Example #1
/**	@name	getRoot
	@text	Returns the current root action.

	@out	MOAIAction root
int MOAIActionMgr::_getRoot ( lua_State* L ) {
	USLuaState state ( L );
	MOAIAction* root = MOAIActionMgr::Get ().AffirmRoot ();
	root->PushLuaUserdata ( state );

	return 1;
Example #2
/**	@name	currentThread
	@text	Returns the currently running thread (if any).
	@out	MOAICoroutine currentThread	Current thread or nil.
int MOAICoroutine::_currentThread ( lua_State* L ) {
	MOAILuaState state ( L );

	MOAIAction* current = MOAIActionMgr::Get ().GetCurrentAction ();
	if ( !current ) return 0;
	current->PushLuaUserdata ( state );
	return 1;