !mLightList->hasItem(lightInfo->lightPath()); } } static bool debugShadowRequests = false; // Set that we require shadows for this light if (!prune) { if (debugShadowRequests) fprintf(stderr, "QUEUE light shadows for %s, shadowDirty = %d\n", lightPath.fullPathName().asChar(), shadowIsDirty); theRenderer->setLightRequiresShadows( lightPath.node(), true ); } // Set that we DON'T require shadows for this light else { if (debugShadowRequests) fprintf(stderr, "DEQUEUE light shadows for %s, shadowDirty = %d\n", lightPath.fullPathName().asChar(), shadowIsDirty); theRenderer->setLightRequiresShadows( lightPath.node(), false ); } } return MStatus::kSuccess; }
MStatus AlembicExportCommand::doIt(const MArgList &args) { ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicExportCommand::doIt"); MStatus status = MS::kFailure; MTime currentAnimStartTime = MAnimControl::animationStartTime(), currentAnimEndTime = MAnimControl::animationEndTime(), oldCurTime = MAnimControl::currentTime(), curMinTime = MAnimControl::minTime(), curMaxTime = MAnimControl::maxTime(); MArgParser argData(syntax(), args, &status); if (argData.isFlagSet("help")) { // TODO: implement help for this command // MGlobal::displayInfo(util::getHelpText()); return MS::kSuccess; } unsigned int jobCount = argData.numberOfFlagUses("jobArg"); MStringArray jobStrings; if (jobCount == 0) { // TODO: display dialog MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] No jobs specified."); MPxCommand::setResult( "Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt: no job specified"); return status; } else { // get all of the jobstrings for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jobCount; i++) { MArgList jobArgList; argData.getFlagArgumentList("jobArg", i, jobArgList); jobStrings.append(jobArgList.asString(0)); } } // create a vector to store the jobs std::vector<AlembicWriteJob *> jobPtrs; double minFrame = 1000000.0; double maxFrame = -1000000.0; double maxSteps = 1; double maxSubsteps = 1; // init the curve accumulators AlembicCurveAccumulator::Initialize(); try { // for each job, check the arguments bool failure = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jobStrings.length(); ++i) { double frameIn = 1.0; double frameOut = 1.0; double frameSteps = 1.0; double frameSubSteps = 1.0; MString filename; bool purepointcache = false; bool normals = true; bool uvs = true; bool facesets = true; bool bindpose = true; bool dynamictopology = false; bool globalspace = false; bool withouthierarchy = false; bool transformcache = false; bool useInitShadGrp = false; bool useOgawa = false; // Later, will need to be changed! MStringArray objectStrings; std::vector<std::string> prefixFilters; std::set<std::string> attributes; std::vector<std::string> userPrefixFilters; std::set<std::string> userAttributes; MObjectArray objects; std::string search_str, replace_str; // process all tokens of the job MStringArray tokens; jobStrings[i].split(';', tokens); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tokens.length(); j++) { MStringArray valuePair; tokens[j].split('=', valuePair); if (valuePair.length() != 2) { MGlobal::displayWarning( "[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping invalid token: " + tokens[j]); continue; } const MString &lowerValue = valuePair[0].toLowerCase(); if (lowerValue == "in") { frameIn = valuePair[1].asDouble(); } else if (lowerValue == "out") { frameOut = valuePair[1].asDouble(); } else if (lowerValue == "step") { frameSteps = valuePair[1].asDouble(); } else if (lowerValue == "substep") { frameSubSteps = valuePair[1].asDouble(); } else if (lowerValue == "normals") { normals = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "uvs") { uvs = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "facesets") { facesets = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "bindpose") { bindpose = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "purepointcache") { purepointcache = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "dynamictopology") { dynamictopology = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "globalspace") { globalspace = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "withouthierarchy") { withouthierarchy = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "transformcache") { transformcache = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "filename") { filename = valuePair[1]; } else if (lowerValue == "objects") { // try to find each object valuePair[1].split(',', objectStrings); } else if (lowerValue == "useinitshadgrp") { useInitShadGrp = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } // search/replace else if (lowerValue == "search") { search_str = valuePair[1].asChar(); } else if (lowerValue == "replace") { replace_str = valuePair[1].asChar(); } else if (lowerValue == "ogawa") { useOgawa = valuePair[1].asInt() != 0; } else if (lowerValue == "attrprefixes") { splitListArg(valuePair[1], prefixFilters); } else if (lowerValue == "attrs") { splitListArg(valuePair[1], attributes); } else if (lowerValue == "userattrprefixes") { splitListArg(valuePair[1], userPrefixFilters); } else if (lowerValue == "userattrs") { splitListArg(valuePair[1], userAttributes); } else { MGlobal::displayWarning( "[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping invalid token: " + tokens[j]); continue; } } // now check the object strings for (unsigned int k = 0; k < objectStrings.length(); k++) { MSelectionList sl; MString objectString = objectStrings[k]; sl.add(objectString); MDagPath dag; for (unsigned int l = 0; l < sl.length(); l++) { sl.getDagPath(l, dag); MObject objRef = dag.node(); if (objRef.isNull()) { MGlobal::displayWarning("[ExocortexAlembic] Skipping object '" + objectStrings[k] + "', not found."); break; } // get all parents MObjectArray parents; // check if this is a camera bool isCamera = false; for (unsigned int m = 0; m < dag.childCount(); ++m) { MFnDagNode child(dag.child(m)); MFn::Type ctype = child.object().apiType(); if (ctype == MFn::kCamera) { isCamera = true; break; } } if (dag.node().apiType() == MFn::kTransform && !isCamera && !globalspace && !withouthierarchy) { MDagPath ppath = dag; while (!ppath.node().isNull() && ppath.length() > 0 && ppath.isValid()) { parents.append(ppath.node()); if (ppath.pop() != MStatus::kSuccess) { break; } } } else { parents.append(dag.node()); } // push all parents in while (parents.length() > 0) { bool found = false; for (unsigned int m = 0; m < objects.length(); m++) { if (objects[m] == parents[parents.length() - 1]) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { objects.append(parents[parents.length() - 1]); } parents.remove(parents.length() - 1); } // check all of the shapes below if (!transformcache) { sl.getDagPath(l, dag); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < dag.childCount(); m++) { MFnDagNode child(dag.child(m)); if (child.isIntermediateObject()) { continue; } objects.append(child.object()); } } } } // check if we have incompatible subframes if (maxSubsteps > 1.0 && frameSubSteps > 1.0) { const double part = (frameSubSteps > maxSubsteps) ? (frameSubSteps / maxSubsteps) : (maxSubsteps / frameSubSteps); if (abs(part - floor(part)) > 0.001) { MString frameSubStepsStr, maxSubstepsStr; frameSubStepsStr.set(frameSubSteps); maxSubstepsStr.set(maxSubsteps); MGlobal::displayError( "[ExocortexAlembic] You cannot combine substeps " + frameSubStepsStr + " and " + maxSubstepsStr + " in one export. Aborting."); return MStatus::kInvalidParameter; } } // remember the min and max values for the frames if (frameIn < minFrame) { minFrame = frameIn; } if (frameOut > maxFrame) { maxFrame = frameOut; } if (frameSteps > maxSteps) { maxSteps = frameSteps; } if (frameSteps > 1.0) { frameSubSteps = 1.0; } if (frameSubSteps > maxSubsteps) { maxSubsteps = frameSubSteps; } // check if we have a filename if (filename.length() == 0) { MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] No filename specified."); for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) { delete (jobPtrs[k]); } MPxCommand::setResult( "Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt: no filename " "specified"); return MStatus::kFailure; } // construct the frames MDoubleArray frames; { const double frameIncr = frameSteps / frameSubSteps; for (double frame = frameIn; frame <= frameOut; frame += frameIncr) { frames.append(frame); } } AlembicWriteJob *job = new AlembicWriteJob(filename, objects, frames, useOgawa, prefixFilters, attributes, userPrefixFilters, userAttributes); job->SetOption("exportNormals", normals ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportUVs", uvs ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportFaceSets", facesets ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportInitShadGrp", useInitShadGrp ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportBindPose", bindpose ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportPurePointCache", purepointcache ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("exportDynamicTopology", dynamictopology ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("indexedNormals", "1"); job->SetOption("indexedUVs", "1"); job->SetOption("exportInGlobalSpace", globalspace ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("flattenHierarchy", withouthierarchy ? "1" : "0"); job->SetOption("transformCache", transformcache ? "1" : "0"); // check if the search/replace strings are valid! if (search_str.length() ? !replace_str.length() : replace_str.length()) // either search or // replace string is // missing or empty! { ESS_LOG_WARNING( "Missing search or replace parameter. No strings will be " "replaced."); job->replacer = SearchReplace::createReplacer(); } else { job->replacer = SearchReplace::createReplacer(search_str, replace_str); } // check if the job is satifsied if (job->PreProcess() != MStatus::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] Job skipped. Not satisfied."); delete (job); failure = true; break; } // push the job to our registry MGlobal::displayInfo("[ExocortexAlembic] Using WriteJob:" + jobStrings[i]); jobPtrs.push_back(job); } if (failure) { for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) { delete (jobPtrs[k]); } return MS::kFailure; } // compute the job count unsigned int jobFrameCount = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < jobPtrs.size(); i++) jobFrameCount += (unsigned int)jobPtrs[i]->GetNbObjects() * (unsigned int)jobPtrs[i]->GetFrames().size(); // now, let's run through all frames, and process the jobs const double frameRate = MTime(1.0, MTime::kSeconds).as(MTime::uiUnit()); const double incrSteps = maxSteps / maxSubsteps; double nextFrame = minFrame + incrSteps; for (double frame = minFrame; frame <= maxFrame; frame += incrSteps, nextFrame += incrSteps) { MAnimControl::setCurrentTime(MTime(frame / frameRate, MTime::kSeconds)); MAnimControl::setAnimationEndTime( MTime(nextFrame / frameRate, MTime::kSeconds)); MAnimControl::playForward(); // this way, it forces Maya to play exactly // one frame! and particles are updated! AlembicCurveAccumulator::StartRecordingFrame(); for (size_t i = 0; i < jobPtrs.size(); i++) { MStatus status = jobPtrs[i]->Process(frame); if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("[ExocortexAlembic] Job aborted :" + jobPtrs[i]->GetFileName()); for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) { delete (jobPtrs[k]); } restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime, curMinTime, curMaxTime); return status; } } AlembicCurveAccumulator::StopRecordingFrame(); } } catch (...) { MGlobal::displayError( "[ExocortexAlembic] Jobs aborted, force closing all archives!"); for (std::vector<AlembicWriteJob *>::iterator beg = jobPtrs.begin(); beg != jobPtrs.end(); ++beg) { (*beg)->forceCloseArchive(); } restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime, curMinTime, curMaxTime); MPxCommand::setResult("Error caught in AlembicExportCommand::doIt"); status = MS::kFailure; } MAnimControl::stop(); AlembicCurveAccumulator::Destroy(); // restore the animation start/end time and the current time! restoreOldTime(currentAnimStartTime, currentAnimEndTime, oldCurTime, curMinTime, curMaxTime); // delete all jobs for (size_t k = 0; k < jobPtrs.size(); k++) { delete (jobPtrs[k]); } // remove all known archives deleteAllArchives(); return status; }
/* Draw a scene full of bounding boxes */ bool MCustomSceneDraw::draw(MDagPath &cameraPath, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { if (!cameraPath.isValid()) return false; MDrawTraversal *trav = NULL; trav = new MSurfaceDrawTraversal; if (!trav) return false; trav->enableFiltering( true ); trav->setFrustum( cameraPath, width, height ); if (!trav->frustumValid()) { delete trav; trav = NULL; return false; } trav->traverse(); unsigned int numItems = trav->numberOfItems(); unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<numItems; i++) { MDagPath path; trav->itemPath(i, path); if (path.isValid()) { bool drawIt = false; // // Draw surfaces (polys, nurbs, subdivs) // if ( path.hasFn( MFn::kMesh) || path.hasFn( MFn::kNurbsSurface) || path.hasFn( MFn::kSubdiv) ) { drawIt = true; if (trav->itemHasStatus( i, MDrawTraversal::kActiveItem )) { gGLFT->glColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); } else if (trav->itemHasStatus( i, MDrawTraversal::kTemplateItem )) { gGLFT->glColor3f( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); } else { if (path.hasFn( MFn::kMesh )) gGLFT->glColor3f( 0.286f, 0.706f, 1.0f ); else if (path.hasFn( MFn::kNurbsSurface)) gGLFT->glColor3f( 0.486f, 0.306f, 1.0f ); else gGLFT->glColor3f( 0.886f, 0.206f, 1.0f ); } } if (drawIt) { MFnDagNode dagNode(path); MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox(); drawBounds( path, box ); } } } if (trav) { delete trav; trav = NULL; } return true; }
MStatus testExCameraSetCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args) // // Parses the given command line arguments and executes them. // { MStatus status = parseArgs(args); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("Error parsing argument list"); return status; } bool nothingSet = ( !createUsed && !appendCameraUsed && !appendCameraAndSetUsed && !deleteLayerUsed && !cameraUsed && !layerUsed && !helpUsed && !setUsed && !layerTypeUsed && !numLayersUsed); if (nothingSet) { MGlobal::displayError("A flag must be used. testCameraSet -help for availible flags."); return MS::kFailure; } if (helpUsed) { MGlobal::displayInfo("testExCameraSet -help"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\ttestExCameraSet tests the functionality of the exCameraSet node."); MGlobal::displayInfo(""); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-h -help : This message is printed"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-a -active [true/false]: Set/get whether a particular layer is active"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-ac -appendCamera <cameraName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-acs -appendCameraAndSet <cameraName> <setName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera and set"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-cam -camera [<cameraName>]: Set/get the camera for a particular layer"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-c -create : Create a new cameraSet node"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-d -deleteLayer <layerIndex>: Delete the layer at the given index"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-nl -numLayers: Returns the number of layers defined in the specified cameraSet"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-l -layer <layerIndex>: Specifies the layer index to be used when accessing layer information"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-lt -layerType [<layerTypeName>]: Set/get the layer type for a particular layer. Possible values are Mono, Left, and Right."); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-s -set [<setName>]: Set/get the set for a particular layer"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-e -edit : Perform an edit operation"); MGlobal::displayInfo("\t-q -query : Perform a query operation"); MGlobal::displayInfo(""); } unsigned nObjs = list.length(); if (nObjs == 0) { if (createUsed) { // Create a new cameraSet node. MFnDependencyNode dirFn; MString noName; MObject dirObj = dirFn.create(exCameraSet::id, noName, &status); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayError("Could not create a cameraSet node"); return status; } MGlobal::select(dirObj, MGlobal::kReplaceList); return status; } if (appendCameraUsed || appendCameraAndSetUsed || deleteLayerUsed || editUsed || cameraUsed || setUsed || layerTypeUsed || activeUsed || numLayersUsed) { MGlobal::displayError("Must specify a cameraSet node"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } } else { if (createUsed) { MGlobal::displayError("-create cannot have any object specifed"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (appendCameraUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCamera must have a single cameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCamera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. MSelectionList camList; camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath; camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid()) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCamera must have a valid camera node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, MObject::kNullObj); return status; } if (appendCameraAndSetUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCameraAndSet must have a single cameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. MSelectionList camList; camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath; camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid()) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid camera node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified set node. MSelectionList setList; setList.add(setName); MObject setObj = MObject::kNullObj; setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject::kNullObj) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid set node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, setObj); return status; } if (deleteLayerUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { MGlobal::displayError("-deleteLayer must have a single cameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-deleteLayer must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to delete the layer. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.deleteLayer(cameraLayer); return status; } if (numLayersUsed) { if (queryUsed) { // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-numLayers must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the number of layers. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); unsigned int numLayers = dirFn.getNumLayers(&status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) MGlobal::displayError("Error getting the number of layers"); setResult((int)numLayers); } else { MGlobal::displayError("-numLayers requires the query flag to be used"); status = MS::kFailure; } return status; } if (cameraUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { MGlobal::displayError("-camera must have a cameraSet node and layer specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-camera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (editUsed) { // Get a dag path to the specified camera. MSelectionList camList; camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath; camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid()) { MGlobal::displayError("-camera must have a valid camera node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the camera. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerCamera((unsigned int)cameraLayer, camPath); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the camera. MDagPath camPath; MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); status = dirFn.getLayerCamera((unsigned int)cameraLayer, camPath); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MObject camNode = camPath.node(); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(camNode); setResult(; } else setResult(""); } } if (setUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { MGlobal::displayError("-set must have a cameraSet node and layer specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-set must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (editUsed) { // Get the specified set node. MObject setObj = MObject::kNullObj; if (setName != "") { MSelectionList setList; setList.add(setName); setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject::kNullObj) { MGlobal::displayError("-set must have a valid set node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerSceneData((unsigned int)cameraLayer, setObj); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the set node. MObject setObj; MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); status = dirFn.getLayerSceneData((unsigned int)cameraLayer, setObj); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(setObj); setResult(; } else setResult(""); } } if (layerTypeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { MGlobal::displayError("-layerType must have a cameraSet node and layer specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-layerType must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(dirNode); exCameraSet *exDir = (exCameraSet *)nodeFn.userNode(); if (editUsed) { // Get the specified layer type. int pt = -1; if (layerTypeVal == "Mono") pt = 0; else if (layerTypeVal == "Left") pt = 1; else if (layerTypeVal == "Right") pt = 2; else { MGlobal::displayError("-layerType must have a valid type specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Call the exCameraSet method to set the layer type. exDir->setLayerType((unsigned int)cameraLayer, pt); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the exCameraSet method to get the layer type. int lt; status = exDir->getLayerType((unsigned int)cameraLayer, lt); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { if (lt == 0) setResult("Mono"); else if (lt == 1) setResult("Left"); else if (lt == 2) setResult("Right"); } else { MGlobal::displayError("exCameraSet node does not have a valid layer type"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } } } if (activeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { MGlobal::displayError("-active must have a cameraSet node and layer specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } // Get the specified cameraSet node. MObject dirNode = MObject::kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { MGlobal::displayError("-active must have a valid exCameraSet node specified"); status = MS::kFailure; return status; } if (editUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerActive((unsigned int)cameraLayer, activeVal); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the active value. MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MFnCameraSet dirFn(dirNode); activeVal = dirFn.isLayerActive((unsigned int)cameraLayer, &stat); if (stat == MS::kSuccess) setResult(activeVal); else MGlobal::displayError("Could not get active value"); } } } return status; }