    // Retrieve the bind pose for a controller/joint std::pair
    MMatrix DagHelper::getBindPoseInverse ( const MObject& controller, const MObject& influence )
        MStatus status;
        if ( controller.apiType() == MFn::kSkinClusterFilter )
            MFnSkinCluster controllerFn ( controller );

            // Find the correct index for the pre-bind matrix
            uint index = controllerFn.indexForInfluenceObject ( MDagPath::getAPathTo ( influence ), &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MMatrix::identity;

            MPlug preBindMatrixPlug = controllerFn.findPlug ( "bindPreMatrix", &status );
            preBindMatrixPlug = preBindMatrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex ( index, &status );
            if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess ) return MMatrix::identity;

            // Get the plug's matrix
            MMatrix ret;
            if ( !DagHelper::getPlugValue ( preBindMatrixPlug, ret ) ) return MMatrix::identity;

            return ret;

        else if ( controller.apiType() == MFn::kJointCluster )
            MMatrix ret;
            DagHelper::getPlugValue ( influence, "bindPose", ret );
            return ret.inverse();

        else return MMatrix::identity;
void skinClusterWeights::populateInfluenceIndexArray(MFnSkinCluster &skinClusterFn, MIntArray &influenceIndexArray)
   MStatus status;

   MIntArray  allIndexArray;
   MDagPathArray pathArray;
   skinClusterFn.influenceObjects(pathArray, &status);
   for (unsigned j = 0; j < pathArray.length(); j++) {

   if (influenceArray.length() > 0) {
        // Add the influence indices for the influence objects specified in the cmd
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < influenceArray.length(); j++) {
	    unsigned int index = skinClusterFn.indexForInfluenceObject(influenceArray[j], &status);
	    for (unsigned k = 0; k < allIndexArray.length(); k++) {
	        if ((int)index == allIndexArray[k]) {
    } else {
        // Add the influence indices for all the influence objects of the skinCluster
	for (unsigned j = 0; j < allIndexArray.length(); j++) {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    void SceneGraph::addForcedNodes ( const MDagPath& dagPath )
        MFnMesh meshFn ( dagPath );

        // Iterate upstream finding all the nodes which affect the mesh.
        MStatus stat;
        MPlug plug = meshFn.findPlug ( ATTR_IN_MESH );
        if ( plug.isConnected() )
            MItDependencyGraph dependGraphIter ( plug,
                                                 &stat );

            if ( stat == MS::kSuccess )
                for ( ; ! dependGraphIter.isDone(); dependGraphIter.next() )
                    MObject thisNode = dependGraphIter.thisNode();
                    MFn::Type type = thisNode.apiType();

                    if ( thisNode.apiType() == MFn::kSkinClusterFilter )
                        MFnSkinCluster clusterFn ( thisNode );
                        MDagPathArray jointPaths;
                        clusterFn.influenceObjects ( jointPaths, &stat );
                        if ( stat == MS::kSuccess )
                            uint count = jointPaths.length();
                            for ( uint i = 0; i < count; ++i ) appendForcedNodeToList ( jointPaths[i] );
                    else if ( thisNode.apiType() == MFn::kJointCluster )
                        MObject joint = DagHelper::getNodeConnectedTo ( thisNode, ATTR_MATRIX );
                        MDagPath jointPath = MDagPath::getAPathTo ( joint );
                        appendForcedNodeToList ( jointPath );