int SCHED_CONFIG::parse(FILE* f) { char buf[256]; MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); int retval, itemp; regex_t re; double x; mf.init_file(f); memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ban_os = new vector<regex_t>; ban_cpu = new vector<regex_t>; locality_scheduling_workunit_file = new vector<regex_t>; locality_scheduling_sticky_file = new vector<regex_t>; max_wus_to_send = 10; default_disk_max_used_gb = 100.; default_disk_max_used_pct = 50.; default_disk_min_free_gb = .001; sched_debug_level = MSG_NORMAL; fuh_debug_level = MSG_NORMAL; strcpy(httpd_user, "apache"); max_ncpus = MAX_NCPUS; scheduler_log_buffer = 32768; version_select_random_factor = .1; if (!xp.parse_start("boinc")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; if (!xp.parse_start("config")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { fprintf(stderr, "SCHED_CONFIG::parse(): unexpected text %s\n", xp.parsed_tag ); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/config")) { char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); if (!strcmp(hostname, db_host)) strcpy(db_host, "localhost"); if (!strlen(replica_db_host)) { strcpy(replica_db_host, db_host); } if (!strlen(replica_db_name)) { strcpy(replica_db_name, db_name); } if (!strlen(replica_db_user)) { strcpy(replica_db_user, db_user); } if (!strlen(replica_db_passwd)) { strcpy(replica_db_passwd, db_passwd); } return 0; } if (xp.parse_str("master_url", master_url, sizeof(master_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("long_name", long_name, sizeof(long_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("db_name", db_name, sizeof(db_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("db_user", db_user, sizeof(db_user))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("db_passwd", db_passwd, sizeof(db_passwd))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("db_host", db_host, sizeof(db_host))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("replica_db_name", replica_db_name, sizeof(replica_db_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("replica_db_user", replica_db_user, sizeof(replica_db_user))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("replica_db_passwd", replica_db_passwd, sizeof(replica_db_passwd))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("replica_db_host", replica_db_host, sizeof(replica_db_host))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("project_dir", project_dir, sizeof(project_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_int("shmem_key", shmem_key)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("key_dir", key_dir, sizeof(key_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("download_url", download_url, sizeof(download_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("download_dir", download_dir, sizeof(download_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("upload_url", upload_url, sizeof(upload_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("upload_dir", upload_dir, sizeof(upload_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("non_cpu_intensive", non_cpu_intensive)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("verify_files_on_app_start", verify_files_on_app_start)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("homogeneous_redundancy", homogeneous_redundancy)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("hr_allocate_slots", hr_allocate_slots)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("msg_to_host", msg_to_host)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("ignore_upload_certificates", ignore_upload_certificates)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("dont_generate_upload_certificates", dont_generate_upload_certificates)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("uldl_dir_fanout", uldl_dir_fanout)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("cache_md5_info", cache_md5_info)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("fuh_debug_level", fuh_debug_level)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("reliable_priority_on_over", reliable_priority_on_over)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("reliable_priority_on_over_except_error", reliable_priority_on_over_except_error)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("reliable_on_priority", reliable_on_priority)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("grace_period_hours", x)) { report_grace_period = (int)(x*3600); continue; } if (xp.parse_int("report_grace_period", report_grace_period)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("delete_delay_hours", x)) { delete_delay = x*3600; continue; } if (xp.parse_bool("distinct_beta_apps", distinct_beta_apps)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("ended", ended)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("shmem_work_items", shmem_work_items)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("feeder_query_size", feeder_query_size)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("httpd_user", httpd_user, sizeof(httpd_user))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("enable_vda", enable_vda)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("vda_host_timeout", vda_host_timeout)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("enable_assignment", enable_assignment)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("enable_assignment_multi", enable_assignment_multi)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("job_size_matching", job_size_matching)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("dont_send_jobs", dont_send_jobs)) continue; //////////// STUFF RELEVANT ONLY TO SCHEDULER STARTS HERE /////// if (xp.parse_str("ban_cpu", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { ban_cpu->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_str("ban_os", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { ban_os->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_int("dont_search_host_for_user", retval)) { dont_search_host_for_userid.push_back(retval); continue; } if (xp.parse_int("daily_result_quota", daily_result_quota)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("default_disk_max_used_gb", default_disk_max_used_gb)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("default_disk_max_used_pct", default_disk_max_used_pct)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("default_disk_min_free_gb", default_disk_min_free_gb)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("dont_store_success_stderr", dont_store_success_stderr)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("file_deletion_strategy", file_deletion_strategy)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("gpu_multiplier", gpu_multiplier)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("ignore_delay_bound", ignore_delay_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("locality_scheduling", locality_scheduling)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("locality_scheduler_fraction", locality_scheduler_fraction)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("locality_scheduling_sorted_order", locality_scheduling_sorted_order)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("locality_scheduling_wait_period", locality_scheduling_wait_period)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("locality_scheduling_send_timeout", locality_scheduling_send_timeout)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("locality_scheduling_workunit_file", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { locality_scheduling_workunit_file->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_str("locality_scheduling_sticky_file", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { locality_scheduling_sticky_file->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_bool("matchmaker", matchmaker)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("max_ncpus", max_ncpus)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("max_wus_in_progress", itemp)) { max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.cpu.base_limit = itemp; max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.cpu.per_proc = true; continue; } if (xp.parse_int("max_wus_in_progress_gpu", itemp)) { max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.gpu.base_limit = itemp; max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.gpu.per_proc = true; continue; } if (xp.parse_int("max_results_accepted", max_results_accepted)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("max_wus_to_send", max_wus_to_send)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("min_core_client_version", min_core_client_version)) { if (min_core_client_version && min_core_client_version < 10000) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "min_core_client_version too small; multiplying by 100\n" ); min_core_client_version *= 100; } continue; } if (xp.parse_int("min_core_client_version_announced", min_core_client_version_announced)) { if (min_core_client_version_announced && min_core_client_version_announced < 10000) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "min_core_client_version_announced too small; multiplying by 100\n" ); min_core_client_version_announced *= 100; } continue; } if (xp.parse_int("min_core_client_upgrade_deadline", min_core_client_upgrade_deadline)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("min_sendwork_interval", min_sendwork_interval)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("mm_min_slots", mm_min_slots)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("mm_max_slots", mm_max_slots)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("next_rpc_delay", next_rpc_delay)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("no_amd_k6", no_amd_k6)) { if (no_amd_k6) { regcomp(&re, ".*AMD.*\t.*Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 0.*", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); ban_cpu->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_bool("no_vista_sandbox", no_vista_sandbox)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("nowork_skip", nowork_skip)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("one_result_per_host_per_wu", one_result_per_host_per_wu)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("one_result_per_user_per_wu", one_result_per_user_per_wu)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("reliable_max_avg_turnaround", reliable_max_avg_turnaround)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("reliable_max_error_rate", reliable_max_error_rate)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("reliable_reduced_delay_bound", reliable_reduced_delay_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("replace_download_url_by_timezone", replace_download_url_by_timezone, sizeof(replace_download_url_by_timezone))) continue; if (xp.parse_int("max_download_urls_per_file", max_download_urls_per_file)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("report_max", report_max)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("request_time_stats_log", request_time_stats_log)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("resend_lost_results", resend_lost_results)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("sched_debug_level", sched_debug_level)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("scheduler_log_buffer", scheduler_log_buffer)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("sched_lockfile_dir", sched_lockfile_dir, sizeof(sched_lockfile_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("send_result_abort", send_result_abort)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("symstore", symstore, sizeof(symstore))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("user_filter", user_filter)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("workload_sim", workload_sim)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("prefer_primary_platform", prefer_primary_platform)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("version_select_random_factor", version_select_random_factor)) continue; //////////// SCHEDULER LOG FLAGS ///////// if (xp.parse_bool("debug_array", debug_array)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_assignment", debug_assignment)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_credit", debug_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_edf_sim_detail", debug_edf_sim_detail)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_edf_sim_workload", debug_edf_sim_workload)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_fcgi", debug_fcgi)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_handle_results", debug_handle_results)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_locality", debug_locality)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_prefs", debug_prefs)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_quota", debug_quota)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_request_details", debug_request_details)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_request_headers", debug_request_headers)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_resend", debug_resend)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_send", debug_send)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_user_messages", debug_user_messages)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_vda", debug_vda)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("debug_version_select", debug_version_select)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("debug_req_reply_dir", debug_req_reply_dir, sizeof(debug_req_reply_dir))) continue; // don't complain about unparsed XML; // there are lots of tags the scheduler doesn't know about xp.skip_unexpected(false, "SCHED_CONFIG::parse"); } return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// Write a scheduler request to a disk file, // to be sent to a scheduling server // int CLIENT_STATE::make_scheduler_request(PROJECT* p) { char buf[1024]; MIOFILE mf; unsigned int i; RESULT* rp; get_sched_request_filename(*p, buf, sizeof(buf)); FILE* f = boinc_fopen(buf, "wb"); if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN; double trs = total_resource_share(); double rrs = runnable_resource_share(RSC_TYPE_ANY); double prrs = potentially_runnable_resource_share(); double resource_share_fraction, rrs_fraction, prrs_fraction; if (trs) { resource_share_fraction = p->resource_share / trs; } else { resource_share_fraction = 1; } if (rrs) { rrs_fraction = p->resource_share / rrs; } else { rrs_fraction = 1; } if (prrs) { prrs_fraction = p->resource_share / prrs; } else { prrs_fraction = 1; } // if hostid is zero, rpc_seqno better be also // if (!p->hostid) { p->rpc_seqno = 0; } mf.init_file(f); fprintf(f, "<scheduler_request>\n" " <authenticator>%s</authenticator>\n" " <hostid>%d</hostid>\n" " <rpc_seqno>%d</rpc_seqno>\n" " <core_client_major_version>%d</core_client_major_version>\n" " <core_client_minor_version>%d</core_client_minor_version>\n" " <core_client_release>%d</core_client_release>\n" " <resource_share_fraction>%f</resource_share_fraction>\n" " <rrs_fraction>%f</rrs_fraction>\n" " <prrs_fraction>%f</prrs_fraction>\n" " <duration_correction_factor>%f</duration_correction_factor>\n" " <allow_multiple_clients>%d</allow_multiple_clients>\n" " <sandbox>%d</sandbox>\n", p->authenticator, p->hostid, p->rpc_seqno, core_client_version.major, core_client_version.minor, core_client_version.release, resource_share_fraction, rrs_fraction, prrs_fraction, p->duration_correction_factor, config.allow_multiple_clients?1:0, g_use_sandbox?1:0 ); work_fetch.write_request(f, p); // write client capabilities // fprintf(f, " <client_cap_plan_class>1</client_cap_plan_class>\n" ); write_platforms(p, mf); if (strlen(p->code_sign_key)) { fprintf(f, " <code_sign_key>\n%s\n</code_sign_key>\n", p->code_sign_key); } // send working prefs // fprintf(f, "<working_global_preferences>\n"); global_prefs.write(mf); fprintf(f, "</working_global_preferences>\n"); // send master global preferences if present and not host-specific // if (!global_prefs.host_specific && boinc_file_exists(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME)) { FILE* fprefs = fopen(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (fprefs) { copy_stream(fprefs, f); fclose(fprefs); } PROJECT* pp = lookup_project(global_prefs.source_project); if (pp && strlen(pp->email_hash)) { fprintf(f, "<global_prefs_source_email_hash>%s</global_prefs_source_email_hash>\n", pp->email_hash ); } } // Of the projects with same email hash as this one, // send the oldest cross-project ID. // Use project URL as tie-breaker. // PROJECT* winner = p; for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++ ) { PROJECT* project = projects[i]; if (project == p) continue; if (strcmp(project->email_hash, p->email_hash)) continue; if (project->cpid_time < winner->cpid_time) { winner = project; } else if (project->cpid_time == winner->cpid_time) { if (strcmp(project->master_url, winner->master_url) < 0) { winner = project; } } } fprintf(f, "<cross_project_id>%s</cross_project_id>\n", winner->cross_project_id ); time_stats.write(mf, true); net_stats.write(mf); if (global_prefs.daily_xfer_period_days) { daily_xfer_history.write_scheduler_request( mf, global_prefs.daily_xfer_period_days ); } // update hardware info, and write host info // host_info.get_host_info(); set_ncpus(); host_info.write(mf, !config.suppress_net_info, false); // get and write disk usage // get_disk_usages(); get_disk_shares(); fprintf(f, " <disk_usage>\n" " <d_boinc_used_total>%f</d_boinc_used_total>\n" " <d_boinc_used_project>%f</d_boinc_used_project>\n" " <d_project_share>%f</d_project_share>\n" " </disk_usage>\n", total_disk_usage, p->disk_usage, p->disk_share ); // copy request values from RSC_WORK_FETCH to COPROC // int j = rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA); if (j > 0) { coprocs.nvidia.req_secs = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs; coprocs.nvidia.req_instances = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_instances; coprocs.nvidia.estimated_delay = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs?rsc_work_fetch[j].busy_time_estimator.get_busy_time():0; } j = rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_ATI); if (j > 0) { coprocs.ati.req_secs = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs; coprocs.ati.req_instances = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_instances; coprocs.ati.estimated_delay = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs?rsc_work_fetch[j].busy_time_estimator.get_busy_time():0; } j = rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_INTEL); if (j > 0) { coprocs.intel_gpu.req_secs = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs; coprocs.intel_gpu.req_instances = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_instances; coprocs.intel_gpu.estimated_delay = rsc_work_fetch[j].req_secs?rsc_work_fetch[j].busy_time_estimator.get_busy_time():0; } if (coprocs.n_rsc > 1) { coprocs.write_xml(mf, true); } // report completed jobs // unsigned int last_reported_index = 0; p->nresults_returned = 0; for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) { rp = results[i]; if (rp->project == p && rp->ready_to_report) { p->nresults_returned++; rp->write(mf, true); } if (config.max_tasks_reported && (p->nresults_returned >= config.max_tasks_reported) ) { last_reported_index = i; break; } } read_trickle_files(p, f); // report sticky files as needed // for (i=0; i<file_infos.size(); i++) { FILE_INFO* fip = file_infos[i]; if (fip->project != p) continue; if (!fip->sticky) continue; fprintf(f, " <file_info>\n" " <name>%s</name>\n" " <nbytes>%f</nbytes>\n" " <status>%d</status>\n" " </file_info>\n", fip->name, fip->nbytes, fip->status ); } if (p->send_time_stats_log) { fprintf(f, "<time_stats_log>\n"); time_stats.get_log_after(p->send_time_stats_log, mf); fprintf(f, "</time_stats_log>\n"); } if (p->send_job_log) { fprintf(f, "<job_log>\n"); job_log_filename(*p, buf, sizeof(buf)); send_log_after(buf, p->send_job_log, mf); fprintf(f, "</job_log>\n"); } // send descriptions of app versions // fprintf(f, "<app_versions>\n"); j=0; for (i=0; i<app_versions.size(); i++) { APP_VERSION* avp = app_versions[i]; if (avp->project != p) continue; avp->write(mf, false); avp->index = j++; } fprintf(f, "</app_versions>\n"); // send descriptions of jobs in progress for this project // fprintf(f, "<other_results>\n"); for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) { rp = results[i]; if (rp->project != p) continue; if ((last_reported_index && (i > last_reported_index)) || !rp->ready_to_report) { fprintf(f, " <other_result>\n" " <name>%s</name>\n" " <app_version>%d</app_version>\n", rp->name, rp->avp->index ); // the following is for backwards compatibility w/ old schedulers // if (strlen(rp->avp->plan_class)) { fprintf(f, " <plan_class>%s</plan_class>\n", rp->avp->plan_class ); } fprintf(f, " </other_result>\n" ); } } fprintf(f, "</other_results>\n"); // if requested by project, send summary of all in-progress results // (for EDF simulation by scheduler) // if (p->send_full_workload) { fprintf(f, "<in_progress_results>\n"); for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) { rp = results[i]; double x = rp->estimated_runtime_remaining(); if (x == 0) continue; strcpy(buf, ""); int rt = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type; if (rt) { if (rt == rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA)) { sprintf(buf, " <ncudas>%f</ncudas>\n", rp->avp->gpu_usage.usage ); } else if (rt == rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_ATI)) { sprintf(buf, " <natis>%f</natis>\n", rp->avp->gpu_usage.usage ); } else if (rt == rsc_index(GPU_TYPE_INTEL)) { sprintf(buf, " <nintel_gpus>%f</nintel_gpus>\n", rp->avp->gpu_usage.usage ); } } fprintf(f, " <ip_result>\n" " <name>%s</name>\n" " <report_deadline>%.0f</report_deadline>\n" " <time_remaining>%.2f</time_remaining>\n" " <avg_ncpus>%f</avg_ncpus>\n" "%s" " </ip_result>\n", rp->name, rp->report_deadline, x, rp->avp->avg_ncpus, buf ); } fprintf(f, "</in_progress_results>\n"); } FILE* cof = boinc_fopen(CLIENT_OPAQUE_FILENAME, "r"); if (cof) { fprintf(f, "<client_opaque>\n<![CDATA[\n"); copy_stream(cof, f); fprintf(f, "\n]]>\n</client_opaque>\n"); fclose(cof); } fprintf(f, "</scheduler_request>\n"); fclose(f); return 0; }
void do_client_simulation() { char buf[256], buf2[256]; int retval; FILE* f; sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, CONFIG_FILE); cc_config.defaults(); read_config_file(true, buf); log_flags.init(); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, "log_flags.xml"); f = fopen(buf, "r"); if (f) { MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); xp.get_tag(); // skip open tag log_flags.parse(xp); fclose(f); } gstate.add_platform("client simulator"); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, STATE_FILE_NAME); if (!boinc_file_exists(buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "No client state file\n"); exit(1); } retval = gstate.parse_state_file_aux(buf); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "state file parse error %d\n", retval); exit(1); } // if tasks have pending transfers, mark as completed // for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) { RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i]; if (rp->state() < RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED) { rp->set_state(RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED, "init"); } else if (rp->state() == RESULT_FILES_UPLOADING) { rp->set_state(RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED, "init"); } } check_app_config(infile_prefix); show_app_config();;; sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME); sprintf(buf2, "%s%s", infile_prefix, GLOBAL_PREFS_OVERRIDE_FILE); gstate.read_global_prefs(buf, buf2); fprintf(index_file, "<h3>Output files</h3>\n" "<a href=%s>Summary</a>\n" "<br><a href=%s>Log file</a>\n", SUMMARY_FNAME, LOG_FNAME ); // fill in GPU device nums and OpenCL flags // for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) { COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[i]; for (int j=0; j<cp.count; j++) { cp.device_nums[j] = j; if (cp.have_opencl) { cp.instance_has_opencl[j] = true; } } } set_no_rsc_config(); process_gpu_exclusions(); get_app_params(); if (!include_empty_projects) { cull_projects(); } fprintf(summary_file, "--------------------------\n"); int j=0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { gstate.projects[i]->index = j++; } clear_backoff(); gstate.log_show_projects(); gstate.set_ncpus(); work_fetch.init(); //set_initial_rec(); rec_adjust_period = delta; gstate.request_work_fetch("init"); simulate(); sim_results.compute_figures_of_merit(); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, RESULTS_DAT_FNAME); f = fopen(buf, "w"); sim_results.print(f); fclose(f); sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, RESULTS_TXT_FNAME); f = fopen(buf, "w"); sim_results.print(f, true); fclose(f); fprintf(summary_file, "Simulation done.\n" "-------------------------\n" "Figures of merit:\n" ); sim_results.print(summary_file, true); double cpu_time; boinc_calling_thread_cpu_time(cpu_time); fprintf(summary_file, "-------------------------\n" "Simulator CPU time: %f secs\n" "-------------------------\n" "Peak FLOPS: CPU %.2fG GPU %.2fG\n", cpu_time, cpu_peak_flops()/1e9, gpu_peak_flops()/1e9 ); print_project_results(summary_file); fclose(rec_file); make_graph("REC", "rec", 0); }
// initialize the diagnostics environment. // int diagnostics_init( int _flags, const char* stdout_prefix, const char* stderr_prefix ) { // Check to see if we have already been called if (diagnostics_initialized) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } diagnostics_initialized = true; // Setup initial values flags = _flags; snprintf(stdout_log, sizeof(stdout_log), "%s.txt", stdout_prefix); snprintf(stdout_archive, sizeof(stdout_archive), "%s.old", stdout_prefix); snprintf(stderr_log, sizeof(stderr_log), "%s.txt", stderr_prefix); snprintf(stderr_archive, sizeof(stderr_archive), "%s.old", stderr_prefix); strcpy(boinc_dir, ""); strcpy(boinc_install_dir, ""); boinc_proxy_enabled = 0; strcpy(boinc_proxy, ""); strcpy(symstore, ""); // Check for invalid parameter combinations if ((flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR) && (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERROVERWRITE)) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if ((flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUT) && (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUTOVERWRITE)) { return ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } // Archive any old stderr.txt and stdout.txt files, if requested if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDERR) { boinc_copy(stderr_log, stderr_archive); } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_ARCHIVESTDOUT) { boinc_copy(stdout_log, stdout_archive); } // Redirect stderr and/or stdout, if requested // if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERR) { file_size(stderr_log, stderr_file_size); stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "a", stderr); if (!stderr_file) { return ERR_FOPEN; } setbuf(stderr_file, 0); } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDERROVERWRITE) { stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "w", stderr); if (!stderr_file) { return ERR_FOPEN; } setbuf(stderr_file, 0); } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUT) { file_size(stdout_log, stdout_file_size); stdout_file = freopen(stdout_log, "a", stdout); if (!stdout_file) { return ERR_FOPEN; } } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_REDIRECTSTDOUTOVERWRITE) { stdout_file = freopen(stdout_log, "w", stdout); if (!stdout_file) { return ERR_FOPEN; } } #if defined(_WIN32) #if defined(_DEBUG) _CrtSetReportHook(boinc_message_reporting); if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_MEMORYLEAKCHECKENABLED) { SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_HEAPCHECKENABLED) { if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_HEAPCHECKEVERYALLOC) { SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(_CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF); } else { SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(_CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_1024_DF); } } if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_BOINCAPPLICATION) { if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_MEMORYLEAKCHECKENABLED) { _CrtMemCheckpoint(&start_snapshot); } } #endif // defined(_DEBUG) // Initialize the thread list structure // The data for this structure should be set by // boinc_init or boinc_init_graphics. diagnostics_init_thread_list(); diagnostics_init_unhandled_exception_monitor(); diagnostics_init_message_monitor(); #endif // defined(_WIN32) // Install unhandled exception filters and signal traps. if (BOINC_SUCCESS != boinc_install_signal_handlers()) { return ERR_SIGNAL_OP; } // Store various pieces of inforation for future use. if (flags & BOINC_DIAG_BOINCAPPLICATION) { char buf[256]; char proxy_address[256]; int proxy_port; MIOFILE mf; FILE* p; #ifdef _WIN32 LONG lReturnValue; HKEY hkSetupHive; DWORD dwSize = 0; #endif strcpy(buf, ""); strcpy(proxy_address, ""); proxy_port = 0; #ifndef _USING_FCGI_ p = fopen(INIT_DATA_FILE, "r"); #else p = FCGI::fopen(INIT_DATA_FILE, "r"); #endif if (p) { mf.init_file(p); while(mf.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (match_tag(buf, "</app_init_data>")) break; else if (parse_str(buf, "<boinc_dir>", boinc_dir, 256)) continue; else if (parse_str(buf, "<symstore>", symstore, 256)) continue; else if (match_tag(buf, "<use_http_proxy/>")) { boinc_proxy_enabled = true; continue; } else if (parse_str(buf, "<http_server_name>", proxy_address, 256)) continue; else if (parse_int(buf, "<http_server_port>", proxy_port)) continue; } fclose(p); } if (boinc_proxy_enabled) { int buffer_used = snprintf(boinc_proxy, sizeof(boinc_proxy), "%s:%d", proxy_address, proxy_port); if ((sizeof(boinc_proxy) == buffer_used) || (-1 == buffer_used)) { boinc_proxy[sizeof(boinc_proxy)-1] = '\0'; } } #ifdef _WIN32 // Lookup the location of where BOINC was installed to and store // that for future use. lReturnValue = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\\BOINC Setup"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkSetupHive ); if (lReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // How large does our buffer need to be? dwSize = sizeof(boinc_install_dir); lReturnValue = RegQueryValueEx( hkSetupHive, _T("INSTALLDIR"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&boinc_install_dir, &dwSize ); } if (hkSetupHive) RegCloseKey(hkSetupHive); #endif } return BOINC_SUCCESS; }
int VBOX_JOB::parse() { MIOFILE mf; std::string str; char buf[1024]; boinc_resolve_filename(JOB_FILENAME, buf, sizeof(buf)); FILE* f = boinc_fopen(buf, "r"); if (!f) { vboxlog_msg("VBOX_JOB::parse(): can't open job file %s", buf); return ERR_FOPEN; } mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); if (!xp.parse_start("vbox_job")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { vboxlog_msg("VBOX_JOB::parse(): unexpected text %s", xp.parsed_tag); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/vbox_job")) { fclose(f); return 0; } else if (xp.parse_string("vm_disk_controller_type", vm_disk_controller_type)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("vm_disk_controller_model", vm_disk_controller_model)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("os_name", os_name)) continue; else if (xp.parse_double("memory_size_mb", memory_size_mb)) continue; else if (xp.parse_double("job_duration", job_duration)) continue; else if (xp.parse_double("minimum_checkpoint_interval", minimum_checkpoint_interval)) continue; else if (xp.parse_double("minimum_heartbeat_interval", minimum_heartbeat_interval)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("fraction_done_filename", fraction_done_filename)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("heartbeat_filename", heartbeat_filename)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("completion_trigger_file", completion_trigger_file)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("temporary_exit_trigger_file", temporary_exit_trigger_file)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_cern_dataformat", enable_cern_dataformat)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_network", enable_network)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("network_bridged_mode", network_bridged_mode)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_shared_directory", enable_shared_directory)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_scratch_directory", enable_scratch_directory)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_floppyio", enable_floppyio)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_cache_disk", enable_cache_disk)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_isocontextualization", enable_isocontextualization)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_remotedesktop", enable_remotedesktop)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_gbac", enable_gbac)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_screenshots_on_error", enable_screenshots_on_error)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_graphics_support", enable_graphics_support)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("enable_vm_savestate_usage", enable_vm_savestate_usage)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("disable_automatic_checkpoints", disable_automatic_checkpoints)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("boot_iso", boot_iso)) continue; else if (xp.parse_int("pf_guest_port", pf_guest_port)) continue; else if (xp.parse_int("pf_host_port", pf_host_port)) continue; else if (xp.parse_string("copy_to_shared", str)) { copy_to_shared.push_back(str); continue; } else if (xp.parse_string("trickle_trigger_file", str)) { trickle_trigger_files.push_back(str); continue; } else if (xp.parse_string("intermediate_upload_file", str)) { VBOX_INTERMEDIATE_UPLOAD iu; iu.clear(); iu.file = str; intermediate_upload_files.push_back(iu); continue; } else if (xp.match_tag("port_forward")) { VBOX_PORT_FORWARD pf; pf.clear(); pf.parse(xp); if (pf.nports) { VBOX_PORT_FORWARD pf_range; pf_range = pf; pf_range.nports = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pf.nports; ++i) { port_forwards.push_back(pf_range); pf_range.host_port++; pf_range.guest_port++; } } else { port_forwards.push_back(pf); } } vboxlog_msg("VBOX_JOB::parse(): unexpected text %s", xp.parsed_tag); } fclose(f); return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// parse an account_*.xml file, ignoring <venue> elements // (since we don't know the host venue yet) // int PROJECT::parse_account(FILE* in) { char buf2[256]; int retval; bool in_project_prefs = false, btemp; double dtemp; for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) { no_rsc_pref[i] = false; } MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); mf.init_file(in); strcpy(master_url, ""); strcpy(authenticator, ""); while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (xp.match_tag("account")) continue; if (xp.match_tag("project_preferences")) { in_project_prefs = true; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/project_preferences")) { in_project_prefs = false; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/account")) { return 0; } else if (xp.match_tag("venue")) { std::string devnull; retval = copy_element_contents(xp.f->f, "</venue>", devnull); if (retval) return retval; continue; } else if (xp.parse_str("master_url", master_url, sizeof(master_url))) { canonicalize_master_url(master_url, sizeof(master_url)); continue; } else if (xp.parse_str("authenticator", authenticator, sizeof(authenticator))) continue; else if (xp.parse_double("resource_share", dtemp)) { if (ams_resource_share < 0) { resource_share = dtemp; } continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_cpu", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, "CPU"); continue; } // deprecated else if (xp.parse_bool("no_cuda", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA); continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_ati", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_ATI); continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_intel_gpu", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_INTEL); continue; } else if (xp.parse_str("no_rsc", buf2, sizeof(buf2))) { handle_no_rsc_pref(this, buf2); continue; } else if (xp.parse_str("project_name", project_name, sizeof(project_name))) continue; else if (xp.match_tag("gui_urls")) { string foo; retval = copy_element_contents(xp.f->f, "</gui_urls>", foo); if (retval) return retval; gui_urls = "<gui_urls>\n"+foo+"</gui_urls>\n"; continue; } else if (xp.match_tag("project_specific")) { retval = copy_element_contents( xp.f->f, "</project_specific>", project_specific_prefs ); if (retval) return retval; continue; } else { // don't show unparsed XML errors if we're in project prefs // if (!in_project_prefs && log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] PROJECT::parse_account(): unrecognized: %s\n", xp.parsed_tag ); } } } return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// do an account manager RPC; // if URL is null, detach from current account manager // int ACCT_MGR_OP::do_rpc(ACCT_MGR_INFO& _ami, bool _via_gui) { int retval; unsigned int i; char buf[256]; ami = _ami; error_num = ERR_IN_PROGRESS; error_str = ""; via_gui = _via_gui; global_prefs_xml = ""; // if null URL, detach from current AMS // if (!strlen(ami.master_url) && strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.master_url)) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Removing account manager info"); gstate.acct_mgr_info.clear(); boinc_delete_file(ACCT_MGR_URL_FILENAME); boinc_delete_file(ACCT_MGR_LOGIN_FILENAME); error_num = 0; for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { gstate.projects[i]->detach_ams(); } ::rss_feeds.update_feed_list(); gstate.set_client_state_dirty("detach from AMS"); return 0; } canonicalize_master_url(ami.master_url, sizeof(ami.master_url)); if (!valid_master_url(ami.master_url)) { error_num = ERR_INVALID_URL; return 0; } FILE* f = boinc_fopen(ACCT_MGR_REQUEST_FILENAME, "w"); if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN; fprintf(f, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" "<acct_mgr_request>\n" ); if (strlen(ami.authenticator)) { fprintf(f, " <authenticator>%s</authenticator>\n", ami.authenticator ); } else { fprintf(f, " <name>%s</name>\n" " <password_hash>%s</password_hash>\n", ami.login_name, ami.password_hash ); } fprintf(f, " <host_cpid>%s</host_cpid>\n" " <domain_name>%s</domain_name>\n" " <client_version>%d.%d.%d</client_version>\n" " <run_mode>%s</run_mode>\n", gstate.host_info.host_cpid, gstate.host_info.domain_name, gstate.core_client_version.major, gstate.core_client_version.minor, gstate.core_client_version.release, run_mode_name[gstate.cpu_run_mode.get_perm()] ); gstate.write_platforms(NULL, f); if (strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.previous_host_cpid)) { fprintf(f, " <previous_host_cpid>%s</previous_host_cpid>\n", gstate.acct_mgr_info.previous_host_cpid ); } // If the AMS requested it, send GUI RPC port and password. // This is for the "farm" account manager so it // can know where to send GUI RPC requests to // without having to configure each host // if (gstate.acct_mgr_info.send_gui_rpc_info) { if (gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port) { fprintf(f," <gui_rpc_port>%d</gui_rpc_port>\n", gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port); } else { fprintf(f," <gui_rpc_port>%d</gui_rpc_port>\n", GUI_RPC_PORT); } if (boinc_file_exists(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE)) { char gui_rpc_password[256]; safe_strcpy(gui_rpc_password, ""); FILE* pwdf = fopen(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, "r"); if (pwdf) { if (fgets(gui_rpc_password, 256, pwdf)) { strip_whitespace(gui_rpc_password); } fclose(pwdf); } fprintf(f, " <gui_rpc_password>%s</gui_rpc_password>\n", gui_rpc_password ); } } for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i]; double not_started_dur, in_progress_dur; p->get_task_durs(not_started_dur, in_progress_dur); fprintf(f, " <project>\n" " <url>%s</url>\n" " <project_name>%s</project_name>\n" " <suspended_via_gui>%d</suspended_via_gui>\n" " <hostid>%d</hostid>\n" " <not_started_dur>%f</not_started_dur>\n" " <in_progress_dur>%f</in_progress_dur>\n" " <attached_via_acct_mgr>%d</attached_via_acct_mgr>\n" " <dont_request_more_work>%d</dont_request_more_work>\n" " <detach_when_done>%d</detach_when_done>\n" " <ended>%d</ended>\n" " <resource_share>%f</resource_share>\n" " <disk_usage>%f</disk_usage>\n" " <disk_share>%f</disk_share>\n", p->master_url, p->project_name, p->suspended_via_gui?1:0, p->hostid, not_started_dur, in_progress_dur, p->attached_via_acct_mgr?1:0, p->dont_request_more_work?1:0, p->detach_when_done?1:0, p->ended?1:0, p->resource_share, p->disk_usage, p->disk_share ); // send work and starvation-related info // if (ami.dynamic) { fprintf(f, " <nrpc_failures>%d</nrpc_failures>\n" " <cpu_ec>%f</cpu_ec>\n" " <cpu_time>%f</cpu_time>\n" " <gpu_ec>%f</gpu_ec>\n" " <gpu_time>%f</gpu_time>\n" " <njobs_success>%d</njobs_success>\n" " <njobs_error>%d</njobs_error>\n", p->nrpc_failures, p->cpu_ec, p->cpu_time, p->gpu_ec, p->gpu_time, p->njobs_success, p->njobs_error ); for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) { if (p->sched_req_no_work[j]) { fprintf(f, " <sched_req_no_work>%s</sched_req_no_work>\n", coprocs.coprocs[j].type ); } } } if (p->attached_via_acct_mgr) { fprintf(f, " <account_key>%s</account_key>\n", p->authenticator ); } fprintf(f, " </project>\n" ); } MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); // send working prefs // fprintf(f, "<working_global_preferences>\n"); gstate.global_prefs.write(mf); fprintf(f, "</working_global_preferences>\n"); if (boinc_file_exists(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME)) { FILE* fprefs = fopen(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (fprefs) { copy_stream(fprefs, f); fclose(fprefs); } } gstate.host_info.write(mf, !cc_config.suppress_net_info, true); if (strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.opaque)) { fprintf(f, " <opaque>\n%s\n" " </opaque>\n", gstate.acct_mgr_info.opaque ); } gstate.time_stats.write(mf, true); gstate.net_stats.write(mf); fprintf(f, "</acct_mgr_request>\n"); fclose(f); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%srpc.php", ami.master_url); retval = gui_http->do_rpc_post( this, buf, ACCT_MGR_REQUEST_FILENAME, ACCT_MGR_REPLY_FILENAME, true ); if (retval) { error_num = retval; return retval; } msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Contacting account manager at %s", ami.master_url); return 0; }
int parse_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) { int retval; bool flag; MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); if (!xp.parse_start("app_init_data")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no start tag in app init data\n", time_to_string(dtime()) ); return ERR_XML_PARSE; } if (ai.project_preferences) { free(ai.project_preferences); ai.project_preferences = 0; } ai.clear(); ai.fraction_done_start = 0; ai.fraction_done_end = 1; while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected text in init_data.xml: %s\n", time_to_string(dtime()), xp.parsed_tag ); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/app_init_data")) return 0; if (xp.match_tag("project_preferences")) { retval = dup_element(f, "project_preferences", &ai.project_preferences); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("global_preferences")) { GLOBAL_PREFS_MASK mask; retval = ai.global_prefs.parse(xp, "", flag, mask); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("host_info")) { ai.host_info.parse(xp); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("proxy_info")) { ai.proxy_info.parse(xp); continue; } if (xp.parse_int("major_version", ai.major_version)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("minor_version", ai.minor_version)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("release", ai.release)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("app_version", ai.app_version)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("app_name", ai.app_name, sizeof(ai.app_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("symstore", ai.symstore, sizeof(ai.symstore))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("acct_mgr_url", ai.acct_mgr_url, sizeof(ai.acct_mgr_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_int("userid", ai.userid)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("teamid", ai.teamid)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("hostid", ai.hostid)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("user_name", ai.user_name, sizeof(ai.user_name))) { xml_unescape(ai.user_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_str("team_name", ai.team_name, sizeof(ai.team_name))) { xml_unescape(ai.team_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_str("project_dir", ai.project_dir, sizeof(ai.project_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("boinc_dir", ai.boinc_dir, sizeof(ai.boinc_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("authenticator", ai.authenticator, sizeof(ai.authenticator))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("wu_name", ai.wu_name, sizeof(ai.wu_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str("result_name", ai.result_name, sizeof(ai.result_name))) continue; #ifdef _WIN32 if (xp.parse_str("comm_obj_name", ai.shmem_seg_name, sizeof(ai.shmem_seg_name))) continue; #else if (xp.parse_int("shm_key", ai.shmem_seg_name)) continue; #endif if (xp.parse_int("slot", ai.slot)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("client_pid", ai.client_pid)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("user_total_credit", ai.user_total_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("user_expavg_credit", ai.user_expavg_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("host_total_credit", ai.host_total_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("host_expavg_credit", ai.host_expavg_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("resource_share_fraction", ai.resource_share_fraction)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("rsc_fpops_est", ai.rsc_fpops_est)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("rsc_fpops_bound", ai.rsc_fpops_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("rsc_memory_bound", ai.rsc_memory_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("rsc_disk_bound", ai.rsc_disk_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("computation_deadline", ai.computation_deadline)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("wu_cpu_time", ai.wu_cpu_time)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("starting_elapsed_time", ai.starting_elapsed_time)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("using_sandbox", ai.using_sandbox)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("vm_extensions_disabled", ai.vm_extensions_disabled)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("checkpoint_period", ai.checkpoint_period)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("gpu_type", ai.gpu_type, sizeof(ai.gpu_type))) continue; if (xp.parse_int("gpu_device_num", ai.gpu_device_num)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("gpu_opencl_dev_index", ai.gpu_opencl_dev_index)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("gpu_usage", ai.gpu_usage)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("ncpus", ai.ncpus)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("fraction_done_start", ai.fraction_done_start)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("fraction_done_end", ai.fraction_done_end)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("vbox_window", ai.vbox_window)) continue; xp.skip_unexpected(false, "parse_init_data_file"); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: parse_init_data_file: no end tag\n", time_to_string(dtime()) ); return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// called at client startup. // If currently using an AM, read its URL and login files // int ACCT_MGR_INFO::init() { MIOFILE mf; FILE* p; int retval; clear(); p = fopen(ACCT_MGR_URL_FILENAME, "r"); if (!p) { // if not using acct mgr, make sure projects not flagged, // otherwise won't be able to detach them. // for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { gstate.projects[i]->attached_via_acct_mgr = false; } return 0; } mf.init_file(p); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); if (!xp.parse_start("acct_mgr")) { // } while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { printf("unexpected text: %s\n", xp.parsed_tag); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/acct_mgr")) break; else if (xp.parse_str("name", project_name, 256)) continue; else if (xp.parse_str("url", master_url, 256)) continue; else if (xp.parse_bool("send_gui_rpc_info", send_gui_rpc_info)) continue; else if (xp.match_tag("signing_key")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</signing_key>", signing_key, sizeof(signing_key)); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "error parsing <signing_key> in acct_mgr_url.xml" ); } continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("cookie_required", cookie_required)) continue; else if (xp.parse_str("cookie_failure_url", cookie_failure_url, 256)) continue; if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] ACCT_MGR_INFO::init: unrecognized %s", xp.parsed_tag ); } xp.skip_unexpected(log_flags.unparsed_xml, "ACCT_MGR_INFO::init"); } fclose(p); p = fopen(ACCT_MGR_LOGIN_FILENAME, "r"); if (p) { parse_login_file(p); fclose(p); } if (using_am()) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Using account manager %s", project_name); if (strlen(user_name)) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Account manager login: %s", user_name); } } return 0; }
// parse RPC reply from account manager // int ACCT_MGR_OP::parse(FILE* f) { string message; int retval; MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); accounts.clear(); error_str = ""; error_num = 0; repeat_sec = 0; safe_strcpy(host_venue, ""); safe_strcpy(ami.opaque, ""); ami.no_project_notices = false; ami.dynamic = false; rss_feeds.clear(); if (!xp.parse_start("acct_mgr_reply")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] ACCT_MGR_OP::parse: unexpected text %s", xp.parsed_tag ); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/acct_mgr_reply")) return 0; if (xp.parse_str("name", ami.project_name, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("user_name", ami.user_name, sizeof(ami.user_name))) { xml_unescape(ami.user_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_str("team_name", ami.team_name, sizeof(ami.team_name))) { xml_unescape(ami.team_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_str("authenticator", ami.authenticator, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("error_num", error_num)) continue; if (xp.parse_string("error", error_str)) continue; if (xp.parse_string("error_msg", error_str)) continue; if (xp.parse_double("repeat_sec", repeat_sec)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("dynamic", ami.dynamic)) continue; if (xp.parse_string("message", message)) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Account manager: %s", message.c_str()); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("opaque")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</opaque>", ami.opaque, sizeof(ami.opaque)); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("signing_key")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</signing_key>", ami.signing_key, sizeof(ami.signing_key)); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (xp.match_tag("account")) { AM_ACCOUNT account; retval = account.parse(xp); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't parse account in account manager reply: %s", boincerror(retval) ); } else { accounts.push_back(account); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("global_preferences")) { retval = copy_element_contents( f, "</global_preferences>", global_prefs_xml ); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't parse global prefs in account manager reply: %s", boincerror(retval) ); return retval; } continue; } if (xp.parse_str("host_venue", host_venue, sizeof(host_venue))) { continue; } if (xp.match_tag("rss_feeds")) { got_rss_feeds = true; parse_rss_feed_descs(xp, rss_feeds); continue; } if (xp.parse_bool("no_project_notices", ami.no_project_notices)) { continue; } if (xp.match_tag("user_keywords")) { retval = ami.user_keywords.parse(xp); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] ACCT_MGR_OP::parse: unrecognized tag <%s>", xp.parsed_tag ); } xp.skip_unexpected(log_flags.unparsed_xml, "ACCT_MGR_OP::parse"); } return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// do an account manager RPC; // if URL is null, detach from current account manager // int ACCT_MGR_OP::do_rpc( std::string _url, std::string name, std::string password_hash, bool _via_gui ) { int retval; unsigned int i; char url[256], password[256], buf[256]; FILE *pwdf; strlcpy(url, _url.c_str(), sizeof(url)); error_num = ERR_IN_PROGRESS; via_gui = _via_gui; if (global_prefs_xml) { free(global_prefs_xml); global_prefs_xml = 0; } // if null URL, detach from current AMS // if (!strlen(url) && strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.master_url)) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Removing account manager info"); gstate.acct_mgr_info.clear(); boinc_delete_file(ACCT_MGR_URL_FILENAME); boinc_delete_file(ACCT_MGR_LOGIN_FILENAME); error_num = 0; for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { gstate.projects[i]->detach_ams(); } return 0; } canonicalize_master_url(url); if (!valid_master_url(url)) { error_num = ERR_INVALID_URL; return 0; } strlcpy(ami.master_url, url, sizeof(ami.master_url)); strlcpy(ami.project_name, "", sizeof(ami.project_name)); strlcpy(ami.login_name, name.c_str(), sizeof(ami.login_name)); strlcpy(ami.password_hash, password_hash.c_str(), sizeof(ami.password_hash)); FILE* f = boinc_fopen(ACCT_MGR_REQUEST_FILENAME, "w"); if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN; fprintf(f, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n" "<acct_mgr_request>\n" " <name>%s</name>\n" " <password_hash>%s</password_hash>\n" " <host_cpid>%s</host_cpid>\n" " <domain_name>%s</domain_name>\n" " <client_version>%d.%d.%d</client_version>\n" " <run_mode>%s</run_mode>\n", name.c_str(), password_hash.c_str(), gstate.host_info.host_cpid, gstate.host_info.domain_name, gstate.core_client_version.major, gstate.core_client_version.minor, gstate.core_client_version.release, run_mode_name[gstate.cpu_run_mode.get_perm()] ); if (strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.previous_host_cpid)) { fprintf(f, " <previous_host_cpid>%s</previous_host_cpid>\n", gstate.acct_mgr_info.previous_host_cpid ); } // If the AMS requested it, send GUI RPC port and password hash. // This is for the "farm" account manager so it // can know where to send GUI RPC requests to // without having to configure each host // if (gstate.acct_mgr_info.send_gui_rpc_info) { if (gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port) { fprintf(f," <gui_rpc_port>%d</gui_rpc_port>\n", gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port); } else { fprintf(f," <gui_rpc_port>%d</gui_rpc_port>\n", GUI_RPC_PORT); } if (boinc_file_exists(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE)) { strcpy(password, ""); pwdf = fopen(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, "r"); if (pwdf) { if (fgets(password, 256, pwdf)) { strip_whitespace(password); } fclose(pwdf); } fprintf(f," <gui_rpc_password>%s</gui_rpc_password>\n", password); } } for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) { PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i]; double not_started_dur, in_progress_dur; p->get_task_durs(not_started_dur, in_progress_dur); fprintf(f, " <project>\n" " <url>%s</url>\n" " <project_name>%s</project_name>\n" " <suspended_via_gui>%d</suspended_via_gui>\n" " <account_key>%s</account_key>\n" " <hostid>%d</hostid>\n" " <not_started_dur>%f</not_started_dur>\n" " <in_progress_dur>%f</in_progress_dur>\n" " <attached_via_acct_mgr>%d</attached_via_acct_mgr>\n" " <dont_request_more_work>%d</dont_request_more_work>\n" " <detach_when_done>%d</detach_when_done>\n" " <ended>%d</ended>\n" " </project>\n", p->master_url, p->project_name, p->suspended_via_gui?1:0, p->authenticator, p->hostid, not_started_dur, in_progress_dur, p->attached_via_acct_mgr?1:0, p->dont_request_more_work?1:0, p->detach_when_done?1:0, p->ended?1:0 ); } MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); // send working prefs // fprintf(f, "<working_global_preferences>\n"); gstate.global_prefs.write(mf); fprintf(f, "</working_global_preferences>\n"); if (boinc_file_exists(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME)) { FILE* fprefs = fopen(GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (fprefs) { copy_stream(fprefs, f); fclose(fprefs); } } gstate.host_info.write(mf, !config.suppress_net_info, true); if (strlen(gstate.acct_mgr_info.opaque)) { fprintf(f, " <opaque>\n%s\n" " </opaque>\n", gstate.acct_mgr_info.opaque ); } gstate.time_stats.write(mf, true); gstate.net_stats.write(mf); fprintf(f, "</acct_mgr_request>\n"); fclose(f); sprintf(buf, "%srpc.php", url); retval = gui_http->do_rpc_post( this, buf, ACCT_MGR_REQUEST_FILENAME, ACCT_MGR_REPLY_FILENAME, true ); if (retval) { error_num = retval; return retval; } msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Contacting account manager at %s", url); return 0; }
bool wu_is_infeasible_custom(WORKUNIT& wu, APP& app, BEST_APP_VERSION& bav) { #if 0 // example: if WU name contains "_v1", don't use GPU apps. // Note: this is slightly suboptimal. // If the host is able to accept both GPU and CPU jobs, // we'll skip this job rather than send it for the CPU. // Fixing this would require a big architectural change. // if (strstr(, "_v1") && bav.host_usage.uses_gpu()) { return true; } #endif #if 0 // example: for NVIDIA GPU app, // wu.batch is the minimum number of GPU processors. // Don't send if #procs is less than this. // if (!strcmp(, "foobar") && bav.host_usage.proc_type == PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU) { int n = g_request->coprocs.nvidia.prop.multiProcessorCount; if (n < wu.batch) { return true; } } #endif #if defined(SETIATHOME) bool infeasible=false; static bool send_vlar_to_gpu=false; static bool sah_config_checked=false; char buff[256]; // check the projects app config whether to send vlar wus to gpus if (!sah_config_checked) { MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); #ifndef _USING_FCGI_ FILE *f=fopen(config.project_path("sah_config.xml"),"r"); #else FCGI_FILE *f=FCGI::fopen(config.project_path("sah_config.xml"),"r"); #endif if (f) { mf.init_file(f); if (xp.parse_start("sah") && xp.parse_start("config")) { while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("send_vlar_to_gpu",send_vlar_to_gpu)) continue; if (xp.match_tag("/config")) break; xp.skip_unexpected(false, "wu_is_infeasible_custom"); } } fclose(f); } sah_config_checked=true; } // example: if CUDA app and WU name contains ".vlar", don't send // to NVIDIA, INTEL or older ATI cards // if (bav.host_usage.uses_gpu() && strstr(, ".vlar")) { if (send_vlar_to_gpu) { if (bav.host_usage.proc_type == PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU) { // ATI GPUs older than HD7870 COPROC_ATI &cp = g_request->coprocs.ati; if (cp.count && ( < 15)) { infeasible=true; } } else if (bav.host_usage.proc_type == PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU) { COPROC_NVIDIA &cp = g_request->coprocs.nvidia; if (cp.count) { int v = (cp.prop.major)*100 + cp.prop.minor; if (v < 300) { infeasible=true; } } } else { // all other GPUS infeasible=true; } } else { infeasible=true; } } if (infeasible && config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] [setiathome] VLAR workunit is infeasible on this GPU\n" ); } return infeasible; #endif return false; }
int COPROCS::read_coproc_info_file(vector<string> &warnings) { MIOFILE mf; int retval; FILE* f; string s; COPROC_ATI my_ati_gpu; COPROC_NVIDIA my_nvidia_gpu; COPROC_INTEL my_intel_gpu; OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP ati_opencl; OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP nvidia_opencl; OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP intel_gpu_opencl; OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP other_opencl; OPENCL_CPU_PROP cpu_opencl; ati_gpus.clear(); nvidia_gpus.clear(); intel_gpus.clear(); ati_opencls.clear(); nvidia_opencls.clear(); intel_gpu_opencls.clear(); other_opencls.clear(); cpu_opencls.clear(); f = boinc_fopen(COPROC_INFO_FILENAME, "r"); if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); mf.init_file(f); if (!xp.parse_start("coprocs")) { fclose(f); return ERR_XML_PARSE; } while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (xp.match_tag("/coprocs")) { fclose(f); return 0; } if (xp.parse_bool("have_cuda", nvidia.have_cuda)) continue; if (xp.parse_int("cuda_version", nvidia.cuda_version)) { continue; } if (xp.match_tag("coproc_ati")) { retval = my_ati_gpu.parse(xp); if (retval) { my_ati_gpu.clear(); } else { my_ati_gpu.device_num = (int)ati_gpus.size(); ati_gpus.push_back(my_ati_gpu); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("coproc_cuda")) { retval = my_nvidia_gpu.parse(xp); if (retval) { my_nvidia_gpu.clear(); } else { my_nvidia_gpu.device_num = (int)nvidia_gpus.size(); my_nvidia_gpu.pci_info = my_nvidia_gpu.pci_infos[0]; memset(&my_nvidia_gpu.pci_infos[0], 0, sizeof(struct PCI_INFO)); nvidia_gpus.push_back(my_nvidia_gpu); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("coproc_intel_gpu")) { retval = my_intel_gpu.parse(xp); if (retval) { my_intel_gpu.clear(); } else { my_intel_gpu.device_num = (int)intel_gpus.size(); intel_gpus.push_back(my_intel_gpu); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("ati_opencl")) { memset(&ati_opencl, 0, sizeof(ati_opencl)); retval = ati_opencl.parse(xp, "/ati_opencl"); if (retval) { memset(&ati_opencl, 0, sizeof(ati_opencl)); } else { ati_opencl.is_used = COPROC_IGNORED; ati_opencls.push_back(ati_opencl); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("nvidia_opencl")) { memset(&nvidia_opencl, 0, sizeof(nvidia_opencl)); retval = nvidia_opencl.parse(xp, "/nvidia_opencl"); if (retval) { memset(&nvidia_opencl, 0, sizeof(nvidia_opencl)); } else { nvidia_opencl.is_used = COPROC_IGNORED; nvidia_opencls.push_back(nvidia_opencl); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("intel_gpu_opencl")) { memset(&intel_gpu_opencl, 0, sizeof(intel_gpu_opencl)); retval = intel_gpu_opencl.parse(xp, "/intel_gpu_opencl"); if (retval) { memset(&intel_gpu_opencl, 0, sizeof(intel_gpu_opencl)); } else { intel_gpu_opencl.is_used = COPROC_IGNORED; intel_gpu_opencls.push_back(intel_gpu_opencl); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("other_opencl")) { memset(&other_opencl, 0, sizeof(other_opencl)); retval = other_opencl.parse(xp, "/other_opencl"); if (retval) { memset(&other_opencl, 0, sizeof(other_opencl)); } else { other_opencl.is_used = COPROC_USED; other_opencls.push_back(other_opencl); } continue; } if (xp.match_tag("opencl_cpu_prop")) { memset(&cpu_opencl, 0, sizeof(cpu_opencl)); retval = cpu_opencl.parse(xp); if (retval) { memset(&cpu_opencl, 0, sizeof(cpu_opencl)); } else { cpu_opencl.opencl_prop.is_used = COPROC_IGNORED; cpu_opencls.push_back(cpu_opencl); } continue; } if (xp.parse_string("warning", s)) { warnings.push_back(s); continue; } // TODO: parse OpenCL info for CPU when implemented: // gstate.host_info.have_cpu_opencl // gstate.host_info.cpu_opencl_prop } fclose(f); return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// traverse the profiles and determine which profile to use. // this should be compatible with firefox2, firefox3, firefox4, seamonkey, and netscape. // bool get_firefox_profile_root( std::string& profile_root ) { bool retval = false; FILE* pf = NULL; MIOFILE pmf; MOZILLA_PROFILES mps; MOZILLA_PROFILE* mp = NULL; std::string cookies_root; std::string tmp; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int default_index = 0; get_home_dir_path( profile_root ); #ifdef _WIN32 profile_root += std::string("Mozilla\\Firefox\\"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) profile_root += std::string("Library/Application Support/Firefox/"); #else profile_root += std::string(".mozilla/firefox/"); #endif // lets see if we can open the profiles configuration file tmp = profile_root + "profiles.ini"; pf = fopen(tmp.c_str(), "r"); // if profiles configuration file exists, parse it. if (pf) { pmf.init_file(pf); mps.parse(pmf); } // we need to know which cookie file to look at, so if only // one profile exists, use it. // // if more than one profile exists, look through all the // profiles until we find the default profile. even when the // user selects a different profile at startup the default // profile flag is changed at startup to the new profile. if (mps.profiles.size() == 0) { if (pf) fclose(pf); return retval; // something is very wrong, don't // risk a crash } if (mps.profiles.size() == 1) { default_index = 0; } else { for (i=0; i < mps.profiles.size(); i++) { if (mps.profiles[i]->is_default) { default_index = i; break; } } } // should the path be treated as an absolute path or a relative // path? mp = mps.profiles[default_index]; if (mp->is_relative) { cookies_root = profile_root + mp->path + "/"; } else { cookies_root = mp->path + "/"; } profile_root = cookies_root; retval = true; // cleanup if (pf) fclose(pf); return retval; }
int ACCT_MGR_INFO::parse_login_file(FILE* p) { MIOFILE mf; int retval; mf.init_file(p); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); if (!xp.parse_start("acct_mgr_login")) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "missing start tag in account manager login file" ); } while (!xp.get_tag()) { if (!xp.is_tag) { printf("unexpected text: %s\n", xp.parsed_tag); continue; } if (xp.match_tag("/acct_mgr_login")) break; if (xp.parse_str("login", login_name, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("password_hash", password_hash, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("authenticator", authenticator, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_str("previous_host_cpid", previous_host_cpid, sizeof(previous_host_cpid))) continue; if (xp.parse_double("next_rpc_time", next_rpc_time)) continue; if (xp.match_tag("opaque")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</opaque>", opaque, sizeof(opaque)); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "error parsing <opaque> in acct_mgr_login.xml" ); } continue; } if (xp.parse_str("user_name", user_name, sizeof(user_name))) { xml_unescape(user_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_str("team_name", team_name, sizeof(team_name))) { xml_unescape(team_name); continue; } if (xp.parse_bool("no_project_notices", no_project_notices)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool("dynamic", dynamic)) continue; if (xp.match_tag("user_keywords")) { retval = user_keywords.parse(xp); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "error parsing user keywords in acct_mgr_login.xml" ); } continue; } if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] unrecognized %s in acct_mgr_login.xml", xp.parsed_tag ); } xp.skip_unexpected( log_flags.unparsed_xml, "ACCT_MGR_INFO::parse_login_file" ); } return 0; }
int write_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) { char buf[2048]; fprintf(f, "<app_init_data>\n" "<major_version>%d</major_version>\n" "<minor_version>%d</minor_version>\n" "<release>%d</release>\n" "<app_version>%d</app_version>\n" "<userid>%d</userid>\n" "<teamid>%d</teamid>\n" "<hostid>%d</hostid>\n", ai.major_version, ai.minor_version, ai.release, ai.app_version, ai.userid, ai.teamid, ai.hostid ); if (strlen(ai.app_name)) { fprintf(f, "<app_name>%s</app_name>\n", ai.app_name); } if (strlen(ai.symstore)) { fprintf(f, "<symstore>%s</symstore>\n", ai.symstore); } if (strlen(ai.acct_mgr_url)) { fprintf(f, "<acct_mgr_url>%s</acct_mgr_url>\n", ai.acct_mgr_url); } if (ai.project_preferences && strlen(ai.project_preferences)) { fprintf(f, "<project_preferences>\n%s</project_preferences>\n", ai.project_preferences); } if (strlen(ai.team_name)) { xml_escape(ai.team_name, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(f, "<team_name>%s</team_name>\n", buf); } if (strlen(ai.user_name)) { xml_escape(ai.user_name, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(f, "<user_name>%s</user_name>\n", buf); } if (strlen(ai.project_dir)) { fprintf(f, "<project_dir>%s</project_dir>\n", ai.project_dir); } if (strlen(ai.boinc_dir)) { fprintf(f, "<boinc_dir>%s</boinc_dir>\n", ai.boinc_dir); } if (strlen(ai.authenticator)) { fprintf(f, "<authenticator>%s</authenticator>\n", ai.authenticator); } if (strlen(ai.wu_name)) { fprintf(f, "<wu_name>%s</wu_name>\n", ai.wu_name); } if (strlen(ai.result_name)) { fprintf(f, "<result_name>%s</result_name>\n", ai.result_name); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (strlen(ai.shmem_seg_name)) { fprintf(f, "<comm_obj_name>%s</comm_obj_name>\n", ai.shmem_seg_name); } #else fprintf(f, "<shm_key>%d</shm_key>\n", ai.shmem_seg_name); #endif fprintf(f, "<slot>%d</slot>\n" "<client_pid>%d</client_pid>\n" "<wu_cpu_time>%f</wu_cpu_time>\n" "<starting_elapsed_time>%f</starting_elapsed_time>\n" "<using_sandbox>%d</using_sandbox>\n" "<vm_extensions_disabled>%d</vm_extensions_disabled>\n" "<user_total_credit>%f</user_total_credit>\n" "<user_expavg_credit>%f</user_expavg_credit>\n" "<host_total_credit>%f</host_total_credit>\n" "<host_expavg_credit>%f</host_expavg_credit>\n" "<resource_share_fraction>%f</resource_share_fraction>\n" "<checkpoint_period>%f</checkpoint_period>\n" "<fraction_done_start>%f</fraction_done_start>\n" "<fraction_done_end>%f</fraction_done_end>\n" "<gpu_type>%s</gpu_type>\n" "<gpu_device_num>%d</gpu_device_num>\n" "<gpu_opencl_dev_index>%d</gpu_opencl_dev_index>\n" "<gpu_usage>%f</gpu_usage>\n" "<ncpus>%f</ncpus>\n" "<rsc_fpops_est>%f</rsc_fpops_est>\n" "<rsc_fpops_bound>%f</rsc_fpops_bound>\n" "<rsc_memory_bound>%f</rsc_memory_bound>\n" "<rsc_disk_bound>%f</rsc_disk_bound>\n" "<computation_deadline>%f</computation_deadline>\n" "<vbox_window>%d</vbox_window>\n", ai.slot, ai.client_pid, ai.wu_cpu_time, ai.starting_elapsed_time, ai.using_sandbox?1:0, ai.vm_extensions_disabled?1:0, ai.user_total_credit, ai.user_expavg_credit, ai.host_total_credit, ai.host_expavg_credit, ai.resource_share_fraction, ai.checkpoint_period, ai.fraction_done_start, ai.fraction_done_end, ai.gpu_type, ai.gpu_device_num, ai.gpu_opencl_dev_index, ai.gpu_usage, ai.ncpus, ai.rsc_fpops_est, ai.rsc_fpops_bound, ai.rsc_memory_bound, ai.rsc_disk_bound, ai.computation_deadline, ai.vbox_window ); MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); ai.host_info.write(mf, true, true); ai.proxy_info.write(mf); ai.global_prefs.write(mf); for (unsigned int i=0; i<ai.app_files.size(); i++) { fprintf(f, "<app_file>%s</app_file>\n", ai.app_files[i].c_str()); } fprintf(f, "</app_init_data>\n"); return 0; }
// scan an account_*.xml file, looking for a <venue> element // that matches this host's venue, // and parsing that for resource share and prefs. // Call this only after client_state.xml has been read // (so that we know the host venue) // int PROJECT::parse_account_file_venue() { char attr_buf[256], venue[256], path[MAXPATHLEN], buf2[256]; int retval; bool in_right_venue = false, btemp; double dtemp; get_account_filename(master_url, path); FILE* in = boinc_fopen(path, "r"); if (!in) return ERR_FOPEN; //msg_printf(this, MSG_INFO, "parsing project prefs, looking for venue %s", host_venue); MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); mf.init_file(in); while (!xp.get_tag(attr_buf, sizeof(attr_buf))) { if (xp.match_tag("/account")) { fclose(in); return 0; } else if (xp.match_tag("venue")) { parse_attr(attr_buf, "name", venue, sizeof(venue)); if (!strcmp(venue, host_venue)) { //msg_printf(this, MSG_INFO, "found venue %s", host_venue); using_venue_specific_prefs = true; in_right_venue = true; // reset these // for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) { no_rsc_pref[i] = false; } } else { std::string devnull; retval = copy_element_contents(in, "</venue>", devnull); if (retval) return retval; } continue; } if (!in_right_venue) continue; if (xp.match_tag("/venue")) { in_right_venue = false; continue; } else if (xp.match_tag("project_specific")) { retval = copy_element_contents( xp.f->f, "</project_specific>", project_specific_prefs ); if (retval) return retval; continue; } else if (xp.parse_double("resource_share", dtemp)) { // if account manager has specified resource share, don't override // if (ams_resource_share < 0) { resource_share = dtemp; } continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_cpu", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, "CPU"); continue; } // deprecated syntax else if (xp.parse_bool("no_cuda", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA); continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_ati", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_ATI); continue; } else if (xp.parse_bool("no_intel_gpu", btemp)) { if (btemp) handle_no_rsc_pref(this, GPU_TYPE_INTEL); continue; } else if (xp.parse_str("no_rsc", buf2, sizeof(buf2))) { handle_no_rsc_pref(this, buf2); continue; } else { // skip project preferences the client doesn't know about // xp.skip_unexpected(); } } fclose(in); return ERR_XML_PARSE; }
// Read global preferences into the global_prefs structure. // 1) read the override file to get venue in case it's there // 2) read global_prefs.xml // 3) read the override file again // // This is called: // - on startup // - on completion of a scheduler or AMS RPC, if they sent prefs // - in response to read_global_prefs_override GUI RPC // void CLIENT_STATE::read_global_prefs( const char* fname, const char* override_fname ) { bool found_venue; bool venue_specified_in_override = false; int retval; FILE* f; string foo; if (override_fname) { retval = read_file_string(override_fname, foo); if (!retval) { parse_str(foo.c_str(), "<host_venue>", main_host_venue, sizeof(main_host_venue)); if (strlen(main_host_venue)) { venue_specified_in_override = true; } } } retval = global_prefs.parse_file( fname, main_host_venue, found_venue ); if (retval) { if (retval == ERR_FOPEN) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "No general preferences found - using defaults" ); } else { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Couldn't parse preferences file - using defaults" ); boinc_delete_file(fname); } global_prefs.init(); } else { if (!venue_specified_in_override) { // check that the source project's venue matches main_host_venue. // If not, read file again. // This is a fix for cases where main_host_venue is out of synch // PROJECT* p = global_prefs_source_project(); if (p && strcmp(main_host_venue, p->host_venue)) { strcpy(main_host_venue, p->host_venue); global_prefs.parse_file(fname, main_host_venue, found_venue); } } show_global_prefs_source(found_venue); } // read the override file // global_prefs.override_file_present = false; if (override_fname) { f = fopen(override_fname, "r"); if (f) { MIOFILE mf; GLOBAL_PREFS_MASK mask; mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); global_prefs.parse_override(xp, "", found_venue, mask); msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Reading preferences override file"); fclose(f); global_prefs.override_file_present = true; } } msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Preferences:"); msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max memory usage when active: %.2fMB", (host_info.m_nbytes*global_prefs.ram_max_used_busy_frac)/MEGA ); msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max memory usage when idle: %.2fMB", (host_info.m_nbytes*global_prefs.ram_max_used_idle_frac)/MEGA ); #ifndef SIM get_disk_usages(); msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max disk usage: %.2fGB", allowed_disk_usage(total_disk_usage)/GIGA ); #endif // max_cpus, bandwidth limits may have changed // set_ncpus(); if (ncpus != host_info.p_ncpus) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max CPUs used: %d", ncpus ); } if (!global_prefs.run_if_user_active) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " don't compute while active"); } if (!global_prefs.run_gpu_if_user_active) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " don't use GPU while active"); } if (global_prefs.suspend_cpu_usage) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds %.0f %%", global_prefs.suspend_cpu_usage ); } if (global_prefs.max_bytes_sec_down) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max download rate: %.0f bytes/sec", global_prefs.max_bytes_sec_down ); } if (global_prefs.max_bytes_sec_up) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " max upload rate: %.0f bytes/sec", global_prefs.max_bytes_sec_up ); } #ifndef SIM file_xfers->set_bandwidth_limits(true); file_xfers->set_bandwidth_limits(false); #endif msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, " (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)" ); request_schedule_cpus("Prefs update"); request_work_fetch("Prefs update"); #ifndef SIM active_tasks.request_reread_app_info(); #endif }
int ACCT_MGR_OP::parse(FILE* f) { char tag[1024]; bool is_tag; string message; int retval; MIOFILE mf; mf.init_file(f); XML_PARSER xp(&mf); accounts.clear(); error_str = ""; error_num = 0; repeat_sec = 0; strcpy(host_venue, ""); strcpy(ami.opaque, ""); if (!xp.parse_start("acct_mgr_reply")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get(tag, sizeof(tag), is_tag)) { if (!is_tag) { if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] ACCT_MGR_OP::parse: unexpected text %s", tag ); } continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "/acct_mgr_reply")) return 0; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "name", ami.acct_mgr_name, 256)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "error_num", error_num)) continue; if (xp.parse_string(tag, "error", error_str)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "repeat_sec", repeat_sec)) continue; if (xp.parse_string(tag, "message", message)) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Account manager: %s", message.c_str()); continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "opaque")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</opaque>", ami.opaque, sizeof(ami.opaque)); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "signing_key")) { retval = xp.element_contents("</signing_key>", ami.signing_key, sizeof(ami.signing_key)); if (retval) return retval; continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "account")) { AM_ACCOUNT account; retval = account.parse(xp); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't parse account in account manager reply: %s", boincerror(retval) ); } else { accounts.push_back(account); } continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "global_preferences")) { retval = dup_element_contents( f, "</global_preferences>", &global_prefs_xml ); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't parse global prefs in account manager reply: %s", boincerror(retval) ); return retval; } continue; } if (xp.parse_str(tag, "host_venue", host_venue, sizeof(host_venue))) continue; if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[unparsed_xml] ACCT_MGR_OP::parse: unrecognized %s", tag ); } xp.skip_unexpected(tag, log_flags.unparsed_xml, "ACCT_MGR_OP::parse"); } return ERR_XML_PARSE; }