Example #1
/**	@name	inflate
	@text	Decompresses the string or the current data stored in this object using the DEFLATE algorithm.

	@opt	MOAIDataBuffer self
	@opt	string data				The string data to inflate.  You must either provide either a MOAIDataBuffer (via a :base64Decode type call) or string data (via a .base64Decode type call), but not both.
	@in		number windowBits		The window bits used in the DEFLATE algorithm.  Pass nil to use the default value.
	@out	string output			If passed a string, returns either a string or nil depending on whether it could be decompressed.  Otherwise the decompression occurs inline on the existing data buffer in this object, and nil is returned.
int MOAIDataBuffer::_inflate ( lua_State* L ) {
	MOAILuaState state ( L );

	int windowBits = state.GetValue < int >( 2, USDeflateReader::DEFAULT_WBITS );

	if ( state.IsType ( 1, LUA_TSTRING )) {
		return state.Inflate ( 1, windowBits ) ? 1 : 0;
	MOAIDataBuffer* self = state.GetLuaObject < MOAIDataBuffer >( 1, true );
	if ( self ) {
		self->Inflate ( windowBits );
	return 0;