    // Description:
    //  this method is called when the plug-in is unloaded from Maya. It
    //  deregisters all of the services that it was providing.
    // Arguments:
    //  obj - a handle to the plug-in object (use MFnPlugin to access it)
    MStatus MLL_EXPORT uninitializePlugin ( MObject obj )
        MStatus   status;
        MFnPlugin plugin ( obj );

        // Add plug-in feature de-registration here

        // Export plug-in
        status = plugin.deregisterFileTranslator ( COLLADAMaya::COLLADA_EXPORTER );
        if ( !status )
            status.perror ( "deregisterFileTranslator" );
            MGlobal::displayWarning ( MString ( "Unable to unregister OpenCOLLADA exporter: " ) + status );
            return status;

        // Import plug-in
        status = plugin.deregisterFileTranslator ( COLLADAMaya::COLLADA_IMPORTER );
        if ( !status )
            status.perror ( "deregisterFileTranslator" );
            MGlobal::displayWarning ( MString ( "Unable to unregister OpenCOLLADA importer: " ) + status );
            return status;

        // Disable the shared-reference node options.
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( "optionVar -iv \"referenceOptionsSharedReference\" 0;" );
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( "optionVar -iv \"referenceOptionsShareDisplayLayers\" 0;" );
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( "optionVar -iv \"referenceOptionsShareShaders\" 0;" );
#endif // MAYA 8.0 and 8.5

#ifdef _DEBUG
        // Stop the error logging

        return status;
Example #2
// Shouldn't be any C functions trying to call us, should there?
/*extern "C" */MStatus uninitializePlugin ( MObject obj )
	MStatus         status;
	MFnPlugin       plugin (obj);

	status = plugin.deregisterFileTranslator ("GE2");
	if (!status)
		status.perror ("deregisterFileTranslator");
		return status;

	return status;
Example #3
MStatus uninitializePlugin (MObject obj)
  MFnPlugin plug (obj);
  plug.deregisterFileTranslator ("Adventure");
  return MS::kSuccess;
// Deregister
MStatus CVsMayaMPxFileTranslator::Deregister(
	MFnPlugin &pluginFn,
	const MString &name )
	return pluginFn.deregisterFileTranslator( name );